IM NewsWatch, November 5, 2014 - ‘Heads Up: Marketing And Advertising Technologies Are Converging – Forrester' and much more...

November 5th, 2014 at 9:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

‘Bridging the Data Between Search and Social’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Kenshoo and DataPop are teaming up to help retailers drive sales by bridging the data between search engine marketing and social media initiatives. The partnership brings together Pinterest and Google Product Listing Ads (PLAs) data, and will capture consumer intent signals and identify the products retailers should promote... [Read more]

‘A Marketer’s Guide To Gaining Attention On 12 Top Social Networks’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

David Rakuc says, “In just a couple of weeks, the Marketing Land editorial staff will head to Las Vegas for our annual SMX Social Media Marketing conference. For this year’s lineup, in addition to strategic sessions and big picture panels, we have several spotlight sessions that will deliver highly tactical and practical tips for marketing... [Read more]

Google drops rices on cloud platform, data storage and transmission

Google is dropping prices on services where there is competitive pressure. At the same time it announced new features for its cloud platform. Cloud computing is becoming a “battle of the titans” and Google seems determined to step up its game to not lose any competitive advantage. The San Francisco Google Cloud Platform Live conference... [Read more]

Write, Publish and Profit from the Hottest, Hidden Non-Fiction Niche #ad

Amy Harrop is an experienced online marketer and an author of non-fiction books. Now, she is helping you get into the Kindle authorship business, too. Harrop has researched the non-fiction book market. She has found a niche in which there is very little competition, despite a lot of interest by readers. Now, in her research package she calls Publishing... [Read more]

‘How To Set Up a PPC keyword List’ by John Chow

Chow says, “There are basically three types of guys that do PPC from what I have been able to see. The first type we run across starts building their account without doing a keyword search, as that is a simple easy way to do it. Your next average person will create a list of generic keywords, which made the account a bit stronger than the first... [Read more]

‘4 Ecommerce Services Every Digital Entrepreneur Needs to Know About’ – Aweber Blog

Hunter Boyle says, “Selling your products and services online doesn’t have to be stressful. These days, there are numerous ecommerce services that make it easy to grow your business on the web. But with so many options, the overwhelming part can be finding the right fit for your needs. To make that task less daunting, this month we’re featuring... [Read more]

‘Heads Up: Marketing And Advertising Technologies Are Converging’ – Forrester

Corinne Munchbach says, “Last week, I published a new report called “The Marketing Technology Meet-Up,” which examines the consolidation trend of ad technologies and marketing technologies and helps marketers understand how to use it to their advantage. Why is this happening now, you ask? Three reasons: customer expectations for brand... [Read more]

Fresh plots available for romance authors #ad

Sometimes you need a little push to get past writer’s block. Getting your book on the virtual bookstand (such as the Kindle publishing site) as quickly as possible means you start earning royalties sooner. If getting started is your problem, Amber Jalink has an answer for you: Kindle Plot Ideas, Vol. 5. She doesn’t write your book... [Read more]

‘Like-Gating on Facebook Expires Tomorrow. Are You Ready?’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “After being the tactic du jour for generating more Likes on your Page, Like-gating will be completely gone from Facebook starting tomorrow. You might have heard about this, but if not, here’s what happened. In early August 2014, Facebook announced on their developers blog that page admins haveuntil November 5, 2014... [Read more]

‘Google Sticks To Its Cloud Knitting: Cheaper, Faster’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Owen Thomas says, “With one hand, Google cuts. And with the other, it connects. That’s the ongoing story of Google Cloud Platform, the company’s set of products and services for developers looking to host and run apps over Google’s sprawling Web infrastructure. On Tuesday, Google executive Joerg Heilig kicked off its second Google... [Read more]

‘Facebook censorship has increased 19% in the past 6 months’ – ‘Mashable’

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai says, “Now more than ever, governments around the world are eager to get their hands on data about Facebook users — and now more than ever, they want to remove content disappear from the social network. Global surveillance requests for Facebook user data in the first half of 2014 increased 24% from the second half... [Read more]

WP Abundant Content Loader: for prolific bloggers #ad

If you you create a lot of articles for your site, and particularly if you outsource a lot of your content creation, you have a challenge to get all your content onto your site easily. It’s time-consuming and sometimes it’s frustrating to make all the fields just right so your articles will look the way you want them. But now, there’s... [Read more]

‘Seven reasons for the unstoppable rise of CRM’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “I’m at Microsoft Convergence in Barcelona. I’m also in the middle of compiling a report on multichannel marketing. Both of these endeavours leave me bemused as to why I haven’t heard people using the phrase ‘the year of CRM’. Perhaps it just doesn’t have the ring to it that ‘year of mobile’... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing Benchmarks for 2014—How Do You Stack Up?’ eMarketer Webinar November 20

eMarketer team says, “The webinar will address these key questions: What are email marketing benchmarks for common metrics such as open rate and clickthrough rate, and what factors are affecting benchmark performance? How do benchmarks differ by industry, time of day or specific email marketing tactics such as automation? What trends and tactics... [Read more]

‘Check your list twice! Improve your email database’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Erin Haselk says, “Email is the top communication channel for retailers this holiday season and we at Experian Marketing Services are expecting our customers to send a lot of emails. However, to keep the email communication channel open, retailers need to be sure they are working with the best possible email database. Sending to inactive subscribers... [Read more]

Source Phoenix: 3 blueprints for earning $400K/Mo #ad

Alex Cass and Alex Becker have just launched their new training that they say has earned them and a couple of their partners $300,000 (in aggregate) in a single month. They use SEO  to rank sites, many sites, over and over, using the same process each time... [Read more]

‘Enabling HTTPS Without Sacrificing Your Web Performance’ – MOZ Blog

Billy Hoffman says, “A fast website is a crucial component of a great user experience. So much so that a few years ago Google announced that they were using page load time as a factor in search engine rankings. More recently, Google also announced that they would be favoring websites that use Transport Layer Security (TLS) in its search rankings.... [Read more]

‘Interview with Brian Clark: How Customer Experience Maps Help You Develop a Smarter Content Strategy’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise. After we published the third installment of our three-part series on content strategy, Brian Clark informed me that he had the perfect follow-up topic for the next episode. Sure, Mr. Clark, I think we can make room for you in the schedule. Consider this a bonus fourth episode in the... [Read more]

‘Real-time Marketing: Nonprofit uses current events to increase revenue 22%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Daniel Burstein says, “Thanks to digital and social technologies, news travels around the globe faster than ever. Yet, logistical hurdles hamstring many corporate marketers from taking advantage of trending topics and breaking news in their own marketing campaigns. In this Email Marketing case study, we’ll share a lesson from the nonprofit... [Read more]

Can lazy people become successful marketers? #ad

Peter Szabo says lazy people can, indeed, become successful marketers. He shows the way in his new training, 'Easiest Money Ever', he shows the way.. [Read more]

‘Penguin 3.0 – What Really Happened?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Travis Bliffen says, “Penguin 3.0 rolled out a few weeks ago and according to some sources, it may still be in the process of being updated internationally. Preliminary reports indicate that less than 1 percent of English queries were affected by that latest update. If you have a site that was hit with a previous Penguin penalty, your site may... [Read more]

‘How Are B2B Marketers Scoring Leads? [Infographic]‘ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Most B2B marketers (58%) say they use lead scoring as a general way to make their marketing efforts more effective, according to the following infographic by Lead Lizard. Most marketers also say they use just one lead scoring program, and “very few marketers use more than four leading score models,” Lead... [Read more]

‘Twitter Launches Small Business Planner Mobile App’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter has released a Small Business Planner mobile app to help businesses with their Twitter marketing activities. Timed with the beginning of the holiday shopping season and aimed at small and medium business people, the app offers tactical guidance and advice pulled from the Twitter for Business site that was redesigned... [Read more]

Powerpoint Templates for Video #ad

In the spirit of the times, when video drives so many sales, Tom Reed has created what he calls 'Amazing Powerpoint for Video Templates'... [Read more]

‘Forrester’s Hadoop Predictions 2015’ – Forrester

Mike Gualtieri says, “Hadoop adoption and innovation is moving forward at a fast pace, playing a critical role in today’s data economy. But, how fast and far will Hadoop go heading into 2015? Prediction 1: Hadooponomics makes enterprise adoption mandatory. The jury is in. Hadoop has been found not guilty of being an over-hyped open source... [Read more]

‘3 Holiday E-Commerce Policies For A Merry Q4 [Infographic]‘ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

David Rakuc says, “Well, it’s here. Halloween has officially passed and Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away. At this point, retailers should be well on their way to nailing down a solid holiday strategy. But here’s one area you may not have considered: the three policies that can make or break your customer’s confidence at checkout. Shipping,... [Read more]

‘8 Must-Have Inside Sales Technologies’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “Imagine that you need to dig a hole in your back yard. Okay, that doesn’t seem too hard. Oh — except that you won’t be able to use a shovel. Instead, all you have at your disposal is a toothpick. The job that once seemed so easy now feels like your own personal hell. Similarly, employees who don’t have... [Read more]

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