IM NewsWatch, November 14, 2014 - 'Why your content marketing should be insanely honest – Econsultancy' and much more...

November 14th, 2014 at 8:55 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, November 14, 2014

‘The Internet of Things is heading mainstream this holiday season’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Katie Oakes says, “The Internet of Things — everyday objects that connect to the internet and other smart devices — used to be reserved for ‘geeks’ and ‘techies.’ But as the holiday season approaches and more and more smart products are released into the market, interest in the Internet of Things is growing rapidly. In fact, since... [Read more]

‘Creating an Engaging Website 101’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Chirag Leuva says, “Never underestimate the importance of an attractive and personalized website. The attention span of Web users has been waning day by day. One needs to take advantage of various elements for keeping their interest in every possible way. The first step to preserving the interest is the appealing design and some useful and informative... [Read more]

‘Report: Nearly 60% Of Video Shares Worldwide Occur On Facebook’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Taking a look at how the whole world shares video, video metrics company Unruly discovered a large majority of videos shares are happening on Facebook. Based on data derived from Unruly’s Viral Video Chart, the report analyzed more than 521 billion video views and tracked global sharing patterns for videos across social... [Read more]

Real Estate Lead Finder software for consultants #ad

Luther Landro specializes in helping offline businesses market their services better. He has had good success in working with real estate businesses to build their client list and benefit from the subsequent sales. One secret of his success is the Real Estate Lead Finder he created. This software finds motivated sellers so you can them with real estate... [Read more]

‘Apple Has Rocketed To A New All-Time High Market Valuation’ – Business Insider

Jay Yarow says, “Apple’s shares are up 1.64% today to $113.45. This is a new all-time high for the stock. More importantly, its pushing Apple’s market cap to its highest ever value at $663.2 billion. Apple’s previous market cap high was $658 billion in September of 2012. After that, things got ugly. It crashed to $373.65 billion... [Read more]

‘Internet Of Things Software Platforms Will Become The Rage In 2015’ – Forrester

Frank Gillette says, “The hype around the Internet of things was on full display over the last six weeks, with announcements and events from vendors such as ARM, Cisco, GE, IBM, Intel, PTC, and others. Much of the hype has focused on the possibility of saving lots of money because of all the new information that can help improve utilization... [Read more]

‘Why Customer Retention Is Crucial for Mobile Marketing’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Sasha Zinevych says, “If you are ready to refresh your marketing strategy by incorporating a very promising digital channel not yet entered by your competitors, think about going mobile. You should do so for several reasons. Mobile apps are developing into a primary digital channel for many reasons: Image source:, AppTap raises $1.5M to... [Read more]

Help baby boomers reclaim their youth #ad

Rick Warid has a personal fitness PLR product to help people improve their health and Reclaim their Youth, and he is offering to let you place your name on it and sell it as your own in this lucrative market. This personal fitness e-book comes from his personal experience as a trainer in a leading gym chain for many years. He makes it easy for you.... [Read more]

‘3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Video Testimonials’ – HubSpot

Chase Cleckner says, “As a business, there are few things more important to us than our reputation, and we do everything we can to do great work and delight our clients. But how do you share the results of that hard work with potential clients or customers? One of the best ways to improve your business’s image is to use testimonials from happy... [Read more]

‘24% of Facebook ads are for counterfeit goods, study finds’ – ‘Mashable’

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai says, “Think twice before buying those shiny — yet extremely cheap — Ray Ban glasses advertised on Facebook. There’s a good chance they’re fake. At least, that’s the conclusion of a new study by two cybersecurity researchers who studied more than a thousand Facebook ads and found that almost a quarter... [Read more]

‘3 Unique Ways Brands Are Approaching Content Creation' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “With more content shared across digital and social media channels than ever before, companies like Mondelez, Marriott, and GE are re-thinking how great stories come to life. From offering a free place to stay in exchange for original content, to building dedicated content studios and partnering with creators, these companies are showcasing... [Read more]

9 Surefire Traffic Strategies; Reed Floren’s personal techniques #ad

Reed Floren is building his client list in the internet marketing niche as big as he can. To do this, he has released a series of free WSOs. He just released a new one he calls 9 Surefire Traffic Strategies. This is a video recording of his training session on getting traffic; most of his methods are free. He uses them. He likes them, and now he is... [Read more]

‘Customer Anxiety: One element of the MECLABS Conversion Heuristic explained’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Josh Wilson says, “If you have participated in a MECLABS, MarketingExperiments or MarketingSherpa event or education program, you may have been exposed to the patented Conversion Heuristic. It looks like this: C = 4m + 3v + 2(i – f) – 2a If you haven’t seen this before, it can be explained in minutes. However, it can take decades to master. My... [Read more]

‘Marketing Automation: Precor achieves 74% lift in new leads via segmented database overhaul’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “Precor, a top fitness equipment manufacturer, faced a challenge with its CRM system: it was not integrated with the lead nurturing cycle. The marketing team needed a way to identify profiles and personas for their potential customers in an attempt to leverage a holistic approach to the individual lead lifecycle. This candidate for... [Read more]

‘Why your content marketing should be insanely honest’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Velocity’s Doug Kessler spoke at the Festival of Marketingtoday on the topic of ‘Insane Honesty in Content Marketing’. As Doug explained, mere honesty is something that should be a given in marketing, for ethical reasons, but insane honesty is a choice. Essentially, it means sharing your weaknesses and showing... [Read more]

Bulletproof PBN: Rank your sites quickly #ad

Private Blog Networks (PBNs) are sets of sites linked together in a network, each with its own content, but all aimed at ultimately pointing to the site where you earn the most. These PBNs seem to be liked by the search engines, but without some guidance you may have trouble building an effective one... [Read more]

‘7 Ways to Find a Topical Market that Will Fuel Your Digital Commerce Business’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Robert Bruce says, “Before you get down to business online, you need to find the topic(s) and market(s) that can support that business. And, after answering your questions on digital sharecropping and content curation, that’s exactly what Brian and I get into on this week’s episode of Rainmaker FM. Listen in and check out the seven-part process... [Read more]

‘Videos from MozTalk: Blogger Edition’ – MOZ Blog

Charlene Inoncillo says, “We recently began offering free presentations at the Mozplex that we call MozTalks. For those who couldn’t attend the last one, where Rand and Geraldine (the Everywhereist) talked about creating successful blogs, we’ve now got videos online. We hope you enjoy, and that you’re able to make the next MozTalk!“. Videos... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s Latest “You Are The Product” Message: We Will, We Will, Sell You’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Helena A. S. Popkin says, “Facebook’s latest iteration of its privacy policy is both the shortest and clearest so far about what it means to do with your personal information: Squeeze it for all the money it’s worth. Your privacy settings won’t be changing, the social network explained Thursday in a blog post. But its rules for... [Read more]

PLR to 21 internet marketing products #ad

Paul Nicholls has created 21 internet marketing training products over the last few years, and has sold them, mostly as WSOs, to quite a few marketers... [Read more]

‘2015 Predictions: Big Changes In Store For App Dev Leaders’ – Forrester

Phil Murphy says, “The pace of change for App Dev leaders has always been rather hectic. In my 32+ years as an “apps guy” – I can’t recall a time when supply of technology resources ever fully satisfied all demand for the work that business leaders would like to do. Satisfying that demand has always been a challenging... [Read more]

‘Buzzfeed: brand relevance in the social web’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Buzzfeed has certainly arrived at the right place at the right time, taking advantage of an increasingly social web and curating a huge proportion of the content we see everyday in our news feeds. Buzzfeed has more than 150m unique views every month, 15m unique views in the UK with 75% of these coming from social and more... [Read more]

‘Why PR is Emerging as the New SEO’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Ronn Torossian says, “I know, it’s always a tricky thing to (try to) predict the future but it’s also a fun exercise. It’s a sound way to reflect about the past year and seeing bits and pieces that amount to, sometimes, an upcoming trend. With the social and mobile web and its fast evolution and adoption rates worldwide, digital marketing is... [Read more]

Having trouble building your mailing list? #ad

If you need a larger mailing list but are having trouble building it, Michael Somerville is offering to help with his 'Opt-in Leads, Done for You'... [Read more]

‘How (and Why) to Kick Off a Referral Sales Initiative’ – HubSpot

Joanne Black says, “When you’re looking for a new accountant, lawyer, technology solution, bank, or even hair stylist, I bet you don’t just pick one at random. Sure, you do a little Internet research. But when it’s time to narrow down the options, where do you turn? You ask the people you trust whothey trust. You ask them for referrals. Referrals... [Read more]

‘3 Secrets for Becoming More Relevant in Your Digital Marketing’ – Silverpop Blog

Ellen Valentine says, “When I meet with marketing teams, with everyone from executives to digital marketing specialists, they are almost always under some kind of pressure to produce results and improve their marketing metrics. They are working long hours to get things “out the door” and often, under a crush of obligations, lose sight of the... [Read more]

‘26 Ideas to Get More Traffic to Your Blog Using Guest Posts’ – Aweber Blog

Lynette Young says, “Traffic makes the web go ’round. There is a lot of talk about converting your website blog traffic into email list signups, but the catch is you need to have a good amount of traffic (people visiting your website) in the first place to drive email list signups! While there are many ways to entice people to visit your website... [Read more]

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