IM NewsWatch, May 16, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘What’s Your Landing Page Score? – Website Magazine’ and much more...

May 16th, 2013 at 4:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, May 16, 2013

‘Context is King in Mobile’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Context is King in Mobile”. Anthony Mullen says, “If you are at the deYoung museum in San Francisco and do a search on “painting,” you might be looking for a Van Gogh. If you are in Home Depot and do a search on “painting,” you likely need supplies for your weekend project. I... [Read more]

‘Average Value of a Facebook Brand Fan Increases 28%’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Average Value of a Facebook Brand Fan Increases 28%”. Ayaz Nanji says, “The average value of a brand fan on Facebook in key consumer categories increased to $174 in 2012, from $136 in 2010, according to a new report from Syncapse. The 28% increase was driven by Facebook fans’ tendency... [Read more]

‘Google+ Stream Gets Fresh New Look & Automatically-Added Hashtags At Google I/O’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Google+ Stream Gets Fresh New Look & Automatically-Added Hashtags At Google I/O”. Amy Gesenhues says, “Google announced a number of Google+ upgrades during the keynote presentation at today’s Google I/O, including a new responsive, multi-column layout for Google+... [Read more]

WP Real Time Mouse Tracker shows you what your site users are doing #ad

Don Westendorp wanted to know more about how visitors used his site. But he found that although there are programs that track people’s movements on the site, their information is limited and hard to extract and interpret, so he built Don’s WP Real Time Mouse Tracker to give the data you need so you can take useful action. Westendorp put... [Read more]

‘10 Reasons Why Self-Published Books Don’t Sell – and What You Can Do to Ensure Yours DOES' – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “10 Reasons Why Self-Published Books Don’t Sell – and What You Can Do to Ensure Yours DOES?. Kristen Eckstein says, “One of the biggest complaints I hear from self-published authors who found The Ultimate Book Coachafterthey published their books is, “My book isn’t selling.... [Read more]

‘Google I/O and the Push for Better Context’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Google I/O and the Push for Better Context”. Dan Lyons says, “Google’s big I/O conference launched today, with a raft of product rollouts and introductions, including a new music service and improvements to its Maps app and Google+ social network. But the big-picture takeaway, to... [Read more]

‘Google I/O: What The Company Didn’t Announce’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Google I/O: What The Company Didn’t Announce”. Dan Rowinski say, “Is there anything that Google didn’t announce at the keynote of its Google I/O developers conference Wednesday morning? Google just unleashed a fury of new features for all of its properties today at the Google... [Read more]

Azon Boating Cash Riches: Amazon resources for affiliates #ad

Mike McKay, creator of sales aids for Amazon affiliates, has just created Azon Boating Cash Riches. As with all his Amazon affiliate packages, he has included many aids to make your Amazon marketing easier and more profitable. If you have been reading IM NewsWatch for a while, you are familiar with them: • 60 video reviews for recreational boating... [Read more]

‘Google I/O Keynote Reveals Google’s Master Plan’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google I/O Keynote Reveals Google’s Master Plan”. Lance Ulanoff says, “I’m still digesting Google’s 3.5 hour Google I/O 2013 keynote, but I can’t shake the notion that Google is now the world’s most powerful and important company. I’m not saying that it has the world-beating products... [Read more]

‘7 Ways to Build Authority on Google+’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “7 Ways to Build Authority on Google+”. Allison Howen says, “As the looming Penguin update(version 2.0) hovers overhead, search professionals are left wondering how the unknown changes to Google’s search algorithm will impact their company’s digital visibility. While Google always holds... [Read more]

‘10 Essential Marketing Blogs’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “10 Essential Marketing Blogs”. Sig Ueland says, “If you’re involved with marketing a business, make sure you learn from the experts. Here a list of essential marketing blogs, featuring digital marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, small business marketing, and entrepreneurship.... [Read more]

White Label PLR Videos: HTML 5 Training for you and your clients #ad

Steve Dougherty is an experienced creator of training videos. This fourth volume tackles the timely subject of HTML 5, the new standard for website building. Every webmaster in the world needs to understand HTML 5, and site owners like us marketers, need to understand the basics, too. Dougherty’s White Label PLR Videos Volume 04 lets you first... [Read more]

‘When is Social Media Experimentation a Waste of Company Resources' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “When is Social Media Experimentation a Waste of Company Resources?. Baer says, “In this edition of The Baer Facts, I talk with Kyle Lacy of ExactTarget about whether brands should be taking the plunge into other emerging platforms, specifically SnapChat. As an author, it scares... [Read more]

‘Six basic tips for improving homepage product banners’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Six basic tips for improving homepage product banners”. David Moth says, “Providing tailored product recommendations is a proven way of boosting online sales, with two-thirds of companies (66%) stating that personalisation improvesboth customer experience and business performance. Speaking... [Read more]

‘Mozscape’s Second May 2013 Index Is Live!’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Mozscape’s Second May 2013 Index Is Live!”. Brad Friedman says, “Holy smokes, another May index is now live! Check out the fresh, new data in all of your favorite apps, including Open Site Explorer, the Mozbar, your PRO campaigns, and the Mozscape API”. Mozscape’s Second May 2013... [Read more]

Flippa Revelation: Profit from Flippa even if your site doesn’t sell #ad

You don’t have to sell your website to earn money from Flippa; there are services you can sell in conjunction with it, whether you sell the site or not. Matt Jay shows you how in Flippa Revelation. In Jay’s new training, you will discover: • The secret method Jay use to make money on flippa whether he sells a site or not. • What... [Read more]

‘NPS for Marketing: An Interview With the Creator of the Net Promoter System’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”NPS for Marketing: An Interview With the Creator of the Net Promoter System”. Mike Volpe says, “We’re big followers of Net Promoter Score (NPS) at HubSpot. In fact, we track the NPS of our customers, our employees, people who contact our support team, and even our INBOUND conference attendees.... [Read more]

‘Could Mobile Responsive Website Design Hurt Your SEO?’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Could Mobile Responsive Website Design Hurt Your SEO?”. Jerod Morris says, “Allow your jaw to become unhinged at this statistic: There are over 1 million more mobile devices activated every day across the world than there are babies born. Yeah, mind = blown. Indeed, designing with a mobile-first... [Read more]

Final Reminder- ‘Marketing Campaign Strategies for the Social and Mobile World’ MarketingProfs Seminar 12.00 pm ET

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar with Rebecca Wardlow on Thursday, May 16 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the seminar is “Marketing Campaign Strategies for the Social and Mobile World”. MarketingProfs team says, “This PRO seminar will help you get your mobile-first plan in place by teaching you how consumers are using their mobile... [Read more]

Three offline WSOs for under $1 #ad

If you didn’t buy Shelley Owens’s three informative e-books, you’re in luck because she and her partners are offering a remarkable bundle for a remarkable price. Even if you did buy one or two of them, the bundle is so attractively priced, it’s worth buying just for the one you are missing. The three books in the bundle are: •... [Read more]

‘How To Set A Deadline In An Email Auto Responder’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Set A Deadline In An Email Auto Responder”. Chow says, “Most Internet marketers know that putting a deadline on an affiliate offer increases the conversion rate. When people know that an offer is about to expire, they take action instead of putting it in the back burner. A Hard Date Is Better Than... [Read more]

‘B2B Social Media Marketing: DocuSign’s targeted LinkedIn InMail strategy creates 3 large pipeline opportunities’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “B2B Social Media Marketing: DocuSign’s targeted LinkedIn InMail strategy creates 3 large pipeline opportunities”. David Kirkpatrick says, “The topic for this B2B social media case study is familiar: LinkedIn. The overall strategy and goal are also familiar: Use third-party validation... [Read more]

‘Now Google Wants To Kill The Mobile Web (Good Riddance)’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Now Google Wants To Kill The Mobile Web (Good Riddance)”. Owen Thomas say, “Mobile versions of websites are so 2009. You know those clunky, stripped-down versions of sites with addresses that tack an “m.” onto the beginning, and serve up a dumbed-down, limited version of their content?... [Read more]

Social Media Plan of Attack (with PLR rights) #ad

Australian marketer Aurelius Tjin has just released his new Social Media Plan of Attack, a guide to using social media strategically to build your business. This e-book addresses the smart use of social media in your business. Use it to build your own business, and then sell it to other people if you like. If you want to resell it, you get numerous... [Read more]

‘Article Marketing: The Pros and Cons of Syndication’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Article Marketing: The Pros and Cons of Syndication”. Gail says, “Article marketing has been the mainstay of traffic generation for many marketers. And, do you know why? Because it works! However, it isn’t the article marketing techniques and strategies that were used in 2009.... [Read more]

‘Using Data-Centered Storytelling To Enchant & Engage Your Email Audience’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Using Data-Centered Storytelling To Enchant & Engage Your Email Audience”. Lynn Baus says, “Our goal as savvy email marketers is to look beyond the lure of the one-time conversion and strive to build an ongoing relationship between consumers and our brands. Why is... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Maximizing the Return From Your Facebook Investment‘ – Third Door Media Webinar 1.00 pm EDT

Third Door Media is hosting a webinar on Thursday, May 16 at 1.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Maximizing the Return From Your Facebook Investment”. The TDM team says, “Register to Learn: How to craft a Facebook campaign strategy for your business objectives Best practices for audience targeting, creative design, creative... [Read more]

Your own software in the lucrative parenting niche #ad

You can have a business helping parents teach their children to read. You do it by giving away Teach Child To Read software that you have branded with your own business name. This software shows parents how to get their preschool children to start reading. And you give it away at no charge. Why? When they use the software, they see an ad at the bottom... [Read more]

‘You Can Now Send Money Via Gmail’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “You Can Now Send Money Via Gmail”. Todd Wasserman says, “Google tacked another announcement onto a day full of them with an update to Google Wallet that lets you send money via Gmail. As the video above explains there will be a dollar-sign icon for Gmail attachments. Click it and you can... [Read more]

‘Don’t be a mobile privacy creep. Eight top tips for marketers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Don’t be a mobile privacy creep. Eight top tips for marketers”. Danilo Labovic says, “Are you being a creep? If you’re a digital marketer working with mobile then unless you’ve got your privacy plans sussed there’s a good chance that your customers... [Read more]

‘What’s Your Landing Page Score?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “What’s Your Landing Page Score?”. Pete Prestipino says, “Landing pages are an important part of the digital marketing mix. The better optimized they are for conversion, the greater profits your enterprise will have in the long run. Website Magazine has covered the practice of landing... [Read more]

Extreme List Building Blueprint: How he adds 100-300 subscribers daily #ad

Israeli marketer Tom Yevsikov has created Extreme List Building Blueprint, a guide to list building that contains 5 methods, some free and some paid, that bring him consistent results. And Yevsikov says these methods don’t just get random subscribers; they get buyers in your niche. You get started with his methods, and your list starts growing,... [Read more]

‘Yin and Yang of Disavow’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Yin and Yang of Disavow”. Wil Reynolds says, “Is Disavowing spam links and reverse engineering spam networks really where Google wants us to spend our time? By the looks of the Disavow process, that answer is a resounding yes”. Yin and Yang of Disavow SEOmoz  [Read more]

‘What Your Traditional Marketing Education Didn’t Teach You About Marketing Today’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”What Your Traditional Marketing Education Didn’t Teach You About Marketing Today”. Katie Burke says, “In the older days of marketing, most interview questions revolved around a marketer’s knowledge of marketing principles like “The 4 Ps” and how he or she could apply that knowledge... [Read more]

‘Could Google+ Play a Role in the Upcoming Penguin Update?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Could Google+ Play a Role in the Upcoming Penguin Update?”. Michael Garrity says, “On Friday morning, Matt Cutts, the person in charge of Google’s webspam team, announced via Twitter that the search engine would be rolling out the next generation, version 2.0, of its Penguin update (originally... [Read more]

Evergreen Niche Membership Sites for long-term income #ad

Some people try to make money from fads and short-term trends. These can bring in some income, but it isn’t stable; soon people stop caring about that fad and move on to another one. For stable income, you need to market in an “evergreen” niche, one that has staying power; one that will be important as long as there are people with... [Read more]

‘Google Search Learns To Listen & Understand Context’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Google Search Learns To Listen & Understand Context”. Brian Proffitt say, “In all of the razzle-dazzle coming out of Google I/O Wednesday morning, it’s easy to forget about the company’s core product: Search. But Google didn’t forget about Search, showing off a number... [Read more]

‘Fact. Creating more content gets results’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Fact. Creating more content gets results”. Michelle Hill says, “As a content marketing agency, we are always telling people what a vital role content plays in driving all elements of your digital marketing, be it social media, email marketing, SEO etc. The good thing is that... [Read more]

‘Chartbeat Helps Publishers Sell Time, Not Pageviews’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Chartbeat Helps Publishers Sell Time, Not Pageviews”. Lauren Indvik says, “Today, most online display ads are sold by the number of impressions or by click-throughs, metrics that favor sites that generate lots of pageviews, perhaps through short articles, sensationalized headlines or slideshows.... [Read more]

How to get Your 1st 1000 Facebook Fans #ad

Travis Petelle is giving away at no cost, his new training, on getting your 1st 1000 Fans. This system is is the exact process Patelle used (and continues to use) when he builds a fan page. When he did it, Patelle says, within the first 24 hours, sales began pouring in. In this free training he goes through the entire process of researching a viral... [Read more]

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