IM NewsWatch, November 6, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘Only 55% of Marketers Satisfied With Twitter – Mashable' and much more...

November 6th, 2013 at 2:57 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

‘Video in Marketing Emails: Trends and Benchmarks’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Video in Marketing Emails: Trends and Benchmarks”. Ayaz Nanji says, “Only a quarter of marketers include videos in their email campaigns, though that proportion is likely to change in the near future, according to a recent study by Email Monks. Of the markers surveyed who are not using video... [Read more]

‘Abandoning Third-Party Cookies? What Gives, Google?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Abandoning Third-Party Cookies? What Gives, Google?”. James Green says, “It’s been reported that Google is working on its own online identifier system, called AdID, which could replace the third-party cookies used by marketers to track people’s online behavior,... [Read more]

‘Google AdWords’ New Ad Rank Formula: What You Need to Know’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Google AdWords’ New Ad Rank Formula: What You Need to Know”. Larry Kim says, “In late October, Google quietly announced a change to its Ad Rank algorithm that represents a huge shift in the way it evaluates and ranks paid search ads. What’s going on? Why would Google make this... [Read more]

Want to be the 800 pound gorilla on Facebook? #ad

Well-known marketers and product developers, Chris FoxAndrew Fox, have just released FB Gorilla Here’s what Kristie Chiles said about FB Gorilla, after she beta-tested it: “I’m 55 and didn’t grow up with computers and built an amazing viral fan page in less than 10 minutes.” For the first time Google is now ranking FB... [Read more]

‘Twitter In 2013: The Road To An IPO’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Twitter In 2013: The Road To An IPO”. Selena Larson says, “Twitter is set to start publicly trading later this week, and as the company gears up for its public entrance, we’ve put together a list of how Twitter has changed in the last year to supercharge its efforts to make money. Twitter... [Read more]

‘Study: Only 55% of Marketers Satisfied With Twitter’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Study: Only 55% of Marketers Satisfied With Twitter”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Twitter has succeeded in attracting marketers to the social network, but it still has a lot of work left to appease marketers as it prepares to become a public company.The majority of large marketers (60%) now use Twitter... [Read more]

‘A look at Facebook Interests, and what this data can do for marketers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “A look at Facebook Interests, and what this data can do for marketers”. Matthew Kates says, “Facebook provides an unparalleled amount of real-time, accurate user data. With Facebook, marketers can be flies on the wall, quietly and unobtrusively gaining insight into their consumers... [Read more]

WPNotes: Improve your site’s bounce rate, relevancy, “time on site” #ad

An interesting site is critical to keeping users for longer visits. Interactive content is a key way to keep visitor attention longer. Let WP Notes adds interaction to your site. Suppose your site offers visitors: Helpful, clickable tips Intriguing questions for them to answer with a click Special discounts that are clickable Any of these increase engagement... [Read more]

‘Making Contact: How You Deliver Your Content Matters' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Making Contact: How You Deliver Your Content Matters?. Baer says, “If you are reading this blog post, you probably already know that content can be a valuable tool for attracting and retaining great customers. In fact, you may already be dedicating the time and resources... [Read more]

‘Be the Result that Google Wants to Rank’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Be the Result that Google Wants to Rank”. Kristina Kledzik says, “As SEOs, we spend most of our time trying to figure out Google’s algorithms so we can rank well. Google, on the other hand, is trying to tweak its algorithms so searchers find the best sites. Rather than trying to optimize for the enigma... [Read more]

‘How to Make WordPress Sites Load 72.7% Faster’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Make WordPress Sites Load 72.7% Faster”. Jerod Morris says, “You want to know the secret to a faster WordPress website? You and everyone else. But it’s not a secret. The problem is that there is a whole lot of misguidance out there that makes it hard for site owners like you and... [Read more]

Local Affiliate Site Building Blueprint: sell leads to local businesses #ad

Adrian Knight is a consultant for local businesses that want to take advantage of the internet’s power to bring them new customers. So Knight built a business that gathers leads for these businesses, and he then sells these leads to them for $25 often, but sometimes as much as $500 for a single lead. He gets these leads by building powerful lead... [Read more]

‘Turn Data Into A Hot Marketing Strategy With Infographics’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Turn Data Into A Hot Marketing Strategy With Infographics”. Chow says, “What is an infographic? It is taking cold, hard (and sometimes boring) data and bringing it to life. Infographics are well-organized bits of data put together using high-quality graphics, colors, charts, pies and other tools of presentation... [Read more]

‘3 Ways to Get Subscribers at Conferences’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “3 Ways to Get Subscribers at Conferences”. Nick Randazzo says, “Our summer intern, Nick Randazzo, picked up some solid tips on list building at conferences while he was here. He’s back at school, but still sharing what he’s learned: A great way to meet potential subscribers is at industry-based... [Read more]

‘E-commerce: Category page test increases order rates 20%’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “E-commerce: Category page test increases order rates 20%”. John Tackett says, “Category pages play a key role in e-commerce, yet they are often left to the mercy of limited, if any, best practices and minimal testing. In today’s MarketingExperiments Blog post, we’re going to take a... [Read more]

WordPress Bullet Proof Security Suite; lock down your site #ad

Darren Thompson had a problem. He noticed a large increase in traffic, but no corresponding increase in affiliate sales. As he recounts the story, “I emailed my Affiliate Account Manager and asked him if he could check their logs to see if there was a spike in sales for another account that was originating from my site. Sure enough, an account... [Read more]

‘Internal Email: 6 scientifically proven ways to succeed in office politics’ – MarketingSherpa Article

MarketingSherpa has published an article titled “Internal Email: 6 scientifically proven ways to succeed in office politics”. MarketingSherpa team says, “In this classic article from the MarketingSherpa archives, steps toward becoming a more persuasive marketer and team leader are discussed. These insights are from an interview with... [Read more]

‘Ecommerce Marketing: The Thin Line Between Awesome and Creepy’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Ecommerce Marketing: The Thin Line Between Awesome and Creepy”. Sam Mallikarjunan says, “It’s something that our profession needs to come to an understanding with consumers around: Privacy. It’s not exactly a topic that anyone is inclined to tackle, given that violating the... [Read more]

’7 Cardinal Sins Of Free Content’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest article is titled ”7 Cardinal Sins Of Free Content”. Rich Schefren says, “As hard as I’ve tried over the years, I have NOT been able to dispel one of the greatest myths of online business. This myth goes like this: “If you provide free content, people will want to buy your stuff.” That’s a lot... [Read more]

The Money Trigger: Start small, work smart, grow big #ad

Alex Jeffreys credits Rich Schefren with his success. Jeffreys thought so much of the training he got from Schefren that he moved his family to Florida so that he could be near Schefren for ongoing interaction. Now Jeffreys has included what he learned from Schefren, plus techniques he developed himself, into training he says will make a big impact... [Read more]

Download: HubSpot’s ‘An Introduction to Twitter for Business’ eBook

HubSpot has released an ebook titled ”An Introduction to Twitter for Business”. The HubSpot team says, “The majority of today’s “traditional” marketers reach their audiences through direct mail, email blasts, and cold calling. While these methods may have worked in the past, now consumers can easily block messages they don’t... [Read more]

‘Report Says YouTube Overtakes Facebook Among Teens’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Report Says YouTube Overtakes Facebook Among Teens”. Todd Wasserman says, “After months of speculation, Facebook last week acknowledged that there was some decrease in the number of “younger teens” using the social network on a daily basis. Now an annual survey of 4,014 young... [Read more]

‘Christmas email frequency: how to delight your subscribers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Christmas email frequency: how to delight your subscribers”. Andrew King says, “Email frequency in general has been a hot topic recently. Whatever your opinion or approach is on this topic, it’s inevitable that your email frequency is going to increase over the upcoming holiday... [Read more]

Done for you: Selling Clickbook products on mobile #ad

Mobile marketing is growing dramatically. And one of the hot segments is mobile apps. Providing an app that offers useful information in a particular niche is a good way to bring sales through mentioning niche-related products in your app. Your app could simply be an information product, an e-book, placed inside the software structure that turns it... [Read more]

‘Why Use Animated Videos on a Business Blog?’ by Patsi Krackoff

Patsi Krackoff’s latest blog post is titled “Why Use Animated Videos on a Business Blog?”. Krackoff says, “Are you considering creating an animated video for your business blog? Did you know that blog posts and articles with images perform 91 percent better than those without them (Skyword study, 2011)? Have you done a Google search lately... [Read more]

‘Is your content marketing a bit soft?’ – Wordtracker Blog

The latest Wordtracker blog post is titled “Is your content marketing a bit soft?”. Nick Usborne says, “My thesis for this article is that companies online are using content marketing in a very soft and inefficient way. New content is being uploaded every day in astonishing volumes, but to what purpose? Do we publish content simply... [Read more]

‘The Ultimate Holiday Prep List: 28 Things Every Marketer Should Do For Holiday’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “The Ultimate Holiday Prep List: 28 Things Every Marketer Should Do For Holiday”. Vic Drabicky says, “All right, so maybe that title is a little arrogant. After all, there are a million holiday list articles this time of year, ranging from “Top 10” lists to “Survival... [Read more]

Alton’s Graphic Elements Sales Box: drag and drop sales letters #ad

Creating an attractive sales page, illustrated with professional graphics, is not usually an easy task. It takes a designer’s eye to compose the page so it attracts the eye to what you want people to focus on. Now, Alton has created Alton’s Graphic Elements Sales Box to make it easy for anyone to drag your design elements around the page... [Read more]

‘8 Reasons Twitter Still Lags Behind Facebook’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “8 Reasons Twitter Still Lags Behind Facebook”. Zoe Fox says, “Twitter‘s much-anticipated public offering is the most buzzed-about tech IPO since Facebook‘s last May. But Twitter has not reached Facebook’s level of influence just yet.In 2013 so far, Facebook’s revenue... [Read more]

‘2 Simple But Brilliant Content Marketing Examples from the Great White North' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “2 Simple But Brilliant Content Marketing Examples from the Great White North?. Baer says, “Last week was big for me, as I finally met Taxi Mike in person. I first found Taxi Mike and his content marketing prowess 3+ years ago, and he was the original inspiration for my best-selling... [Read more]

‘Integrating email and search marketing tactics’ – MarketingSherpa Article

MarketingSherpa has published an article titled “Integrating email and search marketing tactics”. Daniel Burstein says, “You are busy! You might even think you’re too busy to read about this week’s chart. But, what if you could kill two birds with one stone? This week, those birds are search and email marketing. So, knock out... [Read more]

Max’s Marketer’s Graphics Pack, new graphics for better websites #ad

Max Rylski has been creating graphics for marketers for many years. He’s an expert at it. Every time he releases a new package, it is devoured by marketers around the world. He has just released his newest set of graphics, Max’s Marketer’s Graphics Pack. Many of you will not read the rest of this notice; his name is enough to cause... [Read more]

‘11 Tips For Entrepreneurs Who Hate Sales’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “11 Tips For Entrepreneurs Who Hate Sales”. Scott Gerber says, “An introverted entrepreneur? Yes, they exist. Not all people love selling all the time. But as a startup founder, that’s usually part of the job description, at least at first. We asked 11 successful entrepreneurs from the Young... [Read more]

‘A Blog Post to Help You Write Blog Posts ‘ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”A Blog Post to Help You Write Blog Posts ”. Shannon Johnson says, “You know what would be cool? Having a magic genie write a steady stream of high quality blog posts for you that drive tons of traffic and leads. Okay. Yeah. We all know that would be nice. But since that’s not really... [Read more]

‘Three requirements to extract value from a web analytics tool’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Three requirements to extract value from a web analytics tool”. Peter O’Neill says, “The value in web analytics comes not from the tool but from using the data it provides. Web analytics can be an amazing driver of business performance when it’s supplying insights... [Read more]

“Lazy Money Magician”: Earning a living doesn’t have to be so hard #ad

A year ago, Simple Spencer was working hard, but not achieving much a year ago. He reports that the dream of working from home, that he had cherished, wasn’t working out for him, at all. He had to make a change. He took some time off (to keep his sanity, he says.) Then with experimentation (along with “try, try again”) he found a process... [Read more]

‘Five Ways to Give Your PPC Advertising an Extreme Makeover’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Five Ways to Give Your PPC Advertising an Extreme Makeover”. Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Small businesses with a Google AdWords account are flushing away, on average, 25% of their pay-per-click (PPC) marketing budget because of easily fixable managerial and strategic errors. That finding... [Read more]

‘The One Thing I Would Change as the CEO of Moz’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “The One Thing I Would Change as the CEO of Moz”. Wil Reynolds says, “What many of you might not know is that this CEO Swap scared me. It didn’t scare me because I would have a hard time letting go, and not because I would be allowing Rand to view every little thing about my life with no filter by managing... [Read more]

‘5 Ways Persistence Pays For Online Content Creators’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “5 Ways Persistence Pays For Online Content Creators”. Nick Whitmore says, “No matter why you create online content, there is something to be said for being persistent. Persistence is often touted as one of the vital ingredients behind success — no matter if you’re a hobby blogger... [Read more]

Training by Erica Stone, 4 for price of 1 #ad

Erica Stone made her name showing how marketer could use Squidoo to drive traffic that leads to sales. She created several training products on this topic. The majority of the techniques in her training are applicable to many other marketing venues. For example: ¦ How to find buyer-oriented keywords ¦ How create your marketing message ¦ How... [Read more]

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