IM NewsWatch, March 9, 2015 - '5 Ways To Optimize Your Digital Marketing Budget – Entrepreneur' and much more...

March 9th, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Saturday, March 9, 2015

‘15 Tools to Monitor Your Online Reputation’ – ‘Web Marketing Today’ Article

Kathleen Fealy says, “Just like large brands, your small business can be the subject of news stories, blog posts, social media comments, or consumer reviews. Monitoring what’s being said about your business helps you keep track of your online reputation, respond to comments in a timely manner, and improve your products, services and customer... [Read more]

‘5 Digital Marketing Predictions for 2015 and Beyond’ – Silverpop Blog

Todd McCormick says, “Remember when organizations didn’t really understand the value of a good marketing department? Marketing budgets were nominal and marketers were regarded as “creative types.” They weren’t bound to any real metrics or bottom-line results. As a sales leader, I’ve heard all the gripes and jokes that... [Read more]

‘5 Ways To Optimize Your Digital Marketing Budget’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Rocco Baldassarre says, “Marketing budgets are usually tight. To maximize profitability, every dollar must be allocated effectively. Here are five strategies that can be implemented instantly to get the most out of marketing budgets. 1. Focus on what works best. Set up goals in Google Analytics to effectively measure the source and quantity of... [Read more]

Dark Post Profits: A winning Facebook marketing strategy #ad

Chris Record grew up watching his mom survive on welfare, food stamps, and subsidized housing. He knew he didn’t want to be so limited in his future opportunities, so he became an entrepreneur, which has led him to a business that has provided for him and his family abundantly. One thing he has used to fuel his business is advertising on Facebook.... [Read more]

‘Peter Chernin Says Video’s Golden Age Is On Its Way: The Full Code/Media Interview’ – Re/code

Peter Kafka says, “Peter Chernin helped build some of the most important properties on your TV guide. Now he’s trying to do the same for stuff you’ll watch on your browser and on your phone. “It’s going to be a golden age for video distribution,” Chernin told us at last month’sCode/Media conference. Chernin, who helped News Corp.... [Read more]

‘How Your Brand Can Benefit From Google Indexing Tweets’ – ‘’ Blog

Thomas Stern says, “Earlier in February, Google and Twitter established a deal to bring more tweets into Google search results through direct access to Twitter’s social feed. This partnership benefits both companies with increased exposure, and gives potential for more advertisement revenue. But what does it mean for your business? It is important... [Read more]

‘Twitter just told us what it plans for its massive, often-overlooked data business’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “An often-overlooked, but critical and growing part of Twitter’s business is its huge repository of historical and real-time data. You might not think that celebrity tweets and people moaning that their flights are delayed could serve any revenue-generating purpose. But, using Twitter’s data, a local burger... [Read more]

CPA Profit Commander: New traffic source for your offer #ad

Damon Korte and Timothy Miranda have developed a reputation in the CPA marketing arena for creating a series of successful courses helping marketers get started and then become successful in CPA. Their newest, CPA Profit Commander , is a complete step-by-step course on how to use a traffic source that has been overlooked by most marketers, a traffic... [Read more]

‘3 Easy Hacks That Bring the Power of Google Analytics and Salesforce to Your Online Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Claudiu Murariu says, “What happens when you take two of the top online platforms in the industry and allow them to play together nicely? On our right, we have Salesforce. Salesforce proudly positions itself as the number one customer relationship management platform and does a stellar job of following the path a lead takes in becoming a customer... [Read more]

‘Listen Up, B2B Marketers: 12 Steps to More Sales From Inbound Calls’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Eric Holman says, “As a B2B marketer, you’re responsible for driving leads that ultimately convert to revenue. But what happens when you overlook a valuable source of leads… such as inbound phone calls? Nearly two-thirds (66%) of businesses rate phone calls “good” or “excellent” as a source of leads—more... [Read more]

‘How Will Brands Cash In On Native Facebook Video?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook video is surging, going from zero to 3 billion daily views practically in the blink of Mark Zuckerberg’s eye. So far, though, Facebook is being coy about how it plans to monetize those views. As is usual for new Facebook advertising efforts, the company isn’t rushing to introduce new commercial messages to its... [Read more]

TrafficAid: PC/Mac SEO software from SEO experts #ad

If you're like most online marketers, you have looked to Google, YouTube or Facebook search results to bring in traffic to your site. That approach has merit, but you need to invest a lot of time or a lot of money to get high search engine results.... [Read more]

‘Is Personalization Creepy? 6 Experts Weigh In’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “You would think that personalization of content and ads would be a welcome tactic, considering how many people complain about irrelevant advertising. But many marketers are concerned about crossing the line; of being seen as “Big Brother.” And not all customers are comfortable brands using their information in... [Read more]

‘Testing and Optimization: A/B tests on landing pages, email and paid search from case studies’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

David Kirkpatrick says, “No matter what type of digital marketing campaigns you are executing, there are elements in every channel that can be tested and optimized to improve campaign performance. For example, email subject lines, copy, design and even the “from” field can be tested. Webpage elements ripe for testing include design, layout, copy,... [Read more]

‘B2B marketing’s Holy Grail? Targeted conversations via digital industry networks’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Andy McCartney says, “If designed and executed correctly, this agile approach to target market engagement could easily be regarded as the Holy Grail of digital marketing. Bypass indirect prospecting and establish direct and compelling conversation with B2B prospects and customers via the creation of a Digital Industry Network (D.I.N.). A D.I.N.... [Read more]

A directory site may be your ticket to online success #ad

The Yellow Pages ruled the advertising world for 100 years. It was the most widely distributed business directory in the world. Any business wanted to have its name in the Yellow Pages.... [Read more]

‘Do Entrepreneurs Really Need Social Media?’ – ‘’ Blog

Larry Alton says, “A new year has begun. Chances are, you’ve probably got a slew of productivity goals in mind, and perhaps some of them are included on your list of resolutions. However, have you also factored in how much time in 2015 you’ll spend on social media? While some of this time might be spend promoting your brand, there’s... [Read more]

‘9 Must-Read Marketing Ebooks for Every Startup Founder’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Sujan Patel says, “If you want to build a sustainable, successful business, you have to put the right amount of time and money into implementing marketing strategies that can help you get the word out about your business and products. Unfortunately, when you’re a new business owner and busy wearing a lot of different hats and spinning a lot... [Read more]

‘5 Pinterest Tips for Crazy-Good Results’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Entrepreneur team says, “There are few things I do to help unwind after a long workday. These things include: Digging in the garden. Aikido. And like 70 million other users, copious amounts of Pinterest browsing. I admit it: I’m a Pinterest devotee. How can one deny the lush images of secret gardens, decadent looking desserts, martial arts... [Read more]

Amazon Physical Product Sales: successful affiliate shows how #ad

If you want to get into affiliate marketing, Amazon makes it easy. By giving you a lot of support. With their hundreds of thousands of products, you could build a wide range of niche product sites without ever advertising the same product twice.... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Top 5 most effective list growth tactics’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Selena Blue says, “In a digital world, where 72% of U.S. adults prefer communication with companies through email, how do you capture new email addresses? Acquiring emails for our list is a continuous task. We have to work to not only retain the list we have, but to also grow it to build a larger audience of prospects and customers. In fact, 63%... [Read more]

‘The 3 Pillars of Consumer Confidence’ – HubSpot

Glori Blatt says, “No matter what your ecommerce strategy involves, gaining consumer confidence is crucial to achieving success in 2015. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts: consumer confidence can only be earned through hard work, but it’s a whole heck of a lot easier when you use these three easy steps as your guide. Honesty The first... [Read more]

‘14 best things on the internet: business high-five edition’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Now it’s the close of play we can get all our ducks in a row and drill down to why this paradigm shift is so integral to leveraging the core competency of each vertical, whilst actioning key learnings. Just circling back on this with a heads-up, have we run this all the way up the flag-pole yet? Going forward it would... [Read more]

‘The Changing Face of Web Video: A Code/Media Highlight Reel’ – Re/code

Arik Hesseldahl says, “We may be headed for a “golden age” of web video as Peter Chernin says, but he wasn’t the only one talking about the growing impact of video on the Web on the way we consume media. Not to be too meta about it, but here’s web video about web video: A highlight reel of six speakers at last month’s Code/Media conference... [Read more]

‘Smartphone Penetration Grows To 76 Percent In US — Report’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “The latest comScore smartphone data have arrived but not much has changed. The two noteworthy items in this month’s report are an increase in smartphone ownership and Pinterest’s entry into the top 15 apps list. The company says that the US smartphone market now comprises 75.8 percent of the total mobile subscriber population.... [Read more]

‘Why Market Research Matters’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Entrepreneur team says, “The first step in launching any successful business should be conducting research into prospective markets. Capturing and sifting through such data is Dionna McPhatter’s specialty. Before co-founding New York-based marketing firm The Strategy Collective, which builds custom analytics platforms to better understand... [Read more]

‘Less is More? Optimizing Email for CTR’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Data released from a Constant Contact report reveals an interesting correlation between the effectiveness of email campaigns and the number of images and text lines that are featured. Compiled from the analysis of over 2.1 million Constant Contact customer emails sent to more than 100 recipients over the course of 13 weeks,... [Read more]

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