IM NewsWatch, May 21, 2012 - Latest IM News including 'Create stunning, converting graphic headlines without leaving WordPress' and much more...

May 21st, 2012 at 4:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, May 21, 2012

‘Where are my business results?’ by Sandra Martini

Sandra Martini’s latest ‘The Martini Advantage’ newsletter article is reprinted here. The article is titled “Where are my business results?”. ‘Where are my business results?’ by Sandra Martini Would you prefer to listen to this week’s article? If so,... [Read more]

Chuck Mullaney’s ‘High End Local Lead Generation’ Webinar on Replay

Chuck Mullaney’s ‘High End Local Lead Generation’ webinar is on replay. says, “Due to some technical difficulties, I know a number of you weren’t able to join us for Joe Troyer’s amazing webinar. The great news is that we were able to get a replay of it, and I wanted... [Read more]

‘From $0 to $50,421/day with Pay Per Click Marketing’ Mike Colella & Jason Drohn’s Webinar May 22

Mike Colella & Jason Drohn are hosting a webinar on Tuesday, May 22 at 8.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “From $0 to $50,421/day with Pay Per Click Marketing”. Webinar Details Key Persons: Mike Colella & Jason Drohn Topic: From $0 to $50,421/day with Pay Per Click Marketing Day/Date: Tuesday,... [Read more]

Create Stunning, Converting Graphic Headlines Without Leaving WordPress #ad

Your WordPress site can be a sales engine for you with the beautiful headlines, like the ones you see in major product launches, created by the Headline Creator plugin. Many styles, based on results from researching what has worked in successful marketing campaigns, are included. You don’t need... [Read more]

‘Has Personalized Search Killed SEO Ranking Reports?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ’MarketingProfs’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is “How-To: Has Personalized Search Killed SEO Ranking Reports?”. ‘MarketingProfs’ Newsletter Contents How-To: Has Personalized Search Killed SEO Ranking Reports? PRO: Overwhelmed... [Read more]

‘The Lost Art of Conversation’ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “The Lost Art of Conversation”. Alex Green says, “My daughter Hannah has reached the age, 13, where being popular at school is only slightly less important than breathing. The... [Read more]

‘NASDAQ:FB (Facebook) Now On NASDAQ At $38′ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “NASDAQ:FB (Facebook) Now On NASDAQ At $38″. ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: May 18, 2012 NASDAQ:FB (Facebook)... [Read more]

Barb Ling’s Tested Secrets for Surprising Affiliate Success #ad

Barb Ling is a successful affiliate, after struggling for years. Now, she explains how it’s done; how, in her words, “to sell boatloads more products and gain entry into Big Dog marketing arenas.” She found “out of the box” methods to get the attention of top marketers and... [Read more]

‘Oracle Versus Google: The Database Kingpin Gets Desperate’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Oracle Versus Google: The Database Kingpin Gets Desperate”. Dan Rowinski says, “Oracle’s lawsuit against Google over alleged infringement of Java slipped from epic battle to soap opera this week: The relationships between the... [Read more]

‘Ecommerce in China: How the World’s Biggest Market Buys Online’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”Ecommerce in China: How the World’s Biggest Market Buys Online”. Lauren Indvik says, ”China is poised to become the biggest online marketplace in the world within the next few years, according to multiple estimates. Online retail... [Read more]

‘Ways to Win Customers and Influence Rankings – Whiteboard Friday’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Ways to Win Customers and Influence Rankings – Whiteboard Friday”. The ‘SEOmoz’ team says, “Starting up your own consulting agency can be quite a difficult process and often times the most challenging step to your... [Read more]

What’s a webmaster’s biggest problem? A continual supply of fresh content #ad

Content Research Hub solves that problem for you. It is a search engine plus semi-automatic article writer. You supply the keywords, and it finds facts and snippets around the web and composes them into an article that is “spin ready”. It allows you to make any changes you like. Then you... [Read more]

‘Digital River Launches App Practice Suite’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Digital River Launches App Practice Suite”. AllisonH says, “A new suite of tools from e-commerce outsourcing company Digital River are aiming to help online merchants find additional ways to drive revenue across multiple... [Read more]

‘Clearing Clouds of Confusion’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Clearing Clouds of Confusion – the 5 Categories of Social Media Software”. Baer says, “The social media software industry offers some amazing functionality, but it suffers mightily from murky messaging... [Read more]

‘FREE Webinar – Automatic Marketing’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “FREE Webinar – Automatic Marketing”. Page says, “It’s easy to become overwhelmed with the “secrets” of Internet marketing, isn’t it? From “three click” site builders that are nearly impossible to understand to “free advertising”... [Read more]

New Version Of Bestselling Timeline-Ready Facebook Page Plugin Available #ad

Peter Max’s MaxPage Pro plugin lets you create attractive Facebook Business Pages (a.k.a. Fan Pages) without monthly fees or complex processes. You can impress your fans and businesses that need your fan page services. With this WordPress-based system, you avoid all the programming. You can even... [Read more]

‘Last Call To Contribute To Issue 19 Of FeedFront Magazine’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Last Call To Contribute To Issue 19 Of FeedFront Magazine”. Collins Says, “Issue 18 of FeedFront Magazine has reached mailboxes and the attendees of Affiliate Summit Central 2012, and now we’re on to issue 19. The next issue of FeedFront will... [Read more]

‘Free Shirt Friday – Lead Ferret’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “Free Shirt Friday – Lead Ferret”. Schoemaker says, “This site is currently in the beginning stages but it has the potential to blow up big! LeadFerret is an online data base filled with businesses and their employee contact information... [Read more]

‘Will these online trends impact you?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Will these online trends impact you?”. Gage says, “In recent conversations with several colleagues I have noticed some important trends. There are misconceptions about what is happening and this short video is intended to clear things... [Read more]

“List Master Sensei” shows new, effctive ways to build a list #ad

Nick Jolin spent months trying to build a list. (like you?) For a while he floundered (like you?) Then he found a process that helped build his list and in List Master Sensei he shares them with you. In this new product, Jolin shares: - Access to his new open source email system he calls SenseiMailer -... [Read more]

‘Case Study: A Step-By-Step Strategy to Accelerate Your Google Rankings’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Case Study: A Step-By-Step Strategy to Accelerate Your Google Rankings”. Gardner says, “What’s the most important strategy of getting your blog to the number 1 spot in both Google and Yahoo and keep all the search traffic to yourself?... [Read more]

‘How to Find Clickbank Products That Sell’ by Mark Ling

Mark Ling’s latest Affilorama blog post is titled “How to Find Clickbank Products That Sell”. Ling says, “It’s been a while since my last blog post unfortunately – but never mind, because today I’m back with a bang! In today’s Affilorama blog post we are looking... [Read more]

‘The Great Social Media Experiment’ by Joel Comm

Joel Comm’s latest blog post is titled “The Great Social Media Experiment”. Comm says, “With the arrival of the Facebook IPO, people are saying the social media bubble has arrived. Valuations are through the roof. Some who used to be skittish about social media are jumping on... [Read more]

Now you can have PLR for the hot family camping niche #ad

20% of the US population went camping last year, according to the Travel Industry Association of America. In the last 5 years, 33% camped out. This is a niche that is filled with opportunity. Let’s Go Camping PLR includes: - a brand new e-book - a ready-to-go sales page and download page - banners... [Read more]

‘Confidence Class for Online Entrepreneurs – Balancing Your Work and Home Life’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Confidence Class for Online Entrepreneurs – Balancing Your Work and Home Life”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I’m proud to announce the launch of myConfidence Class series, starting with today’s release – volume 1, which is all about Balancing... [Read more]

‘Writing is NOT a Business Model’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “Writing is NOT a Business Model”. Dean says, “Today, I’d like to share a guest blog post from my good friend, David Perdew who is going to dispel a common misunderstanding that many online business owners and bloggers have. Writing is NOT Your... [Read more]

‘The Ugly Truth About Podcasting’ – ‘Internet Marketing Speed’ Blog

James Schramko’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Speed’ blog post is titled “The Ugly Truth About Podcasting – A Behind The Scenes Look At What Really Goes On…”. Schramko says, “James Schramko and Luke Moulton lift the lid on the subject of Podcasting…. Luke Moulton... [Read more]

“Auto Pinterest Marketer” generates viral traffic and increases profits On autopilot #ad

“Auto Pinterest Marketer” generates viral traffic and increases profits On autopilot #ad Bertus Engelbrecht has cracked the code for using the Pinterest social web site for marketers. Not only does Auto Pinterest Marketer show you how. It is built around a WordPress plugin that automatically... [Read more]

‘Microsoft Launches So.Cl Network Amid Facebook Hubbub’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”Microsoft Launches So.Cl Network Amid Facebook Hubbub”. Kate Freeman says, ”Microsoft’s So.Cl quietly launched out of beta. The social website was tested by a handful of students at select universities since late last year.... [Read more]

‘Targeting A Market Before You Target It’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “Targeting A Market Before You Target It”. Nadreau says, “We always talk about targeting a market in the sense of advertising and promotions. But in reality, your targeting efforts should start well before you’re ready to tell people about what... [Read more]

’7 Steps to Words That Sell’ by Charlie Cook

Charlie Cook’s latest blog post is titled “7 Steps to Words That Sell”. Cook says, “It doesn’t matter where you market, ultimately it all comes down to one thing that grabs your prospects attention, keeps it and helps you close the deal. Just one key element! What I’m talking... [Read more]

How to cash in on the Travel Industry #ad

Travel is a mega-niche, bigger than weight loss, automobiles and movies together. If you can get a foothold in it, you can develop a passive income from your site. With the new WP Pro Travel Deluxe plugin: - It becomes a lot easier because it will build your site from 2 million pages of real-time travel... [Read more]

‘Landing Page Wireframe’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Landing Page Wireframe: Why focusing on ‘one variable at a time’ doesn’t work”. Paul Cheney says, “There’s a myth being propagated across the Internet as we speak … It’s the myth of “one variable at a time” testing. And... [Read more]

‘Internet Prophets Live!’ June 8-10, Chicago, IL

The ‘Internet Prophets Live!’ event is taking place on June 8-10 in Chicago, IL. Key speakers of the event are Jay Conrad Levinson, Armand Morin, Mike Filsaime, Janet Bray Attwood, Larry Winget, Marc Ostrofsky, Steve Olsher, Mike Koenigs, Dan Hollings, Craig Duswalt and more. The ‘Internet... [Read more]

‘Discover How Millionaire’s Get Things Done’ Bryan Dulaney’s Webinar 8.00 pm EST

Bryan Dulaney is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, May 22 at 8.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Discover How Millionaire’s Get Things Done”. Webinar Details Organizer: Bryan Dulaney Topic: Discover How Millionaire’s Get Things Done Day/Date: Tuesday, May 22 Time: 8.00... [Read more]

WordPress theme for a business that need to look absolutely professional #ad has released a new theme they call the Consultant Theme. It combines a clean, professional look with technological sophistication. If you are a consultant (for example, selling online services to offline businesses), your company’s “persona” is largely determined by... [Read more]

‘Pinterest Brand Intelligence with Curalate’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Pinterest Brand Intelligence with Curalate”. Peter A. Prestipino says, “The marketing mania of Pinterest has waned a bit the past several weeks, but that’s hasn’t stopped consumers from visiting the site (see [Read more]

‘Facebook Has Gone Public in More Ways Than You Might Think’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”Facebook Has Gone Public in More Ways Than You Might Think”. Alex Fitzpatrick says, ”Facebook has just become a publicly traded company — and almost all its privacy settings are being switched to “public,” too, in a trade-off... [Read more]

‘Is Facebook Marketing Worthwhile?’ – ‘Internet Marketing Speed’ Blog

James Schramko’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Speed’ blog post is titled “Is Facebook Marketing Worthwhile?”. Schramko says, “Check out these insights from my humble fan page and you will see that my recent continual posts are snowballing. I currently have less than... [Read more]

Who else wants to become a highly paid small business consultant? #ad

Maybe you have been around the business world 20 years, or maybe you just started yesterday. Either way,when you share knowledge with another person, you make their life more valuable. That’s a big reason why I’m sharing this free video series link by Mike Koenigs. In these videos (four... [Read more]

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