IM NewsWatch, March 16, 2016 - '7 Emails You Need to Be Sending Your Mailing List –' and much more...

March 16th, 2016 at 9:39 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

‘Should You Have Content or Design First?’ – Entrepreneur

Rustam Singh says, “While hiring an agency to make the official website for your startup, the question arises on the order of priorities of events. Sure, if you’re a technology guy with advance knowledge of coding, programming or web designing then you’d be working the build yourself, but not many entrepreneurs have the luxury of that knowledge.... [Read more]

‘Can You Recognize These 7 Shocking Elements of Click-bait Titles?’ –

Sara McGuire says, “Clickbait. A word that is tossed around so often now that I think we are prone to forget how effective it really is. After all, just because you are aware of something’s existence doesn’t mean you’re able to extricate yourself from it. You know what clickbait titles are. They’re those titles so sensational, so absurd,... [Read more]

‘7 Amazingly Effective Lead Nurturing Tactics’ – HubSpot

Jesse Mawhinney says, “As companies adopt inbound marketing as a way to generate more leads, the importance of having an effective lead nurturing strategy becomes very clear. In most cases only a relatively small percentage of your inbound leads will be ready to make an immediate purchase, leaving upwards of 90% of your inbound leads on the table. Implementing... [Read more]

Commission Black Ops: 5 ways to raise your commissions from so-so to great #ad

Michael Chaney is an affiliate marketer of long standing. For many years, he has helped other people sell their products, and he has earned commissions for that help. He reports that he has been quite effective in this business, earning $39,041.46 in commissions in a month, and earning similar commissions over and over. His process is unusual. You have... [Read more]

‘How live audiences in real-time marketing are key to programmatic success’ – Marketing Land

Melody Gambino says, “In the way that a lot people are freaked out about the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency, many in our industry are gnashing their teeth at the growing insurgency that is consumer ad blocking. In essence, just like many of the middle class in this country are shouting their frustration with the government through the... [Read more]

‘Nine incredibly helpful influencer marketing tools’ – Econsultancy

Jack Simpson says, “One of the most important parts of any content marketing strategy is identifying and approaching influencers that can help amplify your message to the right audience. But with so many people active on social media and many of them claiming to be influencers when they’re actually anything but, where the hell do you start? Amazingly,... [Read more]

‘5 Blissful Lessons These Nightmare Headlines Can Teach You’ – Copyblogger

Demian Farnworth says, “Let me ask you a strange question, dear web writer: do you ever lose sleep over your headlines — particularly the night before your content publishes? I do. At some point in the night, I’ll wake up and think: “Oh my gosh, ‘rankle’ needs to come after ‘sunshine!’” Or: “Should Allen Ginsberg be in the... [Read more]

SociDynamo builds viral traffic & commission-generating websites #ad

Brett Ingram has just released new online marketing software, called 'SociDynamo Pro'. Ingram reports that if you use this new software, you can earn hands-free commissions. It automatically finds other people's viral content as well as other people's products that you can promote and it builds websites automatically to promote them with your affiliate link... [Read more]

‘The App Store Optimization Checklist: Top 10 Tips’ – MOZ

Ashley Sefferman says, “App Store Optimization, or ASO, is a way of ensuring your app meets app store ranking criteria and rises to the top of a search results page. But how does a marketer optimize for better discoverability in an app store? To help you boost your app marketing strategy (along with your app store ranking!), I’ve put together... [Read more]

‘Google’s ‘Smart Reply’ Feature Arrives on Desktops Today’ – Entrepreneur

Carly Okyle says, “There’s no denying that email is a major time-suck. Even if each email only takes a few minutes, there are so many messages sent to our inboxes during the day that the time adds up. Google may just have a solution. The company announced today that its Smart Reply feature is coming to the desktop version of Inbox. Smart Reply... [Read more]

‘Google launches its Analytics 360 Suite to provide better marketing measurement tools for “micro-moments”’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “Google is making a bigger play in the marketing data arena today, with the announcement that it is launching a new enterprise-oriented measurement platform called Google Analytics 360 Suite. In an announcement post appearing today on the blog Inside AdWords, Vice President of Analytics, Display, and Video Products Paul Muret... [Read more]

Hydravid Cloud "Makes Video Marketing 40 Times More Powerful" #ad

Walt Bayliss released 'Hydravid Cloud' last week, and planned to shut down his launch in just 3 days, Sunday night EDT. But as of this writing, it is still available. Bayliss reports that you can multiply your traffic to you website by 40 times by using it, since in the time it takes to post a video on YouTube, it can post the video on 40 sites, not just 1... [Read more]

‘Recipe for Creating Successful Project Plans’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Regina Love says, “I love to bake and never turn down a chance to have a sweet treat. Everyone always tells me that they don’t have the time, energy or patience to bake. As a highly process-oriented person, my entire life is built around planning and executing projects of all sizes. I know how effective organization can optimize time and effort,... [Read more]

‘The ultimate 2016 email marketing benchmark guide’ – Econsultancy

Jack Simpson says, “Email continues to be an extremely important marketing channel, so it’s important to know how well your email efforts are performing. But while it’s easy to find out how many clicks, opens and so on your emails are getting, it can be difficult to understand the significance of those numbers without having something... [Read more]

‘5 Things Digital Marketers Can Learn from Amazon Prime’s 35 Percent Growth’ – Entrepreneur

Eric Siu says, “Ten years ago, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos launched Amazon Prime, a special service for Amazon customers that offered unlimited two-day shipping for an annual fee. Amazon Prime is now more successful than even the most optimistic Amazon executive ever could have predicted. This case study should be an inspiration to every digital... [Read more]

SalesEnvy manages your client interactions to save time, frustration #ad

Skype lets you make unlimited phone calls in the US and Canada for a tiny monthly or annual fee. This can be the key to your prospecting for clients in your consulting business. Call as many people as you want for about $3 per month... [Read more]

‘How the HubSpot Marketing Blog Actually Generates Leads’ – HubSpot

Pamela Vaughan says, “Business blogging “best practices” instruct bloggers to include a relevant call-to-action at the bottom of every blog post. This is nothing groundbreaking — it’s how you convert visitors to your blog into valuable inbound leads for your business. But are those end-of-post calls-to-action (CTAs) really... [Read more]

‘Content marketing and personal branding go hand-in-hand’ – Marketing Land

Rebecca Lieb says, “Most professionals reach a point in life where, even if you don’t have kids yourself, close friends unleash their recent college graduate offspring upon you for career advice. This has been happening a great deal lately (Suddenly all those Dylans and Dakotas are no longer three years old, but instead in their 20s. Time flies). Over... [Read more]

‘PPC: a beginners’ guide to KPIs, budgets & agencies’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “There’s a lot to know about paid search advertising. To mark the release of Econsultancy’s newly updated PPC Best Practice Guide, I’ve pulled together a brief intro to KPIs, budgets and resourcing for paid search. The full guide is more than 350-pages long and includes the basics of setting up a campaign, to... [Read more]

Russell Brunson's "ClickFunnels" drives online success #ad

Your online business is dependent on a stream of paying customers, and for the best results, they need to be customers that buy again and again. That may seem easy, but keeping a buyer interested isn't as simple as it seems... [Read more]

‘What I Learned at #SearchFest 2016 Will Make Me a Better Marketer’ – MOZ

Jennita says, “Over the past 9 years, I’ve probably attended hundreds of marketing conferences. In the early days, I was an attendee there to learn all the things. Then after I started at Moz, I attended them as “press” and I would write about the conference on the Moz blog and live-tweet and such. At some point along the way I began to... [Read more]

‘The 7 Emails You Need to Be Sending Your Mailing List’ –

A J Agrawal says, “Email marketing is far from dead. When done right, email marketing can make it 50 percent more likely that you will make a sale. But getting someone to subscribe to your list is only half the battle. Keeping them on your list and nurturing them like a young plant is how to convert a customer into a fan and a fan into a brand... [Read more]

‘Which Email Clients Are People Using Most? An Analysis of 13 Billion Email Opens – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “As more and more people use their mobile phones to surf the internet, marketers have had to rethink how and where we create, share, and optimize content on the web — including email. In the past year or two, we’ve seen a number of notable changes in the way people check and read their email. For example, many... [Read more]

Reminder- 15 Free Tools Every Entrepreneur Should Use

A recent post on Pixel77 shares a list of 15 software tools solo entrepreneurs and other small business people will find helpful. The tools address many aspects of business life from office productivity to mailing list management to social media to travel management and many others. And the nice thing is that they are all free. If you need to simplify... [Read more]

15 Free Tools Every Entrepreneur Should Use

A recent post on Pixel77 shares a list of 15 software tools solo entrepreneurs and other small business people will find helpful. The tools address many aspects of business life from office productivity to mailing list management to social media to travel management and many others. And the nice thing is that they are all free. If you need to simplify... [Read more]

‘2016 Pinterest Trends – What’s Next This Year?’ – Small Business Trends

Brian Hughes says, “Does Pinterest still matter? Once it was the dominant visual social media network. But now Instagram and a host of trendier platforms, like Periscope and Snapchat, have solidly dethroned Pinterest’s claim as the visual network du jour. But don’t count it out of your social media strategy just yet. Pinterest, like Facebook,... [Read more]

‘Inbound and Outbound: The PB&J Sandwich of Marketing’ –

Valerie Levin says, “Marketers may not be as notorious as, say, lawyers or sales people for having inflated egos, but they are certainly proud of their work and are great at touting their efforts as the best solution for gaining and converting customers. Within the marketing world are the two groups who gladly subscribe to what might seem like... [Read more]

‘Google AdWords Benchmarks by Industry’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “Which industries have the highest, or lowest, Google AdWords click-through rates, engagement levels, and costs? To find out, WordStream examined 2,367 US-based client accounts from a wide range of verticals accounting for $34.4 million in 2Q15 AdWords spend. The researchers looked at data for both Google AdWords’ Search... [Read more]

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