IM NewsWatch, November 3, 2015 - '4 Elements of a Winning Ecommerce Ad Strategy – Entrepreneur' and much more...

November 3rd, 2015 at 9:20 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

‘Press Play: The Evolution of Video Marketing’ – ‘’ Blog

Kate Supino says, “Video is quickly outpacing still imagery in online content. Following on the heels of YouTube’s success, the exponential growth of companies like Vimeo, Camtasia, and Movavi demonstrates the public’s voracious appetite for an online multimedia experience. Find out why video has surpassed all other media in the marketing... [Read more]

‘The 4 Elements of a Winning Ecommerce Ad Strategy’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jean-Baptiste Rudelle says, “There is no denying it, mobile is the new norm. Two in three American adults own a smartphone. Tablet users will surpass one billion worldwide this year. The average person spends more time on their phone and laptop than sleeping. With mobile adoption widespread, and people spending more of their time across multiple... [Read more]

‘B2B Marketing Technology’s End Goal? Contextual Marketing!’ – Forrester

Laura Ramos says, “I attended the “Galvanize” conference sponsored by Bulldog Solutions last week and had the pleasure of hearing Scott Brinker explore the changing landscape of marketing technology. Investment in new marketing start ups and ideas is clearly at an all time high, as one look at the ChiefMarTec supergraphic will show.... [Read more]

Ultimate Snapshot: Automated WordPress backups #ad

Here are some tough questions every online marketer needs to ask: • If your website gets hacked, how will you recover? • If your hosting company goes under, how will you recover? • If your server crashes, how will you recover? • If your hosting company give you poor support, how will you escape to a better host? In all these cases,... [Read more]

Digital Marketing Depot’s ‘No Lead Untouched: How to Boost Lead Conversion’ Webinar, November 19

Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘No Lead Untouched: How to Boost Lead Conversion’ on Thursday, November 19 at 1.00 pm EST. DMD team says, “A recent study by Conversica revealed that B2B companies are spending 50% of their marketing and sales budgets on generating leads that are never pursued. It’s a classic sales... [Read more]

‘Instagram Has No Plans To Monetize New Video Streams For Major Events’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Like Snapchat and Twitter, Instagram is getting into the content curation game. On Saturday, Facebook’s visually oriented social network introduced a new way for people to follow major events, kicking off the effort on Halloween, the most Instagrammable of holidays. If you opened the Instagram app in the US during the weekend,... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: 4 data points to help you build the case for a bigger budget in 2016’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “As we get towards the end of the year, it’s time for B2C marketers to make last-minute tweaks to drive holiday sales and B2B marketers to get those last few, really high-quality leads that will hopefully close in fiscal year 2015. But don’t overlook another important date that is coming up on the calendar as well — January... [Read more]

Black Box Sales Machine: Free traffic for online sales #ad

For under $5, Alex Jeffreys is disclosing how his 'Black Box Sales Machine' has made over 90,000 digital product sales and generated over 2.1 million sales page visitors in under 2 years... [Read more]

‘Record number of mobile visits to retail sites expected this holiday’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

John Fetto says, “This holiday is poised to be the first mobile-dominant season for retailers and marketers need to be ready. A growing number of Americans are turning to their smartphones and tablets as their primary device for accessing the Internet. In fact, one-third of all U.S. adults (33.7 percent) say they access the Internet more often... [Read more]

‘How to Optimize Your Content Repository to Align Sales and Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Daniel Rodriguez says, “Organizing and keeping all of your sales support content up-to-date can be challenging. Ensuring your content repository is easily accessible and searchable can be even more of a challenge. In fact, sales reps spend on average 30 hours each month searching for and creating their own sales content (per RingDNA), which results... [Read more]

‘Five digital marketing tips for retailers this Christmas’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Matthew Whitehead says, “It’s nearly ‘that time’ of year again. So what are the key things to consider if you’re still putting the final touches to your digital marketing strategy for the holiday shopping season? The pace of change in digital marketing means there are always new trends and opportunities to consider as retailers think... [Read more]

Five Complete Online Businesses in a Box #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek is offering to set you up in 5 online businesses, all of them designed to attract clients looking to promote their business online... [Read more]

Price Rising: FreshTitle and Title Analyzer #ad

We just learned that Dave Guindon is raising the price of these two pieces of software (FreshTitle and Title Analyzer) in about 5 hours. The title you place on your blog post or email can make a big difference in your sales. Title Analyzer helps you craft winning titles based on words shown to be effective in past ad campaigns. So now you can instantly... [Read more]

‘9 Ways To Make Money In The On-Demand Economy’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Scott Gerber says, “Recently, Uber and other companies that provide on-demand services have been under the regulatory microscope. Despite these setbacks, it’s still a great industry to get into, full of potential advantages for a would-be entrepreneur. That said, there are a few best practices that you should follow so that the problems Uber... [Read more]

‘Don’t Create Your Content Strategy Until You Research These 6 Things’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “I’m here today with a reminder about an all-important truth when it comes to content strategy: research is everything. When I evaluate copy and content strategies, I often see what amounts to copycat content. Not that these people are stealing. No. Typically, it’s clear to see they are working off of limited information... [Read more]

Want to become the 900-Pound Marketing Gorilla? #ad

Bill Platt and Andrew Zirkin have been online, earning a full-time income, for years and years. They tried many ways to earn income until they settled on creating products of their own and then selling them online... [Read more]

‘Getting on the Map: The Intro to Local SEO for SABs’ – MOZ Blog

Joy Hawkins says, “Local SEO can be confusing for those businesses that don’t have a physical store for customers to walk into. Unlike businesses with a brick-and-mortar storefront, service-area businesses (or SABs) go out to meet with their customers, as opposed to their customers coming to see them. This often results in them servicing multiple... [Read more]

‘Seven ways publishers are addressing ad blocking’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “For publishers, few topics are as pressing as the rise of ad blockers. And for good reason: ad blockers are disrupting publishers’ ability to monetize their content through the model that was largely responsible for fueling the rise of online publishing in the first place. With the industry coming to grips with the... [Read more]

‘How Often Should You Update or Rebuild Your Website?’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Mikal E. Belicove says, “When it comes to updating your business website in a timely manner, the one rule is this: There are no rules. That’s according to Christian Riggs, president of Riggs Creative Group, a user-experience design and website development firm in San Diego. Riggs says that deciding whether to update, redesign or reengineer... [Read more]

Social Vidio: Interactive Video Player to Boost Conversions #ad

Three experienced product developers (Stefan van der Vlag, Rohan Chaudhari and Harshal Jadhav) have joined together to create a game-changing video player they call 'Social Vidio'... [Read more]

‘The Enterprise Marketing Technology Landscape – Simplified’ – Forrester

Rusty Warner says, “We’ve all seen comprehensive diagrams featuring hundreds of vendor logos across multiple marketing technology categories. So, when tasked with mapping the technologies required to deliver contextual marketing, I decided to simplify things. For more details, see my new report “Combine Systems Of Insight And Engagement For... [Read more]

‘Facebook Slips Slightly But Still Dominates Social Login Market’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “For the first time in two years, Facebook’s share of the social login market dropped, according to new Gigya data, but the social network remains the dominating leader with nearly two-thirds of the market. Gigya’s third quarter report, released today, shows Facebook with a 64-percent share of people who use social networks... [Read more]

‘Click Bait Be Gone: How User-Focused Content Has Changed Engagement Expectations’ – ‘’ Blog

Thomas Stern says, “I’ll just come right out and say it – click-bait content doesn’t work anymore, and consumers are sick of it. Over the last ten years, social content has evolved alongside user expectations and the sheer volume of content production. Today, a demand for entertainment and education has been balanced with a need for transparency... [Read more]

‘No More Isolation: Why Apps Cooperate More’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Andreas Wender says, “Apps are powerful, easy to learn and, thanks to the spread of mobile devices, wildly popular. But they come with downsides: to solve a complex task, users often have to switch between apps, even multiple times. It doesn’t have to be this way—if we start looking at apps more as service providers. The Apps Eco-System: Simple... [Read more]

‘Social monitoring & listening: What is it and do you need it?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Evan Dunn says, “Social listening was once a novel technology, even as recently as two years ago. Today, there are dozens of social listening and social monitoring software providers, each touting capabilities that vary wildly and generally sound like black-box, secret-sauce voodoo magic. But once you understand the underlying framework behind... [Read more]

‘How to Test Different Versions of Your Website in 6 Easy Steps’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kim Lachance Shandrw says, “If you’re reading this because your boss asked you to A/B test two versions of your company’s website and you have no clue what to do, it’s okay. Read on. Help is on the way. Here goes. The first step is not to be daunted by the term itself. A/B testing, also often called bucket testing or split testing, is merely... [Read more]

‘11 Resources to Curate, Clip, Collect, and Collaborate Content’ – Content Marketing Institute

Aaron Orendorff says, “As content marketers, we have our work cut out for us. Getting our own, original ideas off the ground is hard enough. Unfortunately, when we add all the collecting, clipping, curating, and collaborating necessary for full-scale engagement, overwhelmed is understatement. Yet, curating content is essential, and not just for... [Read more]

‘Are We Too Busy For Great Marketing?' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Jessica Gioglio says, “If you’ve been reading my columns on Convince & Convert lately, you’ll notice that I am covering JetBlue quite a bit. From a better wingman, to ads so good you want to steal them, JetBlue has been on a roll – and there seems to be no end in sight. While I typically like to mix my columns up to cover different companies,... [Read more]

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