IM NewsWatch, May 12, 2016 - ‘Six Top SEO Factors in 2016 – MarketingProfs' and much more...

May 12th, 2016 at 9:18 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, May 12, 2016

‘Instagram is testing analytics for businesses, too’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Last week, we spotted an early test of Instagram’s new profiles for business users. Now, it looks like Instagram is also starting to test analytics features for businesses. New screenshots show the photo sharing app is working on a set of fairly advanced analytics features that allow users to learn more about who is... [Read more]

‘6 Keyword Research Tools and Tactics You Might Not Have Tried’ – Small Business Trends

Ann Smarty says, “It can be easy to get locked into a pattern when it comes to keywords and concepts in marketing. You find what works, and it works for awhile, so you stick to it. The problem is that it won’t work forever. By the time you begin to see results tapering off, you have to scramble to research new ones. You end up losing ground... [Read more]

‘3 Ways to Strengthen Your Marketing Leadership' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Justin Gray says, “These days, marketers don’t just want a chair at the table—they want to lead the meeting. But no matter how smart and fast your marketing team is, it’s only one piece in a larger puzzle that runs your company. Whether you’re part of an in-house team or a member of an agency brought on to assist, it’s your job as a marketer... [Read more]

How You Can Leverage Google to Tap into Amazon’s Bounty #ad

Some Amazon affiliates do quite well by specializing on a particular niche and offering a range of products specifically for that niche. The better your niche, the more they earn. Mo Miah and his team have created new software that will help you find niches that are designed to create a good income for you. It’s called: InstaNiche Pro. Your niche... [Read more]

‘Interactive Content: The Good, Bad, and Wicked Cool’ – CMI

Jodi Harris says, “Quick confession: I am addicted to taking BuzzFeed-style online quizzes. Yes, I know they are designed to artificially inflate the site’s page views and engagement metrics; and I fully realize that the results will likely be vague and unsatisfying. But somehow, I don’t care. In fact, any time a company offers me an opportunity... [Read more]

‘Six Top SEO Factors in 2016’ – MarketingProfs

Dmitry Dragilev says, “It’s no secret that SEO is changing fast. So fast, in fact, that many small business owners have trouble keeping tabs on what is (and isn’t) important in the world of SEO. Back in the early days, things were simpler. SEO was all about title tags, keywords, and backlinks. Today, a successful SEO campaign needs... [Read more]

‘How to make SEO a company-wide habit’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “A few months ago, the Content Marketing Manager at a client’s organization reached out to me, asking if we could provide his copywriting team with an SEO training session. I was floored! We had been optimizing the majority of their content for years, but they had never shown any interest in doing it on their own. Why the... [Read more]

Videotocks: Hi-Res photos & videos for your sites and docs #ad

Fachrul Stream has gathered a large collection of brand new 1920×1080 stock footage backgrounds and HD photos into a package that he calls Videotocks, volume 2. • 400+ Full HD Stock Footage Clips • 200+ 4k Stock Images • 100+ Flash Transition • 35+ Royalty-free Background Music • And a lot more. Today, this is all available... [Read more]

‘How to Build a Strong Online Marketing Strategy from Day One’ –

Jawad Khan says, “Marketing your business on the web is not a matter of choice anymore. More than 60 percent of consumers search for businesses online before making a purchase. So whether you own a brick-and-mortar business or manage an Internet-based company, you need to have a strategy in place to attract, qualify and acquire customers online. Failure... [Read more]

‘3 Marketing Myths About LinkedIn You Should Ignore’ – Entrepreneur

Josh Turner says, “Newcomers to the networking platform LinkedIn make every mistake in the book. But they can sidestep their spammy promotional ways — if they can banish certain misconceptions from their minds. Consider for instance the question of why 76 percent of CEOs check LinkedIn daily. Trust me, it’s not for the viral Dilbert memes. In... [Read more]

‘Content is king, but for brands, there’s too much of it’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “The world is awash in content. As recently detailed by Wired’s David Pierce, Instagram’s photo cache grows by 80m each day. YouTube sees 400 hours of video uploaded every minute, and more than 250,000 status updates are posted to Facebook in the same span. Obviously, as Pierce points out, “You could never... [Read more]

Arbitrage CPA Machines: New way to CPA profits #ad

To be a success in CPA marketing you need two things: 1. A source for responsive traffic 2. A compelling offer. Liming Wu has been studying traffic sources. He reports that Facebook, with its billions of members, is the kind of traffic source we have all dreamed of, but it comes with some warnings and pitfalls... [Read more]

‘Everything You Need to Know About Using Yoast SEO for WordPress’ – MOZ

Angela Petteys says, “Setting up and using Yoast SEO When you’re working with a self-hosted WordPress site, the Yoast SEO plugin is one of the most valuable tools you can have. Yoast SEO is one of the most widely popular WordPress plugins around and it’s easy to understand why. Whether you’re running a personal blog or you’re a SEO professional... [Read more]

‘Success Secrets of a Digital Entrepreneur’ – Copyblogger

Pamela Wilson says, “Digital entrepreneurship is never a straight path, right? The only thing that stays the same is change. Successful entrepreneurs embrace this: they ride the ups and downs, hanging on tight and doing their best to steer in the direction of their dreams. For those of us with a low tolerance for boredom, the ever-changing challenges... [Read more]

‘Here’s what Amazon wants to accomplish with its new Video Direct service’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “Amazon is now making its video service more like its general marketplace. On Tuesday, the e-commerce giant announced a new service, called Amazon Video Direct (AVD). While it allows any video creator to upload work and receive payment in several ways, it’s clearly directed at video professionals — which it describes as... [Read more]

ScrollTabs WordPress Plugin: Scrolling messages get attention #ad

A moving "ticker tape" style message, scrolling across your home page; what a way to attract people's attention to something important. Ken Reno has a new WordPress plugin, 'ScrollTabs WordPress Plugin', that will do just that... [Read more]

‘Let Customers Get to Know You With Video’ – Entrepreneur

Walter Chen says, “If you listen to the radio in the summer, you’ve probably noticed how four songs always seem to be playing on a permanent loop. It’s like listening to campaign ads in a swing state — you can’t escape. That kind of repetition is key to creating a catchy tune, and it doesn’t matter how cynical you... [Read more]

‘Beyond authority: guiding metrics for lasting links’ – Marketing Land

Winston Burton says, “I recently attended a search conference and had the opportunity to converse with attendees from a wide range of fields, with varying SEO backgrounds and experiences. After many interesting and engaging conversations, a common takeaway stood out to me: People are hung up on technical SEO metrics. I remember multiple questions... [Read more]

‘Why the Future of Social Community is Omni-Social' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Jay Baer says, “The online community pendulum is swinging back. It’s no longer enough to rely on social networks for community infrastructure. Smart companies are now combining owned and rented community functions into a 1+1=3 scenario I call Omni-Social.5 The rise of this multi-faceted approach to community was the subject of a deep, strategic... [Read more]

The mechanics of building a profitable membership site #ad

For steady, growing income online it's hard to beat a "club" or "inner circle" or a group of whatever name in which people pay you to be a part. Your job is to drip content to them on a pre-defined schedule and tell more people about your club... [Read more]

‘Bloggers Beware: Will Automation Replace Content Creators?’ –

Andy O. Heikkila says, “There’s a quiet rumbling on the Internet as slowly, people are starting to worry about the future of labor, debating whether mass technological unemployment is the true blue fate of humanity or just another Y2K scare. For those in-the-know, it seems pretty certain that automation will replace jobs, but the degree to which... [Read more]

‘Your CEO Needs These 4 Content Marketing Metrics’ – CMI

Elizabeth Clor says, “You may be pleased with your email open rate or the number of Facebook “likes” your most recent post received, but these numbers won’t impress your CEO. In fact, sharing these metrics with your CEO may demonstrate that you are out of touch with the true needs of the business. Using vanity metrics does not position... [Read more]

‘A new data management role: The Chief Data Officer’ – Experian Marketing Forward

Courtney Cunnane says, “The Chief Data Officer is a marketer’s new best friend Marketers have long sought to gain as much information as possible about the consumer. The more we know, the more likely it is that we’ll be able to increase conversion and customer loyalty. However, data is not always easy for a marketer to access or manipulate,... [Read more]

‘Moz Local: Fixing the Accuracy Pain Point’ – MOZ

Dudley Carr says, “At the end of last year, we launched Moz Local Insights, and then I read this comment on Phil Rozek’s blog: “To be honest, we’ve been finding issues in the citation quality — it seems like their directory partners are changing up how they update information and not keeping stuff as consistent as we’d all like. I’d... [Read more]

‘Google Set to Ban Payday Lender Ads’ – Entrepreneur

Emily Balan says, “Google is banning ads for payday loans and some related products from its ads systems, according to a statement the company released on Wednesday. Starting July 13, the company will no longer allow ads for loans where repayment is due within 60 days of the date of issue. In the U.S., it is also banning ads for loans with an... [Read more]

‘Best-Practices for Facebook Video Ads’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “What elements help video ads stand out in the Facebook News Feed on mobile devices? Which tactics can help brands keep users engaged with ads? To find out, Facebook showed 965 video ads that were in market in the United States and Europe to a panel of consumers. Study participants were shown the ads in a way that mimicked the... [Read more]

‘Make It Pop: Branding Essentials for the Digital Age’ –

Mary C. Long says, “You have to brand yourself. And digital branding has simultaneously made branding much easier and much more complicated. Logically, that sounds impossible, but for any small business or entrepreneur understanding the struggle is real. There are so many tools, resources, and ways to make your mark, not to mention conflicting... [Read more]

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