IM NewsWatch, May 18, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘5 Ways to Bond with Your Blog’s Audience – Copyblogger’ and much more...

May 17th, 2013 at 4:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, May 17, 2013

‘The Marketer as Philosopher’ MarketingExperiments Webinar May 21

MarketingExperiments is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, May 21 at 9.30 am EDT. The topic of the webinar is “The Marketer as Philosopher: MarketingExperiments special Web clinic live from Optimization Summit 2013”. MarketingExperiments team says, “The action of sales should be grounded in the contemplation of marketing. The marketer should be... [Read more]

‘The Social Media Advertising Ecosystem Explained’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”The Social Media Advertising Ecosystem Explained”. Josh Luger says, “The media constellation has become increasingly fractured. The Web produced the initial fissure, but mobile created new cracks in the landscape. Today, no single medium earns more than 45% of our media consumption. How... [Read more]

‘A Quick Summary of Releases from the Google I/O Conference 2013’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “A Quick Summary of Releases from the Google I/O Conference 2013″. Jonathan Payne says, “Google’s developers have been busy it seems! For the past two days, the sixth annual Google I/O Conference 2013 has been pushing forward with full force.This conference is one of the most... [Read more]

Viber Spy Pro: Track your site visitors #ad

The website intelligence market is heating up. Ricky Mataka and Marius Pricejust released Viber Spy Pro, hard on the heals of WP Real Time Mouse Tracker, as reported yesterday. This new software helps you understand how visitors use your site. You can see an aggregate With Viber Spy Pro, you can see what your visitors are doing wherever they go on... [Read more]

‘In (Partial) Defense of Tracking Cookies’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”In (Partial) Defense of Tracking Cookies”. Dan Lyons says, “It’s easy to hate on tracking cookies. Wouldn’t life be great if browsers just shut cookies off altogether — and kept them off? No more annoying ads! No more interruptions! No more feeling like you’re being stalked... [Read more]

‘Can Google Be The For The Rest Of The Web?’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Can Google Be The For The Rest Of The Web?”. Mark Hachman say, “Amazon’s 1-Click arguably offers the best shopping experience on the Web—desktop and mobile. But 1-Click has been slow to expand beyond Amazon’s walls. While Amazon offers the convenient checkout service... [Read more]

‘Google’s I/O Conference and Other News You Need to Know’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google’s I/O Conference and Other News You Need to Know”. Stan Schroeder says, “Welcome to this morning’s edition of “First To Know,” a series in which we keep you in the know on what’s happening in the digital world. In today’s top stories: Google had a... [Read more]

The Kindle Authority: Let Amazon sell books for you #ad

Amazon wants to sell your Kindle book for you. And they are set up to do it well. They run a huge marketing machine. If your book gets their attention, they can sell it day in and day out. You just need to know how to write a book that will stand out and then position it in the Kindle marketplace so it continues to stand out. The Kindle Authority training... [Read more]

‘Bing is an untapped venue for ecommerce videos’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Bing is an untapped venue for ecommerce videos”. Melody King says, “Bing, the search engine created by Microsoft, is gaining traffic, although it’s no Google yet. However, not many e-commerce companies are placing their product videos on this newer search engine. Now that... [Read more]

‘Conversion Conference Chicago 2013′, June 11-13

The ‘Conversion Conference Chicago 2013′ is taking place at McCormick Place – West Building, 2301 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois on June 11-13. The ‘Conversion Conference Chicago 2013′ team says, “Whether you’re a marketer, analyst, web designer, or you are involved in generating results and revenues... [Read more]

‘Email Deliverability Ninja Trick’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Email Deliverability Ninja Trick”. Schoemaker says, “Email deliverability is a lot like SEO. Actually measuring results it is even worse. Some people still believe stats like opens and clicks are an indicator… thats a shame. In Email you are totally guessing unless you use something like our Spamguard... [Read more]

The eCash Generator: Build a responsive list with eCourses #ad

Amanda Craven just announced The eCash Generator, her training on building online courses. Online eCourses fill a need in modern life. People know they need to learn new skills to get ahead, but they are busy. So they want the new training to be easily accessible whenever and wherever they are. They turn to online courses because it fills their learning... [Read more]

‘3 Ways to Use Google to Be Better at PR' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “3 Ways to Use Google to Be Better at PR?. Baer says, “I’d like to let you in on a secret that most PR pros don’t think of: some of the easiest placement opportunities you’ll EVER land for a client (or your employer) are found using the most common online tool you can... [Read more]

‘What Is A Many To Many Business?’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “What Is A Many To Many Business? (And How Can This Model Produce Billion Dollar Outcomes)”. Yaro Starak says, “During the dot com boom around the year 2000, and the years that followed it (this was before I started blogging in 2004), I was a guy in his early twenties looking for a business... [Read more]

‘Why the Yahoo! Search Revenue Gap Won’t Close’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Why the Yahoo! Search Revenue Gap Won’t Close”. Aaron Wall says, “In spite of Yahoo! accepting revenue guarantees for another year from Microsoft, recently there has been speculation that Yahoo! might want to get out of their search ad deal with Microsoft. I am uncertain if the back channeled... [Read more]

Build mobile Mini-sites for offline clients in a flash #ad

Chris Reck has been building mobile sites for offline businesses for years. He sometimes builds major sites, when the client knows that’s what is needed. But when the client is reluctant to invest heavily, he offers them a mobile mini-site. It has less function but with it, he gets a foothold, and he can later upsell them to a full site. In... [Read more]

‘Market Research Through Social Media…Context Is King!’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Market Research Through Social Media…Context Is King!”. Tom Whitney says, “MRG (Interactive Media in Retail Group), the UK’s industry group for online retail, asked me to share insights about how retailers can best utilize social media market research and realize value from social... [Read more]

‘Mozscape API Wiki Update’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Mozscape API Wiki Update”. Brad Friedman says, “The Mozscape documentation just got a fresh update! We incorporated your feedback from help tickets and forums to make Mozscape easier for new users to learn, and more functional experienced users to reference. Check it out now!”. Mozscape API Wiki... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Bond with Your Blog’s Audience’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “5 Ways to Bond with Your Blog’s Audience”. Henneke says, “You’re smart. You know you need to be helpful on your blog in order to grow your audience. You share useful tips. You give away free tutorials. But somehow you’re not connecting with your readers. Your blog seems a little quiet. Sure,... [Read more]

Three offline WSOs for under $1 #ad

If you didn’t buy Shelley Owens’s three informative e-books, you’re in luck because she and her partners are offering a remarkable bundle for a remarkable price. Even if you did buy one or two of them, the bundle is so attractive, it’s worth buying just for the one you are missing. The three books in the bundle are: • QR... [Read more]

‘How We Got 300 More Paid Subscribers With A Single Email’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “How We Got 300 More Paid Subscribers With A Single Email”. Mikita Mikado says, “At the end of the last year, Quote Roller decided to switching from its freemium-based business model to a trial-based subscription. The reason was simple – we didn’t have enough cash flow to grow and to deliver superb... [Read more]

‘Why Technical Know-How Is Now Mandatory in Online Marketing’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Why Technical Know-How Is Now Mandatory in Online Marketing”. Chow says, “What’s your technical IQ when it comes to e-Commerce marketing? It had better be high, or you’re unlikely to achieve success, or at least the kind of success you probably dream of. These days, the field of e-Commerce technology is... [Read more]

‘Landing Page Optimization: Color emphasis change increases clickthrough 81%’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Landing Page Optimization: Color emphasis change increases clickthrough 81%”. John Tackett says, “Color can be used to guide customer thinking on a landing page by placing stronger emphasis on particular elements in your offer, and less emphasis on others. Today’s MarketingExperiments... [Read more]

Extreme List Building Blueprint: How he adds 100-300 subscribers daily #ad

Israeli marketer Tom Yevsikov has created Extreme List Building Blueprint, a guide to list building that contains 5 methods, some free and some paid, that bring him consistent results. And Yevsikov says these methods don’t just get random subscribers; they get buyers in your niche. You get started with his methods, and your list starts growing,... [Read more]

‘How To Make The World Safer For Email’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “How To Make The World Safer For Email”. Jeremy LaTrasse say, “30 years ago a Digital Equipment Corporation rep sent the first piece of spam. In 2013, the problem of spam has become an epidemic with severe if often unseen consequences. We now live in a world filled with digital messaging... [Read more]

‘The Boston Globe: Managing a transition from free to paid product’ – MarketingSherpa Video

MarketingSherpa has published a video titled “The Boston Globe: Managing a transition from free to paid product”. Pamela Markey says, “As he shares the steps taken to develop a new business model for The Boston Globe, Doucette reveals the challenge of maintaining two Internet offerings — one free and one paid. He and Markey walk... [Read more]

‘Firefox Will Delay Ban On Third-Party Tracking Cookies For Advertisers’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”Firefox Will Delay Ban On Third-Party Tracking Cookies For Advertisers”. Laura Stampler says, “Mozilla‘s controversial decision to automatically block all third-party cookies on its new version of Firefox — inciting outrage within the advertising world — is getting a... [Read more]

WP Real Time Mouse Tracker shows you what your site users are doing #ad

Don Westendorp wanted to know more about how visitors used his site. But he found that although there are programs that track people’s movements on the site, their information is limited and hard to extract and interpret, so he built Don’s WP Real Time Mouse Tracker to give the data you need so you can take useful action. Westendorp put... [Read more]

‘Yahoo Adds Twitter Content to News Stream’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Yahoo Adds Twitter Content to News Stream”. Samantha Murphy says, “In a move that shows how Yahoo values what industry organizations, outlets and people are saying on Twitter, the company announced it will be integrating tweets into the news stream on CEO Marissa Mayer delivered... [Read more]

Download: HubSpot’s ‘First Comprehensive Review of European Inbound Marketing’ Report

HubSpot has released a free report titled “The First Comprehensive Review of European Inbound Marketing”. The HubSpot team says, “80% of marketers in Europe integrate inbound marketing with their larger business goals. How does your company stack up? Is Europe really behind the U.S. in adopting inbound marketing? Download HubSpot’s... [Read more]

’6 ‘About Us’ Pages That Are Probably Better Than Yours’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”6 ‘About Us’ Pages That Are Probably Better Than Yours”. Sonja Jacob says, “Google’s big I/O conference launched today, with a raft of product rollouts and introductions, including a new music service and improvements to its Maps app and Google+ social network. But the... [Read more]

White Label PLR Videos: HTML 5 Training for you and your clients #ad

Steve Dougherty is an experienced creator of training videos. This fourth volume tackles the timely subject of HTML 5, the new standard for website building. Every webmaster in the world needs to understand HTML 5, and site owners like us marketers, need to understand the basics, too. Dougherty’s White Label PLR Videos Volume 04 lets you first... [Read more]

‘How should publishers respond to link removal requests?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How should publishers respond to link removal requests?”. Graham Charlton says, “Thanks again to Panda, Penguin etc, it seems many webmasters are panicking about links they have obtained in the past, or have been pulled up by Google as a result of over-zealous link building. As... [Read more]

‘Ethical SEO – Does It Really Work?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Ethical SEO – Does It Really Work?”. Michelle Symonds says, “Any company with a long-term strategy to build up its reputation online will probably already have embarked on an SEO campaign – there are, of course, SEO campaigns and SEO campaigns but let’s assume that it... [Read more]

‘Site Audits: Deliverables, Follow Up, and Implementation’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Site Audits: Deliverables, Follow Up, and Implementation”. Jonathan Quinton says, “You could offer the best SEO recommendations in the world, but if your advice is not presented and communicated in the right way, your hard work may not pay off. In today’s post, learn what makes the difference... [Read more]

Azon Boating Cash Riches: Amazon resources for affiliates #ad

Mike McKay, creator of sales aids for Amazon affiliates, has just created Azon Boating Cash Riches. As with all his Amazon affiliate packages, he has included many aids to make your Amazon marketing easier and more profitable. If you have been reading IM NewsWatch for a while, you are familiar with them: • 60 video reviews for recreational boating... [Read more]

‘Google Is Turning Search Into The Planet’s Biggest Anticipatory System’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Google Is Turning Search Into The Planet’s Biggest Anticipatory System”. Owen Thomas says, “Amid a blizzard of announcements at its I/O conference, Google unveiled a major change to its core search product in singularly low-key fashion. Amit Singhal, a senior Google executive in charge... [Read more]

‘Google Glass Gets Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr Apps’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google Glass Gets Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr Apps”. Emily Price says, “Google Glass is about to get even more apps, from Facebook and Twitter to Tumblr and CNN. During a “Developing for Glass” session during its Google I/O conference on Thursday, Google announced several big-name apps for... [Read more]

‘New Yahoo advertising gateway’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “New Yahoo advertising gateway”. Schoemaker says, “In 2010 Yahoo! announced that they were killing their publisher network and were now referring all current and new users to Chitika who has been a leader in monetizing your content way before Microsoft or Yahoo ever had their platforms. Yahoo is... [Read more]

Flippa Revelation: Using arbitrage to profit from Flippa #ad

You don’t have to sell your website to earn money from Flippa; there are services you can sell in conjunction with it, whether you sell the site or not. Matt Jay shows you how in Flippa Revelation. In Jay’s new training, you will discover: • The secret method Jay use to make money on flippa whether he sells a site or not. • What... [Read more]

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