IM NewsWatch, May 4, 2015 - 'Deadly Conversion Busters: Building a Targeted Audience – Copyblogger' and much more...

May 4th, 2015 at 9:09 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, May 4, 2015

‘Why User Experience Is the Best ROI Strategy’ – ‘’ Blog

Thomsa Stern says, “Like dad always said, anything worth doing is worth doing right the first time. Often it can be difficult to put in the resources upfront for a long-term payoff with no tangible return, but it’s those tough decisions that can generate big success. Your business is no exception to that golden rule. Planning ahead by understanding... [Read more]

‘The 11 Must-Use Social Media Strategies to Expand Your Brand’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Nina Zipkin says, “An integral part of your business success is reaching customers through inventive and comprehensive social-media marketing campaigns. Here are some tips to help build up your following and your brand. 1. Make your tweets stand out. If you don’t want your posts to get lost in the Twitter stream, make sure to include an... [Read more]

‘Mobile SEO Strategy For 2015’ – Tweak Your Biz

Sophia Smith says, “Google set the deadline of April 21, 2015 for an update in its algorithm which checked whether a website is mobile friendly or not. Mobile friendly websites which allow users to browse without having to zoom in and out can expect to get a boost in rankings. On the other hand, those websites which are not mobile friendly and offer... [Read more]

Video Maker Toolkit V2: 100s of SVGs for videos and more #ad

What do you need to make animated videos that really sell? Well, you could hire someone who claims to know how and pay them to make a video for you, try it and see if it works. It may not, and you start over again. But surely, there’s a better way. You, or someone on your team, can make good videos yourself if you have the right tools. That includes... [Read more]

‘Report: Facebook Pulls In 84% Of Social Shares For Publishers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “There’s no shortage of measures that show Facebook’s dominance of the social media landscape, but here’s another significant one. More than eight of every 10 shares from publishers’ websites are on Facebook, according to a report released this week by ShareThis. Total eclipse of the market? Not quite, but the shadow... [Read more]

‘Are These 3 Points of Interest on Your Marketing Road Map?’ – Content Marketing Institute

Hana Abaza says, “Being effective marketers in today’s world of emerging technology and changing attitudes requires us to look one (or several) steps ahead. Let’s discuss three – advocate marketers, money for distribution, and “automagic” integration – that are worth your attention from among the many helpful themes, trends, and studies... [Read more]

‘5 Things You Need to Know About Google’s Mobile Changes’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “It’s been nicknamed “Mobile-geddon.” The misinterpretations surrounding Google’s April 21 algorithm updates resulted in panic in the tech and business communities last week. There are two major changes at play in Google’s recent move to favor mobile: First, Google will adjust its search results order to favor mobile-friendly... [Read more]

Premium Doodle Ad Whiteboard Images for better videos #ad

This is the story of how videos (and the graphics in them) that convey emotion made Doodle Labs $414,400 last year with Whiteboard Videos. We all buy emotionally. Savvy marketers all know that. When you know the emotions that drive their search for a solution, you can make videos that convert, videos that make sales. If you can uncover the emotional... [Read more]

‘Why Your Mom Was Right About Blogging’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Pamela Wilson says, “It’s a good thing your mom taught you everything you need to know to become a well-respected, successful blogger, isn’t it? What’s that? Your mom never taught you anything about blogs? Because blogs didn’t exist when you were growing up? I beg to differ. I’m going to bet that she really did teach you everything you... [Read more]

‘The Next Phase in Personalization? Video Marketing’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “When I was young, I would scour the store shelves and the rotating displays looking for key chains, mugs, and other cheap novelties with my name on them. I was still too young to understand the idea of mass production. I thought that if I searched long enough, eventually I would find a match. A token with my name on it —... [Read more]

‘Podcasting On A Budget: How To Record Great Audio For Less’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Ryan Matthew Pierson says, “High-quality audio recording was once the exclusive domain of professional studios, radio stations and other settings tricked out with top-notch equipment. But now, thanks to advances in technology and lower pricing, professional-level audio recording has moved within reach of practically anyone. So if you’ve ever... [Read more]

Tube List Pro: bumps up your Google rankings #ad

New software 'Tube List Pro' claims to bump your website to the top regions of Google's rankings and rapidly build your mailing list, at the same time... [Read more]

‘Why the Links You’ve Built Aren’t Helping Your Page Rank Higher’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “Link building can be incredibly effective, but sometimes a lot of effort can go into earning links with absolutely no improvement in rankings. Why? In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand shows us four things we should look at in these cases, help us hone our link building skills and make the process more effective“. Why... [Read more]

‘Customer-Centric Marketing: 5 tips on mining customers for content’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Courtney Eckerle says, “A blinking cursor on a blank page is a terrifying sight for a writer. It’s like having arachnophobia and someone putting a spider in your hair. The struggle is, in fact, real. The good news is that, as marketers, we have it easy. Customers are telling you what they want to hear, and it’s only a matter of listening to... [Read more]

‘4 reasons why email marketing is an asset for all small businesses’ – ‘Mashable’

Eric Krattenstein says, “Marketing has come a long way in the four-and-a-half decades since the first email was delivered. Advances like social media and search engine marketing have left businesses with no shortage of channels to leverage in order to reach their target demographic. Why then, in this era of real-time socially driven marketing,... [Read more]

Software Store Creator: Shortcut to a profitable online store #ad

Brett Ingram sells software online to businesses and individuals who need to improve their business results. He's gotten good at it, and now he is sharing, not just his knowledge, but also his software that builds the online software stores, too, in his new product... [Read more]

‘How to use social media to build a teaser campaign’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Kasia Piekut says, “Consumers have moved beyond traditional forms of engagement and they have much higher expectations towards brands to amuse and entertain them. Marketers are taking notice of this by going beyond the traditional and merging creativity with social media. Due to the limitations in evaluating the return from traditional teaser... [Read more]

‘6 Recent Marketing Campaigns That Were Pretty Awesome’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Ann Handley says, “I’ve been thinking about some great marketing campaigns of recent months—those I might consider the “best.” But I find myself wondering: What does best mean, exactly? Or, more simply: Is popular the same as best? If something is popular, can it also be good? Hemingway would say no. “If you become popular it is... [Read more]

‘Deadly Conversion Busters: Building a Targeted Audience’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Lots of people talk about “traffic,” but how can you attract more of the rightpeople? How can you grow an audience of people you can help the most — people who will see success from using your products and services, and who will be long-term, loyal customers?“. Deadly Conversion Busters: Building a Targeted Audience ‘Copyblogger’... [Read more]

Create Stunning Local Websites in Just a Few Minutes #ad

There’s a thriving marketing for online consulting for local businesses. There are many services you can offer, one of the most fundamental, one that many local businesses still need, is a website to attract customers... [Read more]

‘Embrace Mistakes to Become a Better Social Media Pro’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Another month, another incredible round of guests on the Social Pros Podcast. In April, we chatted with the manager of a huge social media team at KLM, an author on thought leadership, Pet360’s PR and social media expert, and the two-man social media team of Canadian yo-yo company CLYW. This month’s Social Pros come from... [Read more]

‘Beginner Make Money Online Tips’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Do you suffer from make money online information overload? It’s a common problem with people getting into Internet marketing. There is so much information out there that it’s very easy to get confused with what to do and how to do it. On this episode of Driving with John Chow, I cut through the noise and give you the three things... [Read more]

‘How to Sell When You’re on Vacation: Tips for Putting Your Out-of-Office Reply to Work’ – HubSpot

Max Altschuler says, “Can you sell when you’re on vacation? Sure you can … but dragging out your laptop and taking calls from the beach is sure to annoy your family. There’s another way to keep selling when you’re out of the office, and this option doesn’t require any work on your behalf. Instead of thoughtlessly scribble an out-of-office... [Read more]

‘Baked to Perfection: Creating an Inbound Marketing Strategy From Scratch’ – ‘’ Blog

Mark Gadala-Maria says, “Starting an inbound marketing strategy from scratch is not always easy, but it’s absolutely vital to every business, regardless of what you do. When done effectively, inbound marketing can be a powerful sales/growth driver. Creating an effective strategy is no small task—it requres creativity and ingenuity at many... [Read more]

‘At The Mercy of Facebook’s Algorithm? Don’t Hate The Player, Change The Game’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jordan Kretchmer says, “Surprise! Facebook announced another round of updates to its News Feed algorithm last week. This time the social media giant is setting its sights on promoting content from friends over posts from brands and publishers. Facebook called it “balancing content from friends and Pages,” but for the brands and publishers... [Read more]

‘3 digital marketing strategies for making ads more relevant’ – ‘Mashable’

Tessa Wegert says, “Relevance. In digital marketing, it’s what brands covet and what publishers strive to provide. Relevance is the driving force behind behavioral marketing, contextual advertising, native — and virtually everything in between. A recent study from Cisco on shopping behavior found that the majority of consumers welcome... [Read more]

‘Make Some Noise: Making the Most of Social Media at Conferences and Trade Shows’ – ‘’ Blog

Adrienne Erin says, “You’ve decided to attend a conference. Whether it’s a professional, industry-based conference or more of a local event, the opportunities for social engagement and increasing your brand’s reach are endless. However, without the right preparation and focus on social media, your efforts are likely to fall flat. Follow... [Read more]

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