IM NewsWatch, May 2, 2016 - ‘8 Old School SEO Practices That Are No Longer Effective – MOZ' and much more...

May 2nd, 2016 at 9:17 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, May 2, 2016

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‘7 Great Examples of ‘Welcome’ Emails to Inspire Your Own Strategy’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “We’ve all heard how important it is to make a good first impression. Show up late for a job interview? That’s a bad first impression. Eat a ton of garlic and forget to brush your teeth right before a first date? Also a bad first impression. Go to meet your significant others’ parents for the first time dressed... [Read more]

‘Creating Valuable Affiliate Programs That Sell’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins Says, “I was recently on Stephan Spencer’s podcast, Marketing Speak, and we chatted all about affiliate marketing. marketing-speak-with-stephan-spencer We chatted about the early days of affiliate marketing, the need for affiliates to provide value, using social platforms, some of my favorite tools and resources, and affiliate tax... [Read more]

‘Using addressable advertising to supercharge campaigns’ – Experian Marketing Forward

Brienna Pinnow says, “Achieve maximum impact with addressable advertising This is an exciting time for digital marketers, with the growth of new devices and channels bringing more opportunities to intelligently and creatively engage. However, this rapid channel growth also means there is more potential to overspend on marketing and advertising... [Read more]

Build a profitable online club/ membership site #ad

For steady, growing income online it’s hard to beat a “club” or “inner circle” or a group of whatever name in which people pay you to be a part. Your job is to drip content to them on a pre-defined schedule and tell more people about your club. If you provide good content, people will stick around as long as they need your... [Read more]

‘The 5-Step Process that Solves 3 Painful Writing Problems’ – Copyblogger

Brian Clarke says, “I once asked the Copyblogger community to name their biggest writing challenges. From the many responses, a pattern developed: – How to get started – How to cut the fluff – How to finish These three issues are really symptoms of the same painful problem, which boils down to not clearly understanding what you’re... [Read more]

‘Big data tools & techniques successful CMOs need to know’ – Econsultancy

John Kelley says, “Aside from the skills and drive to champion the value of big data in an organization, every CMO could use a few resources to help harness the power of that data. However, from traditional Excel spreadsheets and CRM systems to more robust tools like interactive dashboards and Tableau visualizations, the inherent desire for simple... [Read more]

‘The Simplest Guide You’ll Ever Need to Secure Yourself & Your Business Online’ – Entrepreneur

Further, the shame, data loss, password theft, possible loss of bank details theft, interrupting everyday routine to fix your problem is a lot of inconvenience and trouble for even businesses that are not having valuable web/offline data. A number of factors cultivate genuine loyalty. Your channels. Your incentives. Your frequency of contact. But five... [Read more]

Sell WordPress websites without WP branding #ad

If you are a consultant who sells websites to your clients, WordPress is both a blessing and a curse. If makes it easy for you to build sites, but it also makes it easy for your clients to take their upgrade and maintenance work to someone else. Neil Napier‘s new Press Label software let’s you build sites even easier, while customizing... [Read more]

‘How to help your sales team close more paid search leads’ – Marketing Land

Jacob Baadsgaard says, “For many companies, the goal of their paid search campaigns is to generate leads. As marketers, we work hard to get qualified leads to our sales team for the lowest cost possible. But the problem is, a successful paid search campaign doesn’t just produce cheap leads — it produces economical sales. The trouble with sales Recently,... [Read more]

‘Email Deliverability Rates Dragging You Down? Try These 10 Do’s and 7 Don’ts’ – MarketingProfs

Brian Shilling says, “About 1 in 5 emails never reaches the intended inbox, according to Return Path’s 2015 Deliverability Benchmark Report. Yet email deliverability rate remains one of the most overlooked email marketing metrics. Though most email marketers focus on optimizing click-through rates and open rates—and for good reason—those... [Read more]

‘Growing Your Business: Learn from the Marketing Success of Apple and Moz’ –

Zachary Evans says, “Growing your business can be an incredibly tricky and confusing endeavor. Regardless of the size of your business, whether you are a tiny startup or a massive global corporation, one of the best things you can do is look at how other companies have effectively grown through marketing strategies. We’ll look closely at... [Read more]

IM Conversion Pro: Getting site visitors to pay attention #ad

Bees flit from flower to flower, seeking some nourishing pollen worth stopping for. People are like that, too. They try one website after another, usually only spending a few seconds on each. They need something to arrest their attention, causing them to pause on the site, look around, and take action. Dr. Amit Pareek saw this problem on his own sites... [Read more]

‘8 Old School SEO Practices That Are No Longer Effective’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “Are you guilty of living in the past? Using methods that were once tried-and-true can be alluring, but it can also prove dangerous to your search strategy. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand spells out eight old school SEO practices that you should ditch in favor of more effective and modern alternatives”. 8 Old School... [Read more]

‘How to Retain Customers Using User-Generated Content’ – HubSpot

Susannah Morris says, “What if you could have your current customers sell your products for you? With user-generated content (UGC) it’s possible! User-generated content deepens your relationship with your existing customers, while leveraging their networks to help you acquire new customers. From reviews to social media, user-generated content... [Read more]

‘4 Ways Interactive Content Can Up Your Email Marketing Game’ – AWeber

Olivia Dello Buono says, “It’s not a new concept, but it’s getting a lot of hype lately amongst the email community. It’s even been coined the “next big thing” in email. We’re talking about interactive content. Interactive content brings a fresh approach to email, a channel often looked to as static and dated. (We know that’s not... [Read more]

‘Is your brand prepared for voice search? 3 steps to get the conversation started’ – Marketing Land

Purna Virji says, “Whether you work in SEO or PPC, you’ve likely noticed a new trend emerging in your search reports: a rise in longer-tail searches and question-based search phrases. The likely culprit? Voice input. Voice search is easier than text input; we all know this. We can speak something much more naturally than we can type it. Most... [Read more]

‘Use These 3 Emerging Social Media Networks To Dominate Your Competitors’ –

Christine James says, “By now almost everyone is an expert in at least a few social media networks. They might not know about some of the lingo used or exactly how to use every aspect of them, but almost everyone has heard of and tried YouTube at some point. Facebook and Twitter are now regular tools for communicating and connecting with others... [Read more]

‘Snapchat confirms that 10 billion videos are being watched daily’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “Still on the fence about Snapchat? The company confirmed to Bloomberg that it is a force to be reckoned with, as users are watching 10 billion videos a day. Snapchat has seen a boom in its video activity due to its “Stories” feature, which enables content creators to share photos and videos of their lives from within... [Read more]

‘A Primer for Getting Ahead With Long-Tail Keywords’ – MarketingProfs

Sarika Pariwal says, “Long-tail keywords can help even smaller and newer websites to “steal” traffic away from the big and established players. All it takes is some intelligent keyword research and content creation. So here’s a lowdown on the what, why, and how of long-tail keywords. What Keyword phrases that typically contain... [Read more]

‘The Pros & Cons of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Other Social Networks’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Nowadays, social media is one of the main channels used by companies to reach their target audiences. But with so many different social networks available, how do you choose which will work best for you? It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. For example, recent research has shown that teens and millennials are moving... [Read more]

‘Designing a Customer Strategy Focused on Genuine Loyalty’ – Entrepreneur

Mark Harrington says, “By definition, the word “loyalty” means allegiance, faithfulness, or devotion. So it seems ironic — an oxymoron, even — that many retailers today say customer loyalty is fickle. The rationale is flawed. If you’re incentivizing loyalty with transaction-based discounts (as far too many retailers are), you’re... [Read more]

‘Does Guest Blogging Still Work?’ –

Matthew Toren says, “The simple answer is, “yes and no.” The entire concept of blogging has changed. Back when blogging made the transition from its roots as an online journal to a respected means of communicating on a broad scale with a target audience, it was primarily just that: a communications tool. Some of the key benefits of blogging... [Read more]

‘Measuring Content: You’re Doing it Wrong’ – MOZ

Matthew Barby says, “The traditional ways of measuring the success or failure of content are broken. We can’t just rely on metrics like the number of pageviews/visits or bounce rate to determine whether what we’re creating has performed well. “The primary thing we look for with news is impact, not traffic,” says Jonah Peretti, Founder... [Read more]

‘Cornerstone Content Defined in 60 Seconds’ – Copyblogger

Demian Farnworth says, “Cornerstone content is vital for both seasoned bloggers and anyone launching a brand-new website because it can help you accomplish many of your content marketing goals. Goals like: – Getting links to your website – Finding new readers – Attracting subscribers – Ranking in search engines for competitive... [Read more]

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