IM NewsWatch, November 5, 2013 - Latest News from IM NewsWatch

November 5th, 2013 at 6:49 am EDT

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November 5, 2013

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School kids are being monitored online

NY Times reporter Somini Senfupta reports that school districts are beginning to monitor how students use the internet, Social media are a particular concern since many high school students are active on Facebook, Twitter and other media sites. There are issues relating to the legal and ethical impact of this monitoring, but schools are attempting to... [Read more]

Gary Vaynerchuk relies heavily on Social Media to market his business

NY Times reports, “About once a week, Gary Vaynerchuk posts a Twitter message that reads, “Is there anything I can do for you?” He means it literally. He is inviting his roughly one million followers to send requests for any kind of help or favor. And if you respond, he will try to punch you in the face.” The story continues to say,... [Read more]

Windows 8.1 can be tweaked to run like Windows 7

Many marketers don’t find the new colorful, but for people without a touchscreen, the Windows 8 interface is dysfunctional. Well, now Microsoft has built in an “escape valve” that lets you run it in “desktop mode.” Read how to make you PC look and act the way you want here: Living with Windows 8.1 on your PC  [Read more]

The Money Trigger: Start small, work smart, grow big #ad

Alex Jeffreys credits Rich Schefren with his success. Jeffreys thought so much of the training he got from Schefren that he moved his family to Florida so that he could be near Schefren for ongoing interaction. Now Jeffreys has included what he learned from Schefren, plus techniques he developed himself, into training he says will make a big impact... [Read more]

Google updates Offers self-service tool for businesses- GoogleBlogs reports

Google has introduced a new service in its Google Offers self-service marketing tool for businesses. The goal is to improve the speed of ad creation and to provide support for Google Maps. The update should be available for merchants to use sometime this week. According to Google, the update lets merchants create their posts faster and distribute them... [Read more]

The Problem with Twitter

Froma Harrop, commentator from the Creators’ Syndicate reports that the lax registration rules of Twitter has sometimes led to trolls, louts and creeps hanging out and lobbing verbal grenades at people. Harrop says, “Unlike Facebook — which requires members to submit their real names and email addresses when joining — Twitter lets anonymous... [Read more]

Domain.Com selling 100 .ORG domain names for $.99

As a promotional stunt, the site gives 100 people a chance to buy a .ORG for just 99 cents. They are only revealing this opportunity to hundreds of thousands of their closest friends, so you chance of getting one is on the order, say, of 1 in a million. If you want to try to get one, follow them on Twitter, here: : @DomainDotCom Ignoring... [Read more]

Done for you: Selling Clickbook products on mobile #ad

Mobile marketing is growing dramatically. And one of the hot segments is mobile apps. Providing an app that offers useful information in a particular niche is a good way to bring sales through mentioning niche-related products in your app. Your app could simply be an information product, an e-book, placed inside the software structure that turns it... [Read more]

Google explores website design for good user experience

In late october, Google held a “Hangout on Air” dedicated to improving user experience on websites. They recorded the hangout and it’s available for any Google Adsense users wanting to improve their earnings. The better experience a visitor has on your site, the longer they will stay, and the more likely they will click a link or... [Read more]

How a domain name change resulted in a $40 million turnover boost

The right domain name can make a big difference in a company’s earnings. This was shown by an Australian company recently. reports how Shaun McGowan was discontented with his company’s results. Their site,, was earning $60 Million, but McGowan thought more was possible. So he bought domain name [Read more]

Alton’s Graphic Elements Sales Box: drag and drop sales letters #ad

Creating an attractive sales page, illustrated with professional graphics, is not usually an easy task. It takes a designer’s eye to compose the page so it attracts the eye to what you want people to focus on. Now, Alton has created Alton’s Graphic Elements Sales Box to make it easy for anyone to drag your design elements around the page... [Read more]

‘Five Tips to Increase Your Email Click-Through Rates’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Five Tips to Increase Your Email Click-Through Rates”. Michael Linthorst says, “Email marketing is the perfect tool to grow your website traffic or boost your Web shop’s conversion rates. But to do so, recipients first have to click the hyperlinks you included in your email. So here... [Read more]

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