IM NewsWatch, November 27, 2014 - 'When to Tweet & Post This Holiday Season – Website Magazine' and much more...

November 27th, 2014 at 8:50 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, November 27, 2014

‘When to Tweet & Post This Holiday Season’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “It should come as no surprise that e-commerce retailers turn to Twitter and Facebook more in December than any other month, but how do they stand out from the crowd? Salesforce Marketing Cloud recently analyzed more than 3 million tweets and 2 million Facebook posts and found several key insights for the e-commerce and... [Read more]

‘Tips for Finding an Authentic Voice in Higher Ed Marketing’ – HubSpot

Holly Stanton says, “What do you say when a prospective student asks, “What makes (insert your college or university here) different?” It’s easy to tout the low faculty to student ratio or list off a long inventory of degree programs. While these are important, most higher education institutions can proclaim the same thing. How do you show... [Read more]

‘Best Practice Pros: How Groupon Manages Its Email Programs’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Steve Dille says, “Last month, we took a long look at LinkedIn, exploring how it uses email as a key component of creating, sustaining and driving its online community and overall business model. This time around, let’s examine a marketer whose name is practically synonymous with email engagement. Ask nearly anyone about which brands’ promotional... [Read more]

Cost Savings Hero: don’t sell anything; earn money #ad

Everyone likes saving money. If you help them do it, you can a profit. And you don’t have to be an expert to do it. In Cost Savings Hero, you will discover unique ways to help businesses save money. All you need are the answers to a few simple questions so you can determine how the business can most quickly and easily be helped, by cutting their... [Read more]

‘How to Master the Balancing Act Between Web Design and Functionality’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Roy Chomko says, “The technical and aesthetic components of “good” Web design are often presented as two competing forces, or separate entities that must be corralled into grudging cooperation for the sake of producing a functional product. However, by implementing a few best-practice development process strategies, Web designers... [Read more]

‘How To Collect and Keep Followers on Twitter’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Brandon Lewin says, “The biggest challenge for new users and the 500 million logged out users on Twitter is…how do you connect and keep followers on Twitter? Getting started with Twitter is like your first day of school in a new town. You’re new and no one knows you. What does a person do in a situation like that? If you want to make new friends,... [Read more]

‘How to Set SMART Marketing Goals [Free Template]’ – HubSpot

Mike Lemire says, “Goal setting is probably one of the hardest things marketers have to do. You’ve got to choose a goal that’s lofty, but not too lofty. And it’s possible you have no idea what “lofty” is anyway — for marketers implementing brand new activities, picking the right goals (and then tackling them)... [Read more] Build mascots for your sites and your videos #ad

Mascots can be a big help to the success of a sales campaign. The Geico Gecko is an example familiar to US readers. Tony the Tiger still resonates, probably in Europe as well as the US. Do you have a mascot for your business? A graphic designer could create you one, but a good one would cost $100 and probably more. However, there’s now a better... [Read more]

‘What New SEOs Don’t Know Unless You Tell Them: A Reminder from Outside the Echo Chamber’ – MOZ Blog

Ruth Burr Reedy says, “SEO experts spend multiple hours a week reading blogs, social media and forums to stay abreast of the latest search engine developments; we spend even more time testing and measuring tactics to figure out what works best for our sites. When you spend so much of your time thinking, talking and learning about SEO, you can... [Read more]

‘How to make 8 pieces of content from 1 piece of content' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “I’m nearing episode 70 of my near-daily video show, Jay Today. Three times each week (except holiday weeks) I publish 3-minute videos about business, marketing, social media, and life. Of all the content we create here at Convince & Convert, the Jay Today videos are among the strongest performers, especially on Facebook. In fact,... [Read more]

‘How To Increase YouTube Income by 60%’ by John Chow

Chow says, “On this episode of Driving with John Chow, I give you stats on what happens when you increase and decrease your content levels. As many of you know, I am in the middle of a 90 day video challenge. I’ve been doing a video a day since the challenge started. This is significantly more than one to two videos a week that I normally do. What... [Read more]

Easy Optin Traffic: Set & Forget Strategy; Build Your List on Auto Pilot #ad

If you are having trouble building your mailing list, the free Easy Optin Traffic report can get you on the right track. Using the free information in this report, according to the author, you can instantly increase traffic to your Squeeze Page by 66%. We have signed up for this free report. You can too, here: Easy Optin Traffic.  [Read more]

‘Against Attention: The Pre-Thanksgiving Manifesto’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “Attention is not a fixed resource. Thank goodness. This means the little guy and gal can rise above the crowded skyline. Just because Seth Godin has 400 million eyeballs, it doesn’t mean you can’t capture some of those eyeballs, too … Doesn’t mean you can’t attract some of that interest and loyalty. We all... [Read more]

‘How does Google judge quality content?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Marcus Tober says, “Everybody talks about the need to provide quality content on your site if you want to rank well in searches. But how do search engines identify quality content? Successive Google algorithm updates (culminating in the recent Panda 4.1) aim to refine results so that they match the intent of the search query and deliver the most... [Read more]

‘Testing and Optimization: In-app purchasing leads to 88% increase in daily conversion for B2B software’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “Providing a free trial allows potential customers to truly gain a sense if your product is right for them. But when they are ready to purchase, does the process of returning to the online store cause unnecessary friction, pushing those prospects out of the sales funnel? Nitro, a provider of PDF creation, editing and sharing software,... [Read more]

Local Lead Control: Sell exclusive leads to local businesses #ad

Jack Hopman and his students have been selling leads to local businesses for the last four years, and they can report that its a good business to be in... [Read more]

‘Taboola CEO Adam Singolda On Mobile Mistakes And Why The Future Will Be ‘All Personalized” – Business Insider

Patricia Chui says, “Content is everywhere on the web – and there’s a lot of it. What we consume each day is just the tiniest fraction of what’s out there. So how are we to find great articles and videos that we often don’t know exist? Adam Singolda founded Taboola in 2007 with the goal of bringing content to readers,... [Read more]

‘While Facebook Lags, Tumblr & Pinterest Are The Fastest Growing Social Networks’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “With a user base of one-third of the Internet-connected world, Facebook’s place as the largest social media platform remains unquestionable, but new research shows that the 10-year-old network is settling into slower growth mode. In the last six months, Facebook grew more slowly than all the other major social networks, measured... [Read more]

‘How Identity Influences Online Content Sharing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “One in five consumers say reflecting their identity—who they are—is the most important reason they share content online, according to a recent report from Fractl. Overall, identity ranked as the third-most important reason for sharing content, after wanting to entertain (44% of respondents) and wanting to educate (25%). The... [Read more]

The final chance to grab a lifetime License to FanBoom #ad

Ayaz Nanji says, “One in five consumers say reflecting their identity—who they are—is the most important reason they share content online, according to a recent report from Fractl. Overall, identity ranked as the third-most important reason for sharing content, after wanting to entertain (44% of respondents) and wanting to educate (25%). The... [Read more]

‘Competitive Advantages With Engagement Analytics’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

John Paul Mains says, “In my previous article, I showed how marketing has transitioned to customer engagement. For companies looking to be successful using this new mindset, standard web analytics programs deliver very little value and could be classified as simply dead. Ever since the origin of web servers that delivered our websites, web... [Read more]

‘10 Video Marketing Trends for 2015 [Infographic]’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Agu De Marco says, “With the growing popularity of mobile devices and rapid development of social networks supporting video content, video marketing is gaining ground and becoming a prominent tool for engaging online audiences. Short-form and highly-interactive videos are here to stay and more social networks like Facebook are competing with YouTube... [Read more]

‘The Evolution of SEO [Infographic]’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Great marketers are always on their toes, keeping up with the news, anticipating and adapting changes as they happen. SEO is no exception: According to Moz, Google changes its algorithm 500-600 times per year. With so many updates happening so often, even the most diligent marketers can miss an important release or... [Read more]

10 Romance Plots for your western novels #ad

If you've got a hankering to write in the western genre (we used to call it "cowboy fiction"), this may get you started on the road to stardom... [Read more]

‘Here’s to a More Social 2014 Holiday’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “The holidays may be a time for socializing, but last year not all e-commerce brands mingled where it counted – the top social media networks. According to a quick report from StatSocial (infographic below), a social analytics platform, the social chatter around last year’s Black Friday blew Cyber Monday out of the... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Maximize Google Webmaster Tools for Better SEO’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Chipper Nicodemus says, “Google Webmaster Tools is a powerful resource for website owners, webmasters and SEOs alike. Once you’ve set up Google Webmaster Tools, you might be wondering what to do next. If you need basic tips, check out our Beginner’s Guide to Google Webmaster Tools. If you’ve dug around Google Webmaster Tools and are longing... [Read more]

‘Five Ways to Turn New Holiday Customers Into Loyal, Year-Round Patrons’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Tom Caporaso says, “As 2014 winds down, the results of your retail holiday strategy will slowly come into focus. Hopefully, you’re having a merry old time, reaching record heights in sales, customers, revenue, website traffic—all the things that help to make a holiday marketing season bright. However, now is no time to rest on your laurels... [Read more]

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