IM NewsWatch, May 5, 2015 - 'Four Online Marketing Metrics That Actually Matter – MarketingProfs' and much more...

May 5th, 2015 at 9:14 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

‘8 Ways to Scale a One-Person Content Team’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Mark Walker says, “Everyone wants to get in on the content marketing act these days. According the Content Marketing Institute’s 2015 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends Report, 86 percent of B2B marketers are now using content marketing as a tactic, and 70 percent of those surveyed are creating more content than they did a year ago. It’s not... [Read more]

‘Four Online Marketing Metrics That Actually Matter’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Larry Kim says, “A few weeks ago, I shared with you six stupid marketing metrics that need to die. The response of readers was overwhelming. Dozens of marketers reached out here at MarketingProfs and on Twitter and asked variations of the question in the following comment: I love the topic, Larry. Your article is really clever and has finally... [Read more]

‘The Twitch Phenomenon: Why Live Streaming Is Worth Your Time’ – MOZ Blog

Troy Evans says, “It’s safe to say that streaming video content online is quickly becoming the most accessible way to consume entertainment. The way we enjoy our favorite movies and television shows has been increasingly shifting towards uninterrupted (and possibly unhealthy) periods of ‘binge watching’. Easy and affordable alternatives... [Read more]

SVG Cartoon Video Graphic Kit: Sales graphics for online videos #ad

Online videos are being used more and more by the top marketing sites. It’s no wonder; they grab attention and increase sales. It’s not always easy to make your online videos look professional; you often need a boost from graphic artists who do this for a living. As a result, we have been seeing many collections of graphic elements you can... [Read more]

‘Mobile Ad Experiences Are Often Terrible: Here’s Why There’s Hope’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Advertiser demand for display mobile ad inventory is finally catching up with consumer habits. Display ad spending on mobile is expected reach parity with desktop this year and account for three-quarters of display ad spending by 2019, according to eMarketer. But are users getting left out of the equation? Interstitials... [Read more]

‘A Much Better Revenue Model for Podcasting’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “It’s the new thing: 1. Start a podcast. 2. Attract an audience. 3. ??? 4. Profit! Sounds a lot like blogging in 2006. Problem is, with the exception of a few huge sites, it didn’t really work out that way for most bloggers. Which is why thinking in terms of content marketing and developing your own products took off... [Read more]

‘3 Other Social Media Platforms You Should Consider’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Deborah Mitchell says, “In April 2014, the World Wildlife Fund gave the world an inspiring lesson in social media and wildlife conservation by using Snapchat for its #LastSelfie campaign. The photography app, which allows users to view shared pictures and video for a few seconds before they’re automatically deleted, mimicked the very real... [Read more]

Tube List Pro curates YouTube videos to build your business #ad

Last week, IM NewsWatch reported the announcement of Tube List Pro, the best video curation software to date. This new software lets you add videos from YouTube to your website. If your site is about gardening, for example, there are thousands of YouTube videos in the gardening niche. Use these videos to build your site’s authority. Google is... [Read more]

‘Why Twitter is Trying to Turn Itself Into Facebook’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Joel Comm is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and consultant. He and Dave Taylor just co-wrote “twitter power 3.0,” the latest edition of his book first written in 2009. Joel has always been fascinated by computers and the internet, starting with his first TRS-80 Model 1 in 1980. In 1995, he started one of the first 18,000... [Read more]

‘The 5-Point Survival Guide to Blogging as a Business’ – Content Marketing Institute

Aaron Orendorff says, “Blogging is hard. Damn hard. And, not to be the bearer of bad news, but blogging as a business is even worse. In fact, even seven years ago, Technorati estimated that 95% of all blogs were outright failures, victims of abandonment by their creators. Why? Because day after day, week after week, post after post, to have... [Read more]

‘10 Twitter Chats Every Blogger Should Follow’ – Aweber Blog

Brandon Olson says, “The Twitter stream moves at an alarming 9,000 tweets per second. How in the world are you supposed to gain exposure for your blog when the news feed becomes outdated within seconds of posting your tweet? One of the best ways to break through the noise on Twitter is by participating in Twitter chats. It’s a great way to... [Read more]

Video Maker Toolkit V2: 100s of SVGs for videos and more #ad

What do you need to make animated videos that really sell? Well, you could hire someone who claims to know how and pay them to make a video for you, try it and see if it works. It may not, and you start over again... [Read more]

‘5 Cheap (or Free!) Digital Tools You Could Be Using for Your Ecommerce Site’ – HubSpot

Greg Wise says, “Marketing your ecommerce site takes money — sometimes money you don’t have. Fortunately, there are plenty of free and cheap tools out there to help you get the job done. Some are as simple as hashtag use in social media, while others may take a little more research and practice. In the end, if it helps you market your... [Read more]

‘Native Video: The Major Players & Why YouTube Should Be Scared’ – ‘’ Blog

Shayna Marks says, “Every day, people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views. Every minute, 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube. Every month, 1 billion unique visitors are watching content on the site. Marketers are well aware of video’s impact. In fact, 72% of them used YouTube to market their... [Read more]

‘6 Easy Ways to Grow Your Subscription-Based Startup’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Sujan Patel says, “Do have run a subscription-based business? If so, get your to-do list ready. As you may know, in a subscription-based business, even the smallest improvements can lead to serious compounding growth over time. So you should always be looking for ways to optimize your subscribers’ experience. Don’t know where to begin? Here... [Read more]

Premium Doodle Ad Whiteboard Images for better videos #ad

This is the story of how videos (and the graphics in them) that convey emotion made Doodle Labs $414,400 last year with Whiteboard Videos... [Read more]

‘Facebook opens to developers amid net neutrality uproar’ – ‘Mashable’

Samantha Murphy Kelly says, “Facebook is opening up its platform to developers as a part of a greater initiative to bring connectivity to the 4 billion people worldwide without access to the Internet. CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced in a video message and an official blog post on Monday that the company is opening up its platform to... [Read more]

‘Landing Page Optimization: Conversion increased 37% by reducing copy’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

David Kirkpatrick says, “In a recently published case study, run in the MarketingSherpa B2C Newsletter, we focused on a broad search engine marketing (SEM) effort by 911 Restoration, a property disaster recovery business. Paid search was an important element in that campaign, and testing and optimization on different elements also proved to be... [Read more]

‘Why You Need A Persona-Based Content Marketing Strategy’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Arnie Kuenn says, “You’ve heard it before: To be successful with content marketing, your content must be catered to the customer. More specifically, content should speak to customer pain points and challenges throughout the buyer’s journey. However, to create content that is truly targeted, you need to understand exactly who your buyers are... [Read more]

Software Store Creator: Shortcut to a profitable online store #ad

Brett Ingram sells software online to businesses and individuals who need to improve their business results. He's gotten good at it, and now he is sharing, not just his knowledge, but also his software that builds the online software stores, too, in his new product... [Read more]

‘How to Become a Pinterest Warrior and Vanquish the Competition’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Emily Konouchi says, “An estimated 70 million users are on Pinterest. To reach those Pinterest users, you need to form a content strategy. Just pinning haphazardly won’t make your company engage followers. You need to consider what types of pins you want to be pinning. Consider creating how-to boards, behind-the-scenes boards, inspiration... [Read more]

‘Thinking Small: Why Startups and Small Business Should Matter to Everyone’ – ‘’ Blog

Tony Uphoff says, “Earlier in my career, I ran InformationWeek, the leading media brand for tech professionals working in large enterprises. We developed an editorial advisory board that included senior technology executives from some of the largest companies in the world including Dupont, General Motors, Microsoft, General Electric and Sprint. At... [Read more]

‘The Current State of Data-Driven Marketing’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “There’s an old business adage that says, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” In other words, it’s impossible to know what’s working (and what’s not), if there are no defined metrics to judge success. While the vague “catchall” approach to marketing used to... [Read more]

Create Stunning Local Websites in Just a Few Minutes #ad

There’s a thriving marketing for online consulting for local businesses. There are many services you can offer, one of the most fundamental, one that many local businesses still need, is a website to attract customers... [Read more]

‘Google Takes On Pinterest With Google+ Collections’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Google+ pushed into Pinterest’s territory today, introducing a new feature to enables users to organize content by category. Called Collections, the new Google+ feature is very similar to Pinterest Boards and gives people the ability to create a space for their favorite things broken down by topic. Collections can be shared... [Read more]

‘Why User Experience Is the Best ROI Strategy’ – ‘’ Blog

Thomsa Stern says, “Like dad always said, anything worth doing is worth doing right the first time. Often it can be difficult to put in the resources upfront for a long-term payoff with no tangible return, but it’s those tough decisions that can generate big success. Your business is no exception to that golden rule. Planning ahead by understanding... [Read more]

‘The 11 Must-Use Social Media Strategies to Expand Your Brand’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Nina Zipkin says, “An integral part of your business success is reaching customers through inventive and comprehensive social-media marketing campaigns. Here are some tips to help build up your following and your brand. 1. Make your tweets stand out. If you don’t want your posts to get lost in the Twitter stream, make sure to include an... [Read more]

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