IM NewsWatch, November 16, 2015 - '46 Percent of Holiday Shopping, Buying Will Be Online – Small Business Trends' and much more...

November 16th, 2015 at 9:19 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, November 15, 2015

‘Inspiration Station: 6 Killer Marketing Tips from Actual Business Owners’ – ‘’ Blog

Dan Steiner says, “From the time a new business launches, its entrepreneurs are thinking about marketing. What social media posts should deploy, when? Should those posts include visual media or simply be text based? Whatever marketing strategy an entrepreneur takes, it always seems there might be something more that can be done to really catch... [Read more]

‘2015 Holiday Shoppers: When, Where, and How They Plan to Buy’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “For this holiday season, 80% of consumers plan to spend as much as or more than they did last year, according to a recent report from SAS. The report was based on data from a survey of 3,458 consumers in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. The US leads expected spending growth, with 29% of US respondents saying... [Read more]

‘Email Courses 101: How to Use Autoresponders to Write an Email Course’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “I believe that one of the greatest little pleasures in life is coming home and finding a package addressed to me on my doorstep. It never fails – even if I ordered something as pedestrian as socks, I still get excited. When your subscribers see your emails in their inbox, you want them to be as excited as I am when I... [Read more]

Easy Video Sales Letters get even easier in EasyVSL 2.0 #ad

Mark Thompson and Matt Callen are releasing their upgraded version of EasyVSL, called (naturally enough) EasyVSL 2.0. If you bought the original version a year ago when it was announced, you will be happy to know that they have a special upgrade offer here, beginning at 11 AM EST, EasyVSL 2.0. If you didn’t invest before, you may not be aware... [Read more]

’46 Percent of Holiday Shopping, Buying Will Be Online’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Michael Guta says, “As Black Friday 2015 fast approaches, shoppers and retailers are getting ready for the single busiest day of the year. In the U.S. alone, $9.1 billion was spent by shoppers in stores in 2014, which doesn’t include online sales. However, a new survey conducted by Prosper Insights and Analytics on behalf of the National Retail... [Read more]

‘Amazon continues a store play and revs up holiday messaging’ – Internet Retailer

Allison Enright says, “Consumers can pick up their Amazon orders in more locations and find Amazon gadgets in stores this holiday season. Inc. this week continued to set up for holiday season sales, announcing distribution agreements and new order pickup options for consumers. It also began marketing its discounts for Black Friday. Amazon... [Read more]

‘The 4 Easiest Ways to Supercharge Your Social-Media Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Pratik Dholakiya says, “If you’re curious for ways to grow your social media numbers, to have more success, to get more followers and more clicks, the absolute best piece of advice we’ve found is to keep trying new things. Always be testing. Need inspiration? I’ve drummed up 30 new, small, and simple experiments and growth hacks you can... [Read more]

How to Sell More Products online with the same work #ad

FunnelKit Go is a WordPress plugin that lets you to create squeeze pages, sales pages, webinar pages, upsell pages, downsell pages, and thank you pages in a matter of minutes.... [Read more]

‘Yandex Takes Fight Against Google & Android To European Commission’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Prompted by a complaint from Yandex, Russia’s antitrust regulator found that Google-required pre-installed Android apps violated Russian competition laws. Yandex is now taking the fight to Europe, which is already investigating the issue. According to Reuters, Yandex has similarly complained that pre-installed Google apps... nbsp;[Read more]

‘How to get the most out of user-generated content’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “It was a busy day at the Festival of Marketing yesterday, and what better way to round it off than listening to a talk from the top marketer at one of the UK’s biggest brands. Tom Malleschitz, Chief Marketing Officer at Three UK, was on the Content Marketing stage discussing how brands can embrace the rise of user-generated... [Read more]

‘3 Resources to Help Content Marketers Learn About Smart Web Design’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Stefanie Flaxman says, “I like to snack. I’m a big snacker. And I like to examine the packaging that houses my snacks. It’s a side effect of being a content marketer. Recently, I studied the wrapper of a granola bar. One side listed the ingredients, and the other side was white with small, green polka dots. Polka dots seem upbeat and happy... [Read more]

Fire sale for Marketing Consultants #ad

If you consult with local businesses, helping them to get an online presence, you know that sometimes it can be tough to get their attention and convince them that the investment in an online presence will pay off.... [Read more]

‘How to Prioritize SEO Tasks & Invest in High-Value Work Items’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “One thing we can all agree on: there’s a lot to think about when it comes to your SEO tasks. Even for the most organized among us, it can be really difficult to prioritize our to-dos and make sure we’re getting the highest return on them. In this week’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand tackles the question that’s... [Read more]

‘3 Lessons From Shia LaBeouf on How to Go Viral’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Courtney Eckerle says, “Marketers ask all the time, “How can we make our marketing go viral?” It’s a little like saying, “Let’s plan to be spontaneous” — as pointless as it is ironic. You can’t make anything go viral. It’s a mysterious and oftentimes random set of elements that leads to online sharing and discussion, even if... [Read more]

‘8 Ways to Refresh Your Online Marketing Campaign’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Matei Gavril says, “When your business was just starting out, you probably put a basic marketing plan in place. For most small businesses, this means setting up social media accounts, defining their ideal customer and working out ways to optimize your site for conversions. As the company grows, the marketing plan gets adapted and can deviate from... [Read more]

11 Business Models to Change the Way You Run Your Business #ad

Well-known and respected marketing trainer Yanik Silver has released his new book 'Evolved Enterprise - How To Re-Think, Re-imagine, & Re-invent Your Business To Deliver Meaningful Impact & Even Greater Profits'. Silver is giving away a batch of paperback copies (at cost; he give you a breakdown of the costs on his offer page) as part of his initial launch... [Read more]

‘Don’t Be Deceived: Fake Reviews Are A Real Marketing Problem’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Sara Spivey says, “As an industry, we’re at a major crossroads. Ninety percent of consumers say their buying decisions are influenced by online reviews, yet seven out of 10 US and UK consumers have questioned their trustworthiness. This is a problem. Consumers have a basic right to trust the reviews they read online; reviews, after all, are... [Read more]

‘How to Use Heuristics to Your Marketing Advantage’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Cam Secore says, “Marketers and advertisers who understand the importance of customer behavior and psychology consider heuristics (simple, efficient rules—mental shortcuts—that people use to form judgments and make decisions) to target their markets. Consider the following heuristics and how you can implement associated notions into your... [Read more]

‘4 Marketing Tips for Making Your Social Media Presence Stand Out on Mobile’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Entrepreneur team says, “People now spend more time on their smartphones than desktop computers, according to KPCB’s latest data on Internet trends. Though many users rely on mobile devices to check email and text, many also use mobile devices to connect with their social networks. In fact, a study conducted by IDC and Facebook revealed... [Read more]

eCom Premier Academy: Affordable training for eCommerce success #ad

eCommerce is a tried and proven way to earn a living online.  Build an online store where you sell what people want to buy, then promote your store properly to bring in traffic... [Read more]

‘Building brand loyalty in the next generation of commerce’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Glen Hartman says, “Believe it or not, a 16-year-old and his or her 56-year-old father are part of the same generation. This generation isn’t defined by age. Rather, its members share the same attitude towards how to apply digital technology to their most mundane, everyday tasks – from finding a parking spot or the latest news headlines,... [Read more]

‘Build Websites That Sell: 16 Ways To Increase Your Conversion Rate’ – ‘’ Blog

Huyen Truong says, “Increasing your conversion rates is crucial to high sales volume. Eye-catching and efficient website design is essential in driving your customers from your home page to making a purchase. There have been studies regarding both what attracts and deters consumers from a site that proves to be a useful lesson for business owners. Following... [Read more]

‘In the News: GoDaddy, Facebook Release New Marketing Tools’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

SBT Editor says, “Marketing any business requires several different tactics, from SEO to social media to advertising. This week, some big names, including GoDaddy and Facebook, added features that may help small businesses with some of these marketing tactics. Read on for these and more small business updates in this week’s Small Business Trends... [Read more]

‘Why Marketers Should Push for Machine Learning-Based Fraud Detection’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Berry Levine says, “When it comes to user fraud, marketers should push for machine learning systems to replace rule-based ones. That’s the viewpoint of Jason Tan, CEO/co-founder of San Francisco-based Sift Science. Of course, it would be shocking if he didn’t feel that way, since his company — started by several former Google engineers... [Read more]

‘When Consumers Engage With Black Friday Emails and Social Posts’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Do people prefer to receive Black Friday promotional messages on the day itself or beforehand? Is there a difference between how consumers engage with emails and Facebook posts in the week leading up to retailers’ big sales? To find out, Yesmail examined 2013 and 2014 data from 50 major retailers, including Macy’s... [Read more]

‘WSJ: Facebook Considers Changes To Instant Article Ads After Publisher Concerns’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Faced with publisher concerns that they aren’t earning enough revenue from Instant Articles, Facebook is experimenting with changes to advertising within the program,according to the Wall Street Journal. At issue are the restrictions the social network places on ads within the Instant Article format. Facebook only allows... [Read more]

‘Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads: Which is Better?’ – ‘’ Blog

Zac Johnson says, “When it comes to marketing your brand or business online, you have a lot of options. Two of the most popular and effective ways to drive massive traffic and leads back to your business is through the use of Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Both completely unique, different, similar and extremely effective at the same time. Whether... [Read more]


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