IM NewsWatch, November 20, 2014 - '6 Tips For Building an Effective Email Retention Policy – Business 2 Community' and much more...

November 20th, 2014 at 8:56 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, November 20, 2014

‘5 Emails Pushing The Boundaries Of HTML & CSS’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Andrew King says, “I recently participated on a panel of email designers, hackers and entrepreneurs that discussed the many difficulties that email designers face with poor CSS support in various email clients and what developers could do to fix that issue. Despite the limitations of many email clients these days (even the new Inbox by Gmail... [Read more]

‘Get Your Promotions More Social Love’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “The holidays are right around the corner, which means the social newsfeeds are becoming flooded with more and more brand promotions every day. This influx of promotions will likely stick around until after the New Year, as brands try to market their products to the people who took holiday vacations (and stayed unplugged),... [Read more]

‘4 Traits of Compelling and Socially Shareable Videos’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Pat Lor says, “Video has become the single most important and effective medium for content marketers, and its popularity continues to grow. Google serves up 188 billion videos annually and Americans consume 75 million video clips per day. In the past two years, video spending by marketers has increased 40 to 50 percent annually. A whopping 76 percent... [Read more]

How To Make $100 A Day Sending Emails #ad

Jeremy Kennedy just released a new video showing, in detail, how he uses email to earn $100 per day. He calls it (no surprise here) How To Make $100 A Day Sending Emails. This is a 1 hour 20 minute video that shows you the whole process in a step-by-step way the even beginners can follow. He starts at the very basic level and takes you to an intermediate... [Read more]

‘Forrester Advises Advertisers To Abandon Facebook Because It Is Biased Against Them’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “Forrester, the respected market research company, has a history of releasing reports that cast Facebook in a bad light in the eyes of advertisers. Last year it suggested Facebook was “failing marketers” by “abandoning” its promise of social marketing. Now Forrester is truly hitting Facebook where... [Read more]

‘How an A/B Test of Landing Page Form Copy Improved Lead Quality’ – HubSpot

Sara Davidson says, “When most people talk about getting quality lead information from forms, they usually talk about one tactic: changing the length of the form. The longer the form, the better quality the leads will be … right? Truthfully, it’s not always that simple. For most businesses, changing the form length is a greatway... [Read more]

‘12 Days of Holiday Marketing Tips for Small Businesses’ – Aweber Blog

Olivia Dello Buono says, “The holiday season is almost upon us! Aside from spreading the yuletide cheer, your customers have only one thing on their minds: shopping. This time of year marks a lucrative opportunity for small businesses: it’s forecasted that consumers will spend over $616.9 billion this season (that’s a 4.1 percent increase over... [Read more]

Make money from freebie seekers #ad

You can waste a lot of time catering to people who are always on the lookout for free products. You may offer a free product to get them to opt in to your mailing list, and that may be the last thing they ever get from you, at least until the next time you offer something free. It doesn’t have to be this way. Certainly, you want to reward them... [Read more]

‘Facebook wants to be a tech news powerhouse’ – ‘Mashable’

Todd Wasserman says, “Facebook is trying to be your go-to source for tech news, rather than just a way to see baby pics and find out which friends are engaged. Seven months after introducing FB Newswire, the social networking giant on launched FB Techwire on Tuesday, a brand extension that will focus on industry happenings. Like FB Newswire, Techwire... [Read more]

‘Just how much of a ranking signal is HTTPS?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Michael Hewitt says, “Since Google announced that it is considering HTTPS protocols as a ranking signal, SEOs have speculated on the real impact of having a secure connection to your page. Our analysis shows that HTTPS could be making a significant impact. Google officially announced that a HTTPS protocol is regarded as a positive signal to its... [Read more]

‘Marketing Technology: Alignment and project management saves $1.6 million’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

David Kirkpatrick says, “At the enterprise level, when your company is regularly engaged in mergers and acquisitions, one challenge is bringing in all of the new teams from acquired companies, but sometimes the main company itself is diluted to the point where marketing teams aren’t really working in tandem. This case study tackles both of these... [Read more]

Free WSO: How to Make Your First $1 as an Affiliate Marketer #ad

Or your second dollar, even your 100th dollar. If you are a relatively new affiliate marketer, you might want to get this free WSO, How To Make Your First $1 As An Affiliate Marketer, by Reed Floren. Floren is releasing a series of free WSOs this month, each targeted at new marketers who would like to learn the basics of marketing online, Last week... [Read more]

‘Everyone has loyalty campaigns, but few get the data right’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Erin Haselk says, “It seems that every time I go into a store today, I am offered a loyalty card. From one of my favorite local restaurants to my shoe store VIP program, I feel like I am getting a host of emails and points at every turn. Statistics support my theory: according to a recent Experian Data Quality study, 91 percent of organizations... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Engaging consumers with the ‘Internet of Things’‘ Experian Webinar 2.00 pm ET

Experian team says, “Beyond smartphones and tablets, a seemingly endless list of essentially ordinary objects–like fitness trackers, cameras, car sensors, thermostats and much more–are syncing to the internet to do extraordinary things, improving efficiency and enabling more engaging brand experiences. Join our 30 minute webinar to... [Read more]

‘6 Tips For Building an Effective Email Retention Policy’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Kim Dunn says, “Email plays a vital role in modern business. It’s used to share ideas, discuss decisions and communicate changes. Without it most modern businesses couldn’t function. All that means is that email retention is another vital business function. Because emails are vital documents, they need to be retained just like every other important... [Read more]

Improve your optin rate with Optin Gate #ad

It's no secret that email is still one of the most powerful marketing tools available. That's because, you can use it to send people to all the other tools; to a video, to your blog, to a demo site, etc. And it can be more powerful if you are smart about how you use it... [Read more]

‘CHARTS: Facebook Is Gobbling Up YouTube’s Audience’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “Gobble, gobble. YouTube’s dominance of the worldwide video market is under threat as Facebook continues to ramp up its charge to increase its share of the lucrative online video market. In recent months Facebook began seeding autoplay videos into the News Feed, shortly followed by premium autoplay video ads;... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Email Marketing Benchmarks for 2014—How Do You Stack Up?’ eMarketer Webinar 1.00 pm ET

eMarketer team says, “The webinar will address these key questions: What are email marketing benchmarks for common metrics such as open rate and clickthrough rate, and what factors are affecting benchmark performance? How do benchmarks differ by industry, time of day or specific email marketing tactics such as automation? What trends and tactics... [Read more]

‘IS the Sales Enablement Space a Growth Marketing or a Hype Bubble Waiting to Burst?’ – Forrester

Scott Santucci says, “Just like everyone else, I’ve got an upcoming date with my couch that I am eagerly anticipating. My wine, full-stomach, tryptophan, football-induced, quasi-vegetated state known as Thanksgiving is fast approaching. We have a tradition at our house where each person at our table goes around and shares what they are thankful... [Read more]

Instant Video Templates V4 for professional videos #ad

Peter Beattie has released a new set of '14 Animated Video Templates & Video Sketch Graphics'. This is his fourth set,  targeted to internet marketers who want to create explainer videos and to consultants working with local businesses... [Read more]

‘Firefox to switch default search from Google to Yahoo’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Yahoo will soon be the default search engine on Firefox browsers. Mozilla CEO Chris Beard announced the new five-year partnership in a post on the company’s blog Wednesday. “Our new search strategy doubles down on our commitment to make Firefox a browser for everyone,” Beard wrote. “We believe it will... [Read more]

‘How a Simple Promotion Framework Can Support a Powerful Content Strategy’ – HubSpot

Holly Hammond says, “Content marketing is all about who sees your content and how often. But as content marketers, we know there’s more to marketing your content than throwing it out into the universe and seeing what sticks. We have a wide array of platforms, tools and knowledge at our fingertips that allow us to get a little help in rounding... [Read more]

‘10 data-visualisations that prove information is beautiful’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “One of my favourite talks from last week’s Festival of Marketing was by David McCandless from Information is Beautiful. McCandless is an independent data journalist and information designer. His passion is visualising information. Wait come back! Communicating data in its raw form can be incredibly difficult to do... [Read more]

Bertus Engelbrecht's solution for getting ahead, online #ad

Have you ever wondered, “If I had the tools that the successful guys have, could I be successful too?”  If so, check out Bertus Engelbrecht's new 'Internet Cash Explosion'... [Read more]

‘YouTube Superstar Michelle Phan Shares Her Tips For Building A Social Media Brand’ – Business Insider

Madeline Stone says, “With more than 7 YouTube million subscribers, her own L’Oreal line, and a growing e-commerce beauty startup, hair-and-makeup guru Michelle Phan is one of the most successful YouTubers ever. But getting to the top was no easy task. Phan told Re/code that she was once rejected from a job at a Lancome makeup counter because... [Read more]

‘Why Your Social Media Campaign is Performing at 1/7th of Its Potential’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Chad Pollitt says, “There are two types of social media consultants/companies out there in the netherworld of marketing – Social media professionals that know and love content marketing and social media practitioners that either don’t know or don’t care about content marketing. Social media campaigns with a robust content marketing strategy... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing Benchmarks for 2014—How Do You Stack Up?’ eMarketer Webinar November 20

eMarketer team says, “The webinar will address these key questions: What are email marketing benchmarks for common metrics such as open rate and clickthrough rate, and what factors are affecting benchmark performance? How do benchmarks differ by industry, time of day or specific email marketing tactics such as automation? What trends and tactics... [Read more]

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