IM NewsWatch, November 18, 2014 - 'How to Structure a Marketing Team of Any Size – HubSpot' and much more...

November 18th, 2014 at 8:45 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

‘5 Common Business Blogging Hurdles; How to Overcome’ – ‘Web Marketing Today’ Article

Pamella Neely says, “Content marketing can be overwhelming. There are so many tactics to try, and so much work to do. But despite all the complexity and work, there is one content marketing tactic that beats everything else: blogging. In fact, if you could only do one piece of the content marketing puzzle, it should be a blog. That’s my opinion,... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Increase Conversion Rates This Holiday Season’ – Silverpop Blog

Todd McCormickValentine says, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas — at least inside retail stores. Now it’s time to make sure your digital marketing is just as ready for the holiday shopping season. Gift-givers who aren’t already buying are at least making their shopping lists. If you can engage buyers with digital marketing... [Read more]

‘Peak Google? Not Even Close’ by Aaron Wall

Wall says, “Google owns search, but are they a one trick pony? A couple weeks ago Ben Thompson published an interesting article suggestingGoogle may follow IBM and Microsoft in peaking, perhaps with native ads becoming more dominant than online search ads. According to Forrester, in a couple years digital ad spend will overtake TV ad spend. In spite... [Read more]

Paul Smithson’s Closing Down Sale; great bargain #ad

Paul Smithson is well known in internet marketing circles (or at least his product is). For about 10 years, Smithson has produced the well-known website builder, XSitePro. After the success of XSitePro, Smithson created additional software that marketers have also embraced: XHeaderPro, XCommentPro and more. Smithson has run his business as a “one... [Read more]

‘Facebook Has Finally Killed Organic Reach. What Should Marketers Do Next?’ – Forrester

Nate Elliott says, “After years of pushing brands’ reach lower with one hand (and opening marketers’ wallets with the other) Facebook has finally announced the end of organic social marketing on its site. In a Friday night blog post the social giant warned brands that “Beginning in January 2015, people will see less of this type of content... [Read more]

‘Snapchat lets you transfer money to friends with Snapcash’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzese says, “If it feels like your money keeps disappearing, this won’t help. Snapchat has announced a partnership with mobile payments service Square to introduce Snapcash, a payments feature that lets you transfer money between accounts on the ephemeral photo-sharing platform. SEE ALSO: 9 Snapchat Tips and Tricks You May Not Know... [Read more]

‘Why Facebook For Work Will Be A Hard Sell To Employers’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Lauren Orsini says, “If your office blocks Internet access to Facebook, odds are it doesn’t block LinkedIn, too. Facebook thinks that’s no fair. Now, the social network is building “Facebook at Work,” a version of its site for the workplace. According to the Financial Times, the site will look like Facebook proper, but allow employees... [Read more]

Your free access to SP TubeX will be removed shortly #ad

We have been telling you about Peter Garety‘s: • Free training webinar today • Offer to give you his SPTubeX recorded training • His upcoming new product. for several days now. Today is the culmination of all his preparation. His seminar is at 10AM Eastern, 7AM Pacific, today. If you see this notice before then, register... [Read more]

‘Social Selling is About Opening, Not Closing’ – LinkedIn Pulse

Greg Hyer says, “sThe strategy of “Always Be Closing” was popularized by the 1992 movie, “Glengarry Glen Ross.” It’s a mindset that has all too often confused sales people into rushing through the sales process just so they can start working on a new prospect. Some would call it “Sales Efficiency.” I... [Read more]

‘How to Structure a Marketing Team of Any Size’ – HubSpot

Mike Volpe says, “A few hours after giving my session atINBOUND 2014 on how to build an inbound team, a colleague of mine told me there was one slide in my presentation that caused around 80% of the audience to stand up and take pictures with their phones. The slide illustrates exactly how marketing leaders should structure their teams in different... [Read more]

‘Co-creation: The next realization of value-based marketing’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Jessica Lorenz says, ““If I am your ideal customer, why should I purchase your product rather than any other product?” – Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director, MECLABS (parent company of MarketingExperiments) At MarketingExperiments, researchers have used this question to develop value propositions over the past 20 years. Many things have changed... [Read more]

Boost Your Site’s Authority, Traffic & Sales #ad

Maybe you have heard the Papa John’s Pizza ad that says “Better ingredients make better pizza.” Well, in the internet marketing world, we have a similar slogan” Better backlinks make better ranking.” Dan Tierney, known of the Warrior Forum as Daddyoh has just released a new product that offers top-quality backlinks, so... [Read more]

‘How to Use Paid Social Amplification for Your Brand’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jennifer Landry says, “Though some marketers think social amplification is just another form of advertising, it’s actually a very useful tool for your marketing strategy. Social amplification enables brands to amplify the reach of organic content and grow a community of loyal customers and brand advocates. It also helps brands reach the... [Read more]

‘What You Need to Know to Make a Living as a Blogger Right Now’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “The average blogger only has two concerns. The first is obscurity. She is a total stranger in a vast world loaded with people — unknown, inconspicuous, and insignificant. Odd, considering there are so many people online. But it’s a simple law: We all start at the bottom. One recent study discovered that the average... [Read more]

‘The Coming Integration of PR and SEO’ – MOZ Blog

Samuel Scott says, “Earlier this year, I published a Moz post that aimed to introduce the basic principles of public relations that SEOs and digital marketers, I argued, need to know. (Specifically, the post was on media relations and story-pitching as a means of getting coverage and “earning” good links.) Following the positive response... [Read more]

Internet Cash Explosion: a premium PLR training package #ad

At 11 AM EST, Bertus Engelbrecht is releasing a large PLR package of such high quality today. He calls it: Internet Cash Explosion. It’s a step by step action-orientated course that shows you how to start making money online and build a profitable online business. It comes with white label rights, so that you can set it up as a “business... [Read more]

‘A recipe for shareable content’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Trisha Brandon says, “As a digital marketer, you’re doing all the right things for your brand, including investing in content marketing, right? Of course you are. And the difference between brands that are doing content marketing well and those who do it brilliantly boils down to one question: is your content being shared, commented on and discussed? And... [Read more]

‘AvantLink Launches Affiliate Network in Australia’ by Shawn Collins

Collins Says, “AvantLink has launched an affiliate network dedicated to the Australian market. The United States based network also has AvantLink Canada, which launched in 2012. The tools available on the existing AvantLink platforms will also be available on the Australian network. Affiliates who are already in the U.S. and/or Canada AvantLink are... [Read more]

‘Facebook Kills “Like Gates”: What it Means for You and What to do Next’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

Adam Hansen says, “As of November 5th, 2014 Facebook has officially killed the Like Gate, in one of the biggest social media marketing updates in latest memory. This change was announced back in August, so it’s not taking anyone by surprise or anything. However, it still has huge impacts on how businesses run social media marketing campaigns on... [Read more]

SEO secret that gives hundreds of first page rankings #ad

Peter Garety is getting ready for a major product launch tomorrow. He is excited about the new product since he expects it to help you get hundreds of first page rankings without spending thousands of dollars or wasting weeks in experimentation. Garety has done the experimentation already, and he has found a very effective SEO Formula, time tested and... [Read more]

’12 Tips to Help You Conquer Your Direct Marketing Campaign Challenges’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Julie Knight says, “Creatives obsess about fonts and graphics in marketing material, and lawyers fret about legal compliance in marketing and advertising campaigns—and all that is important—but the core driver of campaign success is deeper down… in the customer data that fuels it. Because data’s harder to get a grip on than logos,... [Read more]

‘US Mobile Payments Will Reach $142B By 2019’ – Forrester

Denée Carrington says, “The media frenzy around mobile payments — most recently Apple Pay — has reached fever pitch and led some industry spectators to conclude that a payments revolution is at hand. Not so. The adoption of mobile payments is an evolution — not a revolution — and the evolution is well underway. Although the landscape... [Read more]

‘A Step-by-Step Checklist to Making Your Website Mobile Friendly’ – HubSpot

Jessica Plunket says, “Optimizing your web presence for mobile is a digital marketing no-brainer. With more than 60% of U.S. adults owning a smartphone and more than half of consumers saying they won’t return to a website if it doesn’t work right on mobile (Business2Community 2014), it’s not a question of when to establish a mobile presence,... [Read more]

Real Estate Lead Finder software for consultants #ad

Luther Landro specializes in helping offline businesses market their services better. He has had good success in working with real estate businesses to build their client list and benefit from the subsequent sales.... [Read more]

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