IM NewsWatch, May 16, 2016 - ‘On-Page SEO in 2016: The 8 Principles for Success – MOZ' and much more...

May 16th, 2016 at 9:17 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, May 16, 2016

‘Buyer Personas You Want to Use: The 9 Essential Parts’ – CMI

Marcia Riefer Johnston says, “Ever been part of a team that skipped over creating personas to get to the “real work”? Or maybe you had personas, but everyone ignored them. Personas are easy to dismiss. The problem with ignoring personas – as Ardath Albee pointed out at the Intelligent Content Conference in her talk, How to Develop Audience... [Read more]

‘Lights, Camera, Action: 5 Ways to Maximize Your Video Marketing Potential’ –

Ruchard Smith says, “The modern era of entrepreneurship is pretty discrete when it comes to strategies and executions. Days are gone when trial and error methods used to work like charm. Organizations are thin on time as every second there is a new competitor, breathing down their neck. Over the years, businesses have been expressive and this... [Read more]

‘5 Simple Video Editor Apps That Will Make Your Content Shine’ – Entrepreneur

Murray Newlands says, “Simply put, video is the alpha and omega when it comes to content marketing. Video content is on top, becoming more and more popular as consumers lean away from overt marketing and towards native advertising and influencer marketing. According to the Content Marketing Institute, video content will account for 55 percent... [Read more]

Fortune 500 companies and celebrities drive traffic for you #ad

The new social media site Periscope is full of opportunity for marketers, but most marketers haven’t caught on to it yet. This new site adds 10 years of content every day, and virtually all is free for you to use for your own marketing. Not only that, people watch 40 years of the historic content every day. This is a big deal, if only you could... [Read more]

‘Out of Email Ideas? Try Repurposing Your Best Content’ – AWeber

Monica Montesa says, “When it comes to creating emails, there are two types of people in this world: those who struggle with developing consistent, valuable content for subscribers, and those who don’t. And it seems like the majority of us fall into the first group, according to Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs. In fact, 60 percent... [Read more]

‘The true value of technical SEOs’ – Marketing Land

Patrick Stox says, “Like many technical SEOs, I was outraged when I first read Clayburn Griffin’s post, “The True Value of Technical SEO,” a couple months ago. Clayburn said things like “Technical SEO is really just SEO 101” and “Technical SEO will never set you apart.” As a technical SEO and co-creator of a technical SEO Slack group,... [Read more]

‘Your B2B Prospects Don’t Want You To Call Them’ – Forrester

Steven Casey says, “So this makes it official: the rite of passage for every new analyst. My first research report, How Self-Service Research Changes B2B Marketing, has just been published. I covered the premise of this report in my first blog post — but I’ll summarize it here again: multiple Forrester surveys have shown that B2B buyers strongly... [Read more]

Why most people don't make any money online #ad

Matthew Neer has a secret, one that many marketers never grasp. But people earning over $5,000 dollars per month online know the secret and use it to their advantage. Neer shares this secret in his training, The 5K Formula System. ... [Read more]

‘How to Upgrade Your B2B Marketing Strategy with AdWords’ – HubSpot

Callie Hinman says, “Smart marketers know Google AdWords is an essential part of a strong B2B marketing strategy. Since Google searchers are actively looking for either pertinent answers or solutions, marketers can quickly capture their attention and convert them to leads with search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns—as long as they take the... [Read more]

‘How to optimise your personalisation efforts with segmentation’ – Econsultancy

Jeff Rajeck says, “Most companies are exploring personalisation as a marketing strategy, but many are finding it difficult fitting it into the marketing mix. Here is one interesting way to do it. Econsultancy recently held roundtable discussions in Jakarta, Indonesia about The Rise of Customer Experience & Customer Journey, sponsored by... [Read more]

‘On-Page SEO in 2016: The 8 Principles for Success’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “On-page SEO is no longer a simple matter of checking things off a list. There’s more complexity to this process in 2016 than ever before, and the idea of “optimization” both includes and builds upon traditional page elements. In this Whiteboard Friday, Rand explores the eight principles you’ll need for on-page... [Read more]

How You Can Leverage Google to Tap into Amazon’s Bounty #ad

Some Amazon affiliates do quite well by specializing on a particular niche and offering a range of products specifically for that niche. The better your niche, the more they earn. Mo Miah and his team have created new software that will help you find niches that are designed to create a good income for you. It's called 'InstaNiche Pro'... [Read more]

‘Video Marketing: Electronics retailer injects fun into product tutorials to achieve 1.75% purchase rate’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Burstein says, ““We try to have fun with everything we do, and our audience seems to respond to it pretty well,” Gregg Barclay, Senior Videographer, SparkFun Electronics, told me in an interview at last year’s MarketingSherpa Media Center at IRCE. What it takes to produce online video marketing YouTube, Vimeo and other online video... [Read more]

‘The Content Marketing Continuum: How to Create Content to Meet Customers’ Needs’ – Copyblogger

Pamela Wilson says, “Content marketing can feel like a never-ending ordeal. At the same time, we know content marketing is good for business. Which is why we find the courage to approach that unnerving blank page week after week, always wondering what we can possibly write to convince our reader to become a customer. Sometimes it feels like writing... [Read more]

‘Eight Ways Planning Will Make You a Better Content Marketer’ – MarketingProfs

Meg Hogan says, “As a marketer, you know the industry is a mixed bag of talent. Some marketers are creatives, others are Type A planners operating on the assumption that everything should follow a predetermined sequence. Although all types of personalities have a role in marketing content creation and management, great marketing comes from a balance... [Read more]

Videotocks: Hi-Res photos & videos for your sites and docs #ad

Fachrul Stream has gathered a large collection of brand new 1920x1080 stock footage backgrounds and HD photos into a package that he calls 'Videotocks, Volume 2'... [Read more]

‘Smart Content Marketers Are Succeeding With These 5 Proven Strategies’ – Entrepreneur

Sam Oh says, “Content marketing isn’t a fad. Engaging and building relationships with customers is the smart way to drive profitable action for your brand. It is predicted that 88 percent of B2B marketers will be using content marketing while 76 percent of marketers plan to produce more content this year. With over 2 million blog posts published... [Read more]

‘Three ways to deliver future-focused digital advertising’ – Marketing Land

Alex LePage says, “Despite last year’s declaration from some industry pundits that the death of digital advertising is here, we think digital advertising will survive and can even thrive. For the industry to survive, though, we need to take a realistic look at how digital advertising hasn’t exactly kept pace with changing consumer habits and... [Read more]

‘Young users aren’t fans of targeted social ads: Report’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “For marketers looking to sell their wares to millennials and their younger siblings, Gen Z, social media is an indispensable channel. But according to a new study conducted by Harris Poll for Lithium Technologies, marketers that are using targeted social ads to reach members of these groups may be shooting themselves in... [Read more]

Arbitrage CPA Machines: New way to CPA profits #ad

To be a success in CPA marketing you need two things: 1. A source for responsive traffic; 2. A compelling offer. Liming Wu has been studying traffic sources. He reports that Facebook, with its billions of members, is the kind of traffic source we have all dreamed of, but it comes with some warnings and pitfalls... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing is Chess, Stop Treating it Like Checkers’ –

Tyler Hakes says, “How many companies have blogs that have long been abandoned? How many companies treat writing content like a chore; a box that just needs checked every week, rather than a valuable business tool? How many companies gave up because content marketing simply didn’t seem to work at all? According to a study by Content Marketing... [Read more]

‘Top Marketing Trends for Small Businesses’ – Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur team says, “Today’s competitive landscape continues to put more demand on small businesses than ever before. As trends inevitably come and go, how do small businesses identify the relevant trends at the right time to not only complement the brand, but also resonate with target audiences? Think about the challenges your brand faces... [Read more]

‘Automattic to offer .blog domain names, WordPress not required’ – Marketing Land

Matt McGee says, “Automattic, the parent company of WordPress, will begin offering .blog domains later this year. And while you can use them with a or self-hosted WordPress website, you don’t have to. According to Thursday’s announcement, registration prices “are still being finalized, but they will be in the standard range... [Read more]

‘A Visual Guide to the Science of Twitter Success’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “After years of trying to understand the ins and outs of using Twitter for business — from hashtag best practices to running paid campaigns — many marketers have been left wondering … “Does any of this Twitter stuff actually work? Where are the numbers? Where’s the science?!” At long last,... [Read more]

‘Logic & magic: How to harness the power of language’ – Econsultancy

Nikki Gilliland says, “Susie Dent is best known for bringing a bit of class to C4’s Countdown. Not that Rachel Riley isn’t elegant or super smart of course, but if you’re a fan of words over numbers, you’re bound to hold a place in your heart for good old Dictionary Corner. I digress. The point is that lexicographer Susie certainly... [Read more]

‘Tune study: Overwhelming number of mobile users won’t pay even $1/year for content’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “Some makers of ad blocking software pitch the idea that the Web was really meant to be a place where users voluntarily pay for content, instead of being compelled to endure ads. Case in point: last week’s announcement of a joint project between Adblock Plus and content-funding tool Flattr, creating Flattr Plus. It sets up... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing: Testing the lifetime value of a blog post’ – MarketingExperiments

Ken Bowen says, “When evaluating the effectiveness of our content marketing efforts, one of the most difficult metrics to pin down can be lifetime value. When you’re talking about a blog post in particular, which can lack the “stickiness” of infographics, charts or webinars, estimating life cycle gets even trickier. For years, the industry... [Read more]

‘Marketing Video: Data-Driven Marketing for Sustainable Growth’ – MarketingProfs

Ashley Ruppert says, “In any business, knowledge is power. What better way to increase your knowledge than studying your organization’s data? Sounds obvious enough, right? Actually, it’s not as obvious as it seems. In fact, only 50% of marketers routinely apply data-driven marketing to individualize marketing messages and offers to... [Read more]

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