IM NewsWatch, May 13, 2015 - 'How to Build a Social-Media Strategy That Works’ – ‘Entrepreneur' and much more...

May 13th, 2015 at 9:06 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

‘Super Sales Strategies: Quick Tips for Upselling And Cross-Selling’ – ‘’ Blog

Jerry Low says, “Congratulations! The battle has been won—you’ve made a sale. But in reality, the battle has just begun. Making a sale is one thing, but what comes next? Hopefully more sales, and that’s where upselling and cross selling come in to play. These popular sales techniques help drive more sales from already converted... [Read more]

‘Report: Facebook Engagement Surges Year Over Year For Top Brands’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “With all the talk about organic reach for Facebook Pages shrinking to next to nothing, you might think that there would be a corresponding drop in brand engagement on the social network. But according to a new report from analytics provider Simply Measured that’s not the case, at least for major brands. In fact, total Facebook... [Read more]

‘How to Build a Social-Media Strategy That Works’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Peter Gasca says, “When was the last time you visited a website only to leave after only a few seconds? If you are like me, chances are you did this several times just this morning. Great websites are key to attracting and retaining visitors, and these days entrepreneurs have numerous tools at their disposal — Squarespace, Wix, Weebly... [Read more]

How Jimmy Kim Built a $25,000 A Month Business #ad

If you got the free e-book last week, you know Jimmy Kim has a powerful grasp of the list building process. He gave you a good introduction in that free e-book. Now, he is offering an advanced course that shares more of his best ideas on list building. Through trial and error (and a lot of persistence) Kim developed what he calls his Build My List... [Read more]

‘Want to Get More Out of Your Subject Lines? Try Testing’ – Return Path

Chance Barber says, “How many emails are in your inbox right now? Do you plan to read all of them? If you are like most of us, you probably don’t have that kind of time. Instead you will quickly scan through the list and open the handful that catch your eye. Catching the consumer’s eye is the goal of every marketer, and when it comes... [Read more]

‘Get your customer service ready for the digital-first generation’ – Forrester

Ian Jacobs says, “Do you hear that swooshing sound of a tweet being sent in the middle of a Google Hangout? It’s faint, but strong, and it means they’re coming. Generation Y—a generation raised entirely in a technology-driven world. This new breed of consumers demands more from companies and government agencies, with particularly high... [Read more]

‘How to Write a Cold Email That’ll Actually Get a Response’ – HubSpot

Dave Gerhardt says, “Since launching The Growth Show in February, we’ve been fortunate to land interviews with some really busy people, including executives of billion-dollar businesses and founders on the cusp of building the next big thing. For some of them, we had an “in.” Somebody knew somebody else and happily made the... [Read more]

99 Easy Ways To Get Traffic in 2015 #ad

Don’t miss this free training. Leon Tran is offering his new e-book, 99 Easy Ways To Get Traffic in 2015, at no charge, for a limited time. We all need more traffic to our sites. Tran did, too. So he came up with these 99 traffic generation methods, and now he is giving them to yu. Use one method, and grow your traffic; Use them all and watch... [Read more]

‘What the Verizon-AOL deal means for the Internet of Things’ – ‘Mashable’

Samantha Murphy Kelly says, “When Verizon announced on Tuesday it will buy AOL for $4.4 billion, the company’s statement emphasized its plans to insert itself into every single part of your home beyond the TV: the refrigerator, the washing machine, even the wearable on your wrist. Verizon touted its Internet of Things ambitions prominently... [Read more]

‘You Finally Achieved Content Virality! Now What?’ – MOZ Blog

Isla McKetta says, “If you’ve ever achieved the holy grail of content marketing success—true virality—you know the rush of endorphins as you watch the share count climb. You’ve smiled the enormous grin when one of your friends shares that piece on Facebook without any idea that you helped create it. Maybe you’ve even felt... [Read more]

‘New Facebook search feature could boost social referrals’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Facebook is an important source of traffic for many companies, including online publishers. And a new search engine Facebook is testing in its iOS mobile app could enable the world’s largest social network to generate even more referrals for third parties. As reported by TechCrunch, some users are seeing a new “Add... [Read more]

Are your videos being stolen? Stop thieves cold. #ad

It's a sad fact of online marketing that unscrupulous people steal online content whenever they can, content such as training videos, video products, sales videos, affiliate videos, and other items, too... [Read more]

‘5 Smart Content Strategies from a Stellar Marketer of Ideas’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “Marketers tend to get very caught up in thinking about how to persuade people to buy a product or service. Which makes sense … but it’s often jumping the gun. Because it’s quite common (and perhaps increasingly so) that we have to market our ideas — and connect our beliefs with those of our audience — before we can... [Read more]

‘A Visual History of Google Algorithm Updates’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “In the early days, Google’s search engine wasn’t nearly as powerful or accurate as it is today. I’m talking back in the late 90s and early 00s, when search engines were little more than keyword-matching and link-counting machines. Ranking highly in search results could be accomplished by essentially using... [Read more]

‘How should ecommerce brands be using content?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Ecommerce brands have embraced content marketing over the past couple of years. Of course some, like Net-A-Porter, have used content effectively long before it became a buzzword. However, while some are using content well, others just seem to be ticking boxes and failing to incorporate content fully. In this post, I’ll... [Read more]

EZ Viral Contest WP Plugin free for limited time #ad

Ken Reno has developed a WordPress plugin any online marketer can put to good use,EZ Viral Contest WP Plugin. Contests attract attention and, more important, they attract viral sharing. As a result, they can bring a lot of traffic to your site, traffic that can see all your offers and opportunities... [Read more]

‘Clean Up Your Sidebar!’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Does your sidebar look like a cluttered closet that’s stuffed to the gills with distracting ads, images, and text? Time to unpack your sidebar, look at everything you’ve put there, and consider whether or not it’s pulling its weight. The result of your efforts? A sidebar that’s good for business. This week on Hit... [Read more]

‘Overcoming IT Gravity’ – Forrester

George Colony says, “Why do CIOs not become CEOs? What prevents them from achieving at the highest organizational levels? It’s because they don’t have their hands on revenue, unlike CMOs, CFOs, brand marketers, and strategists. But now we are entering an era where CIOs must manage two agendas: 1) the internal systems (IT), and 2)... [Read more]

‘How the Looming End of Internet Explorer Will Affect Ecommerce’ – HubSpot

Morgan Jacobson says, “The news that Internet Explorer is set to be phased out surprised approximately no one. Most internet users have moved on to greener pastures anyway, so they won’t be affected by the changes. However, there are still about 7.7% of users that rely on Internet Explorer, at least as of March of this year. Maybe that doesn’t... [Read more]

New Bonuses for Simple CPA Machines: Simple CPA Success #ad

If you want to be a CPA marketer, listen to the story of Yair Dolev. He had been around. He was not a beginner when he decided to use Facebook ads to promote CPA offers... [Read more]

‘Should I Rebrand and Redirect My Site?’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “Making changes to your brand is a huge step, and while it’s sometimes the best path forward, it isn’t one to be taken lightly. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand offers some guidance to marketers who are wondering whether a rebrand/redirect is right for them, and also those who are considering consolidating multiple... [Read more]

‘Using website data to uncover golden content opportunities’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graeme Parton says, “Diving into data to find content opportunities can certainly seem overwhelming at times but the rewards can be substantial once you know where to look and how to interpret it. The success of your marketing depends on your ability to highlight and capitalise on untapped opportunities. This applies across all areas of digital... [Read more]

‘Crawl efficiency: making Google’s crawl easier’ –

Just deValk says, “Search engines crawl your site to get the contents into their index. The bigger your site gets, the longer this crawl takes. It’s important that the time spent crawling your site is well spent. If your site has a 1,000 pages or less, this is not a topic you’ll need to think about much. If you intend on growing your... [Read more]

‘4 Critical Website Elements Most Businesses Are Missing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Peter Gasca says, “When was the last time you visited a website only to leave after only a few seconds? If you are like me, chances are you did this several times just this morning. Great websites are key to attracting and retaining visitors, and these days entrepreneurs have numerous tools at their disposal — Squarespace, Wix, Weebly... [Read more]

‘Supply and Demand: Building Links In Your Supply Chain’ – ‘’ Blog

Alex Espenson says, “At some point or another, every business owner will hear the term “supply chain management” thrown around, usually alongside the terms “logistics” or “operations management.” Use of the term “supply chain management” arose in the late 1980s and has come to refer to the process... [Read more]

New Cloud-Based Technology Protects Your Videos #ad

It’s a sad fact of online marketing that unscrupulous people steal online content whenever they can, content such as training videos, video products, sales videos, affiliate videos, and other items, too. As a result, they can set themselves up in an apparently legitimate business and use it to siphon off a lot of the traffic and the earnings. Now,... [Read more]

‘The Most Effective Landing Page Optimization Tactics’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Marketing leaders say A/B testing is the most effective website landing page optimization tactic, according to a recent report from Ascend2 and Act-On Software. The report was based on data from an online survey of 176 marketing leaders (73% working at B2B-focused companies, 27% at B2C). Some 52% of respondents say A/B testing... [Read more]

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