IM NewsWatch, March 20, 2014 - ‘Five Best Social Practices of 2014 – Website Magazine' and much more...

March 20th, 2014 at 7:45 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The time of your life

Today, I want to tell you about a man I admire greatly. And a man I count among my friends. My friend, mentor and role model is a top official in the Indian Administrative Services. He rose from strength to strength in a high-stress, super-achieving field, and retired recently as Cabinet Secretary to the Central Government. I learned a lot from him,... [Read more]

‘Google and Facebook Control Two-Thirds of U.S. Mobile Ad Market’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google and Facebook Control Two-Thirds of U.S. Mobile Ad Market”. Jason Abbruzzese says, “Mobile advertising is booming, but the rising tide is primarily lifting two boats. Facebook is nearly monopolizing the growth in the global mobile ad industry, having more than tripled its share of the... [Read more]

‘Google ‘takes action’ against major guest blog network’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google ‘takes action’ against major guest blog network”. Graham Charlton says, “Earlier this year, Matt Cutts announced the ‘death’ of guest blogging for SEO, declaring it finished as a link building tactic. Now, following a tweet by Cutts announcing... [Read more]

RockStar Lead machine: software builds instant quotes for more sales #ad

Ben Littlefield and Dr Dan have just released their new software for collecting leads. The RockStar Lead machine is a fully customizable instant quote calculator that grabs leads, builds lists, and brings in conversions for your offers. When a visitor comes to your WordPress website, this plugin offers them a chance to plug in their information and... [Read more]

‘Advertisers Get Smart with Videos’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Advertisers Get Smart with Videos”. Allison Howen says, “Video is one of the most engaging forms of content nowadays, and brands are finally starting to take notice. In fact, eMarketer predicts that U.S. video ad spend will climb from $4.14 billion in 2013 to $8.04 billion by 2016. One... [Read more]

‘2 Ideas for Customizing Email Content: Weather and Language Personalization’ – Silverpop Blog

The latest Silverpop blog post is titled “2 Ideas for Customizing Email Content: Weather and Language Personalization”. David Pyrzenski says, “Recently, I delivered a Webinar for Retail Online Integration on personalization strategies for email campaigns. The discussion revolved around how to develop an approach for reaching customers... [Read more]

‘Organic Facebook Marketing Tips From the Pros’ – TopRank Blog

The latest TopRank blog post is titled “Organic Facebook Marketing Tips From the Pros”. Lee Odden says, “Facebook has become quite a conundrum for many marketers. For years, companies of all sizes have invested in organic and paid efforts to grow their Facebook fans. The “like” served as an opt-in for consumers to receive brand messages sent... [Read more]

HealthClone: Your pro website for the health niche #ad

At 11 AM EDT, Coolice is releasing his latest niche WordPress site, HealthClone, to quickly get you up and running in the lucrative health niche. This site is filled with thousands of Amazon products of all kinds, all focused on the health niche. Vitamins, supplements, toothbrushes, books and more can fill your affiliate site with the kind of products... [Read more]

‘New Data Demonstrates Teens are Not Abandoning Facebook’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “New Data Demonstrates Teens are Not Abandoning Facebook?. Baer says, “There have been innumerable posts and articles about how Facebook is no longer “cool,” or as important to teens as it once was. Frustratingly, however, much of the speculation I’ve seen regarding... [Read more]

‘When Building Communities Isn’t the Best Way to Build Links’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “When Building Communities Isn’t the Best Way to Build Links”. John-Henry Scherck says, “I entered SEO as a link builder. In 2010, my job was easy and my toolset mainly consisted of article marketing software, directory submissions, comment posting and link networks. Fast forward four years >> I... [Read more]

‘How to Make Your Website a Party People Want to Attend’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Make Your Website a Party People Want to Attend”. Jerod Morris says, “?Have you ever walked into a party where you didn’t know anyone? And there was no one to greet you or take your coat … No one to show you where to get a drink or introduce you around … No one to make you... [Read more] Special Invitation to get it prior to launch #ad

Video is so powerful, but historically, it has had one limitation that hinders its effectiveness. You can vocalize a call to action, but there is no place in the video where people can actually take action. That is about to change with With this new tool, people can phone you from inside the video; make a purchase inside the video or opt in... [Read more]

‘5 Pitfalls Commonly Seen in Google Analytics Implementations’ Website Magazine Webinar April 8

Website Magazine is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, April 8 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “5 Pitfalls Commonly Seen in Google Analytics Implementations”. The WM team says, “Website Analytics data has changed the game for marketers, designers, and CMO’s alike. But there is a downside – a shoddy analytics implementation... [Read more]

‘Five Best Social Practices of 2014’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Five Best Social Practices of 2014”. Anton Ruin says, “The evolution of social marketing has already gone through many stages of development and has now become one of the most effective channels for business promotion on the Web. However, digital marketing realities and trends are changing... [Read more]

Reminder – ‘Create intelligent interactions. Every time‘ Experian Webinar March 27

This is a reminder for Experian’s audience engagement webinar on March 27. Experian is hosting a webinar with Bill Tancer on Thursday, March 27 at 1.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Create intelligent interactions. Every time”. Experian team says, “Last fall, 41 percent of smartphone owners reported that their phone... [Read more]

AW Auto-mate: automate the repetitive tasks in Aweber™ #ad

One of the most popular autoresponder systems for internet marketers is Aweber. It’s popular because its price is reasonable, and it has a lot of capabilities to create and manage your opt-in lists easily. But it can get even easier But there are several things that are hard in Aweber, maybe even impossible for the the average marketer. That’s... [Read more]

Download: Marketo’s ‘Social Media for Lead Generation’ eBook

Marketo has released a free ebook titled “Social Media for Lead Generation”. The Marketo team says, “Using social media to brand your business isn’t a groundbreaking strategy. Been there, done that? And although social is still important for branding and buzz, it’s becoming increasingly important for lead generation. Download... [Read more]

‘The Email Marketer’s Guide to Yahoo!’ Return Path Webinar March 26

Return Path is hosting a webinar with Melinda Plemel and Tom Sather on Wednesday, March 26 at 1.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “The Email Marketer’s Guide to Yahoo!”. Return Path team says, “The next webinar our Marketer’s Field Guide series takes a look at Yahoo! Mail and what marketers need to know to get their... [Read more]

‘Improve your web conversions with the ‘LIFT’ model’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Improve your web conversions with the ‘LIFT’ model”. Shane Jones says, “It’s 2014. The majority of people are doing business online. It’s imperative that your company website offers the experience your target audience needs to encourage a conversion. Whatever... [Read more]

Mobile Apps Business In a Box plus amazing bonus #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek is well-known for his resale products, with complete selling tools. Today he releases Mobile Apps Business In a Box to put you in the Mobile App business (or in the business of helping people get nto the mobile app business.) The mobile app business is big (actually, very big) business. iPad apps and Android apps are big sellers. If... [Read more]

‘Three Emails You Should Send in March to Capitalize on the Madness’ – VerticalResponse Blog

The latest VerticalResponse blog post is titled “Three Emails You Should Send in March to Capitalize on the Madness”. The VR team says, “According to the NCAA, 181 million viewers will tune into the three-week basketball bonanza known as March Madness. Brackets, pools, parties and team t-shirts will take over offices all across the country.We’ve... [Read more]

‘Facebook Sharing Bug Generates Faulty 404 Errors’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Facebook Sharing Bug Generates Faulty 404 Errors”. Martin Beck says, “It’s a minor, but annoying bug. Sporadically, when someone tries to share a Marketing Land or Search Engine Land post on Facebook, the social network displays a 404 error. It’s not an actual 404... [Read more]

’6 Crucial Email Newsletter Metrics You Should Be Monitoring’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”6 Crucial Email Newsletter Metrics You Should Be Monitoring”. Ginny Soskey says, “It’s easy to get attached to your email newsletter. Your boss once upon a time forced you to do it when you started to do more email marketing instead of direct mail, and you’ve stuck with it... [Read more]

WpAdStopper plugin for ads that can’t be ignored #ad

Jay Venka originally created the WpAdStopper plugin. He conveyed resale rights to Ken Reno, who now is selling the plugin to other marketers. When someone lands on one of your pages, this plugin can show them an ad of your choice before they get to see your content. You can make a text ad, a graphic ad or even a video ad. You put whatever HTML in the... [Read more]

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