IM NewsWatch, November 13, 2015 - '5 Tips on How to Maximize Social-Media Efforts With a Small Team – Entrepreneur' and much more...

November 13th, 2015 at 9:03 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, November 12, 2015

‘When Consumers Engage With Black Friday Emails and Social Posts’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Do people prefer to receive Black Friday promotional messages on the day itself or beforehand? Is there a difference between how consumers engage with emails and Facebook posts in the week leading up to retailers’ big sales? To find out, Yesmail examined 2013 and 2014 data from 50 major retailers, including Macy’s... [Read more]

‘WSJ: Facebook Considers Changes To Instant Article Ads After Publisher Concerns’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Faced with publisher concerns that they aren’t earning enough revenue from Instant Articles, Facebook is experimenting with changes to advertising within the program,according to the Wall Street Journal. At issue are the restrictions the social network places on ads within the Instant Article format. Facebook only allows... [Read more]

‘Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads: Which is Better?’ – ‘’ Blog

Zac Johnson says, “When it comes to marketing your brand or business online, you have a lot of options. Two of the most popular and effective ways to drive massive traffic and leads back to your business is through the use of Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Both completely unique, different, similar and extremely effective at the same time. Whether... [Read more]

How to Sell More Products Online with the Same Work #ad

Today, Revolution Labs, a partnership of Pat Flanagan and Emilis Strimatis, is releasing the revised and enhanced version of the successful FunnelKit, their new FunnelKit Go.. FunnelKit Go is a WordPress plugin that lets you to create squeeze pages, sales pages, webinar pages, upsell pages, downsell pages, and thank you pages in a matter of minutes. This... [Read more]

‘30 Days Worth of Social Media Hacks and Experiments’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kevan Lee says, “If you’re curious for ways to grow your social media numbers, to have more success, to get more followers and more clicks, the absolute best piece of advice we’ve found is to keep trying new things. Always be testing. Need inspiration? I’ve drummed up 30 new, small, and simple experiments and growth hacks you can try this... [Read more]

‘Predictions 2016: The Digital Store Engagement Surprise’ – Forrester

Adam Silverman says, “We’ve all been told time again that the in-store shopping experience is undergoing seismic change. Technologies such as beacons, omnichannel fulfillment and in-store analytics have promised to change the definition of how a retail store engages with customers. And although iron-clad digital store success stories are few... [Read more]

‘3 Crucial Tests to Run Prior to Launching Your Website’ – HubSpot

Amanda Stockwell says, “The code has been written. The domain name secured. The branding guidelines are finalized, and the content is approved. You’re ready to launch the client’s website. However, there are a few things you should consider before pressing the “go live” button. Testing a website is often overlooked in the... [Read more]

Fire sale for Marketing Consultant Tools #ad

If you consult with local businesses, helping them to get an online presence, you know that sometimes it can be tough to get their attention and convince them that the investment in an online presence will pay off. Delivering the work is no picnic, either. The work can be simplified and the results can be improved if you have a mentor who has been there... [Read more]

‘An inspiring digital transformation case study: Travelex’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “Digital transformation case studies are difficult to come by. That’s why I was delighted to hear Sean Cornwell, Chief Digital Officer at Travelex, discussing the brand’s journey at the Festival of Marketing. Here’s what he had to say… The five Travelex tenets Focus on long term enterprise value creation.... [Read more]

‘4 Delightful Editing Tips to Make Your Words Dazzle and Dance’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Henneke says, “Do you ever read back a draft of your writing and wonder what happened? Red-cheeked, you thought your draft was complete. You felt excited. Brimming with enthusiasm. You knew it … this was going to be superb. Probably your best-ever blog post. Yay! You poured yourself a beer, feeling elated with your success. Any minor editing... [Read more]

‘Good News: We Launched a New Index Early! Let’s Also Talk About 2015’s Mozscape Index Woes’ – MOZ Blog

LokiAstari says, “Good news, everyone: November’s Mozscape index is here! And it’s arrived earlier than expected. Of late, we’ve faced some big challenges with the Mozscape index — and that’s hurt our customers and our data quality. I’m glad to say that we believe a lot of the troubles are now behind us and thatthis... [Read more]

11 Business Models to Change the Way You Run Your Business #ad

Well-known and respected marketing trainer Yanik Silver just released his new book Evolved Enterprise - How To Re-Think, Re-imagine, & Re-invent Your Business To Deliver Meaningful Impact & Even Greater Profits... [Read more]

‘4 Secret Ingredients For LinkedIn Content Marketing Success’ – ‘’ Blog

Andy Beohar says, “LinkedIn is a great platform through which to attract and engage with potential customers by distributing high-quality content. It is the social site favored by B2B companies, who generally struggle with using other social networks like Twitter and Instagram effectively. But while 94 percent of B2B companies use LinkedIn as... [Read more]

‘5 Tips on How to Maximize Social-Media Efforts With a Small Team’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Scott Langdon says, “No matter how small your business is, a good, strong social media strategy should be a vital part of your marketing efforts. An October 2015 study by Pew Research Center found that 65 percent of American adults surveyed use social networking sites, which means that if your business doesn’t have a presence there, you’re... [Read more]

’14 Free Tools That’ll Make It Easier to Run Your Business’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “Taking a great idea and turning it into a real, functioning, successful business requires quite a bit of work, sweat, and coffee. There are documents to be signed, prospects to be called, emails to be sent, and tweets to be posted. In other words, there’s never a shortage of tasks on your plate on any given day. Sure,... [Read more]

eCom Premier Academy: Affordable training for eCommerce success #ad

eCommerce is a tried and proven way to earn a living online.  Build an online store where you sell what people want to buy, then promote your store properly to bring in traffic. Sounds simple, and seen from 5,000 meters (15, 000 feet), it is simple... [Read more]

‘First Look: See Facebook’s 360-Degree Video Ads For AT&T, Samsung & Others’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook isn’t resting on its 8-billion-video-views-a-day laurels. The next step is 360-degree video, and today the company announced several updatesthat highlight its push to introduce more of the immersive video format into the News Feed. Of most interest to marketers is the testing of the first ads using the virtual-reality-like... [Read more]

‘Build Websites That Sell: 16 Ways To Increase Your Conversion Rate’ – ‘’ Blog

Huyen Truong says, “Increasing your conversion rates is crucial to high sales volume. Eye-catching and efficient website design is essential in driving your customers from your home page to making a purchase. There have been studies regarding both what attracts and deters consumers from a site that proves to be a useful lesson for business owners. Following... [Read more]

‘Technology for business augmentation’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Entrepreneur staff says, “HP Stream Mini The HP Stream Mini is the bargain-basement laptop to beat. But what if you want a desktop instead? Take a peek at the new HP Stream Mini. At just over 2 inches tall, 1.6 pounds light and a mere $180 out of your wallet, this tiny pastel blue nettop packs a surprising amount of value into the case. Sure,... [Read more]

Add a squeeze page to your WP site with new plugin #ad

Heri Rosyadi has just released his latest product, his 'Simple WP Squeeze Page Plugin'. There have been other plugins to build squeeze pages, but the new one from Rosyadi has some distinctive features... [Read more]

‘How to Use Heuristics to Your Marketing Advantage’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Cam Secore says, “Marketers and advertisers who understand the importance of customer behavior and psychology consider heuristics (simple, efficient rules—mental shortcuts—that people use to form judgments and make decisions) to target their markets. Consider the following heuristics and how you can implement associated notions into your marketing... [Read more]

‘From Ray-Bans to Reese’s Pieces: 13 Unforgettable Examples of Product Placement’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Whenever I’m watching a movie and I see a case of really obvious product placement, I can’t help but roll my eyes. But product placement is everywhere, from the famous Mini Cooper car chase in the 2003 film The Italian Job to the cans of Mountain Dew rewarded to the winning team on CBS’s television... [Read more]

‘Why You Should Build Your Own Products’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “In this new series on The Mainframe, hosts Tony Clark and Chris Garrett explore product creation as a way to build a profitable and sustainable business. Listen in to get all the details. In this episode of The Mainframe: Why products and services beat advertising as a business model The middle ground of affiliate marketing,... [Read more]

Five Ways Social Media Can Help Your Business

As a result of the evolution of the Internet, Social Media is now at the heart of the most effective online marketing strategies. These highly interactive sites where visitors can create input are hotbeds of influence and communication among their users. Because of the potential for both help and harm to your business, you can no longer afford to ignore... [Read more]

Fitting a 40-Hour Workweek into 16.7 Hours

In the latest issue of Fast Company Magazine.Chris Winfield has an article on effective work habits. By some of our poor habits, we stretch our work into more time than is actually needed. The result is time wasted that could be used for other things, in our others pursuits of life. Winfield set a goal for himself to reform his life from a workaholic... [Read more]

‘Alibaba’s Singles’ Day sales of $14 billion overtake China’s average daily retail sales’ – Internet Retailer

Frank Tong says, “Chinese consumers show their huge purchasing power in online shopping during the annual Singles’ Day event. A 24-hour shopping extravaganza has ended in China, and online consumers spent 91.217 billion yuan ($14.32 billion) on online marketplaces operated by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. That’s up 54% up from $9.30 billion... [Read more]


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