IM NewsWatch, May 4, 2016 - ‘Increase Your Marketing ROI with Free Content – Entrepreneur' and much more...

May 4th, 2016 at 9:21 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

‘Send Beautiful, Curated Email Newsletters with the Curate App’ – AWeber

Olivia Dello Buono says, “Creating consistent, high-quality content is the best way to keep your email subscribers happy and engaged. But not everyone is bursting at the seams with new content ideas, much less has the time to create neatly packaged emails to share those ideas. Now there’s a faster, easier way to keep in touch and share news... [Read more]

‘Got 10 Minutes? 6 Ways Small Business Can Boost Sales #DreamSmallBiz’ –

Tommy Wyher says, “Springtime doesn’t just mean nicer weather and blooming flowers. It’s also the time of year that small businesses are celebrated all across the United States during National Small Business Week. For small business owners, now is the time to leverage the “choose small business” momentum across the country and optimize... [Read more]

‘Increase Your Marketing ROI with Free Content’ – Entrepreneur

Eric Siu says, “Increasing your marketing return on investment (ROI) happens when you increase your returns, decrease your costs or both. Both, of course, is what most marketers aspire to, but it’s admittedly difficult to achieve. One of the easiest leverage points in the equation is to reduce costs, and that’s where free content comes in. No,... [Read more]

Profit Hackers Membership: Setting up a profitable marketing consultancy #ad

Luther Landro is no stranger to regular readers of IM NewsWatch. He has become known as a successful marketing consultant to brick and mortar businesses who want to develop an online presence that extends their ability to sell retail goods from their stores. Over the years he has refined his selling techniques and now regularly gets new retail customers.... [Read more]

‘Small Business Marketing Tactics Revealed in Infusionsoft, LeadPages Study’ – Small Business Trends

Paul Chaney says, “In December 2015, marketing automation technology company Infusionsoft, along with LeadPages, a maker of landing page software, conducted a marketing tactics survey of more than 1,000 small businesses across the U.S. regarding their use of digital marketing and published the findings in the “2016 Small Business Marketing... [Read more]

‘Digital Does Not Mean “Just Build a Website”‘ – HubSpot

Rob Ristango says, “Many traditional publishers have prematurely thrown in the towel on digital. “I have a website, but no one wants to advertise on it.” “I have an iPad version of my print magazine, but only a tiny fraction of my audience subscribes.” “I have made pdf’s of all my articles but no one is downloading them.” The problem... [Read more]

‘What Do B2B Marketers Really Do? Forrester Wants To Know’ – Forrester

Laura Ramos says, “Have you ever wondered about the tactical challenges B2B marketers (like you) face across role responsibilities like building brand/awareness, generating qualified demand, nurturing leads into qualified sales opportunities, enabling sales/channel partners to better close business, and expanding current customer relationships?... [Read more]

Build a profitable online club/ membership site #ad

For steady, growing income online it's hard to beat a "club" or "inner circle" or a group of whatever name in which people pay you to be a part. Your job is to drip content to them on a pre-defined schedule and tell more people about your club... [Read more]

‘How to Be Ready for the Future of Marketing in 3 steps’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Brian Carroll says, “Marketers by the very nature of what they do are constantly trying to predict what’s going to happen next. That could include answering questions like: What’s our next big campaign? How will this new channel perform at generating leads? Will this strategy work? But marketers seldom — if at all — get to sit back to... [Read more]

‘Four Scrappy Content Marketing Hacks’ – MarketingProfs

Nick Westergaard says, “Content marketing isn’t going anywhere: 76% of B2B marketers say they are planning to produce more content in the year ahead; moreover, the top concerns of B2B marketers are the creation of enough content and the lack of budget, according to the latest data from Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs. The... [Read more]

‘Should you move your blog to Medium or Facebook? The post dot-com era for content’ – Marketing Land

Patrick Armitage says, “We are currently experiencing a content marketing upheaval, the likes of which have never been seen before. Brands are increasingly reliant on third-party platforms for their content and distribution. These are exciting times — but also uncertain ones. Is this reliance a good thing? A bad thing? Whatever it is, it’s... [Read more]

Sell WordPress websites without WP branding #ad

If you are a consultant who sells websites to your clients, WordPress is both a blessing and a curse.  If makes it easy for you to build sites, but it also makes it easy for your clients to take their upgrade and maintenance work to someone else.... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s F8 updates mark shift from screens to experiences’ – Econsultancy

Prosper Williams says, “June 29th 2007 is noteworthy for being the day Apple ushered in the biggest technology and business transition in history with the release of the iPhone. And it looks like when we connect the dots in five to ten years times, April 12th 2016, will be a date that is just as significant. If you’re wondering, April 12th... [Read more]

‘4 Trust-Building Steps that Get Your Prospects to Eat Out of Your Hands’ – Copyblogger

Beth Hayden says, “Are you scaring away your best prospects? When you’re new to content marketing, you might inadvertently send a frightening message to your potential customers and clients. Your heart is probably in the right place. You’re trying to provide value and put your best offers in front of people — but your approach might miss... [Read more]

‘Announcing Keyword Explorer: Moz’s New Keyword Research Tool’ – MOZ

Rand Fishkin says, “A year ago, in April of 2015, I pitched a project internally at Moz to design and launch a keyword research tool, one of the few areas of SEO we’ve never comprehensively tried to serve. The pitch took effort and cajoling (the actual, internal pitch deck is available here), but eventually received approval, with one big... [Read more]

Getting site visitors to pay attention #ad

Bees flit from flower to flower, seeking some nourishing pollen worth stopping for. People are like that, too. They try one website after another, usually only spending a few seconds on each..... [Read more]

‘What Kobe Bryant can teach you about succeeding with AdWords’ – Marketing Land

Todd Saunders says, “April 13, 2016, marked Kobe Bryant’s final game in the NBA. He went out in a blaze of glory, scoring an insane 61 points. Kobe’s career will most likely be remembered for three things: the contents of his trophy case, the rings on his fingers and the color of his jersey. His achievements should be applauded, but it’s... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Power Your ‘Creativity Pump’ for a Content Gusher’ – Entrepreneur

Josh Earl says, “When I was a teenager, a late-summer lightning strike splintered the telephone pole that served our rural Ohio farmhouse. The power was out for three days in the sweltering August heat, and pretty quickly we ran out of water. The problem wasn’t our water supply — the well under our house was deep and swollen thanks... [Read more]

‘Instagram’s carousel ads now support 60-second videos’ – Marketing Land

Matt McGee says, “Instagram is testing video ads in a carousel format and has a few major brands already lined up to give the product a try. According to a company release, Taco Bell, Airbnb, Macy’s and ASOS have begun testing video ads in the carousel. The carousel ad format itself isn’t new; Instagram launched it more than a year ago, but... [Read more]

’17 Things People Absolutely Hate About Your Website’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “One of the tenets of inbound marketing is to not annoy people. So why is it that many websites are still chock full of the elements that so many visitors have bemoaned over and over? Perhaps with the sheer excitement (or terror, depending on your personality) that comes with designing your own website, all of the user experience... [Read more]

‘Top Tools For Webinars: How To Choose The Right One For Your Business’ –

Tommy Wyher says, “A webinar is an online seminar, lecture, or even conference that businesses hold on a regular basis. The advantage of a webinar is that people from all over the world can attend with just an Internet connection. Not all webinars are free or open to the public so it is important to clarify this. Often times there are a links... [Read more]

‘Personalising the customer journey: Key trends from our Singapore roundtable’ – Econsultancy

Jeff Rajeck says, “Personalisation is a top priority for marketers in 2016 according our global Digital Trends 2016 report. Nearly one-third of survey respondents (31%) indicated that ‘targeting and personalisation’ was in their top three priorities for the coming year, more than any other digital-related area. Another recent Econsultancy... [Read more]

‘Hacking Your Way to 5x Higher Organic Click-Through Rates’ – MOZ

Larry Kim says, “Last month we discussed why organic CTR is kind of a big deal. I believe that click-through rate is tremendously valuable and that achieving above-average CTRs can lead to better rankings, particularly on long tail queries.Hacking Your Way to 5x Higher Organic Click-Through Rates But even if you don’t believe click-through... [Read more]

’21 WordPress Backup Plugins to Protect Your Blog and Site’ – Small Business Trends

Matt Mansfield says, “It’s 9 a.m. on a Tuesday and one of Tom’s regular customers just called to let him know that the website is down. Jumping into action, Tom calls his hosting company only to find out that his website database has become corrupted thanks to the new plugin he added last week. Their advice? Restore his site using the latest... [Read more]

‘Why B2B Marketers Need to Educate Buyers With Content' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Jeffrey L. Cohen says, “If it’s Friday, it must be my day to create some content. Marketers are busy planning, creating, optimizing, and analyzing, and for many of us, creating content is just one of many things on our to-do lists. We’ve all seen the stats that reveal B2B marketers are spending more time, budget, energy, happy hours, hackathons,... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: 7 (more) testing opportunities to generate big wins on your next email test [Part 2]’ – MarketingExperiments

Selena Blue says, “Does your email audience prefer short or long emails? How about images versus GIFs? If you don’t know the answer to any of these questions, it’s OK. All you need is an A/B email test. Testing allows us to better understand our customers, and determine ways we can better engage them. Last week, we detailed nine experiment... [Read more]

‘How to Match Key Metrics With Your Content Goals’ – CMI

Kelsey Meyer says, “If your goal is to lose weight and you want to measure your progress, you use a scale to track pounds or a tape measure to track inches. You would never measure your weight loss by tracking your height. If you did that, you’d never know how far you’ve come — how many pounds or inches you’ve lost — and you wouldn’t... [Read more]

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