IM NewsWatch, May 6, 2014 - ‘Over 100 B2B Content Marketing Statistics for 2014 – TopRank Blog' and much more...

May 6th, 2014 at 8:13 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

‘Twitter’s Big Deal With Amazon Is A Step Toward What Could Be A Huge New Revenue Stream’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “Twitter’s Big Deal With Amazon Is A Step Toward What Could Be A Huge New Revenue Stream”. Aaron Taube says, “Last week, Twitter’s Q1 earnings report sent its stock tumbling to an all-time low, even though the company beat analysts’ revenue expectations and reported... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s Organic Reach Decline: How To Respond In 4 Steps’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Facebook’s Organic Reach Decline: How To Respond In 4 Steps”. Pam Dyer says, “Brands that use Facebook for marketing have seen a sharp drop in engagement. The tight-lipped social network acknowledged as much in a leaked sales deck obtained by TechCrunch in December that... [Read more]

‘Simple steps for measuring email campaign effectiveness’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Simple steps for measuring email campaign effectiveness”. Ornaith Killen says, “As a follow on from a post I wrote in March, eight best practice tips for writing effective email copy, I’m tackling the wonderful topic of campaign effectiveness. This is quite an interesting... [Read more]

Chris Munch launches Hook Pages at 11 AM EDT #ad

Chris Munch is known as a prolific creator of marketing tools. His latest is Hook Pages. The key to hook pages is something Munch calls “pillar content”. He has created 3 videos available (with free opt-in) from his “soon-to-be sales page” that explains what he means. If you are short on time, skip video 1. There’s a lot... [Read more]

‘Google AdSense Conspiracy Theory Angers Online Publishers’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google AdSense Conspiracy Theory Angers Online Publishers”. Armand Valdes says, “An anonymous whistleblower, claiming to be a former Google employee, came out last week and posted a scathing exposé accusing Google of banning hundreds of web publishers from its AdSense advertising system. The... [Read more]

‘It’s May! Time to ramp up your holiday marketing plans’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog is titled “It’s May! Time to ramp up your holiday marketing plans”. Pamela Robertson says, “The holiday season is a big annual gift to marketers, but only if they know how, when and where to engage their best customers. Experian Marketing Services recently conducted a webinar designed... [Read more]

‘Over 100 B2B Content Marketing Statistics for 2014’ – TopRank Blog

The latest TopRank blog post is titled “Over 100 B2B Content Marketing Statistics for 2014”. Lee Odden says, “Thanks to Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs, each year there’s a new report covering the latest trends in B2B content marketing. From insourcing vs. outsourcing to the most effective tactics, there is plenty of insight... [Read more]

VideoMakerFX builds wide variety of animated marketing videos #ad

VideoMakerFX is the latest (and possibly, the best) choice for video creation software for marketers in any kind of business, It lets you make videos in a few minutes that look like professional productions costing hundreds of dollars. You can check out some of the sample videos on the sale page, all made in just minutes. VideoMakerFX is remarkably... [Read more]

‘How to Rewrite Private Label Rights Content’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “How to Rewrite Private Label Rights Content”. Gail says, “This past week I had a question from a member about rewriting PLR content – actually there were several from members and non-members. So, I put together this short video that will walk you through how to rewrite the content... [Read more]

‘Facebook Upgrades Video Metrics To Track Duration Of Views & Audience Retention’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Facebook Upgrades Video Metrics To Track Duration Of Views & Audience Retention”. Martin Beck says, “Aiming to give page owners and advertisers a better read on how videos are resonating with customers, Facebook is upgrading its video metrics offerings. Currently,... [Read more]

‘How to Write a Blog Post Outline: A Simple Formula to Follow’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Write a Blog Post Outline: A Simple Formula to Follow”. Ginny Soskey says, “What makes a blog post bad? There are lots of reasons a blog post could be less-than-perfect. Poor formatting. Poor grammar. Poor word choice. Poor shareability. The most pervasive problem? Poor flow. The... [Read more]

Even beginners can earn money online with The Foolproof Cash Flow System, #ad

The Foolproof Cash Flow System is now available to IM NewsWatch subscribers. It’s brand new, and different from the usual internet marketing training. WillJRMarketing just released this new training (and the software needed to implement it). Will, the owner of WillJR Marketing, explains how he is achieving over $1000 per day building websites... [Read more]

‘A 5-Step Framework for Conversion Rate Optimization’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “A 5-Step Framework for Conversion Rate Optimization”. Paddy Moogan says, “There is a problem with conversion rate optimization: It looks easy. Most of us with some experience working online can take a look at a website and quickly find problems that may prevent someone from converting into a customer. There... [Read more]

‘Landing Page Optimization: Multi-product page increases revenue 70%’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Landing Page Optimization: Multi-product page increases revenue 70%”. John Tackett says, “Finding the right balance of product and presentation on a landing page that markets multiple products can be a tricky endeavor as products compete for customer attention. In today’s MarketingExperiments... [Read more]

‘Is Native Advertising Ethical? (It Depends On Who You Ask)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Is Native Advertising Ethical? (It Depends On Who You Ask)”. Demian Farnworth says, “Let’s see. A dubious six-page insert in the Denver Post appears one Sunday. You flip through it and see articles like “Reclamation helps balance environment and energy needs” and “Colorado environmental... [Read more]

New Twitter marketing tool draws in more customers #ad

If you’re like most marketers, you are constantly searching for more optins because a larger mailing list of interested people has to benefit your business. If your current process isn’t working, you might want to try a new way to capture leads and build your list. When you aren’t getting the results you need, you can build your email... [Read more]

‘How To Invest Your Affiliate Income and Double It’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Invest Your Affiliate Income and Double It”. Chow says, “Do you make money online? If yes, then I’m sure you want to double it without doing extra work all by yourself. Well, it’s possible. The truth is that you can wisely invest your affiliate and online earnings and deliberately change your... [Read more]

‘How Often to Post to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn And More’ – Buffer Blog

The latest post on Buffer blog is titled “The Social Media Frequency Guide: How Often to Post to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn And More”. Kevan Lee says, “Subway has this sandwich with Fritos on it. I know this because their commercials play constantly on my TV and computer such that I nearly have the ads memorized. Every time their commercial... [Read more]

‘An Introductory Guide to Improving Your Local SEO’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “An Introductory Guide to Improving Your Local SEO”. Paul Schmidt says, “Whether you have a single store front or a nationally based chain, a local SEO strategy is key to driving more prospects through your doors. By optimizing specific parts of your site, you increase your prospects’... [Read more]

OptinLinks gets reluctant visitors to opt in #ad

Kevin Strong and his partner, Don have just released a new WordPress plugin that they describe as able to quadruple optins compared with typical squeeze pages. They call it OptinLinks. It uses what they describe as a “two-step opt-in process.” Typically squeeze pages make an offer. Then they require an opt-in before they deliver the offer.... [Read more]

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