IM NewsWatch, May 11, 2015 - 'In defense of paid media: 5 reasons it still matters – Mashable' and much more...

May 11th, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, May 11, 2015

‘Start Automating to Get More Leads’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “When using a marketing automation solution, the majority of businesses see their number of leads increase at least 20 percent. Many companies, however, don’t know where to start when it comes to enlisting the help of a marketing automation platform. Those already deploying iContact as their email marketing software... [Read more]

‘US B2B eCommerce Will Reach $1 Trillion’ – Forrester

Susan Wu says, “B2B eCommerce is growing, and it’s growing quickly. In fact, at Forrester we estimate that it will reach more than $1 trillion in the US by 2020, double the size of B2C eCommerce. B2B buyers are rapidly gearing their researching and purchasing activities toward true digital platforms. B2B sellers are similarly shifting their... [Read more]

‘Pinterest Adds $186 Million to Series G Round, Lets Employees Sell Shares’ – Re/code

Carmel DeAmicis says, “Pinterest has completed the rest of its Series G funding round, raising an additional $186 million for a total of $553 million. It had previously raised $367 million of that offering, according to a March SEC filing. Pinterest* told Re/code that the round included new investors Wellington Management Company and Goldman... [Read more]

Simple CPA Machines: Don’t make it harder than it is #ad

If you want to be a CPA marketer, listen to the story of Yair Dolev. He had been around. He was not a beginner when he decided to use Facebook ads to promote CPA offers. In fact, he was already a 6-figure marketer. Although he had enjoyed many successes, he also had failed many times. But when he started using Facebook for CPA, after losing money to... [Read more]

‘Mobile Search Queries Start to Surpass Desktop: Here’s What You Can Do About It’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “It’s official: In certain parts of the world, there are now more Google search queries on smartphones than on desktop computers and tablets. This week, Google’s Jerry Dischler wrote in a post on the official AdWords blog that “more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10... [Read more]

‘The Essential Checklist: Must Do’s When Starting an E-commerce Website’ – ‘’ Blog

Seth Rand says, “Creating an online store is an exciting step forward for any business. It can sound like a daunting task. According to the State of Small Business in America Report, “only 25% of small businesses said they have websites with ecommerce functionality – in fact, 58% earn less than 10% of their sales from online purchases.” The... [Read more]

‘4 min read Make a Great Online Marketing Video With These 5 Tips’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Derek Newton says, “Marketing professionals, journalists and content curators are, once again, turning to the value of online video. In reality, we probably never left. Rather, other trends in online communications have flared up and faded away while online video has slowly built an audience and boosted its infrastructure. The return to prominence... [Read more]

Ultra Motion Pack: Over 300 Hi-Def motion backgrounds, more #ad

In the new Ultra Motion Pack, you are getting a wide range of exciting video backgounds, some with everyday objects; some with abstract designs. You can use the backgrounds in virtually any video software on the planet, including: • PowerPoint • Sony Vegas Pro • Final Cut Pro • iMovie • Video Motion Pro • Exlaindio •... [Read more]

‘4 Quick Tools to Help an Audience Share Your Content’ – Content Marketing Institute

Markelle Harden says, “As social channels gain traction in search marketing, the need to create content that peoplewant to share becomes crucial to an inbound campaign. A 2014 study from Social Media Examiner found that 92% of respondents identified social media as “important to business.” Then why are brands still sharing unoriginal, dull... [Read more]

‘How to View Marketing Metrics the Right Way’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “How do you know if your campaign is really working? It’s the age-old question of advertising, and it was the question that digital was supposed to solve. Determining whether your ad drove conversions was supposed to be as simple as checking the number of clicks on your ad. Alas, while click-based metrics have made for a big step... [Read more]

‘Deadly Conversion Busters: How to Craft Your Uniqueness and Stand Out from the Competition’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “How do you get your market to notice, remember, and value you, when there are so many competing and conflicting messages out there vying for their attention? And why did Tony record this session from within a pillow fort? In this episode of The Mainframe, hosts Chris Garrett and Tony Clark reveal: Why being different is... [Read more]

Overcome the latest Google penalty, "MobileGeddon" #ad

IM NewsWatch warned you about MobileGeddon. On April 21, 2015, Google changed its ranking algorithm to give preference to sites that are mobile friendly. All other sites have dropped in the rankings... [Read more]

‘Website Taxonomy Guidelines And Tips: How Best To Organize Your Site’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Shari Thurow says, “Let’s play a word association game. Before we begin, clear your thoughts. Try to stay focused on this game only. Are you ready? What comes to mind when I say and write the word taxonomy? As mental models differ from person to person, I am reasonably sure that I will get many different answers. Information architects have... [Read more]

‘Engagement Secret Sauce: Learn From Social Networks to Attract and Keep Audiences for Yourself’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jordan Kretchmer says, “Social networks have become an uphill battle for marketers. They’re literally addictive to consumers, who now spend 40+ minutes on social media every day. But for marketers, who now face a sea of competing content and little to no unpaid reach, social networks are simply no longer the most effective way to reach those... [Read more]

‘In defense of paid media: 5 reasons it still matters’ – ‘Mashable’

Valerie Fawzi says, “Earned, owned, and paid media are how we typically slice up our communications mix. Back in 2009, as social media started changing the way we approach our communications programs, Forrester defined those terms. While the unbiased authority of influencers has always been coveted by marketing, social gave rise to a new holy... [Read more]

Beginning marketers plead, "Build My List" #ad

When it comes to getting sales and leads online, there is one thing that 99% of successful marketers use, an online mail list of email addresses (and usually names)... [Read more]

‘Facebook tests News Feed change that gives users more control over whose content they see’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Facebook is testing a News Feed feature that could eventually help brands alleviate some of the pains of algorithm changes that have for many resulted in less visibility for their content. As reported by Internet Retailer, the social networking giant is running a small experiment on mobile that allows users to explicitly... [Read more]

‘Smartphone Share Stabilizes In US, Competitive Only At Margins’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “The US smartphone market seems to have reached a kind of homeostatic equilibrium. According to many months of comScore data, Android hovers at around 52 percent penetration, while the iPhone has a 42 percent share. Windows Phones own just over 3 percent of the market and “other” is just under 2 percent. It seems... [Read more]

‘Demand Generation Benchmarks & Trends: Software Marketer Edition’ – HubSpot

Ritika Puri says, “The marketing formula seems simple: Attract audiences, engage prospects, convert leads, and facilitate retention. One of the biggest “wins” you can achieve is the ability to connect your disparate initiatives into a scalable, predictable demand generation engine. But when you’re in the trenches, you know this... [Read more]

SVG Cartoon Video Graphic Kit: graphics for your online videos #ad

Online videos are being used more and more by the top marketing sites. It's no wonder; they grab attention and increase sales. It's not always easy to make your online videos look professional; you often need a boost from graphic artists who do this for a living... [Read more]

‘Want to Look Smart on Social Media? 5 Tips From Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Carly Okyle says, “We all know that social media is a vital part of any modern business strategy, but we don’t always know how to make the most of our web presence and what mistakes to avoid. Last night, executives from each of three big social media networks — Deepanjan De from Facebook, John Mayhall from LinkedIn and Brett Goldslager... [Read more]

‘Successful Content Marketers Do These Things In Their Sleep’ – ‘’ Blog

Tom Treanor says, “Having worked with a lot of newer marketers as well as writers moving into content marketing roles, I’ve learned that there are subtle differences that separate a newbie from a more experienced content marketer. For newer marketers or writers who are hoping to shift into more of a content marketing role, you’ll know... [Read more]

‘You may also like: the horror of bad content recommendation’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “You know how content marketing is the saviour of digital marketing? I’m sure you’ve heard that once or twice before. Especially now that display advertising is all but dead in the water and native advertising is ethically dubious at best. Content is the thing now. Content is King. Content is Queen. Content is the... [Read more]

‘Why Visitor Engagement Holds the Key to Conversion’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “You’ve got a great design, and your site exudes professionalism. That’s a great start. But trust me—it’s not enough. Many websites are making a great presentation, but they’re missing out on a critical factor to convert more visitors into customers: engagement. Engagement is getting your visitors to actually do something... [Read more]

‘Facebook Introduces Deep Linking For Mobile App Install Ads’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook announced today that app install ads can now include deep links, giving advertisers the option to send people directly to specific places within mobile applications. Previously, the deep-linking feature was available on re-engagement ads used to prompt people to open an app they have previously installed. The Facebook... [Read more]

‘No Subscription Goal for Your Content Marketing? Prepare to Be Ignored’ – Content Marketing Institute

Joe Pulizzi says, “I’ve had the amazing pleasure of meeting with over a dozen of the largest companies on the planet over the last six months. These companies are some of the most innovative in the world, and create many of the products you use on a daily basis, both personally and professionally. Over the past few years, these companies have... [Read more]

‘Cream of the Inbox: Small Businesses Doing Email Marketing Right’ – ‘’ Blog

Rachel Youngberg says, “The cream rises to the top…of the inbox. Email marketing is still a channel that many companies struggle with, but there are a few that have it figured out. While emails never look perfect in every client, app, and browser, there are ways to make the inbox experience more consistent. Email clients and apps are constantly... [Read more]

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