IM NewsWatch, May 12, 2015 - 'How to Use Pinterest to Generate Revenue – HubSpot' and much more...

May 12th, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

‘Crawl efficiency: making Google’s crawl easier’ –

Just deValk says, “Search engines crawl your site to get the contents into their index. The bigger your site gets, the longer this crawl takes. It’s important that the time spent crawling your site is well spent. If your site has a 1,000 pages or less, this is not a topic you’ll need to think about much. If you intend on growing your... [Read more]

‘4 Critical Website Elements Most Businesses Are Missing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Peter Gasca says, “When was the last time you visited a website only to leave after only a few seconds? If you are like me, chances are you did this several times just this morning. Great websites are key to attracting and retaining visitors, and these days entrepreneurs have numerous tools at their disposal — Squarespace, Wix, Weebly... [Read more]

‘Supply and Demand: Building Links In Your Supply Chain’ – ‘’ Blog

Alex Espenson says, “At some point or another, every business owner will hear the term “supply chain management” thrown around, usually alongside the terms “logistics” or “operations management.” Use of the term “supply chain management” arose in the late 1980s and has come to refer to the process... [Read more]

New Cloud-Based Technology Protects Your Videos #ad

It’s a sad fact of online marketing that unscrupulous people steal online content whenever they can, content such as training videos, video products, sales videos, affiliate videos, and other items, too. As a result, they can set themselves up in an apparently legitimate business and use it to siphon off a lot of the traffic and the earnings. Now,... [Read more]

‘The Most Effective Landing Page Optimization Tactics’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Marketing leaders say A/B testing is the most effective website landing page optimization tactic, according to a recent report from Ascend2 and Act-On Software. The report was based on data from an online survey of 176 marketing leaders (73% working at B2B-focused companies, 27% at B2C). Some 52% of respondents say A/B testing... [Read more]

‘Marketing in 2015: Not for the Faint of Heart’ – HubSpot

Tiffany Sauder says, “Ever feel like no matter how many blog posts you read, tweets you scan or white papers you download (that you intended to read) – you still feel like you can’t keep up with the changing marketing landscape? You aren’t crazy. Marketing technology expert Scott Brinker charted an astounding 1,876 marketing technology... [Read more]

‘IAB Extends Certification Program For Digital Marketers With Focus On Data Skills’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “As a working understanding of data management has become an integral aspect of of digital marketing, particularly with the growth of programmatic buying and selling, the IAB is extending its certification programs to include Digital Data Solutions. The certification program is designed to establish a benchmark of proficiency... [Read more]

EZ Viral Contest WP Plugin free for limited time #ad

Ken Reno has developed a WordPress plugin any online marketer can put to good use,EZ Viral Contest WP Plugin. Contests attract attention and, more important, they attract viral sharing. As a result, they can bring a lot of traffic to your site, traffic that can see all your offers and opportunities. If you have a WordPress site, this plugin makes it... [Read more]

‘Real-Time Marketing: How Publishers Clearing House increased engagement through testing’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Andrea Johnson says, “Publishers Clearing House is winning the real-time marketing game. Their online brand,, currently gets 16 million unique visits per month, and those visitors spend an average of 17 minutes on the site. The marketing team achieved this by delivering a personalized message to every visitor on the site — messages... [Read more]

‘How to Avoid Losing the Value of Your Value Proposition’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Shaniah McGlaughlin says, “When a customer comes to a page or an ad, one of the primary questions asked in their subconscious is, “If I am your ideal customer, why should I buy from you, rather than your competitor?” The answer to this question is, essentially, your value proposition. However, what happens when you’ve formed a perfect value... [Read more]

‘Microsoft Edge is dropping ActiveX and old-school plugins for better security’ – ‘Mashable’

Christina Warren says, “Little by little, Microsoft is revealing additional information about Microsoft Edge, its upcoming browser replacement for Internet Explorer. Not only does Microsoft Edge have a new look and feel and a new rendering engine — it also has a new take on security, web standards and legacy code. On its Microsoft Edge Dev... [Read more]

New Bonuses for Simple CPA Machines: Simple CPA Success #ad

If you want to be a CPA marketer, listen to the story of Yair Dolev. He had been around. He was not a beginner when he decided to use Facebook ads to promote CPA offers... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Blast Off Your Freelance Writing Income Through Massive Action’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Linda Formichelli says, “You know how to reach success as a writer because you’ve heard it a million times: It’s all about the baby steps, baby. Break down your goal into manageable chunks and take one tiny step at a time towards your vision so you don’t get overwhelmed — and you’ll make steady, if slow, progress. Well, maybe that works... [Read more]

‘Why you need to start link earning now’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Nick Chowdrey says, “If you’re still operating link building campaigns, it’s time to rethink your strategy. Here’s why and how. Link building has been a dying SEO practice for some time. Google Penguin is now three years old and it’s getting smarter every year at identifying between spammy and genuine links. If you’re still operating... [Read more]

‘3 Ways to Acquire More Product Reviews’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Ninety-five percent of consumers consult product reviews before making a purchase, yet less than half of consumers actually contribute to product reviews themselves (Power- Reviews, 2014). This is a problem for e-commerce merchants, as it means product reviews are difficult to come by despite them being valuable assets in... [Read more]

Ultra Motion Pack: Over 300 Hi-Def motion backgrounds, more #ad

In the new 'Ultra Motion Pack', you are getting a wide range of exciting video backgounds, some with everyday objects; some with abstract designs... [Read more]

‘Video ad viewability is a major problem: Google study’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Advertisers have embraced video ads and many are pouring more and more of their digital budgets into them, but it turns out that they suffer from the same viewability problem that has plagued their display ad cousins. That’s according to a newly-published study conducted by one of the biggest ad companies, Google,... [Read more]

‘Five Incredibly Specific Tactics for Writing Enchanting Copy’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Sonja Jobson says, “Let’s imagine for a moment that someone lands on your website. Not just any someone—but a dream-client-type someone. This person would be amazing to work with, and (at this moment) it’s all up to your website to reel ’em in. This person starts reading your copy and the words are jumping out at him. He is... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s “Add A Link” Search Feature May Make Mobile Sharing Even Simpler’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “One of the biggest struggles when sharing a post to Facebook from your mobile device is the flipping back from browser to app and copy-pasting of URLs. That may soon be going the way of the dinosaurs thanks to a new “Add A Link” feature from Facebook. Instead of toggling back and forth between programs on one’s phone, the... [Read more]

Have you heard of "MobileGeddon"? #ad

IM NewsWatch warned you about MobileGeddon. On April 21, 2015, Google changed its ranking algorithm to give preference to sites that are mobile friendly. All other sites have dropped in the rankings... [Read more]

‘How to Use Pinterest to Generate Revenue’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “Home to countless cookie recipes, laughable memes, and perfect last-minute gift ideas, there’s certainly already a lot to love about Pinterest. But what if we told you that the content sharing service had even more to offer? The simple truth is this: Amidst the ab workouts and IKEA furniture hacks, there lies a huge opportunity... [Read more]

‘Does Audio Create Authority Faster Than Text?’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Recent research shows that the human brain can detect confidence in your voice in 0.2 seconds — faster than the blink of an eye. And it’s confidence that influences the listener to give you attention and perceive authority. It’s an interesting finding, especially with the mainstream emergence of podcasting. We’ve... [Read more]

‘Three key trends from our Data-Driven Marketing Briefing: Digital Cream 2015’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Consumer data has arguably become the most valuable currency for marketers. The value of some of today’s largest organisations (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) is based almost entirely on the number of people that connect using their platforms and by the marketing potential of the data they generate. Although marketers... [Read more]

Niche Site Revolution builds your site's authority #ad

Shane Paxton struggled for 5 long years to get his marketing business into the black and supporting his family. As he looked at his situation and the scant success he had, he realized that the difference between his site and his top competitors was the level of authority... [Read more]

‘Start Automating to Get More Leads’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “When using a marketing automation solution, the majority of businesses see their number of leads increase at least 20 percent. Many companies, however, don’t know where to start when it comes to enlisting the help of a marketing automation platform. Those already deploying iContact as their email marketing software... [Read more]

‘US B2B eCommerce Will Reach $1 Trillion’ – Forrester

Susan Wu says, “B2B eCommerce is growing, and it’s growing quickly. In fact, at Forrester we estimate that it will reach more than $1 trillion in the US by 2020, double the size of B2C eCommerce. B2B buyers are rapidly gearing their researching and purchasing activities toward true digital platforms. B2B sellers are similarly shifting their... [Read more]

‘Pinterest Adds $186 Million to Series G Round, Lets Employees Sell Shares’ – Re/code

Carmel DeAmicis says, “Pinterest has completed the rest of its Series G funding round, raising an additional $186 million for a total of $553 million. It had previously raised $367 million of that offering, according to a March SEC filing. Pinterest* told Re/code that the round included new investors Wellington Management Company and Goldman... [Read more]

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