IM NewsWatch, March 6, 2015 - '6 Data-Backed Tricks for Getting Your Sales Emails Opened – Entrepreneur' and much more...

March 6th, 2015 at 8:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, March 6, 2015

‘Less is More? Optimizing Email for CTR’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Data released from a Constant Contact report reveals an interesting correlation between the effectiveness of email campaigns and the number of images and text lines that are featured. Compiled from the analysis of over 2.1 million Constant Contact customer emails sent to more than 100 recipients over the course of 13 weeks,... [Read more]

‘Here Are 6 Data-Backed Tricks for Getting Your Sales Emails Opened’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Andrea Huspeni says, “Your prospect’s inbox is a cutthroat place to be. With over 100 billion emails sent every day, it’s getting harder and harder to stand out from the other scores of attention-seeking messages your customer deals with each day. Or better yet, get an actual reply to your email. But it’s far from hopeless. At Yesware,... [Read more]

‘Social Media: Mellow Mushroom’s tips for engaging Facebook followers’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Erin Hogg says, “Two things come to mind for me when I think of the word social: Social media Pizza Social media for brands is all about developing a thriving online community of fans and followers that engage with your content and (hopefully) become brand ambassadors. To do this, your content must have that “engage-ability” factor: what will... [Read more]

Last chance for Explaindio video creator software #ad

Andrew Darius launched Explaindio Video Creator Software 4 months ago. Since that time, he has sold thousands of copies. If you missed out on this amazing software last year, you have one last chance to get it. At Midnight, Darius says he is pulling it from the market, so this may be your LAST chance to ever get it. We bought it, and it was a great... [Read more]

‘Video Posts Have the Most Organic Reach on Facebook’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Facebook’s algorithm now favors brands’ video posts in the News Feed, according to recent research from Socialbakers. The report was based on data from 670,000 Facebook posts made by 4,445 brands between October 2014 and February 2015. Videos uploaded to Facebook’s native player have the most organic (unpaid)... [Read more]

‘Twitter Gives Advertisers Access To More Than 1,000 Big Data Target Audiences’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter ad targeting just got more broad … and specific. Today the company announced that it’s giving advertisers the ability to take aim at more than 1,000 audiences defined by big data partners Acxiom and Datalogix. Called “partner audiences,” the new ad feature means advertisers can now serve Promoted Tweets to Twitter... [Read more]

‘On the Timing of Social Media Strategy’ by John Chow

Chow says, “It doesn’t really matter what line of business you are in these days. You could be a technology startup that develops a range of mobile apps. You could be a professional wedding photographer. You could be a natural food and supplement company. Or you could be a freelance writer like me. Whatever the case may be, it’s obvious enough... [Read more]

TrafficAid: PC/Mac SEO software from SEO experts #ad

If you’re like most online marketers, you have looked to Google, YouTube or Facebook search results to bring in traffic to your site. That approach has merit, but you need to invest a lot of time or a lot of money to get high search engine results. But there is another way to get traffic, a way that: • Provides organic, consistent, long-term... [Read more]

‘Where Words Fail, Emojis Speak: How to Use Special Characters in Your Email Marketing’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Emails with special characters aren’t just a blast to ? write, they could potentially help your emails get more opens and clicks – if you’re using them correctly. We wanted to give you a few ? pointers on how to use them to your best advantage. Not All Special Characters Are Created Equally ? Unicode characters... [Read more]

’12 of the Best Email Marketing Examples You’ve Ever Seen’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “At one point or another, we all need inspiration to do our jobs better. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a marketing veteran who has navigated through years of changing technology or a newbie fresh out of college — we all need examples of outstanding content. It helps us get through creative ruts, make... [Read more]

‘Henry Rollins on the Art and Business of DIY Media’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “I vividly remember the first time I heard Black Flag. It was in a kid named Mike Goodman’s bedroom, and the record was called Damaged. That’s how it was pre-Internet in suburban Houston. If it wasn’t on the radio or MTV, it was invisible — unless some cool kid turned you on to something new (who probably got it from... [Read more]

A directory site may be your ticket to online success #ad

The Yellow Pages ruled the advertising world for 100 years. It was the most widely distributed business directory in the world. Any business wanted to have its name in the Yellow Pages... [Read more]

‘What Deep Learning and Machine Learning Mean For the Future of SEO’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “Imagine a world where even the high-up Google engineers don’t know what’s in the ranking algorithm. We may be moving in that direction. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand explores and explains the concepts of deep learning and machine learning, drawing us a picture of how they could impact our work as SEOs“. What... [Read more]

‘Facebook is changing how it counts Likes’ – ‘Mashable’

JP Mangalindan says, “Facebook is changing the way it counts Likes, the company announced on Thursday. Don’t panic, though; the changes only apply to celebrity and business pages. Facebook will no longer factor in Likes from users who have voluntarily deactivated their accounts or users who have passed away, according to a blog post. Facebook... [Read more]

‘What a brand learned from becoming a blogger’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Heledd Jones says, “Find out what a brand learnt from becoming a blogger, and some ideas on what the future might hold for blogger outreach. As a brand, we have dabbled in blogger outreach in the past, so I thought it would be a great use of my maternity leave to enter what I thought was the ‘murky world’ of mummy blogging. Here are some of the... [Read more]

Amazon Physical Product Sales: successful affiliate shows how #ad

If you want to get into affiliate marketing, Amazon makes it easy. By giving you a lot of support. With their hundreds of thousands of products, you could build a wide range of niche product sites without ever advertising the same product twice... [Read more]

‘Why Your Facebook Page’s Like Total Will Probably Fall’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “It’s nothing personal, but you’re probably going to notice a drop in likes on your Facebook Page in the next several weeks. Facebook announced today that it will stop including likes from memorialized and voluntarily deactivated accounts in Pages’ like totals. The move, Facebook said in a blog post, will ensure businesses... [Read more]

‘Why Journalists Are Outranking Marketers in Search’ – HubSpot

Victoria Young says, “In the shifting sands of SEO, there’s one constant: It’s much better to top the SERPs than it is to rank on page two. How much better? Nearly 800% better. And, as you’ll see in the tables below, when it comes to ranking in search, publications — that is, actual news sites — still do it best. The inbound... [Read more]

‘Android For Work Upends Multiple Markets’ – Forrester

Tyler Shields says, “On February 25, 2015, Google publicly announced its latest functionality and updates to the Android OS, titled “Android for Work” (AFW). Some of the new functionalities include secure work profiles, secure personal information management, and an enterprise app store through “Google Play for Work.”... [Read more]

Experts say your site loses 50% of its traffic #ad

According to SEO experts, your website is losing almost 40-60% of its visitors just few seconds after they visit the site. It's called the Bounce rate. It's the percentage of visitors that come, visit a single page and "bounce" back to where they came from without looking at any more of your site... [Read more]

‘Actually, Facebook Isn’t Failing Brands and Marketers’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Eric Samson says, “On October 28, 2013, Forrester analyst Nate Elliott wrote, “Facebook is failing marketers.” The open letter, addressed to Mark Zuckerberg, lamented brands’ paltry organic reach across the platform and Facebook’s subpar advertising offerings. That was nearly a year and a half ago. Since then, Facebook has made marked... [Read more]

‘Mobile PPC: A Simple Guide to Mobile Search Marketing for Zeroing In on Customers’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

John Gagnon says, “It’s impossible to read anything about marketing today without running into one big word: Mobile. But here’s something you might not have heard yet: Mobile marketing is practically made for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), for two primary reasons: 1. Most mobile searches are for local businesses. Local... [Read more]

‘Pinpoint Targeting & Animated Ads Coming To Pinterest Soon’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “As Pinterest continues to grow its advertising product, efficiencies for marketers are blooming. According to a new report from AdAge, Pinterest ads will be gaining granular targeting options as well a new test ad format, animated ads. The new targeting options will help advertisers hone their ideal personas. For example, instead... [Read more]

‘5 Inbound Marketing KPIs Clients Actually Care About’ – HubSpot

Katie Lantukh says, “With inbound marketing, you can track a million things. Reporting, analysis of that reporting, and optimization recommendations for the next month or quarter can be all-consuming. It also means you could hand your client a 30-page report each month. If you did, you can be sure it would be quickly thrown in the waste bin. You... [Read more]

‘Visualize Web Performance Data with Custom Charts’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Data, especially big data, can be difficult to analyze for even the savviest digital marketers. Fortunately there are solutions available that make it easier for marketers to break down data. Web presence analytics software provider gShift, for instance, has introduced new custom dashboards and reporting to help marketers... [Read more]

‘How do 10 top UK retailers present returns information?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “According to a survey by CollectPlus, 27% of consumers are put off ordering something online in the first place because they do not want the hassle of returning it if it isn’t right. Therefore the need for online retailers to provide clear and easy to find information on its returns policy as well as making it as hassle-free... [Read more]

New 64-bit Firefox may be coming

Back in the 1960s, when I became a computer programmer, I recall an engineering manager commenting that the software is always at least a year behind the hardware. To a degree, that’s got to be true. If there is new hardware, with new capabilities, a programmer needs to have that hardware in hand before writing code to take advantage of it. Otherwise... [Read more]

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