IM NewsWatch, March 16, 2012 - Latest IM News including "10 Commandments of Landing Pages That Work" and more...

March 16th, 2012 at 5:23 am EDT


Friday, March 16

Dr Mani, what are the steps to set up a sales letter and then deliver the product?

Information marketing is a broad term that covers many different approaches to making money from information products. Some of them – like displaying contextual ads (Google AdSense) on published content – do not involve ‘selling’. But many other methods... [Read more]

‘Pinterest is Not Influencing Purchasing Decisions’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Pinterest is Not Influencing Purchasing Decisions”. AllisonH says, “It is no secret that Pinterest has taken the Internet by storm, reaching the elevated status of a top 30 site according to Hitwise. A new study, however,... [Read more]

‘The 10 Commandments of Landing Pages That Work’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The 10 Commandments of Landing Pages That Work”. Steven Lowe says, “In the dark and ancient days of digital yellow highlighters and outrageous claims, a cry rang out over the mountains — a cry for sanity, integrity, and... [Read more]

Get 10 strength training reviews for your Amazon affiliate site #ad

Strength training is a hugely profitable, evergreen niche. These 10 PLR Strength Training Equipment Reviews from popular PLR site “Best Fitness PLR” contain a massive 6,025 words of quality content and are the perfect way for you to start making money from the profitable strength training... [Read more]

‘People Will Pay You to Transform Their Lives ‘ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “People Will Pay You to Transform Their Lives”. David Bostrom says, “A few years back I came across a promotional piece for a program to learn the piano via a set... [Read more]

‘How to Raise a Million Dollars for your Blog’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How to Raise a Million Dollars for your Blog”. Chow says, “Do you know that you can raise a million dollars for your blog today? Does your blog have what it takes to raise a million dollars? If I provide you a step by step action plan for raising... [Read more]

‘The Automated Sales Funnel’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “The Automated Sales Funnel”. The ‘StomperNet’ team says, ”Perhaps the biggest advantage of a sales funnel is that it establishes a relationship with your prospects. The prospects begin to learn to trust you as your... [Read more]

Matthew McDonald gives away “Video Master Course” training #ad

This five-day training is absolutely free. It’s stuffed full of valuable content on using video on your blog and on YouTube. Videos can improve your marketing success. Matthew McDonald has developed many successful techniques in his own business that he is sharing in these webinars. Learn about... [Read more]

‘Hungry For Change’ by Jeff Walker

Jeff Walker’s latest blog post is titled “Hungry For Change”. Walker says, “How would you feel if you could get 1,000 opt-ins per hour? That’s a pretty amazing number, but it’s only part of the story… Can you do a Product Launch Formula-style launch for an independent... [Read more]

‘Using Pinterest for Business – Finding New Prospects? by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “Using Pinterest for Business – Finding New Prospects”. Mandossian says, “Have you started using Pinterest for your business? It’s growing extremely fast! There are a lot of opportunities for businesses to take advantage of on the site. In... [Read more]

‘Three Constants in Affiliate Marketing’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “Three Constants in Affiliate Marketing”. Simon Slade says, “Those of us who have been involved in the affiliate marketing world for a while are all too aware that it is an industry prone to change, and lots of it. A website that makes... [Read more]

Use current search trends to bring in affiliate commissions #ad

Mark Thompson’s new Commission Trends WordPress plugin finds hot trends from serch engine data so you can build your blog around them and profit. Combining features from Google and Amazon, Commission Trends lets you promote the hottest products while they are hot. Get the details here.  Read More →

‘How I Got Started In Business’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “How I Got Started In Business Interview With Dan Kennedy”. Rich says, “During a recent trip to participate in a high- level “mastermind” meeting hosted by Dan Kennedy… Dan and I sat down and did a short, casual video interview... [Read more]

‘unBelievable: The unBelievable Mindset…And More’ by Derek Franklin

Derek Franklin’s latest blog post is titled “unBelievable: The unBelievable Mindset…And More”. Derek says, “In 1997, Apple Computer began a marketing campaign that included a series of commercials that promoted a simple, yet powerful idea – that it’s often the crazy... [Read more]

’7 Simple Strategies to Profit from Video Marketing’ Milana Leshinsky & Lou Bortone’s Webinar March 19

Milana Leshinsky & Lou Bortone are hosting a webinar on Monday, March 19 at 1.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “7 Simple Strategies to Profit from Video Marketing”. Milana says, “Whether you’re still not using video or you’ve tried it and it’s been too complicated,... [Read more]

Get New PLR for the health niche #ad

Aurelius Tjin’s latest PLR is called “Get Fit, Get Healthy” and comes with a complete sales system: An e-book in PDF and Word formats A squeeze page, a sales page and a Download page Graphics without a title so you can insert your own title Participate in this evergreen niche by getting... [Read more]

‘Google AdSense Messages To Publishers: Create Google+ Page’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Google AdSense Messages To Publishers: Create Google+ Page”. ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents Google AdSense Messages To Publishers: Create... [Read more]

‘Measure Those Three Words—Return on Investment’ – ‘MarketingProfs Today’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ’MarketingProfs Today’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is “Measure Those Three Words—Return on Investment”. ‘MarketingProfs Today’ Newsletter Contents How-To: Measure Those Three Words—Return on Investment Slide Show: Five... [Read more]

‘Facebook Timeline for Business Pages – 21 Key Points To Know’ by Mari Smith

Mari Smith’s latest blog post is titled “Facebook Timeline for Business Pages – 21 Key Points To Know”. Smith says, “If you have not yet converted your Facebook fan page over to the new Timeline design, your page will automatically convert on March 30th, 2012 which is coming... [Read more]

Create Kindle Killer Books That Can Bring Sales in First Week #ad

A key ingredient in Kindle book sales is choosing the right niche. A hot niche can drive sales for an average book. In this report, Rosa reveals an unusual, uncrowded niche that can quickly bring you sales. In this report, Rosa tells you: what this HOT Niche is how she uses her KKB Formula to tap into... [Read more]

‘List Building Tip – Most LinkedIn Group Owners Miss This’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “List Building Tip – Most LinkedIn Group Owners Miss This”. Wakeman says, “In previous posts about LinkedIn, I’ve written that hosting a LinkedIn Group is by far the best way to build a community, connect with potential new clients and... [Read more]

Armand Morin Opens 16 Spots for Special Training

Armand Morin has opened 16 spots for a special training. Armand says, “The first group went through with flying colors, and I’m now ready for the second group… YOU CAN BE PART OF IT NOW! I am doing what no other marketer has EVER DONE. I AM PUTTING MY MONEY WHERE MY MOUTH IS!!! I’m... [Read more]

‘Does Formal Education Matter When Opening A Business?’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “Does Formal Education Matter When Opening A Business?”. Ken Sundheim says, “Entrepreneurship is taught in nearly every business program at university, but does your education or your college major really factor into... [Read more]

How to begin building a list in any niche in 30 minutes #ad

Barry Rodgers says you don’t need to learn Photoshop, Gimp, HTML, etc. to build a list capture process with a giveaway report. In Kwik Niche List he shows how to create a report to give away, create graphics for a cover to make it attractive, and create a squeeze page, all in just 30 minutes. And... [Read more]

‘SEO Experts Discuss Link Building for Affiliates’ by Mark Ling

Mark Ling’s latest Affilorama blog post is titled “SEO Experts Discuss Link Building for Affiliates”. Ling says, “ Link building has been an important process of building successful affiliate marketing-based websites over the years, because this process simply allows sites to be... [Read more]

‘Are You Green with Cyber ENVY?’ – ‘Spotlight’ Newsletter

Ali Brown has released the latest issue of ‘Spotlight’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “Are You Green with Cyber ENVY?”. ‘Spotlight’ Newsletter Contents Note From Ali Are You Green with Cyber ENVY? Is It Bad for My Business to ‘Chase Money’? Have... [Read more]

‘Next, Salesforce Aims to Obsolete the CMS with Launch’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Next, Salesforce Aims to Obsolete the CMS with Launch”. Scott M. Fulton, III says, “Here’s the proposition: If your business fronts a marketing Web site, perhaps with a digital storefront and probably with... [Read more]

Panda-friendly $300 a day Step-by-Step System Revealed YMMV #ad

TheAfter-Panda Internet marketing Strategy is a Step by step tutorial on how to create your money making system that will work in a new world as Google shifts its search results strategy. This e-book walks you through the steps you should take to build a site that Google won’t slap, a site that... [Read more]

‘The Curation-Over-Creation Trend That Fueled Pinterest’s Rapid Growth’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “The Curation-Over-Creation Trend That Fueled Pinterest’s Rapid Growth”. Dave Copeland says, “Laura Paine has a simple answer when asked why Pinterest exploded in popularity at this particular juncture in Internet history.... [Read more]

‘Google Semantic Search: Bad for SEO, Good for You’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Google Semantic Search: Bad for SEO, Good for You”. Jon Mitchell says, “The Wall Street Journal reported today on some changes coming to Google search, but the article seems a bit confused about what they are. The lead item... [Read more]

‘[Infographic]: We Are Becoming More Privacy-Savvy, at Least According to Pew’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “[Infographic]: We Are Becoming More Privacy-Savvy, at Least According to Pew”. David Strom says, “The folks at the Pew Internet Life project produced a report last month here that found that people are getting more privacy-savvy... [Read more]

Get 10 Fresh PLR Articles On One Of The Most Profitable Amazon Niches #ad

The exercise niche is evergreen. Amazon has a big share of this niche. With these helpful articles as content, you can be a successful affiliate selling Amazon exercise products Place these 10 articles on elliptical machine exercisers on your affiliate site. They will give you a professional presentation... [Read more]

‘How Language Shapes the Culture of Facebook’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How Language Shapes the Culture of Facebook”. Alicia Eler says, “To log-in to Facebook is to enter a social space entirely different from the rest of the Internet and your physical reality. It is like walking into a hall of... [Read more]

‘How To Use Memes to Build EASY Backlinks & Traffic’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “How To Use Memes to Build EASY Backlinks & Traffic’. Takeshi Young says, “My name is Takeshi and I’m a Technical SEO Analyst for the in-house SEO team over at During my spare time I like to work on my own projects,... [Read more]

‘How Garbage Ranks in the SERPs: a Case Study’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “How Garbage Ranks in the SERPs: a Case Study’. Eppie Vojt says, “You’ve built a fantastic site full of excellent, link-worthy content. You’re actively building relationships in the social space that send quality traffic... [Read more]

Paul Wilson says, “Generate a Full-Time Income in Just 20 Minutes Work a Day” #ad

Wilson admits there is significant set-up work to get his system in place, but says that afterward, it is almost automatic. The proverbial “four-hour work week” can be within your grasp. The process is called “curation”. You sift through the mounds of data in your niche and organize... [Read more]

’6 Ways to Prime Your Web Design’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “6 Ways to Prime Your Web Design”. Linc Wonham says, “Just like shopping in the brick-and-mortar world, website users are exposed to direct and indirect cues online that can unconsciously nudge them into making different... [Read more]

‘How To Set Up Your Blog Business Structure’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Set Up Your Blog Business Structure”. Chow says, “If you have ever attended one of my seminars, webinars, or keynote speeches, then you know one piece of advice that I always recommend to new bloggers is to treat your blog like a real business.... [Read more]

‘Google Grabs Digg Founder Kevin Rose [REPORT]‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled ”Google Grabs Digg Founder Kevin Rose [REPORT]“. Chris Taylor says, ”A day after his Oink app folded — and only five months after it was founded — Kevin Rose is going to Google, according to a report. AllThingsD says Rose... [Read more]

Amazon Affiliates can profit from the baby niche with these new reviews #ad

The baby car seat field will never stop being profitable. These video reviews show off some of Amazon’s best baby car seats. Put them on your affiliate site and enjoy the increased traffic (Google loves videos) and visitor engagement. Comes with instructional video explaining “How To Edit... [Read more]

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