IM NewsWatch, May 13, 2016 - ‘The Marketing Help You Need, But Can’t Afford – Entrepreneur' and much more...

May 13th, 2016 at 8:54 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, May 13, 2016

‘Tune study: Overwhelming number of mobile users won’t pay even $1/year for content’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “Some makers of ad blocking software pitch the idea that the Web was really meant to be a place where users voluntarily pay for content, instead of being compelled to endure ads. Case in point: last week’s announcement of a joint project between Adblock Plus and content-funding tool Flattr, creating Flattr Plus. It sets up... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing: Testing the lifetime value of a blog post’ – MarketingExperiments

Ken Bowen says, “When evaluating the effectiveness of our content marketing efforts, one of the most difficult metrics to pin down can be lifetime value. When you’re talking about a blog post in particular, which can lack the “stickiness” of infographics, charts or webinars, estimating life cycle gets even trickier. For years, the industry... [Read more]

‘Marketing Video: Data-Driven Marketing for Sustainable Growth’ – MarketingProfs

Ashley Ruppert says, “In any business, knowledge is power. What better way to increase your knowledge than studying your organization’s data? Sounds obvious enough, right? Actually, it’s not as obvious as it seems. In fact, only 50% of marketers routinely apply data-driven marketing to individualize marketing messages and offers to... [Read more]

Why most people don’t make any money online #ad

Matthew Neer has a secret, one that many marketers never grasp. But people earning over $5,000 dollars per month online know the secret and use it to their advantage. Neer shares this secret in his training, The 5K Formula System. He designed this system to help brand new marketers earn their first $5,000 per month, and to repeat that success each... [Read more]

‘ How to Build a Creative Writing Plan That Grows Your Business’ –

Faizan Raza says, “When you’re performing content marketing, there is one goal you have in mind: attracting the target audience with something different and better than the competition’s offer. Even if the business doesn’t offer something really unique, a creative copy can make it the first choice of the consumers. If you’re not a great... [Read more]

‘The Marketing Help You Need, But Can’t Afford’ – Entrepreneur

Brian Barquilla says, “There comes a point in the lifecycle of a healthy business when the owner realizes the business could benefit from some professional marketing help. Haphazardly trying social media, pay per click, or tradeshows will only get you so far and could very well end up hurting the business in the long run. At some point there needs... [Read more]

‘Online Cross-Border B2C Sales Will More Than Double In The Next Five Years, Globally’ – Forrester

Michael O’Grady says, “Forrester Data has just released its first global cross-border online retail forecast covering 29 countries worldwide, helping retailers understand the size and growth of the online cross-border market by country and region and identify the region-to-region flow of trade. Cross-border online B2C sales will more than... [Read more]

How You Can Leverage Google to Tap into Amazon’s Bounty #ad

Some Amazon affiliates do quite well by specializing on a particular niche and offering a range of products specifically for that niche. The better your niche, the more they earn... [Read more]

‘A Marketer’s Guide to Email Deliverability: How to Avoid Email Spam Filters’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Marketers spend a lot of time drafting poignant email copy, designing wonderfully branded email templates, and crafting succinct and enticing email subject lines that get open and click-through rates skyrocketing. But before hitting send, have you considered whether your subscribers will even get the opportunity to read... [Read more]

‘How to optimise your personalisation efforts with segmentation’ – Econsultancy

Jeff Rajeck says, “Most companies are exploring personalisation as a marketing strategy, but many are finding it difficult fitting it into the marketing mix. Here is one interesting way to do it. Econsultancy recently held roundtable discussions in Jakarta, Indonesia about The Rise of Customer Experience & Customer Journey, sponsored by... [Read more]

’36 Authoritative Outreach Tips for Digital PR Specialists’ – MOZ

Cosette Jarrett says, “Whether you’ve been in the digital PR biz for years, or you’re a recent grad starting your first job, you stand to benefit from a few tips for building and maintaining valuable relationships with influencers at target publications. That’s why I’ve teamed up with my digital PR team at Clearlink to compile a list... [Read more]

Videotocks: Hi-Res photos & videos for your sites and docs #ad

Fachrul Stream has gathered a large collection of brand new 1920x1080 stock footage backgrounds and HD photos into a package that he calls 'Videotocks, Volume 2'... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing Defined in 60 Seconds ‘ – Copyblogger

Demian Farnworth says, “Millennials … you’ve got to love them. Particularly when it comes to their devotion to checking their email. According to an August 2015 survey on email by Adobe, Millennials are the age group most likely to check their email: From bed (70 percent) From the bathroom (57 percent) While driving (27 percent) That’s a... [Read more]

‘Google and Bing each institute bans on ads in the name of consumer protection’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “Google’s announcement that it would no longer accept advertising promoting payday and high-interest loans earlier this week was followed by news from Microsoft that Bing Ads will no longer accept any ads from third-party tech support services. The two companies said the moves were to protect consumers from “deceptive or... [Read more]

‘Google aims to help advertisers capitalize on viral videos’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “At its digital Newfronts event last week, Google’s YouTube announced a new ad offering that it hopes will give advertisers the ability to take advantage of viral videos. Breakout Videos is part of Google Preferred, which launched in 2014 and gives advertisers access to inventory from YouTube’s most popular channels... [Read more]

Arbitrage CPA Machines: New way to CPA profits #ad

To be a success in CPA marketing you need two things: 1. A source for responsive traffic 2. A compelling offer. Liming Wu has been studying traffic sources. He reports that Facebook< with its billions of members, is the kind of traffic source we have all dreamed of, but it comes with some warnings and pitfalls... [Read more]

‘Seven Technical SEO Mistakes Ruining Your Search Rankings’ – MarketingProfs

Nathan Gotch says, “Technical SEO mistakes are the silent killer of campaigns. They not only disrupt user experience but also make Google hate your website. Keep the following fact in your mind as you read this article: When users don’t like your website, Google doesn’t like your website. So, the goal of technical SEO is make the user... [Read more]

‘Sales Leaders Series: My Interview with Steve Blum of Autodesk’ –

Fergal Glynn says, “When it comes to sales and marketing success, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but that doesn’t mean you have to reinvent the wheel, either. Taking cues from thought leaders and organizations who have implemented streamlined, impactful sales methodologies and fine-tuned their strategies to achieve incredible success... [Read more]

‘Facebook Messenger: The Future Of Customer Service?’ – Forrester

Ian Jacobs says, “As Francis Bacon wrote in 1625, “If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain.” Although he did not write this with Facebook Messenger or customer service in mind, the meaning still applies. If customers will not come to your business, your business must go to the customers. In 2016, customer... [Read more]

ScrollTabs WordPress Plugin: Scrolling messages get attention #ad

A moving "ticker tape" style message, scrolling across your home page; what a way to attract people's attention to something important. Ken Reno has a new WordPress plugin, 'ScrollTabs WordPress Plugin', that will do just that. In fact, it will add a scrolling message, not just to WordPress sites, but also to HTML pages... [Read more]

‘Inbound Link Building 101: 33 White Hat Ways to Build Backlinks for SEO’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “There’s no question that building great inbound links to your site is hard work. While many site owners resort to spamming blog comment sections to get their backlinks, that’s neither necessary, nor effective for your SEO efforts. But it’s probably just a last ditch effort since, although there’s much talk... [Read more]

‘Why Virtual Reality is the ultimate storytelling tool for marketers’ – Econsultancy

Nikki Gilliland says, “Dominic Collins knows a thing or two about the power of new technology. And the good news is he’s one of the speakers at this year’s Future of Digital Marketing event, where he’ll be giving an insight into why marketers need to care about virtual reality. As Senior Consultant at Jaunt – a virtual reality... [Read more]

‘Pinterest to become an affiliate’s best friend again’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “Affiliates are about to love Pinterest once again. Fifteen months ago, Pinterest banned affiliate links from the image social network, citing issues about poor user experience. Too many variables, such as broken images, spam images and bad redirects were destroying the excitement on the site, so an executive decision was... [Read more]

‘Win a Free Trip to MozCon 2016!’ – MOZ

Charlene Ditch says, “Ever dreamed of going to MozCon and imagined yourself watching Dr. Pete’s talk, taking photos with Roger, and giving Rand a fist bump? Or maybe you’ve always gone to MozCon and just can’t budget it this year? Well, we have the opportunity of a lifetime for you! This year, we’re thrilled to try something... [Read more]

‘Instagram is testing analytics for businesses, too’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Last week, we spotted an early test of Instagram’s new profiles for business users. Now, it looks like Instagram is also starting to test analytics features for businesses. New screenshots show the photo sharing app is working on a set of fairly advanced analytics features that allow users to learn more about who is... [Read more]

‘6 Keyword Research Tools and Tactics You Might Not Have Tried’ – Small Business Trends

Ann Smarty says, “It can be easy to get locked into a pattern when it comes to keywords and concepts in marketing. You find what works, and it works for awhile, so you stick to it. The problem is that it won’t work forever. By the time you begin to see results tapering off, you have to scramble to research new ones. You end up losing ground... [Read more]

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