IM NewsWatch, May 6, 2015 - 'Guide For Creating Consistently Great Content – Entrepreneur' and much more...

May 6th, 2015 at 9:11 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

‘Google Says Mobile Search Volumes Pass Desktop, More Effective For App Discovery’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “In a blog post today Google reported that “more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and Japan.” Google declined to provide more color or detail beyond this statement — other than that “mobile” here means smartphones only. While there have been many conference... [Read more]

‘The Top-Rated SEO Tools by Marketers’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Which search engine optimization tools are marketers’ favorites? To find out, G2 Crowd recently examined 310 in-depth evaluations of SEO tools written on its software review platform by business and marketing professionals. The researchers ranked the tools based on customer satisfaction scores as well as the size of their... [Read more]

‘How Crazy Egg Tripled Their Email List and Increased Brand Loyalty’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “When Kathryn Aragon began her role as content manager at analytics company Crazy Eggtwo years ago, she faced a big problem: Crazy Egg’s email subscribers weren’t happy about getting emails every day. Their irritation turned into a negative brand perception that needed to change – and fast. Crazy Egg’s blog, The... [Read more]

Niche Site Revolution builds authority (Price rises tonight) #ad

Shane Paxton struggled for 5 long years to get his marketing business into the black and supporting his family. As he looked at his situation and the scant success he had, he realized that the difference between his site and his top competitors was the level of authority. Sites the search engines (chiefly, Google) consider “authority sites”... [Read more]

‘How to Bring Trust and Credibility to Your Website’ – Content Marketing Institute

Dianna Huff says, “What if I told you that the lack of a seemingly insignificant content asset on your B2B vendor website will potentially cause 44% of your visitors to leave? And, what if I told you that this same piece of content was deemed a “must have” or “very important” to 90% of buyers who need it to move forward with an inquiry,... [Read more]

‘The 4 Essentials to Building Your Brand on Social Media’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Aaron Agius says, “Whether you want to sell products, gain subscribers, persuade followers to a point or sway the hearts and minds of readers to your cause, they’ve got to know who you are in the first place. Your ability to encourage any of these actions comes from your brand’s authority — and one of the best ways to build that is... [Read more]

‘Social Media Marketing: How Lilly Pulitzer, Kahlua and Neiman Marcus use brand influencers’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Courtney Eckerle says, “Customers have long been wary of content sponsored by brands. This is probably because marketers have been trying to sneak it past them for years — the notorious “Sponsored Content” label, buried at the bottom in tiny font. The marketers from Lilly Pulitzer, Kahlua and Neiman Marcus — which have all been previously... [Read more]

SVG Cartoon Video Graphic Kit: Sales graphics for online videos #ad

Online videos are being used more and more by the top marketing sites. It's no wonder; they grab attention and increase sales. It's not always easy to make your online videos look professional; you often need a boost from graphic artists who do this for a living... [Read more]

‘Button Boost: How to Label and Design High-Converting Buttons’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Your website visitor hovers over your button, deciding whether or not to click. It’s the moment of truth! There’s a lot more to creating a high-converting button than simply getting the design right. Whether or not that button gets clicked depends on the button label, the text around the button, and even the content... [Read more]

‘Microsoft targets deceptive ads with SmartScreen Filter update’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Deceptive ads that attempt to trick users are a drag for consumers and typically don’t do publishers any long-term favours either. But they could become an even bigger liability for publishers thanks to a new feature Microsoft is adding to Internet Explorer. Starting today, Internet Explorer’s SmartScreen Filter... [Read more]

‘Periscope co-founder: Piracy standards don’t work for live video’ – ‘Mashable’

Christina Warren says, “Periscope co-founder Kayvon Beykpour was at TechCrunch Disrupt Tuesday, talking about his app, Android and of course, the Pacquiao-Mayweather fight. TechCrunch’s Sarah Lane opened the interview by asking Beykpour about the much-discussed Periscoping of the “fight of the century,” as well as the larger... [Read more]

Tube List Pro curates YouTube videos to build your business #ad

This new software lets you add videos from YouTube to your website.  If your site is about gardening, for example, there are thousands of YouTube videos in the gardening niche... [Read more]

‘3 Sales Closing Techniques, and Why They Work’ – HubSpot

Adam Wiggins says, “Closing. The make or break moment in sales. The final verdict that determines whether or not your efforts will amount to anything at all. It’s natural to feel apprehensive about it at first. However, were it not for that feeling of danger, there wouldn’t be so satisfying a thrill upon successfully closing a sale... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Make Your Online Ads More Clickable’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Ted Prodromou says, “We’ve all seen ads that grab our attention. But we’ve also seen ads that leave us speechless, wondering what the heck the advertiser was trying to accomplish. So how can you create text and banner ads on LinkedIn that attract your target audience? It starts with writing effective headlines. The key to writing successful... [Read more]

‘A Guide For Creating Consistently Great Content’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Brian Honigman says, “For those in the marketing industry, there’s very little doubt. Content marketing works. While there’s no debating that content marketing works, it only works if it’s done right; and one of the keys to doing content marketing right is to do it consistently. Woody Allen famously quipped that “80% of success is just... [Read more]

Video Maker Toolkit V2: 100s of SVGs for videos and more #ad

What do you need to make animated videos that really sell? Well, you could hire someone who claims to know how and pay them to make a video for you, try it and see if it works. It may not, and you start over again... [Read more]

‘How to Make a Mobile-Friendly Website’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “The search engine goliath Google hath laid down its wrath once again — this time targeting the mobile web. On April 21st, 2015, Google began rolling out its “mobile-friendly” update, which makes mobile-friendliness a stronger ranking factor for mobile searches. The aftermath of this rollout, dubbed “Mobilegeddon,”... [Read more]

‘Facebook Messenger had 1 million video calls in the first 2 days, Facebook says’ – ‘Mashable’

JP Mangalindan says, “It’s been just over a week since Facebook rolled out video chat for Messenger, and things already look promising for the app’s newest feature. According to the company, Messenger users made over 1 million video calls during those first two days after launch. Video calling is currently available in 18 markets,... [Read more]

‘How Fortnum & Mason increased mobile conversions by 57% with RWD’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Fortnum & Mason is the luxury department store residing at the heart of Piccadilly since 1707. This week, the 300 year-old retailer has launched a brand new responsive website, where it claims to provide the same level of customer service as it does in-store. Designed and developed by Red Badger, the team rather... [Read more]

Premium Doodle Ad Whiteboard Images for better videos #ad

This is the story of how videos (and the graphics in them) that convey emotion made Doodle Labs $414,400 last year with Whiteboard Videos... [Read more]

‘5 Ways To Master “Marketing-As-A-Service” Platforms For Account-Based Marketing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Thomas Koletas says, “Account-based marketing — the practice of marketing to an individual or prospect as an audience of one — is gaining efficacy with the latest wave of targeted advertising because it enables reaching an ever-more-specific audience on a much larger scale. When marketers leverage data and perform sophisticated analysis... [Read more]

‘The Four Principles of a Better Digital Brief’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jeff Roach says, “You want the best out of your digital marketing department and digital agencies. You want digital marketing that makes an emotional connection with consumers, propels your brand across technology platforms, and engages audiences in digital channels with real value to your brand. As we continue to ask for the most out of our... [Read more]

‘Ready, Set, Register: The Agenda for INBOUND 2015 Is Out’ – HubSpot

Corey Eridon says, “My decision to attend a conference usually comes down to one thing: The agenda. (Unless it’s somewhere warm. When there’s sun and sand I care way less about agendas.) The HubSpot events team has had a light version of the INBOUND agenda up on the website for some time now, but I’m very pleased to share... [Read more]

‘8 Ways to Scale a One-Person Content Team’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Mark Walker says, “Everyone wants to get in on the content marketing act these days. According the Content Marketing Institute’s 2015 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends Report, 86 percent of B2B marketers are now using content marketing as a tactic, and 70 percent of those surveyed are creating more content than they did a year ago. It’s not... [Read more]

‘Four Online Marketing Metrics That Actually Matter’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Larry Kim says, “A few weeks ago, I shared with you six stupid marketing metrics that need to die. The response of readers was overwhelming. Dozens of marketers reached out here at MarketingProfs and on Twitter and asked variations of the question in the following comment: I love the topic, Larry. Your article is really clever and has finally... [Read more]

‘The Twitch Phenomenon: Why Live Streaming Is Worth Your Time’ – MOZ Blog

Troy Evans says, “It’s safe to say that streaming video content online is quickly becoming the most accessible way to consume entertainment. The way we enjoy our favorite movies and television shows has been increasingly shifting towards uninterrupted (and possibly unhealthy) periods of ‘binge watching’. Easy and affordable alternatives... [Read more]


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