IM NewsWatch, November 13, 2014 - 'Uncovering The Cloaked Panda Update During Penguin 3.0 – MOZ' and much more...

November 13th, 2014 at 9:03 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, November 13, 2014

‘3 Secrets for Becoming More Relevant in Your Digital Marketing’ – Silverpop Blog

Ellen Valentine says, “When I meet with marketing teams, with everyone from executives to digital marketing specialists, they are almost always under some kind of pressure to produce results and improve their marketing metrics. They are working long hours to get things “out the door” and often, under a crush of obligations, lose sight of the... [Read more]

‘26 Ideas to Get More Traffic to Your Blog Using Guest Posts’ – Aweber Blog

Lynette Young says, “Traffic makes the web go ’round. There is a lot of talk about converting your website blog traffic into email list signups, but the catch is you need to have a good amount of traffic (people visiting your website) in the first place to drive email list signups! While there are many ways to entice people to visit your website... [Read more]

‘Mobile Shopping Behavior During the Holiday Season’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “More than half (53%) of US consumers say they will use a mobile device to research or purchase products this holiday season, according to a recent report from Burst Media. Among this group of active mobile researchers/shoppers, 59% say they will use their devices to assist in making holiday online purchases, and 46% say they... [Read more]

Bulletproof PBN: Rank your sites quickly #ad

Private Blog Networks (PBNs) are sets of sites linked together in a network, each with its own content, but all aimed at ultimately pointing to the site where you earn the most. These PBNs seem to be liked by the search engines, but without some guidance you may have trouble building an effective one. That’s why Jason Suli has created Bulletproof... [Read more]

‘Why Reputation Matters In Email Marketing & How You Can Change Yours’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Tom Sather says, “When is the last time you cursed the amount of spam reaching your personal inbox? If you are using one of the major webmail providers (Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, or, it’s likely been a very long time. Over the years, email providers have gotten pretty sophisticated with their email filtering, moving away from filtering... [Read more]

‘Twitter spells out its plan to build the largest daily audience in the world’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Twitter‘s top execs sent a clear to message to Twitter analysts and investors on Wednesday: Yes, we really do have a plan. During the company’s first Analyst Day event in San Francisco, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo revealed plans to reduce the friction of onboarding new users by introducing an “instant timeline”... [Read more]

‘Four key trends from our Value of Marketing research’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David MOth says, “At the Festival of Marketing today Econsultancy published the findings from the new Value of Marketing research, which investigates the sometimes difficult relationship between CMOs and CFOs. It highlights the difficulties in placing a value on marketing activities, with the majority of both marketers and finance professionals still... [Read more]

PLR to 21 internet marketing products #ad

Paul Nicholls has created 21 internet marketing training products over the last few years, and has sold them, mostly as WSOs, to quite a few marketers. Now, he is doing something he never did before: offering PLR rights to all his products, so you can resell these products as your own. The list is too long to show here, but you can see the whole list... [Read more]

‘5 Digital Marketing Trends for 2015’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Frederic Gonzalo says, “I know, it’s always a tricky thing to (try to) predict the future but it’s also a fun exercise. It’s a sound way to reflect about the past year and seeing bits and pieces that amount to, sometimes, an upcoming trend. With the social and mobile web and its fast evolution and adoption rates worldwide, digital marketing... [Read more]

‘Secure Your 2015 Social Marketing Budget Now’ – Forrester

Kim Celestre says, “The 2015 budgeting season is underway, and my colleague and Research Associate Mike Carpenter has provided some excellent guidance on how to secure the resources you will need to run your 2015 social marketing programs: Say the words social media marketing in a budget meeting and C-suiters immediately flip on their ROI blinders.... [Read more]

‘How Encrypting Your Website Improves Your Marketing’ – HubSpot

Scott Meyer says, “Encrypting your website improves not only strengthens its security– it can also help improves SEO and conversions. Here’s why It might be time to consider encrypting your entire site. Last month, our digital marketing firm 9 Clouds made the decision to encrypt our entire site. We originally made the decision because... [Read more]

Having trouble building your mailing list? #ad

If you need a larger mailing list but are having trouble building it, Michael Somerville is offering to help with his Opt-in Leads, Done for You. He will build your list using what he calls, “a unique system that will qualify leads and determine if they want to buy something or if they just want to take up space in your email manager.” All... [Read more]

‘The Danger of Crossing Algorithms: Uncovering The Cloaked Panda Update During Penguin 3.0’ – MOZ Blog

Glenn Gabe says, “Penguin 3.0 was one of the most anticipated algorithm updates in recent years when it rolled out on October 17, 2014. Penguin hadn’t run for over a year at that point, and there were many webmasters sitting in Penguin limbo waiting for recovery. They had cleaned up their link profiles, disavowed what they could, and were... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Converting Opens to Clicks: How 3 simple email changes led to a 27% increase in clickthrough rates’ MarketingExperiments Webinar 4.00 pm EDT

This is a reminder for MarketingExperiments’ email marketing webinar scheduled on November 13. MarketingExperiments team says, “The email marketing landscape is always changing. Today’s consumer rarely looks at an email with delight. The “You’ve got mail” days are long gone. The customer now scans through an inbox with a disposition... [Read more]

‘How to Read (and Decide) Your Marketing’s Fate’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Can you read what’s in the cards for your marketing campaigns? Some companies can—when they use the right tools and techniques. Here’s a look at three ways to predict the possible future of your marketing, according to Marketo. One tip is to write your marketing destiny. “Compared with ill-prepared... [Read more]

Simple CPA Profits for Anyone, even beginners #ad

Joey Quinn has produced a complete training program, Simple CPA Profits, V. 2, for anyone wanting to get into CPA marketing. Along with his partner, Adam, he has developed these lessons that start from scratch and take you all the way to advanced topics. You don’t have to know anything when you start, but you will know a lot when you finish. ... [Read more]

’10 Powerful Blogging Hacks for the Efficient Marketer’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “When I first started to blog for a living, I found it hard. Like, really hard. I always felt like I had writer’s block. It took me forever to write my first article that was over 1,000 words. And I certainly didn’t feel validated after I hit publish — the posts would rack up a handful of shares and views,... [Read more]

‘What to Look for in a Professional Content Writer’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “Every business needs content. Not the bland, me-too nonsense that so often clutters up our in-boxes and feeds, but genuinely useful, interesting content. Content that lets a business stand out amid the clutter and noise. Content that moves prospects closer to a sale. Content that can become a powerful differentiator for your... [Read more]

‘Here are all the ways Twitter as you know it is about to change’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Some analysts and investors have criticized Twitter for not doing enough to tweak its product and reignite user growth. The company sought to address that on Wednesday by promising to accelerate its pace of product innovation. During Twitter’s first-ever Analyst Day event, the Twitter team promised to launch new messaging,... [Read more]

How to get people to buy your product or service online #ad

Matt Bacak has just created a new training course, Buy Now – Hooks, Triggers and Buying Trances, to show you how to use sales psychology to improve your earnings. This training is actually a recorded conversation with Jo Han Mok, in which they discuss the psychology of online persuasion. In this conversation, Bacak and Mok shared ideas that... [Read more]

‘The single customer view: Is it really achievable?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Achieving a single customer view is supposedly the ultimate goal for digital marketers, but is it really feasible? Building this complete, joined-up view of the customer is a costly and time-consuming project, and while some have made decent progress, others still have a mountain to climb. A new report published today by Econsultancy... [Read more]

‘5 Tips for Tackling Marketing’s Busiest Time of the Year’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Danielle Forget says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year, marketers. It’s shopping season! From the eager parents getting all their Christmas shopping done early, to the shopping enthusiasts counting down the days until those Black Friday promotions. People are gearing up to shop, and they’re gearing up to shop now. To help get you through... [Read more]

‘The Ultimate Smarketing Glossary: 62 Common Sales Terms Explained for Marketers’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Sales and marketing teams are both responsible for the growth and revenue side of the business — and yet, many of them still tend to operate like two opposing teams. The goal of “smarketing” is to help bring sales and marketing together as one team, which involves constant, effective communication. It’s... [Read more]

Create Videos: Animation, Whiteboard Sketch & Even HD Videos #ad

There’s new video creation software available, Explaindio Video Creator Software. It combines the best features of Easy Sketch Pro and Video Maker FX into one easy to use program. With it, you can create videos for any purpose, such as: • Video Sales Letters • Marketing videos • Viral advertisement videos • Training... [Read more]

‘Digital Ad Performance by Device Type’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Consumers are still converting at a higher rate on desktops than on mobile devices, according to a recent report from Marin Software. The report was based on 3Q14 data from advertisers and agencies that invest in excess of $1 million annually on paid search, social, and display advertising channels. Average conversion rates... [Read more]

‘Bold Predictions For Mobile In 2015 From ad:tech New York’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Andrew Waber says, “In last month’s column, we looked at three different usage-based stats that help frame the mobile ecosystem for marketers. Now that we have a kind of “lay of the land,” we’ll touch on specific issues – ones that were brought up at November’s ad:tech New York show and seem destined to make an impact in 2015. “Phablets”... [Read more]

‘Engaging consumers with the ‘Internet of Things’‘ Experian Webinar November 20

Experian team says, “Beyond smartphones and tablets, a seemingly endless list of essentially ordinary objects–like fitness trackers, cameras, car sensors, thermostats and much more–are syncing to the internet to do extraordinary things, improving efficiency and enabling more engaging brand experiences. Join our 30 minute webinar to... [Read more]

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