IM NewsWatch, May 15, 2012 - Latest IM News including 'Big list of link building strategies' and much more...

May 15th, 2012 at 4:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

‘How To Get Massive Amounts Of Leads & Customers With Google Places & Local Marketing’ Robert Grant’s Webinar May 17

Robert Grant is hosting a webinar on Thursday, May 17 at 9.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “How To Get Massive Amounts Of Leads & Customers With Google Places & Local Marketing”. Grant says, “Sign Up Below Right Now and Join Our Upcoming LIVE Event Where You’ll... [Read more]

’12 Ways to Strengthen Your Call to Action’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ’MarketingProfs’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is “12 Ways to Strengthen Your Call to Action”. ‘MarketingProfs’ Newsletter Contents How-To: 12 Ways to Strengthen Your Call to Action PRO Seminar: Get the Most Out of Your Facebook... [Read more]

‘Why LinkedIn’s Sales Lead Conversion is 4X Better’ – ‘LinkedIn Marketing Ezine’

Kristina Jaramillo has released the latest issue of ’LinkedIn Marketing Ezine’. The featured article is titled “Why LinkedIn’s Sales Lead Conversion is 4X Better”. ‘LinkedIn Marketing Ezine’ Contents 1. Personal Note – LinkedIn Distractions 2. Where is Kristina... [Read more]

Chiropractor Reveals his 7 Top Facebook Tricks #ad

Dr. Ben Adkins (a.k.a. The Evil Facebook Magician) has released The Facebook Community Chest that details the seven tactics he has found profitable in Facebook marketing. These 7 techniques (he calls them “tricks”) get people to stay connected to yu, to “like” your fan page, to... [Read more]

‘How to Be Creative’ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “How to Be Creative”. Craig Ballantyne says, “I’m a lucky man. Creativity comes relatively easy to me. Unfortunately, a lot of folks struggle with idea generation.... [Read more]

‘Big List of Link Building Strategies’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Calling All Content Marketers: Curb the Sales Pitch”. Michael Garrity says, “At the end of the day, no marketing effort in the world can make up for the need to provide good content that is meaningful and relevant to the... [Read more]

‘Project Management for SEO (2012 Edition!)’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Project Management for SEO (2012 Edition!)”. Tom Critchlow says, “How not to suck at project management and take your work, business, and team to the next level”. Project Management for SEO (2012 Edition!) SEOmoz  Read More →

Finally, you can have clickable links in YouTube Videos #ad

The value of YouTube is in driving traffic to your website. But the harder it is for them to get to your site from a YouTube video (which they may see embedded elsewhere, not on YouTube itself)the fewer click-throughs you will receive. That’s why a clickable link in the video itself is ideal -... [Read more]

‘Understanding and Engaging Today’s Connected Buyer’ MarketingProfs Seminar June 7

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar on Thursday, June 7 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Understanding and Engaging Today’s Connected Buyer”. MarketingProfs team says, “What Will You Learn? - How to best understand and appeal to today’s super-connected buyer -How... [Read more]

’10 ESSENTIAL Facebook Money-Making ‘Techie’ Tips’ Mari Smith’s Webinar 3.00 pm EST

Mari Smith is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, May 15 at 3.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “10 ESSENTIAL Facebook Money-Making ‘Techie’ Tips”. Smith says, “Facebook can be so confusing for most business owners… and every time you go to do something, it’s... [Read more]

‘Why Good or Great Customer Service Isn’t Enough’ by Sandra Martini

Sandra Martini’s latest article is reprinted here. The article is titled “Why Good or Great Customer Service Isn’t Enough”. Why Good or Great Customer Service Isn’t Enough What’s the difference between good customer service, great customer service and Extreme Client Care™? ... [Read more]

Ben Gordon created a new Membership Site in two days and now shares the process #ad

Although Gordon was a beginner, he dug in and got the site up in two days and had $1456 monthly income in three days. In this new training he shows how to: * Research to find a niche to serve * Create a product to serve the niche in a day * Write sales copy that converts * Outsource the hard stuff *... [Read more]

‘The Most Overrated Social Media Metric’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “The Most Overrated Social Media Metric”. Baer says, “Do you sell advertising on your website? No? Then why are you so excited about your website traffic? The most overrated social media metric is traffic... [Read more]

’2 Must-Have Skills as an Internet Marketer’ by Brett Ingram

Brett Ingram’s latest ‘Think Big Publications’ blog post is titled “2 Must-Have Skills as an Internet Marketer”. Ingram says, “I get asked a lot what the “secret” is to being successful in Internet marketing. It’s not about products, tools, or cutting edge tactics.... [Read more]

‘Dear Affiliates – We Need You!’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Dear Affiliates – We Need You!”. Collins Says, “The 10th annual AffStat survey of affiliate marketing statistics is open through May 31, 2012, and we’re trying to get as much input as possible. This AffStat survey is focused on affiliates,... [Read more]

Amazon Affiliates Summer Sun and Fun Niche #ad

Jamie Charles ha released new research package for Amazon affiliates: 198 Amazon products for the summer season. Products for recreation, vacation, summer sports and more. The products he highlights have a review rating of at least 4 out of 5 (and have been reviewed at least 5 times) and are priced at... [Read more]

’3 Email Copywriting Tips for Business Owners’ by Charlie Cook

Charlie Cook’s latest blog post is titled “3 Email Copywriting Tips for Business Owners”. Cook says, “I typically get 75 to 100 emails a day, so cleaning my inbox out is like flipping through the channel guide on cable tv. If an email doesn’t catch my attention, it’s skipped over... [Read more]

‘Elements of effective subject lines’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Elements of effective subject lines”. Daniel Burstein says, “In a recent Web clinic planning meeting, Dr. Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director and CEO, MECLABS, discussed some elements that determine how effective a subject... [Read more]

‘FTC Scores Big Court Win Against DRTV Veterans’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “FTC Scores Big Court Win Against DRTV Veterans”. Schoemaker says, “In a much-awaited decision, a federal judge has granted summary judgment in favor of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) against DRTV veterans Gary Hewitt and Doug... [Read more]

New Mobile Site Maker Builds Stunning Mobile Sites in Moments #ad

Mobi-o-matic can build a mobile site that supports “touch screen” functionality without requiring any coding, Photoshop skills or plugins. In five minutes you can create a mobile site for your offline clients. This system comes with over 1000 versions of template-based websites for local... [Read more]

‘Are You Marketing By Psychographics?’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Are You Marketing By Psychographics?”. Amanda Gagnon says, “We talk a lot about segmenting by your list’s demographics. Breaking your list into segments certainly helps you deliver what each reader is looking for. But have you... [Read more]

‘This Week In StomperNet – May 14, 2012′ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “This Week In StomperNet – May 14, 2012″. The ‘StomperNet’ team says, ”This week we are covering “Successful Selling.” Let’s face it; your business will not last if you can’t be successful at selling. While... [Read more]

‘A Computer Interface That Takes a Load Off Your Mind’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”A Computer Interface That Takes a Load Off Your Mind”. Kate Greene says, ”Conversations between people include a lot more than just words. All sorts of visual and aural cues indicate each party’s state of mind and make for a... [Read more]

92 Ways To Make Money With Your WordPress Blog #ad

Garry Sayer has put together a list of 92 ways to monetize your WordPress blog, most of them easy to implement. These aren’t fluffy, high-level ideas, but practical, actionable techniques that can bring in funding from your site. The price is about $3 (including PLR), but rising. Go now and... [Read more]

‘Marketing Monday: Reaching a NEW Audience’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “Marketing Monday: Reaching a NEW Audience”. Dean says, “For this Marketing Monday, I wanted to feature AMC Movie theaters who offer special showings of their movies for those children affected with sensory disorders. For some children this is... [Read more]

ClickSquared Releases ‘Cross-Channel Marketing Clicking with Customers Through a Fluid Lifecycle’ White Paper

ClickSquared has released a white paper entitled “Cross-Channel Marketing Clicking with Customers Through a Fluid Lifecycle”. ClickSquared team says, “Cross-channel marketing helps marketers to understand individual customer’s interests and requirements, and achieve unprecedented... [Read more]

‘How to Hire a Geek’ by Joel Comm

Joel Comm’s latest blog post is titled “How to Hire a Geek”. Comm says, “In the previous article, we learned about the five different types of geeks, and how each can benefit you. Now, we’ll find out how to go out and actually get one! There are four approaches to finding... [Read more]

Use Facebook’s Open Graph to Increase Traffic & Registrations #ad

Peter Max has created a WordPress plugin that combines the Facebook Like button, the Comments social plugin and the Facebook Open Graph to help your site become a viral hit. Google considers Facebook comments in its ratings. This MaxSocial Share plugin lets you add Facebook comments to your pages and... [Read more]

‘Tumblr Reaching Out with Chat Widget’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Tumblr Reaching Out with Chat Widget”. Michael Garrity says, “It just got easier to communicate with users on the Tumblr microblogging platform, thanks to a new integration with Chatwing . Tumblr’s recent surge in... [Read more]

‘The 10 Most Common SEO Mistakes Marketers Make’ MarketingProfs Seminar June 14

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar on Thursday, June 14 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “The 10 Most Common SEO Mistakes Marketers Make”. MarketingProfs team says, “What Will You Learn? - Why some brands are dominating in Google - Common SEO tools and how to best use... [Read more]

‘The History of Social Recruiting Technology [INFOGRAPHIC]‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”The History of Social Recruiting Technology [INFOGRAPHIC]“. Lauren Hockenson says, ”Digital recruiting has certainly come a long way in such a short time. Since the dawn of the computerized job process, quick and simple strides... [Read more]

Who else wants your very own empire of profitable mini-businesses? #ad

New WP Brand-Me plugin can build your site authority, build high PR links and build your income in any niche. For example, use it to rebrand and give away hundreds of plugins that are released by their authors for this use. When people ask for your plugin, invite them to also take a look at a CPA offer... [Read more]

‘Subject Lines Tested’ MarketingExperiments Webinar May 16

MarketingExperiments is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, May 16 at 4.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Subject Lines Tested: How to write subject lines that double your clickthrough rate”. MarketingExperiments team says, “In the clinic, our researchers will review your subject... [Read more]

‘Facebook to Let Users Vote On Its Privacy Policies’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Facebook to Let Users Vote On Its Privacy Policies”. Dave Copeland says, “Facebook shareholders may be grumbling about the inordinate amount of control founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg holds under the company’s relatively... [Read more]

‘Where To Now For Yahoo? Thompson Out, Loeb & Co In’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Where To Now For Yahoo? Thompson Out, Loeb & Co In”. Richard MacManus says, “Over the weekend, Yahoo’s embattled CEO Scott Thompsonfinally did the honorable thing and stood down. Ex-President of News Corp’s... [Read more]

Prove your value to your potential offline clients #ad

Mobile Prove-it shows how to get your foot in the door of local businesses by proving in advance that your service works, by delivering value to them first before asking for any money. This is a video course that takes you through every aspect of this marketing method. This approach is completely non... [Read more]

‘Manage Customer Complaints with Comment Cards’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Manage Customer Complaints with Comment Cards”. AllisonH says, “Customer satisfaction measurement provider iPerceptions , has launched a new solution called Comment Cards, which aims at helping companies more easily manage... [Read more]

‘Big List of Link Building Strategies’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Big List of Link Building Strategies”. Michael Garrity says, “Link building should always be top of mind for those who want to grow their Web properties, but to call it a difficult practice is an understatement. It is,... [Read more]

‘Yahoo Ousts Thompson, Loeb Wins. Now What?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”Yahoo Ousts Thompson, Loeb Wins. Now What?”. Lance Ulanoff says, ”Scott Thompson’s short run as Yahoo CEO is over. He resigned this weekend after trying vainly to beat back the growing controversy over his somewhat fanciful... [Read more]

How to easily build Facebook Fan pages for your clients #ad

New tool All-in-One Viral Toolkit (available only through Thursday) quickly creates stunning timeline-based fan pages without any html skills. Just point and click. It’s called The All-inOne Viral Toolkit and it is facked with helpful features. * It lets you build dynamic fan pages that have all... [Read more]

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