IM NewsWatch, March 27, 2014 - ‘3 Ways to Maximize Email Marketing Data – Mashable' and much more...

March 27th, 2014 at 7:48 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, March 27, 2014

‘Five ways to handle negative online reviews’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Five ways to handle negative online reviews”. Jan Vels Jensen says, “Many businesses have shied away from getting involved with online reviews because of the fear that bad reviews will ruin their business. But it’s just not true. Everyone knows that no business is perfect... [Read more]

‘Better, Not More: 3 Ways to Maximize Email Marketing Data’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Better, Not More: 3 Ways to Maximize Email Marketing Data”. Kara Trivunovic says, “The growing popularity of social media and mobile marketing has caused many industry leaders to question whether email marketing is still a relevant consumer marketing channel. In fact, email remains an incredibly... [Read more]

‘Gmail Turns the Inbox into a Visual Feast – What Marketers Need to Know’ – Return Path

The latest article on Return Path blog is titled ”Gmail Turns the Inbox into a Visual Feast – What Marketers Need to Know”. Tom Sather says, “For marketers, Gmail’s promotion tab has been a bit of a blessing and a curse. Today, Gmail delivers more opt-in marketing emails to the promotions tab compared to the spam folder.... [Read more]

How to sell more Kindle books #ad

It can be frustrating when your Kindle book isn’t selling when you see other people making sales for their books (which may not be of the best quality). When you make good sales, there’s money to be made. If these people can do it, so can you. It just takes finding the promotional techniques that work. When you do that, you could become... [Read more]

‘Rapid Listbuilding 2.0‘ John Chow’s Webinar April 3

John Chow is hosting a webinar with Tim Paige on Thursday, April 3 at 6.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Rapid Listbuilding 2.0: The 7 Most Important Tweaks You Can Make To Your Website To 3x/4x Your List In The Next 6 Months”. Webinar Details Organizer: John Chow Speaker: Tim Paige Topic: Rapid Listbuilding 2.0: The 7 Most Important... [Read more]

‘How to successfully engage customers when remarketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How to successfully engage customers when remarketing”. James Critchley says, “In a post on this site recently, I looked at some of the top UK ecommerce retailers and evaluated how well they implement remarketing tactics, such as cart recovery. In doing so I signed up to... [Read more]

‘Successful Brands Don’t Care About Sales on Twitter’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Successful Brands Don’t Care About Sales on Twitter”. Matt Petronzio says, “Social-savvy brands have been using Twitter to engage with fans and followers for years, but since we know most of them aren’t advertising, what are they using the service for? According to a recent... [Read more]

Email Ninja Academy 2014: Making email pay off again #ad

Email Ninja Academy is Back. This is the third version, and it has all the value of version 1, all the tips and techniques of version 2 plus some new tested ideas and tools never seen before. Has Gmail Tabs updates lowered your email open rates? InEmail Ninja Academy, version 3, Anwesh Rath adds new insights to cope with the recent changes in the email... [Read more]

’4 Things to Scratch Off Your Marketing Budget’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”4 Things to Scratch Off Your Marketing Budget”. Chris Handy says, “Your marketing budget is being tugged on from several different directions. Sometimes its difficult to know what to invest in. In this article I will round up four things to scratch off your budget, and what to do instead. 1)... [Read more]

Reminder – ‘Google Has Dumped You. But Social is Ready to be Loved‘ HubSpot Webinar 2.00 pm ET

This is a reminder for HubSpot’s audience engagement webinar on March 27. HubSpot is hosting a webinar with Simon Penson and Cheri Percy on Thursday, March 27 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Google Has Dumped You. But Social is Ready to be Loved”. HubSpot team says, “According to Forrester Research, 50% of... [Read more]

Reminder – ‘Create intelligent interactions. Every time‘ Experian Webinar 1.00 pm ET

This is a reminder for Experian’s audience engagement webinar on March 27. Experian is hosting a webinar with Bill Tancer on Thursday, March 27 at 1.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Create intelligent interactions. Every time”. Experian team says, “Last fall, 41 percent of smartphone owners reported that their phone... [Read more]

Turn Any YouTube Video Into A Splash Site Automatically #ad

Would you like to take a marketing video you placed on YouTube and automatically make it into a video splash page to capture the attention of people who happen to land on the page while surfing? With Alex Albert‘s and Alessandro Zamboni‘s Power Easy Video Splash Creator, any YouTube video can be automatically embedded in a squeeze page The... [Read more]

‘Mobile First: Facebook Claims 1 Billion Active Mobile Users, 200 Million On Instagram’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Mobile First: Facebook Claims 1 Billion Active Mobile Users, 200 Million On Instagram”. Ginny Marvin says, “In answering questions about Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition of Oculus, CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared a couple of new user stats that show the company’s mobile-first... [Read more]

‘Gmail Testing a Visual Promotions Tab’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Gmail Testing a Visual Promotions Tab”. Allison Howen says, “Google wants the inbox to be a lot more visual. In fact, the company is trying out a new version of Gmail that lets users view the Promotions tab through a visual, grid layout. Users that are part of the test will be able to... [Read more]

‘Persona Marketing: NetProspex increases website visit duration 900%, lifts marketing-generated revenue 171%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “Persona Marketing: NetProspex increases website visit duration 900%, lifts marketing-generated revenue 171%”. Allison Banko says, “ Your customers aren’t all one and the same — they’re one of a kind. With today’s technology, you can ensure your marketing approaches... [Read more]

Your Own Online Health Store now Available #ad

Time is running out. If you haven’t investigated HealthClone, do it before the price rises in 2 days. It’s the latest Amazon affiliate store from Coolice. As usual, he has chosen a hot niche for his new store you can clone. There are over a billion people around the world with a burning desire to improve their health, in general, or to cure... [Read more]

‘Digital Marketing: Stop ignoring data and start learning’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Digital Marketing: Stop ignoring data and start learning”. Allison Banko says, “March Madness has been one heck of a ride so far, huh? This year’s NCAA tournament is pumping out upsets left and right as Cinderella stories rise and brackets burst. But I’m a Florida Gators fan, and I... [Read more]

‘How the Product Life Cycle Improves Content Marketing’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “How the Product Life Cycle Improves Content Marketing?. Baer says, “Content marketing is growing up. According to “Quarterly Intelligence Briefing: Digital Trends for 2013,” content marketing became the number one priority for marketers in 2013. And why not? Content... [Read more]

‘Conduct Better Podcast Interviews with this Simple 6-Step Preparation Process’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Conduct Better Podcast Interviews with this Simple 6-Step Preparation Process”. Jerod Morris says, “?No regrets. That is my number one goal for every podcast interview I conduct. (And there are a lot of them — for some top-rated podcasts, including this one you might be familiar with.) It’s... [Read more]

WP Simulator: Peace of Mind for webmasters and marketers #ad

Matt Garrett’s new WP Simulator is a tool that makes working on your WP site safer and easier. With WP Simulator, you get these important benefits for your WordPress site: 1. Faster Development Speed – with no internet lag your pages load much quicker. 2. Theme/Plugin Testing – it’s a way to test themes and plugins off-line, cleaning site-wide... [Read more]

‘The Science of Great Digital Content Ideas’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “The Science of Great Digital Content Ideas”. Simon Penson says, “How can a creative task like content ideation be concretely organized into a step-by-step process? By calling a brainstorm, and breaking it into eight discrete stages. Find out about those stages in this post“. The Science of Great Digital... [Read more]

‘Pandas, Penguins, Hummingbirds, Oh My! How to Keep Up With the Latest SEO Trends’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Pandas, Penguins, Hummingbirds, Oh My! How to Keep Up With the Latest SEO Trends”. Rachel Sprung says, “Doesn’t it seem like every time you turn around there’s a new SEO update? You keep hearing about hummingbirds and pandas and penguins, but what the heck does it mean? (And... [Read more]

‘Infographic: Winning Local Through Search Engines, Yellow Pages, Maps & Reviews’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Infographic: Winning Local Through Search Engines, Yellow Pages, Maps & Reviews”. The Marketing Land team says, “Virtually all consumers turn to the internet to find local products and services. Are you positioned to win them, as a local business? There are four key... [Read more]

Image Blaster: Edit, watermark and upload your images #ad

Romanian marketer, Vlad M. has just released clever new software called Image Blaster that can tame your images: • Resize and crop your images • Put a Call to Action in your image with a watermark (how else could an image call people to action.?) • Add a watermark to protect your intellectual property • Upload your modified images... [Read more]

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