IM NewsWatch, November 4, 2014 - ‘Google’s Physical Web and its Impact on Search – MOZ' and much more...

November 4th, 2014 at 12:28 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

‘Panda 4.1: Your Content Marketing Report Card?’ – ‘Web Marketing Today’ Article

Pamella Neely says, “It’s nice to get rewarded for doing the right thing. If you’ve been following the best practices for content marketing, you’ve likely just had a big confirmation of your work. And it was the mighty Google that gave it you. Panda 4.1 started rolling out on September 25th, and continued to roll out for ten days after,... [Read more]

‘5 Types of Posts Which Always Create a Buzz’ by John Chow

Chow says, “When publishing content, it’s important you write something which resonates well with your readers. There is so much content available online that putting together something full of substance is difficult. With so much spam floating around online it’s no wonder that people are quick to judge the quality of content on a blog or website.... [Read more]

‘Unlocking The Mystery Of Social Media ROI’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Jodie Cook says, “We’re addressing the subject on most people’s minds when it comes social media marketing – what’s the ROI of social media? It’s a completely valid question and one that no one should shy away from! Companies part with hundreds of thousands of pounds on billboard advertising over a motorway and have virtually no idea of... [Read more]

Powerpoint Templates for Video #ad

In the spirit of the times, when video drives so many sales, Tom Reed has created what he calls Amazing Powerpoint for Video Templates. These 57 templates for creating Powerpoint videos include niche-oriented templates (e.g., restaurant, real estate, etc.) and general presentation templates. There’s something here for everyone. Besides these 57... [Read more]

‘Forecast: 30 Percent Of Cyber-Monday Transactions Will Be Mobile’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Using a mix of its own data and third party data, mobile ad personalization platformAppLovin is predicting that nearly 30 percent of Cyber Monday transactions this year will come on mobile devices. This is transactions — not traffic. The awkwardly named Cyber-Monday has been the biggest online shopping day of the year in... [Read more]

‘Six Mobile Marketing Predictions for 2015′ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ash Kumar says, “This year mobile use in the US finally surpassed desktop use, with 60% of total digital media time spent on smartphones and tablets, up 10% from the previous year. The US has finally caught up with global trends, and the mobile screen has become the primary screen. That fact will define not just the mobile landscape but also... [Read more]

‘Alibaba Beats Sales Estimates for Inaugural Earnings Quarter’ – Re/code

Jason Del Rey says, “Alibaba beat sales estimates for its first earnings report as a public company. The giant Chinese e-commerce company recorded earnings of 45 cents share on revenue of $2.74 billion in the September quarter. Analysts were expecting on average earnings per share of 45 cents on $2.64 billion in revenue. Net profit, meanwhile,... [Read more]

Source Phoenix: 3 blueprints for earning $400K/Mo #ad

Alex Cass and Alex Becker have just launched their new training that they say has earned them and a couple of their partners $300,000 (in aggregate) in a single month. They use SEO to rank sites, many sites, over and over, using the same process each time. Client sites, affiliate sites and sites for their own products. This process works for any site,... [Read more]

‘The Components Of A Well-Oiled Retargeting Machine’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

James Green says, “Marketers are constantly looking for ways to reach and engage new and existing consumers, so it’s no surprise that retargeting strategies have grown rapidly over the past few years. An August 2014 study by Marin Software noted that 88% of US marketers polled use retargeting, and the majority (56%) of respondents which hadn’t... [Read more]

‘4 Best Practices for Creating Captivating, Cross-Channel App Marketing Campaigns (Plus Examples!)’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Annum Munir says, “Last night, I was up watching the latest season of New Girl via the Hulu Plus app on my Apple TV (full disclosure, this show rocks). Alas, I fell asleep before the episode was over, a sacrilegious act for a true fan. In the morning, I rushed out the door feeling like a ghost with unfinished business. What happens next? What weird... [Read more]

‘Apple Is Transforming Itself Into A Massive E-commerce Company For Advertisers’ – Business Insider

Lara O’reilly says, “Apple is transforming itself into a huge e-commerce company. Look at these recent moves the company has made: Apple is expanding its in-app mobile ad platform iAd to 70 new countries,. It is rolling out its own mobile payment service, Apple Pay. It is installing advertising iBeacons into retail stores. Its iTunes credit... [Read more]

Can lazy people become successful marketers? #ad

Peter Szabo says lazy people can, indeed, become successful marketers. He shows the way in his new training, 'Easiest Money Ever', he shows the way. He says that this new system can earn 3-figures (i.e., at least $100) daily and can do it without any website, any list or any significant start-up budget... [Read more]

‘To Auto-Publish or Not to Auto-Publish on Social Media. That Is the Question’ – HubSpot

Jacquelyn Beckner says, “Should you schedule posts or post organically? We have this conversation about once a month in our office. There are pros and cons for both, and ultimately we always end at the same point. Scheduling works, but there needs to be a balance. Confession: My name is Jacquelyn and I used to be an auto-poster Let me clarify,... [Read more]

‘Do exact match domains still work as an SEO tactic?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “While Google has set out to tackle exact match domains of dubious quality, it seems this is an SEO tactic that may still work. Indeed, a recent study found that exact match domains were able to rank highly with fewer links and less content than branded competitors. I’ve decided to delve deeper into this issue with... [Read more]

‘Value Proposition: Between perception and reality’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Joey Taravella says, “I recently posted this observation on FlintsNotes, Flint McGlaughlin’s blog designed to showcase his day-to-day work, and I felt that this idea could be elaborated on more: The challenge for many companies is misunderstood. It is not finding prospects that need what it has to offer, but rather finding prospects who know that... [Read more]

Product Creation Hero: Anyone can build information products #ad

Paul Nicholls has a new (and very popular) training product: 'Product Creation Hero'. Nicholls has created a number of earlier training products that have been advertised on IM NewsWatch on various marketing topics... [Read more]

‘Our Black Friday Sale Starts Today (Because Your Business Goals Can’t Wait)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “Are you one of the many folks out there who are thinking about using holiday downtime to launch their website and get a head start on 2015 (like a lawyer I spoke with last week)? Or are you, like me, planning to use the holidays to give a long-standing site the fresh, modern, mobile-responsive look it needs? Or, are you planning... [Read more]

‘Google’s Physical Web and its Impact on Search’ – MOZ Blog

Tom Anthony says, “Google’s Physical Web project is a new initiative to establish a standard for making ‘smart’ objects which people can interact with via their smart phones or similar devices. This post introduces the Physical Web concept, how it works, and will make a couple of first predictions about how this might affect... [Read more]

‘The current social media landscape: statistics’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “The last time we heard, Facebook was struggling with ‘waves of disenfranchised youngsters looking for a hipper alternative’. Twitter is apparently struggling, with a drop in daily engagement, projected sales for the next three months falling short of expectations and a stock price plummet. Instagram has stuck the knife... [Read more]

Help Local Attorney’s Grow Their Revenues On Autopilot #ad

Drew Laughlin has just released 3 sets of marketing videos for attorneys to use on their websites. This is his 'Local Freebie Funnel Vol 3'. If you want to sell marketing services to attorneys, this is a good place to start... [Read more]

‘14 Key Takeaways From The B2B Content Marketing Report’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Tom Pick says, “The 2014 B2B Content Marketing Report is out, and no doubt will spur a number of blog posts. As usual, this year’s findings are a mix of the obvious (lead generation is the top goal of content marketing – as it has been for the last 10,000 years or so) and the somewhat surprising. For example, having a documented strategy makes... [Read more]

‘Q&A: Aleyda Solis on SEO in a multi-device world’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Aleyda Solis is a well known International SEO consultant, blogger and speaker. With many years of experience, Aleyda has worked for European, American and Latin American companies, developing international, multilingual, and mobile SEO projects. We’re very pleased to have Aleyda presenting at our Festival of... [Read more]

‘Unlock Digital Roadblocks With Agile Marketing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Andy Lombard says, “A few months ago, I talked about the conundrum of digital marketing. While many marketers are enamored of its promise of spectacular brand impact, they often wind up losing money on their digital campaigns. Instead of finding skyrocketing engagement and ROI, they encounter high development costs, delays and a communication... [Read more]

Solo Ads Cash: You can sell solo ads for cash #ad

The number of people wanting to use solo ads in their business is growing. Now you can be the one who supplies the lead contacts they need. 'Solo Ads Cash' can show you how... [Read more]

‘How to Write Better Content for Social Media' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “What do you want from social media today? I’ll answer this question for you: When you post something on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ you want tons of people to click and read it. Right? Oh yes, you’ve spent hours on writing your masterpiece, finding a perfect image for it. And social media is a great way to promote your work and... [Read more]

‘Converting Opens to Clicks: How 3 simple email changes led to a 27% increase in clickthrough rates’ MarketingExperiments Webinar November 13

MarketingExperiments team says, “The email marketing landscape is always changing. Today’s consumer rarely looks at an email with delight. The “You’ve got mail” days are long gone. The customer now scans through an inbox with a disposition to delete. It is hard enough to get an “open,” let alone a “click.” • So, what is it about... [Read more]


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