IM NewsWatch, March 8, 2012

March 8th, 2012 at 2:55 am EDT

IM News Watch logoMarch 8, 2012

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Mike Glaspie’s ‘Profiting with Mobile Marketing and Web 3.0' Webinar on Replay

Mike Glaspie’s ‘Profiting with Mobile Marketing and Web 3.0' webinar is on replay. Mike says, “Are you still trying to figure out how to make big money on the internet? I’ve got news for you… Everybody is, including those people who have in the past. Things are changing,... [Read more]

‘Before You Plan: Four Vital Questions About Your Content Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs Today’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ’MarketingProfs Today’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is “Before You Plan: Four Vital Questions About Your Content Marketing”. ‘MarketingProfs Today’ Newsletter Contents Before You Plan: Four Vital Questions About Your Content... [Read more]

‘How Google evaluates links: 7 characteristics’ – ‘Axandra Search Engine Facts’

The latest issue of ‘Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ has been released. The featured article titled “How Google evaluates links: 7 characteristics”. How Google evaluates links: 7 characteristics Last week, Google announced changes in the way they evaluate links. How does this... [Read more]

Get five PLR products in general interest niches #ad

Build your mass-market business in hot consumer niches: Smoking cessation, Weight Loss, Save your Marriage, Muscle Building and Eliminating “Man-boobs” Each product come includes a printable guide, videos, and two bonus reports. Plus you get a mini-site and an autoresponder sequence to sell... [Read more]

‘Google Privacy In Exchange For Search History Across Devices’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Google Privacy In Exchange For Search History Across Devices”. ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents Google Privacy In Exchange For Search History... [Read more]

‘Why You Shouldn’t Create a Job From Your Passion’ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Why You Shouldn’t Create a Job From Your Passion”. Clay Collins says, “One of the most damaging myths perpetuated by our society is… The Myth that if You... [Read more]

‘How To Make Money Online Without Having Your Own Website’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “How To Make Money Online Without Having Your Own Website”. Sunil says, “Most internet marketing websites and blogs you come across these days preach the idea of being able to generate income online through websites... [Read more]

Create a Video Website in a moment that works for you for years #ad

JP Schoeffel’s Niche Video Site Builder builds niche-related websites and fills them with videos automatically. All you do is select the theme you want to use, enter your Adsense ID and the keywords you want to target and you are done. The software does the rest. Check it out here.  Read More ?

‘Incentive: The bacon of marketing tactics’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Incentive: The bacon of marketing tactics”. Daniel Burstein says, “A marketing incentive is a lot like bacon. No one’s going to argue that it doesn’t taste good. It’s easy enough to make. And it is a quick fix for almost... [Read more]

‘Graphic Design Resources for Facebook Timeline Cover Images’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Graphic Design Resources for Facebook Timeline Cover Images”. Wakeman says, “Do you have a Facebook page for your business? If so, then you probably know Facebook has changed things up and will switching over all pages to the Timeline layout... [Read more]

‘ShoeMoney Daily Internet Marketing Deals’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “ShoeMoney Daily Internet Marketing Deals”. Schoemaker says, “Anyone who has read this blog for a long time knows I try lots of things. Somethings stick… somethings go away. But I love to test new things. We have been solicited... [Read more]

“Power Leverage Sensei” shows how to create laser-targeted unique websites #ad

Leverage the work of software and other people to build quality WordPress websites quickly without all the tedious work. With leverage you can build the raw WordPress site quickly, populate it with content quickly and build its Google reputation quickly. With leverage, you can get out of the trenches... [Read more]

‘LinkedIn Power Tips: Give Before You Receive’ by Patsi Krakoff

Patsi Krakoff’s latest ‘Writing on the Web’ blog post is titled “LinkedIn Power Tips: Give Before You Receive”. Krakoff says, “If you’ve noticed, LinkedIn is quickly becoming the social networking site for professionals to connect and do business. Maybe Facebook is... [Read more]

‘7 Fail-Proof Ways To Organize Live Webinars’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “7 Fail-Proof Ways To Organize Live Webinars”. Chow says, “So you want to make money with live webinar? Webinar is a form of online meeting whereby you share valuable information with targeted audience. Often, what you’re showcasing has a direct... [Read more]

‘How To Manage All Your WordPress Sites From One Dashboard’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Manage All Your WordPress Sites From One Dashboard”. Chow says, “If you’re like me, then you own more than one blog. I know bloggers who run dozens of blogs, either their own or as part of a blog network. It can be a real pain managing... [Read more]

“Avalanche List Building” process builds a large targeted list of buyers #ad

Avalanche List Building shows how to set up your very own list building system that works on 99% auto-pilot and sends regular payments to your Paypal account. Look over the shoulder of Paul Nicholls in this video training as he gives you the exact steps he uses to build his profitable mailing list. In... [Read more]

‘ClickBank Insider Radio Episode 5: Conversion Expert Derek Halpern’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “ClickBank Insider Radio Episode 5: Conversion Expert Derek Halpern”. Beau Blackwell says, “We’re back with another awesome episode of ClickBank Insider Radio, and our guest this week is going to blow you away with the great info... [Read more]

‘Home and Garden Niche Monetization Mentoring Part 1' by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Home and Garden Niche Monetization Mentoring Part 1?. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Well the Home And Garden PLR limited membership site is off with a bang and I’m so excited that I want to do something FREE and beneficial for all my readers that... [Read more]

‘Branding & The Cycle’ by Aaron Wall

Aaron Wall’s latest blog post is titled “Branding & The Cycle”. Wall says, “Since it took me a few hours to put together my SMX presentation I figured it was worth sharing that information on the blog as well. This post will discuss examples of how Google has dialed up their brand... [Read more]

SnippetPress WP Plugin, A Sidebar Ad Plugin That Really Makes Money #ad

Banner ads aren’t doing too well as a revenue producer. People increasingly have “ad blindness.” The ads are ignored; without clicks, revenue dries up. SnippetPress lets you replace worn-out banners with editorial content that will pre-sell the visitors and lead them to click. The SnippetPress... [Read more]

‘Link Building – Post Panda’ StomperNet Webinar 12.00 pm EST

StomperNet team is hosting a webinar with Renee Corbett on Thursday, March 8 at 12.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Link Building – Post Panda”. Webinar Details Organizer: StomperNet team with Renee Corbett Topic: Link Building – Post Panda Day/Date: Thursday, March 8 Time:... [Read more]

‘Influencer Marketing – What it is, and Why YOU Need to be Doing it’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Influencer Marketing – What it is, and Why YOU Need to be Doing it”. Eric Enge says, “Content marketing is an increasingly hot topic these days. More and more people are starting to realize the potent role that high quality... [Read more]

‘An Open Letter to New SEOs’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “An Open Letter to New SEOs”. Dr. Pete says, “Dear New SEOs, First off, let me congratulate you. Whether by luck or good planning, you’ve entered the field at a time when business is booming and just about every decent company I... [Read more]

“Hack Attack Hero” protects your WordPress site from hackers #ad

Nobody wants their site to be hacked by crooks; you don’t; neither do your clients. Hack Attack Hero shows how to protect WordPress sites from hackers. Most local company sites are vulnerable to hacking. Anyone who can protect them can become a hero to the site owners. Hack Attack Hero reveals... [Read more]

’21 Warning Signs You’re Becoming a Social Media Snob’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “21 Warning Signs You’re Becoming a Social Media Snob”. Jonathan Morrow says, “Ever think you might be starting to take social media a little too seriously? Sure, it started out innocently enough. You were hanging out... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s Plans for Gowalla Revealed’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Facebook’s Plans for Gowalla Revealed”. Todd Wasserman says, ”So this is what Facebook has been doing with its Gowallaacquisition. Josh Williams, the former CEO of Gowalla, has been working on a project since Facebook bought his company back in December.” Facebook’s... [Read more]

‘How to Allow Subscribers on Facebook’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘How to Allow Subscribers on Facebook”. Amy-Mae Elliott says, ”Facebook‘s Subscribe option allows you to share certain content with the wider public — without having to compromise your privacy. Through the Subscribe function, you can post public updates you... [Read more]

Need a product to sell? Easy Link Cloaker Plugin may be just what you need #ad

Easy Link Cloaker is a WordPress Plugin that every marketer or would-be marketer can use. It makes it easy to cloak affiliate URLs without going to an external site (such as Tiny URL, or BudURL.) You can brand it as your own and spread your fame as other marketers use your plugin. You can either... [Read more]

‘Social Media Privacy: 3 Questions to Ask Before Authorizing Third-Party Apps’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Social Media Privacy: 3 Questions to Ask Before Authorizing Third-Party Apps”. Jamie Beckland says, ”Never completely off the radar, privacy concerns recently stepped back into the spotlight. In the past months alone, privacy issues have emerged from all corners.... [Read more]

‘How Twitter Reacted to the New iPad Announcement [INFOGRAPHIC]‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘How Twitter Reacted to the New iPad Announcement [INFOGRAPHIC]“. Christine Erickson says, ”It’s likely your Twitter feed has been buzzing with talk about the new iPad all week, but what does that mean? Data on Twitter can tell you who and where these tweets... [Read more]

‘Are You Falling Into the Pricing Trap?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Are You Falling Into the Pricing Trap?”. Nellie Akalpsays, “When Molly first launched her catering business, she offered deep discounts to family, friends, referrals and pretty much anyone else. Tom took the same approach when he... [Read more]

Nelio Dos Reis shares “The Secret to Outsourcing Domination” #ad

Done right, outsourcing is the heart of a growing business, freeing the owner to do productive planning and management. Done poorly, outsourcing can be the source of misery, frustration and failure. The Secret to Outsourcing Domination is an insider’s guide to finding, hiring and building a long-term... [Read more]

‘How to Prepare for the Social Networked Afterlife’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How to Prepare for the Social Networked Afterlife”. Alicia Eler says, “Signing up for a free social networking account is easy. A few clicks and there you go – open up your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ accounts.... [Read more]

‘Who, Where, What and When: Facebook Beefs up APIs for App Developers’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Who, Where, What and When: Facebook Beefs up APIs for App Developers”. Joe Brockmeier says, “Facebook has the who, where, what and when pretty much all covered for its App developers. Facebook announced a few new tricks for its... [Read more]

‘Microsoft: Consumers Will Force Enterprises to Adopt Windows 8' – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Microsoft: Consumers Will Force Enterprises to Adopt Windows 8?. Scott M. Fulton, III says, “CIOs and managers who answer to CIOs attended the keynote sessions at the CeBIT conference in Hannover yesterday expecting Microsoft... [Read more]

Offline Marketers need a “Local Cash Catalyst” #ad

The Local Cash Catalyst report explains the issues you need to deal with in setting up your local marketing business so you structure your operations to earn a profit quickly. Then it takes you through a planning process where you identify the opportunities and where there are gaps in coverage of those... [Read more]

‘Can Sites Rely On Facebook For User Login?’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Can Sites Rely On Facebook For User Login?”. Dave Copeland says, “Facebook users in Europe were unable to access the site this morning. While the problem, which Facebook called “technical difficulties,” was resolved... [Read more]

‘Is Facebook Giving One Of Its Critics The Run Around?’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Is Facebook Giving One Of Its Critics The Run Around?”. Dave Copeland says, “Sophos is sharing the tale of a Facebook critic who says he has been foiled in his efforts to download his user data from the social networking giant. Facebook... [Read more]

‘How To Pimp Your Company’s Facebook Timeline’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How To Pimp Your Company’s Facebook Timeline”. Dave Copeland says, “If you haven’t changed your brand’s Facebook page over to Timeline yet, Facebook will do it automatically on March 30. And if you have, chance... [Read more]

How to Make $700 This Week From a Standing Start and every week from Twitter #ad

Mark Lyford, Jouvan Johnson and Corinna have found gold in Twitter. With Mark’s and Jouvan’s guidance, Corinna, starting from nothing-no list, no Twitter account, no experience- grew her Twitter business to over $700/week. Corinna was one of many of their students who found their approach... [Read more]

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