IM NewsWatch, March 7, 2012

March 7th, 2012 at 5:44 am EDT

IM News Watch logoMarch 7, 2012

Latest News

’4 Easy Ways to Make Money with Amazon’s Kindle’ Adam Short’s Webinar March 8

Adam Short is hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 8 at 9.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “4 Easy Ways to Make Money with Amazon’s Kindle”. Adam says, ” See first hand how 1 person is making upwards of $30,000.00+ a month on Amazon and how easy it is to sell content... [Read more]

‘How To Get Ten Successful Referral Clients Every Month’ Troy White’s Webinar March 20

Troy White is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, March 20 at 5.00 pm PDT. The topic of the webinar is “How To Get Ten Successful Referral Clients Every Month”. The webinar attendees will learn the following: * ”Why you should definitely NOT rely on Word of Mouth marketing for new clients * Ten... [Read more]

‘Develop Your First Money Making Product Fast!’ Kathleen Gage’s Webinar March 17

Kathleen Gage is hosting a webinar on Saturday, March 17. The topic of the webinar is “Develop Your First Money Making Product Fast!”. Kathleen says, “In this content-driven webinar you learn the following… Plan and create your first product Find out how to take your product to market... [Read more]

Subliminally Lead Your Blog Visitors To Click On Any Link You Want With The Covert Action Bar #ad

Tap into computer user psychology to get more clicks on your links. Discover how a yellow line, a single sound byte and one line of text escalated a few clicks a week into thousands of clicks per day. People don’t want to miss out on something good. They will click to get it. You can put your content... [Read more]

’3 Fatal Phone Mistakes That Kill Sales’ by Charlie Cook

Charlie Cook’s latest blog post is titled “3 Fatal Phone Mistakes That Kill Sales”. Cook says, “Most businesses throw 30-80% of the leads they get away and I’m talking about my clients and yes, you too! It’s incredible to me but it’s true. Almost every business owner I’ve talked... [Read more]

‘March 2012 Google Webmaster Report’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “March 2012 Google Webmaster Report”. ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents March 2012 Google Webmaster Report Google Engineer: It’s Too Difficult... [Read more]

‘Creativity Made Easy’ – ‘Copywriter’s Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of Copywriter’s Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Creativity Made Easy”. ‘Copywriter’s Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents Creativity Made Easy HOW TO BREAK INTO “SIX-FIGURE” COPYWRITING BRAIN... [Read more]

Step-by-Step Course shows how to get automatic passive income #ad

Chans Grose has taught 43 students his Commission Peak affiliate marketing system privately. Now he is opening up his training to all of us in this downloadable version of his training. In the Commission Peak videos, he shows you how to build an affiliate business from start to finish, including: Keyword... [Read more]

Vrinda Normand’s ‘Irresistible List Building Summit’ March 13-April 6

Vrinda Normand is hosting the ‘Irresistible List Building Summit’ from March 13-April 6. Key speakers of this summit are Robert Allen, Maria Andros, Lisa Sasevich, Christian Mickelsen, Joey and James Bridges; and more. Vrinda says, “To help you implement each of these stages, our experts... [Read more]

‘How To Increase Productivity In Business Meetings? by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “How To Increase Productivity In Business Meetings”. Mandossian says, “If there’s one activity that can waste more time, it’s typically business meetings. Why? It’s because it involves other people, and other people may not honor your... [Read more]

‘More About the Home and Garden PLR Membership’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “More About the Home and Garden PLR Membership”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I made a video of about 11 minutes that details the Home and Garden membership – especially with detail about the first month. I won’t be doing this for each month, but... [Read more]

Is Komplete Kindle Automation Your Easy Button To Autopilot Kindle Publishing Riches? #ad

Discover how to automate your Kindle publishing business on a shoestring. Amazon does a lot of the work for Kindle publishers. They supply traffic, do the selling and collection, they do customer care. You just have to create the product. But now even that can be automated. Komplete Kindle Automation... [Read more]

‘Why Quitting Things Helps You Achieve More’ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Why Quitting Things Helps You Achieve More”. Clay Collins says, “Modern life has us enmeshed in a web of unwanted and unnecessary commitments. Most of us spend the... [Read more]

‘The Ultimate, Step-By-Step Guide To Becoming A Successful Blogger, Without The Complicated Geek Talk’ Leslie Samuel, Gideon Shalwick and Yaro Starak’s Webinar March 8

Leslie Samuel, Gideon Shalwick and Yaro Starak are hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 8 at 7.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “The Ultimate, Step-By-Step Guide To Becoming A Successful Blogger, Without The Complicated Geek Talk”. Yaro says, “Here’s what you’ll learn... [Read more]

‘Drag-and-Drop Email Design: It’s Here!’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Drag-and-Drop Email Design: It’s Here!”. Amanda Gagnon says, “Good news, AWeber community. You’ve got a fancy new broadcast editor waiting for you. (Customers, it’s in your account now; go check it out!) This editor’s literally... [Read more]

“Magic Video Marketing”- low cost custom video marketing for you #ad

They run your video marketing project from start to finish 1. They make you a YouTube video channel 2. They do the keyword research for your project (20 or so good keywords) 3. They make your videos. Each video is Unique with a special formula for the descriptions and tags and title to rocket your video... [Read more]

‘Increasing Productivity And Your Attention Span’ by Ken Nadreau

Ken Nadreau’s latest article is titled “Increasing Productivity And Your Attention Span”. Nadreau says, “When it comes to increasing productivity, there’s really only one effective way to do it. Find something that works for you and do it. We all suffer with the same problem of “so... [Read more]

’15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly”. Brian Clark says, “We’re big advocates of conversational writing that’s engaging, persuasive, and fun. So that means it’s perfectly fine to fracture the occasional stuffy... [Read more]

’12 Things That Will Kill Your Blog Post Every Time’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “12 Things That Will Kill Your Blog Post Every Time”. Neil Patel says, “When you look around at successful blogs — whatever industry or topic — there are several undeniable basics to success. And it starts with blog posts... [Read more]

Autopilot Software Maximizes Video Rankings on YouTube #ad

Bill Cousins has released trainng he calls "YouTube Traffic Secrets". He has uncovered free software you can use to quickly increase your views on YouTube. This is a replacement to his earlier training on the Viewet software since Viewet is closing down.

This new software is a lot more powerful than Viewet ever was, so Bill has written up instructions for:

  • Getting it for free
  • Setting it up with your videos so it runs automatically
  • A "secret" method that radically improves the power of this software

It includes both videos and... [Read more]

‘Segmenting affiliates: SEM and mobile’ – ‘ClickBank ClickBrief’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘ClickBank ClickBrief’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Segmenting affiliates: SEM and mobile”. ‘ClickBank ClickBrief Newsletter’ Contents Segmenting affiliates: SEM and mobile 10 steps to raise your site’s... [Read more]

‘Twitter Executive Says Site’s Interface Needs An Overhaul’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Twitter Executive Says Site’s Interface Needs An Overhaul”. Dave Copeland says, “If you’ve ever sent a tweet and thought “That seems so 1998? you’re in good – and perhaps surprising –... [Read more]

‘SoundCloud Moves Toward Email Marketing With Its Latest Labs Feature’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “SoundCloud Moves Toward Email Marketing With Its Latest Labs Feature”. John Paul Titlow says, “These days, how musicians make money from their work is no longer set in stone. Some may do well selling physical records or digital... [Read more]

Get “Mobile Marketing Force” for instant mobile credibility #ad

This is an upgrade of an earlier product by the same name. Don’t buy it if you bought the earlier one. Just download it again. But if you didn’t get it before, get it now if you want to work in the offline or mobile market. Mobile Marketing Force explains what the author does in his own... [Read more]

‘Google Slashes Storage Prices: Still no GDrive’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Google Slashes Storage Prices: Still no GDrive”. Joe Brockmeier says, “Google announced today that it’s dropping its pricing on Google Cloud Storage and its integration with several enterprise storage offerings. Google’s... [Read more]

‘How Social Networks are Killing the Internet’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How Social Networks are Killing the Internet”. Alicia Eler says, “Share this on Facebook! Tweet this to your followers! Pin it to Pinterest! Submit the link to StumbleUpon and drive tons of traffic to your site! Digg it and hopefully... [Read more]

‘Verizon: External Security Threats Skyrocketed in 2011' – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Verizon: External Security Threats Skyrocketed in 2011?. Scott M. Fulton, III says, “The conventional wisdom has been that industrialized hacking organizations have become particularly successful with social engineering –... [Read more]

“Commission Assassin” brings organic traffic from Google, Yahoo and Bing to your affiliate offer #ad

Todd Dowell earned $921.18 in affiliate commissions in just 9 days in February. In the Commission Assassin videos he shares how he did it while building his list for future profits. In this course, he shows the seven traffic sources he uses, the way he builds his “money machine” sites, and... [Read more]

‘My Social Strand Turns Your Facebook Profile Into an Infographic’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “My Social Strand Turns Your Facebook Profile Into an Infographic”. Zoe Fox says, “My Social Strand, an interactive website launched which Tuesday, turns your Facebook profile into a personalized infographic. The project, created... [Read more]

‘Despite Ban, Facebook Finds A Way To Grow In China’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Despite Ban, Facebook Finds A Way To Grow In China”. Dave Copeland says, “People in China may be barred from accessing Facebook, but that hasn’t stopped them from making software for the 845-million member social network. The... [Read more]

‘Peek Into Pinterest’s Palo Alto Pad [PICS]‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Peek Into Pinterest’s Palo Alto Pad [PICS]“. Kate Freeman says, “In an unmarked office building on a beautiful suburban street in downtown Palo Alto, the burgeoning startup Pinterest does its magic. Considering all the addicting... [Read more]

Get the new VideoPress premium WordPress Video Theme to add buzz to Your Marketing #ad

VideoPress lets you create powerful video presentation pages in your blog with a few mouse clicks and use the pages for selling, for training or for other purposes. Many features let you customize your page with custom menus, widgets, plugins, footers, etc. See the demo and get all the facts here.  [Read More]

‘Internet Law Pioneer Lawrence Lessig to Discuss Post-SOPA Internet at Mashable Connect’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Internet Law Pioneer Lawrence Lessig to Discuss Post-SOPA Internet at Mashable Connect”. Jennifer Diamond says, “We’re pleased to announce that Lawrence Lessig, Roy L. Furman Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, and Director... [Read more]

‘Words With Followers? Twitter Scrabble Updates Board Game’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Words With Followers? Twitter Scrabble Updates Board Game”. Todd Wasserman says, “Do you have a few hours to kill? Then you might want to try your hand at Twitter Scrabble, an app that challenges you to come up with high-scoring... [Read more]

‘Which Candidates Are Getting the Super Tuesday Social Buzz? [INFOGRAPHIC]‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Which Candidates Are Getting the Super Tuesday Social Buzz? [INFOGRAPHIC]“. Alex Fitzpatrick says, “Today is Super Tuesday, the day when the most delegates are up for grabs in a single 24-hour period throughout the race to become... [Read more]

Become a Seller of Premium WordPress themes or give them away to build your clientele #ad

E. Brian Rose has built a list of 70 top-notch WordPress themes. His training shows you how to legally redistribute these premium WordPress themes and plugins. He has sold over 2000 copies with about 30 refunds, so you know he is giving you quality. All of the themes that have links included in this... [Read more]

Lisa Sasevich’s ‘How To Sell To Women’ Virtual Event, March 7-9

Lisa Sasevich is hosting the ‘How To Sell To Women’ virtual event from March 7-9. Lisa says, “I’ve brought together 12 of the world’s master teachers on honoring and serving women in ONE powerful virtual training course to teach you their secrets on attracting, inspiring... [Read more]

‘Why You Need To “Get Out Ahead” Of Your Prospects’ – ‘One Step Ahead’ Newsletter

Rich Schefren has released the latest issue of ‘One Step Ahead’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “Why You Need To “Get Out Ahead” Of Your Prospects”. ‘One Step Ahead’ Newsletter Contents - Why You Need To “Get Out Ahead” Of Your... [Read more]

Get 10 Brand New Pinterest Logos With Private Label Rights to use or sell #ad

Use these logos anywhere you need a Pinterest logo. If you create a product related to Pinterest, you need a logo for it. If you create a website related to Pinterest, you need a logo. The list is endless. If you ever plan to do business on Pinterest [Read More]

‘Join Us For A Special Blogging Webinar This Thursday Night’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “Join Us For A Special Blogging Webinar This Thursday Night”. Yaro Starak says, “Leslie Samuel, Gideon Shalwick and me (Yaro Starak) are hosting our first ever Become A Blogger 2.0 live training webinar this Thursday... [Read more]

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