IM NewsWatch, May 8, 2015 - 'Post Like a Pro: Social Media Tips for Every Small Business –' and much more...

May 8th, 2015 at 8:39 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, May 8, 2015

‘Cream of the Inbox: Small Businesses Doing Email Marketing Right’ – ‘’ Blog

Rachel Youngberg says, “The cream rises to the top…of the inbox. Email marketing is still a channel that many companies struggle with, but there are a few that have it figured out. While emails never look perfect in every client, app, and browser, there are ways to make the inbox experience more consistent. Email clients and apps are constantly... [Read more]

‘3 Reasons Customers Don’t Care About Your Content’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Aaron Agius says, “Content marketing is one of the most powerful strategies businesses can use to cultivate relationships with existing followers and reach new customers, but far too many brands fail to utilize this technique properly. According to a recent report from Forrester, 87 percent of brands struggle to create content that their customers... [Read more]

‘How Publishers Clearing House Used Real-time Marketing to Increase Online Engagement by 46%’ – MarketingSherpa Video

MarketingSherpa team says, “Publishers Clearing House is winning the real-time marketing game. Their online brand,, has delivered a personalized message to every visitor while they’re on the site, and each message has been customized to fit what the visitor is doing on the site. Since February 2013, this has helped Publishers Clearing... [Read more]

Overcome the latest Google penalty, “MobileGeddon” #ad

IM NewsWatch warned you about MobileGeddon. On April 21, 2015, Google changed its ranking algorithm to give preference to sites that are mobile friendly. All other sites have dropped in the rankings. In recent months there have been a lot of things webmasters have tinkered with, hoping to improve their rank, things like on social media, Instragram... [Read more]

‘How to Build Sales Tools (Content and Collateral) That Actually Work’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Mark Yeager says, “Salespeople spend a whopping 30 hours per month searching for and creating marketing collateral, according to the American Marketing Association. That’s a lot of time to spend on something they really shouldn’t have to do… Where are all those materials that are constantly being created by the marketing department?... [Read more]

‘What Our 15,000 Customers Taught Us About Business’ – HubSpot

Mike Volpe says, “As you may have seen, we shared some exciting news this morning: More than 15,000 customers now use the HubSpot Marketing Platform. As this is a pretty big milestone for the inbound marketing community, we wanted to make sure that we took the time to celebrate and thank all of our fantastic customers appropriately. So we... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s May Be A Poisoned Chalice’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “There is no free lunch, goes the saying. As it turns out, there is no free Internet, either. Facebook, to its credit, launched to try to bring free Internet access to people in emerging economies who may not otherwise be able to afford it. Along the way, the company has made all sorts of compromises to ensure it can... [Read more]

Beginning marketers plead, "Build My List" #ad

When it comes to getting sales and leads online, there is one thing that 99% of successful marketers use, an online mail list of email addresses (and usually names). Experienced marketers may have found ways to successfully build a mailing list. How about you?.. [Read more]

‘4 Copywriting Techniques for Engaging Podcasts and Audio Presentations’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “There’s nothing easier than audio content, right? Just fire up your recording software or teleseminar service and start talking away. Well, sure … but “easy to create” doesn’t guarantee anyone will listen (or keep listening). Take some time to structure and prepare for your recording, however, and you can crank out... [Read more]

‘Facebook study shows that you — not an algorithm — are your own worst enemy’ – ‘Mashable’

Andrew Freedman says, “When it comes to walling ourselves off from opposing political views using social media, we are our own worst enemies. That’s the conclusion of a new study by three researchers affiliated with Facebook, published today in the prominent journal Science. The study examined data from 10.1 million Facebook users to find... [Read more]

‘I Can’t Drive 155: Meta Descriptions in 2015′ – MOZ Blog

Dr. Peter J. Meyers says, “For years now, we (and many others) have been recommending keeping your Meta Descriptions shorter than about 155-160 characters. For months, people have been sending me examples of search snippets that clearly broke that rule, like this one (on a search for “hummingbird food”). For the record, this one clocks in... [Read more]

Price rising tonight: Niche Site Revolution builds authority #ad

Shane Paxton struggled for 5 long years to get his marketing business into the black and supporting his family. As he looked at his situation and the scant success he had, he realized that the difference between his site and his top competitors was the level of authority... [Read more]

‘Should marketers worry about the social media stock slowdown?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Twitter, LinkedIn and Yelp saw shares of their stock take big tumbles last week. The week prior, Facebook reported earnings that fell short of analyst expectations for revenue. Is social media hitting a speed bump, and if so, should marketers be alarmed? To be sure, social media companies are still growing at a rapid... [Read more]

‘Mobile Video Advertising Revenues Much Higher Than Impression Share — Report’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “You might still think of Opera as a browser company. However a number of strategic mobile advertising acquisitions over the past few years have transformed the company into a global advertising business that also happens to make a browser. Opera says it works with “90 percent of the Ad Age Top 100? and reaches a billion... [Read more]

‘Influencer Marketing on Instagram: The Next Frontier’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Entrepreneur team says, “You’ve heard of Instagram. You know that it’s massively popular. You know that some brands are using it in innovative ways to drive brand awareness and boost marketing results, but you don’t think it’s right for your business. Or is it? Instagram is the newest frontier in marketing, joining the... [Read more]

SVG Cartoon Video Graphic Kit: graphics for your online videos #ad

Online videos are being used more and more by the top marketing sites. It's no wonder; they grab attention and increase sales. It's not always easy to make your online videos look professional; you often need a boost from graphic artists who do this for a living... [Read more]

‘A Beginner’s Guide to Publishing on LinkedIn’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “Try as I may, I’ll never be able to recreate my mother’s tomato sauce recipe. It’s a science; a tried-and-tested formula that took her years to master. (Time well spent, if you ask me.) But the great thing about formulas is that they provide us with a starting point — a list of the elements we need to... [Read more]

‘Web Forms That Convert: Five Things to A/B-Test’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Alexandra Recasan says, “Contact forms, request-a-quote forms, market research forms, newsletter subscription forms… yeah, so many kinds of forms out there. If only you had a silver bullet for easily crafting a form that perfectly converts. But there isn’t one. And, anyway, it’s better to not chase after a unicorn flying over... [Read more]

‘Post Like a Pro: Social Media Tips for Every Small Business’ – ‘’ Blog

Jeson Hessom says, “You’ve heard it many times before: social media is where it’s at when it comes to promoting your business. It can increase public awareness of your brand, foster a connection with your customers and improve your search engine ranking. But how exactly can you achieve these results when you’re just starting out? After... [Read more]

Curate YouTube videos to build your business; with Tube List Pro #ad

Last week, IM NewsWatch reported the announcement of 'Tube List Pro', the best video curation software to date. This new software lets you add videos from YouTube to your website.  If your site is about gardening, for example, there are thousands of YouTube videos in the gardening niche... [Read more]

‘Facebook tests News Feed change that gives users more control over whose content they see’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Facebook is testing a News Feed feature that could eventually help brands alleviate some of the pains of algorithm changes that have for many resulted in less visibility for their content. As reported by Internet Retailer, the social networking giant is running a small experiment on mobile that allows users to explicitly... [Read more]

‘WordPress rolls out update to fix security flaw affecting millions of websites’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “WordPress users: Now would be an excellent time to make sure your system is up to date. The content management system rolled out an update Thursday that addressed a security flaw that affected millions of websites. The vulnerability, first spotted by security researchers at Sucuri, leaves affected websites susceptible to an... [Read more]

‘Facebook Strengthens Native Ad Tools For Audience Network Placements’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “Just over a year ago, Facebook launched “Audience Network”, a mobile ad network that helped extend marketers’ reach outside of Facebook. One of the unique ad options offered was a native ads API for both iOS and Android devices. Today native ads are getting a big boost with the release of new templates, a native ad manager... [Read more]

‘The Power of a Specific Offer to a Specific Prospect’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

David Kirkpatrick says, “Specificity converts. In marketing, there should be no such thing as a general message. The marketer communicates with an aim. This aim should dictate everything else we say. This aim should influence, even constrain, every word we say. — Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director and CEO, MECLABS Institute Specificity converts.... [Read more]

‘Content is dead. Long live the conversation’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Chris Sheen says, “Does content marketing need to evolve so it doesn’t go the way of the humble pager? We marketers talk about content and storytelling a lot, but we may have taken our eyes off the most important thing of all: what our customers think. A couple of weeks ago an article on LinkedIn piqued my interest. In ‘Is Trust the New... [Read more]

‘Stop Building Marketing Platforms For Marketers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jim Williams says, “As marketers, we have nearly 2,000 marketing technology products to choose from across 43 different categories. The staggering number of vendors available to us hasmore than doubled since last year. We can email, tweet, track, engage, predict, analyze, attribute, optimize and more. There is now a layer of technology (or even... [Read more]

‘The State of Small Businesses in 2015’ – ‘’ Blog

Betsy Scuteri says, “Small businesses are the forefront of our economy. In fact, every minute a new business in the U.S. is started and according to some people, more than 50% of all workers will be self-employed by 2020. Surprising to many, even with all of the interest in entrepreneurialism in America, there has actually been a downward trend... [Read more]

‘How to Promote and Profit From Podcasts’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Mitch Meyrson says, “While Apple didn’t invent podcasting, it certainly put it on the map, and the iTunes’ podcast directory is the primary place people go to find podcasts. This doesn’t mean that only Apple users can find and consume your podcast; listeners find and consume podcasts through any number of devices, mobile applications,... [Read more]

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