IM NewsWatch, May 2, 2012 - Latest IM News including 'Using Pinterest with distinction' and much more...

May 2nd, 2012 at 4:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

‘Make $2,000 Commissions Daily Live Customer Only Training’ Chris Freville’s Webinar May 3

Chris Freville is hosting a webinar on Thursday, May 3 at 8.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Make $2,000 Commissions Daily Live Customer Only Training”. Freville says, “This ONE-TIME live customer only training is 100% FREE. In this exhilarating live training event, we’ll... [Read more]

‘How To Generate Article Topics When You’re Half Asleep’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “How To Generate Article Topics When You’re Half Asleep”. How To Generate Article Topics When You’re Half Asleep If you keep writing every day, you’ll have a problem. You’ll have more... [Read more]

‘This Internet Marketing Tool Is a Lifesaver’ by Brett Ingram

Brett Ingram’s latest ‘Think Big Publications’ blog post is titled “This Internet Marketing Tool Is a Lifesaver”. Ingram says, “One of the most frustrating things in Internet marketing is trying to manage passwords. Every time you try a new product, signup for a... [Read more]

Amazon Video Profits in the Pole Saws Niche #ad

Jeff Pettit (aka Jeffster) has released his newest sales tools for Amazon affiliates. He is targeting the pole saws niche this time; profitable, evergreen but not in the mainstream of power tools. He includes 10 Video Reviews, a custom designed website, header and footer images, 300+ word articles and... [Read more]

Adam Short’s ‘SEO In The New Age’ Webinar on Replay

Adam Short’s ‘SEO In The New Age’ webinar is on replay. Short says, “Last week I hosted a great webinar with SEO expert Marc Lindsay. I am delighted to say, I have received fantastic feedback from the people who attended the live event... [Read more]

‘Twitter Is Exploring a Premium Version, CEO Suggests’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”Twitter Is Exploring a Premium Version, CEO Suggests”. Lauren Indvik says, ”Twitter might be developing a premium version of its service, CEO Dick Costolo indicated on stage at Wired‘s business conference in New York City Tuesday... [Read more]

‘Mozscape Update: Our Largest Index Yet, 159 Billion URLs’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Mozscape Update: Our Largest Index Yet, 159 Billion URLs”. Andrew Dumont says, “Over the last few months our engineering team has been working feverishly on a new index. Our crawlers were extremely successful, but, we ran into a... [Read more]

“Pinterest Authority” shows you how to use Pinterest with distinction #ad

Matt Rhodes just released Pinterest Authority to show us how to become experts at marketing on Pinterest. This fast growing social site attracts a lot of people who have disposable income and lets us attract them to our offers. These Pinterest users tend to be tech-savvy and are comfortable with buying... [Read more]

‘Everflux SEO & Post Penguin Predictions’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Everflux SEO & Post Penguin Predictions”. Peter A. Prestipino says, “Google’s latest round of algorithm changes, which affects just 3 percent of queries, is now known as the Penguin update. The latest sweep of... [Read more]

‘How to Get the Most Out of Your Facebook Ads’ MarketingProfs Seminar May 17

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar on Thursday, May 17 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “How to Get the Most Out of Your Facebook Ads”. MarketingProfs team says, “What Will You Learn? - How to solve common Facebook advertising challenges - How to leverage outside tools... [Read more]

‘The Shopping Cart Price Increase — a reality check’ by Sandra Martini

Sandra Martini’s latest article is reprinted here. The article is titled “The Shopping Cart Price Increase — a reality check”. The Shopping Cart Price Increase — a reality check The shopping cart (whether you use 1shoppingcart, kickstartcart, autowebbusiness, etc. — they’re... [Read more]

Steve Peters Benn shows how to get offline passive income #ad

Offline Passive Income 2012 is Benn’s latest training course. Combining the experience of Benn and his offline coaching students- this PDF core manual, and training course shows you what ‘passive’ services to offer, and how to implement them. And, fortunately, you don’t need SEO,... [Read more]

‘Stuff To Do In Austin, Google Drive, And Pink Flamingos’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Stuff To Do In Austin, Google Drive, And Pink Flamingos”. Collins Says, ” This week on the Affiliate Thing podcast, Shawn Collins and Lisa Picarille talk about two-foot long hot dogs at Texas Rangers games, ShareASale ThinkTank, stuff to do... [Read more]

‘Building TRUST With Your List’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “Building TRUST With Your List”. Page says, “How many times have you heard that you need to build a list of your own to succeed online? If you are like most people the answer is ‘more times than I can count!’ It really is true that you... [Read more]

‘How A Guy With A Full Time Job Built A $2,000 A Month AdSense Income Niche Site And Then Sold It For $200,000 – Patrick Meninga Tells His Story’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “How A Guy With A Full Time Job Built A $2,000 A Month AdSense Income Niche Site And Then Sold It For $200,000 – Patrick Meninga Tells His Story”. Yaro Starak says, “This is one great interview if you are looking... [Read more]

Alex Jeffreys shows how he banked One Million Dollars online in 21 Days #ad

He did it with a single website and 21 days: $1,000,000. In this video training, he shows how, including: * How to do free market research (and get inside your buyer’s head and heart) using simple strategies that anyone can pull off * His Brand New sneaky research trick that he used on eager prospects... [Read more]

‘Are you visible to your market?’ by Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage’s latest blog post is titled “Are you visible to your market?”. Gage says, “When I first began my business in 1994 I intuitively knew visibility in my market was essential to growing my business. This is true for everyone. The more visible you are the better. However,... [Read more]

‘CONCERNing Email – 3 Steps for Better Content’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “CONCERNing Email – 3 Steps for Better Content”. Crystal Gouldey says, ““Content is certainly the name of the game in digital marketing today,” states Alisa Leonard of iCrossing on ClickZ. But where do you get ideas for good... [Read more]

‘How to Use Annotations with Out-of-Date YouTube Videos’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “How to Use Annotations with Out-of-Date YouTube Videos”. Wakeman says, “While on a webinar with Online Video Expert Lou Bortone, for the Social Media Biz School, a question came up about deleting out-of-date videos. Yes, you can delete your... [Read more]

Amazon has 320 Million visitors each month. You can get a share of that revenue #ad

Just by getting people onto Amazon through your affiliate link, you’ve got a much higher shot at making commissions than most any other affiliate marketing. The difference between making a side income and cashing big as a full time Amazon affiliate marketer is being able to attract the focused... [Read more]

‘Why Mobile Content Is So Hard to Get Right’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Why Mobile Content Is So Hard to Get Right”. Josh Jaffe says, “As a foreign correspondent in London 10 years ago, my job was to unearth innovative new startups for my business magazine’s readers. I traveled across the Continent,... [Read more]

‘How to Spot Vendors Who Are “Drivers”? by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “How to Spot Vendors Who Are “Drivers””. Mandossian says, “Outsourcing is one of the best ways to increase your productivity as an entrepreneur. But the type of vendor you choose can make or break the gain you realize. The wrong vendors... [Read more]

‘Split Testing Your Web Forms: Download the Free Guide’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Split Testing Your Web Forms: Download the Free Guide”. Chow says, “Putting a web form on your site can be a very effective way to get subscribers. After all, people on your site are already interested in you. But you know this – you’ve got... [Read more]

A “Membership Thief” Earns Passive Monthly Payments From Other People’s Sites #ad

Membership sites can earn a steady monthly income but come with a lot of headaches: content creation, customer service, technology maintenance, etc. All these headaches can be avoided if you earn your money from other people’s membership sites, rather than yours. Membership Thief reveals over 300... [Read more]

‘Spam Texts: 4.5 Billion Messages a Year and Counting [VIDEO]‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”Spam Texts: 4.5 Billion Messages a Year and Counting [VIDEO]“. Kate Freeman says, ”Text message spam promising free iPads or cash rewards may be obnoxious and unwanted, but they also carry a greater danger: clicking on texts can... [Read more]

‘What’s The One Thing That’s Holding Your Business Back?’ by Charlie Cook

Charlie Cook’s latest blog post is titled “What’s The One Thing That’s Holding Your Business Back?”. Cook says, “Did you read the book, “Bringing Down The House”? It’s a good read about how a MIT graduate and a half dozen colleagues took a handful of Vegas casinos for millions.... [Read more]

‘The Strategic Business Blueprint: The Key to Unsticking Your Business’ Infusionsoft Webinar

Infusionsoft is currently offering an on-demand webinar ’The Strategic Business Blueprint: The Key to Unsticking Your Business’ . Infusionsoft team says, “During the webinar, you’ll learn about how to: Identify the gaps and opportunities in your existing strategy Determine which... [Read more]

“Link Juice Smoothie”: Funny name, serious profits #ad

Link Juice Smoothie offers an effective way of putting backlinks together so that link juice to your money pages is maximized. He calls it Link Juice Smoothie because he has blended ideas to form a multi-element SEO linking strategy, one that Google will accept. The process takes a bit of work, but... [Read more]

‘New Google ad model links e-mail and display formats’ – ‘ClickBank ClickBrief’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘ClickBank ClickBrief’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “New Google ad model links e-mail and display formats”. ‘ClickBank ClickBrief Newsletter’ Contents New Google ad model links e-mail and display formats How financial... [Read more]

‘Automated CRM Tools for ClickBank Affiliates’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Automated CRM Tools for ClickBank Affiliates”. Linc Wonham says, “Affiliate network ClickBank has integrated with Infusionsoft’s all-in-one software for small businesses, offering marketers a powerful end-to-end system... [Read more]

’6 Super Simple Strategies for Residual Income Online’ Matt Gill’s Webinar 8.00 pm EDT

Matt Gill is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, May 2 at 8.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “6 Super Simple Strategies for Residual Income Online”. Webinar Details Organizer: Matt Gill Key Persons: Michael X Topic: 6 Super Simple Strategies for Residual Income Online Day/Date: Wednesday, May... [Read more]

“Penguin Panda Knockout Code” shows how to succeed at SEO in 2012 #ad

As search engines change, SEO must change. Get the latest SEO techniques in Penguin Panda Knockout Code This is presented as a step-by-step approach to responding to the latest Google updates. You don’t want your backlinks to look like link spam. This report shows how to avoid the taint of poor... [Read more]

‘Twitter Announces Improved ‘Discover’ Tab’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”Twitter Announces Improved ‘Discover’ Tab”. Lauren Indvik says, ”Just days after releasing significant updates to its iPhone and Android apps, Twitter announced Tuesday its plan to upgrade its ‘Discover’ tab on both... [Read more]

‘Moz’s $18 Million Venture Financing: Our Story, Metrics and Future’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Moz’s $18 Million Venture Financing: Our Story, Metrics and Future”. randfish says, “Today is a good day. Whether you’re employed at Moz, a fan of what we’ve built, a Seattle-startup supporter or even tangentially... [Read more]

‘iPhone Internet Access Abroad: Amazing And Getting Cheaper’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “iPhone Internet Access Abroad: Amazing And Getting Cheaper”. Dan Frommer says, “After using a smartphone for years, the mobile Internet becomes so engrained in your life that you don’t realize how much you rely on it until... [Read more]

Avoid the “Green Screen” but still make pro videos #ad

James Renouf has been making videos that normally would require a green screen (like the TV weather forecasters use) but without the cost or bother of a green screen setup. You can make videos showing you in front of the White House announcing your Presidential campaign, in front of the NY Stock Exchange... [Read more]

‘Are Visitors to Your Site Pushing Your Buttons?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”Are Visitors to Your Site Pushing Your Buttons?”. Tim Ash says, ”Many a parent has angrily warned their children “Don’t push my buttons!” and of course what they are implying is that the children know exactly what to do to... [Read more]

’3 Ways to Stop Fighting With Your Startup Team!’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “3 Ways to Stop Fighting With Your Startup Team!”. Rieva Lesonsky says, “Conflict between founders and team members is among the most insidious problems that can cripple a startup company. Problems can arise on teams of just two... [Read more]

‘Get Better Blog Visibility From a Free Chatroom’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Get Better Blog Visibility From a Free Chatroom”. Linc Wonham says, “Chatwing has launched the latest version of its shout box, free chatroom software designed to improve visibility for bloggers operating under different... [Read more]

“Webinar Fever” shows you how to become a webinar host #ad

Experienced webinar leader and trainer of “wannabe” webinar hosts, Fran Thorsen has released this 16-video comprehensive for training is how to plan and conduct your own webinars for sales, training or for meetings. You get not only the videos, but transcripts as well. And she has a membership... [Read more]

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