IM NewsWatch, March 17, 2015 - '20 Must-Have Tools for Clever Marketers – MarketingProfs' and much more...

March 17th, 2015 at 2:33 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

‘Steal from the Best: Subject Line Secrets from the Top 3000 Retailers’ Return Path Webinar March 18

Return Path team says, “According to stats compiled by Impact Branding & Design, 33% of email recipients open their email based on the subject line alone. This webinar will help you unlock the secrets from the Top 3,000 retailers. Hear from Tom Sather, Sr. Director of email Research, and a panel of Return Path email marketing experts to learn... [Read more]

‘Primal Marketing: 4 Ways to Create an Instant Connection with Customers’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Cynthia Price says, “Scientists have conducted research for years to unlock the secrets of the human mind — and more and more marketers are starting to take notice. Here, four ways you can incorporate the latest study results into your marketing to better cut through the clutter and get big-time results. 1. Tell a story Gut reactions... [Read more]

‘How Automation and Emotion Can Work Together in Content Marketing’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “ is a door-to-door pet moving service. Rachel Truair, Chief of Staff, and Caitlin Moore, Content Marketing Specialist, are in Texas where the company is based. However, PetRelocation provides services for pets that are moving all over the world. For example, if a pet needs to be moved from San Francisco to Shanghai,... [Read more]

Create whiteboard sketch videos with Text-to-Speech “human” voices #ad

Jimmy Mancini looked at the many whiteboard video tools released in the last year, and said, ”They are good, but I can do it better.” That’s how TTS Sketch Maker was born. He has been using it himself, but today he is making it available for the rest of us, too. Unlike any of the video creation software you may have seen recently, TTS Sketch Maker... [Read more]

’20 Must-Have Tools for Clever Marketers’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Elizaveta Naumov says, “As a marketer, you’re often wearing many hats and simultaneously managing a variety of responsibilities and tasks—from social media to content creation. Luckily, there’s an app or service for almost every marketing activity out there, with new ones popping up every week. As helpful as such tools are, the... [Read more]

‘Online Shoppers 1.6X More Likely To Make Purchase After Viewing Video’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Turns out videos are not only winning all the buzz in digital lately, but are also directly impacting online sales according to a new report from video marketing platform Invodo. Based on video data from Invodo’s more than 100 retail clients, spanning a variety of industries, the Video Commerce Benchmarks Report found online... [Read more]

’30 LinkedIn Triggers That Provide a Sales Opening’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “A sales call or email that comes totally out of the blue is often regarded as irrelevant or even annoying to buyers. But cold outreach can be warmed up if a salesperson just sends their email or places their call at the right time. And prospects leave openings for salespeople every day — reps just have to know what... [Read more]

Social Lead Chief: pre-sold leads from Facebook #ad

The important thing about marketing messages, however well crafted, is that they need to be presented to people who have a need and a desire for what you are selling. Otherwise the effort (and expense) is wasted. New software, called Social Lead Chief 2.0, helps you find Facebook members who are looking for what you are selling, so that your sales message... [Read more]

‘How To Use WordPress for More Than Just Blogging’ by John Chow

Chow says, “As has been discussed so many times on this site before, there are innumerable ways for you to make money online and to live the dot com lifestyle. One of these ways is to become a professional blogging, writing about an industry or interest that you are truly passionate about and monetizing your website accordingly. In the context of... [Read more]

‘4 Ways to Improve Your YouTube Channel’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Lisa Furgison says, “Are you creating videos to promote your business’s image, product or service? You’re not alone. A lot of businesses are creating videos to share online, and statistics show it’s a smart move. According to a study by ReelSEO, 82% of people using video as a promotional tool believe that it has a positive impact on their business.... [Read more]

‘7 ways to improve your video ad campaign’ – ‘Mashable’

Ben Plomion says, “Programmatic video is hot, and getting hotter. According to eMarketer, in 2014, advertisers and publishers spent an eye-popping $700 million on programmatic video. By the end of this year, that number will triple, topping a cool $2 billion. Everyone wants in on the action (including brand marketers). And why not? Video ads deliver... [Read more]

Video Popper plugin may double your leads and sales #ad

Jamie Garside and David Chamberlain, like many other marketers, have been experimenting with advertising on Facebook. The have found that Facebook video ads generate a lot more response than plain ytext ads, whether you are asking for a sale or for an optin... [Read more]

‘10 sneaky examples of hidden website menus’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “It’s becoming more popular for websites to hide its navigation off screen, only revealing a menu when you interact with an element. The interaction can be a click or a hover, the element is normally a hamburger menu, but occasionally its text or symbol based. Either way this practice is a good way to clean up the... [Read more]

‘9 Simple Tips For Making An About Us Page That Works For Your Brand’ – MOZ Blog

Ben Austin says, “For too many online companies the About Us page is the elephant in the room, and often the most awkward thing to write. It’s a shame because analytics often shows the page as one of the most frequented on any website. Imagine a ceremonial elephant adorned in his embellished head plate, raising you above your competitors.... [Read more]

‘Introducing Rainmaker.FM: The Digital Marketing Podcast Network’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “Yep, we’ve launched a digital marketing podcast network. Someone was bound to do it, but you may be surprised that it’s us. Truth is, this is something I’ve personally wanted to do for a long time … and the time is right. Copyblogger came to prominence by teaching people how to write engaging content and copy, and that... [Read more]


Do you know what’s really happening on your sites? #ad

The partnership between Mark Thompson and Matt Callen has produced another new product, 'FunnelTrax'. This new product is addressing a need all smart marketers have. If you want to be successful in online marketing you need to know what is working and what isn’t... [Read more]

‘BuzzFeed Bars Brands From Publishing Content On Its Community Platform’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Last week, reported BuzzFeed froze brand publisher accounts for its community publishing platform, ending unpaid content opportunities for brands that had been using the site for content marketing efforts. While BuzzFeed didn’t respond to a request for comments on the changes to its editorial policies for... [Read more]

‘8 Great Tools and Resources for When You’re Ready to Build a Business’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Sujan Patel says, “Business owners aren’t successful because they think about building a business — they’re successful because they don’t stop until they get things done. And when it comes to getting things done, mental tenacity and motivation are important, but having the right tools and resources can make a huge difference as well. Related: 7... [Read more]

‘Eye-Tracking Study: Native Ads vs. Banner Ads’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Native ads in digital news feeds receive significantly more visual attention from consumers than banner ads do, according to a recent report from Sharethrough and Nielsen. The report was based on data from a study in which mock banner and native ads from five advertisers were shown to participants in a video simulating the experience... [Read more]

The smart marketer’s alternative to GoToWebinar #ad

Many of our readers balk when they discover that GoToWebinar charges $89-$299 per month, depending on how many people can attend. GoToWebinar is the leader in the webinar field, but their cost is beyond the means of a marketer just starting out... [Read more]

‘Western European Consumers Spent €26 Billion In Online Cross-Border Trade In 2014’ – Forrester

Michael O’Grady says, “Western Europe is one of the largest online markets for cross-border trade: In 2014, Western consumers spent €26 billion on cross-border trade, representing 17% of eCommerce sales in Western Europe. Our recently published Forrester Research Online Cross-Border Retail Forecast, 2013 To 2018 (Western Europe) shows... [Read more]

‘Want More Engagement on Social Media? Here’s How Often You Should Publish’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “I believe it was the Notorious B.I.G. who once famously stated, “Mo’ posting, mo’ social engagement.” On the surface, that idea seems to make sense. After all, the more posts you send out into your social network, the more opportunities you’re creating for folks to Like, share, retweet, or comment... [Read more]

’89 Percent Of Companies Using Content Marketing Say It Works’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Matt McGee says, “Content marketing works. That’s the conclusion from a recent Ascend2 survey in which 89 percent of companies that use content marketing say it’s successful. The Content Marketing Trends survey covered 290 marketers, sales and business professionals from companies around the world. Almost nine out of 10 companies that use... [Read more]

‘Three takeaways from the Voice of the Customer roundtable’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jim Clark says, “Whether it’s coming from contact centres or social media channels, marketers now have more data on their customers than ever before. How are they making this data actionable to drive changes in their organisation and what’s driving this focus? According to a recent Econsultancy report Voice of the Customer: Listen, Measure,... [Read more]

‘Yahoo’s New Email Option: No Password, No Problem’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Carly Okyle says, “There are so many passwords to remember — email, bank accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, news subscriptions, just to name a few. Trying to keep in mind which combination of letters and numbers and symbols goes to what site can be frustrating and time-consuming, which is probably why people routinely use obvious ones... [Read more]

‘The Seven Vital Components of Lead Generation’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Do you know the seven components of lead generation? Here’s a look at each one, its purpose, and benefits. The seven elements are quality of the source, volume of the leads, decision makers, media and social, business targeting, location targeting, and industry targeting. “Lead generation comes in many... [Read more]

‘9 Great Tools to Help You Write & Edit Blog Posts Better’ – HubSpot

Chris Handy says, “Blogging is an important part of your business strategy. Often, a blog post will be the first impression a prospect has of your company. Getting things just right can be overwhelming. In this post, I’ll outline some of the best tools to help you keep a solid editorial flow from idea to publish. You will discover tools for... [Read more]

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