IM NewsWatch, March 14, 2016 - 'How Marketers Should Connect With Mobile-Focused Consumers – Entrepreneur' and much more...

March 14th, 2016 at 9:26 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, March 14, 2016

‘How to Maximize Your Content’s Reach on Social Media’ – MarketingProfs

John Unger says, “It’s not tough to publish on social media: With a few clicks you have a post on Facebook, a tweet on Twitter, or a video on YouTube. The tough part, as you know, is getting found, viewed, read, liked, and shared—and doing it without annoying people. Here are some ideas to think about, along with “how to” tips... [Read more]

‘Step Up Your Online Marketing Efforts with These 10 Tips’ – Small Business Trends

Annie Pilon says, “Today’s businesses need an online marketing strategy to succeed. While every business’s strategy may look a bit different, there are some common threads that hold most of those successful strategies together. Members of the small business community have plenty of tips to share when it comes to successfully marketing businesses... [Read more]

‘Search Alert: How to Find Your Brand’s Social Audience’ –

Andy Beohar says, “Social media is one of the best marketing tools out there for businesses, but it’s only effective if you’re targeting and connecting with the right audience. Finding your audience doesn’t have to be complicated, but it will require planning and research on your part to make sure you spend time and resources optimally. With... [Read more]

SalesEnvy manages your client interactions to save time, frustration #ad

Skype lets you make unlimited phone calls in the US and Canada for a tiny monthly or annual fee. This can be the key to your prospecting for clients in your consulting business. Call as many people as you want for about $3 per month. If you don’t prefer Skype, Vonage and other alternatives are also available. They cost a little more, but are still... [Read more]

‘How Marketers Should Connect With Mobile-Focused Consumers’ – Entrepreneur

Clare Lane says, “In digital marketing, gone are the days of separating mobile and desktop customers. Marketing and PR pros must adapt to the growing number of smartphone users who consult their mobile devices before making a purchase. Google reports that in order to meet this growing trend, marketers should account for new conversion types and... [Read more]

‘Google Eliminates Sidebar Ads: Here’s What it Means for Ecommerce’ – HubSpot

Jamily Gann says, “If you’ve searched Google recently, then you may have notice something different. In the past, searches for products pulled up two or three paid ads in the search results, and then along the right side of the screen, more paid ads were displayed. Those right-side ads? They’re gone now. In their place is an opportunity for... [Read more]

Russell Brunson's ClickFunnels drives online success #ad

Your online business is dependent on a stream of paying customers, and for the best results, they need to be customers that buy again and again. That may seem easy, but keeping a buyer interested isn't as simple as it seems. No matter what you did and how well you did it... [Read more]


‘How Companies Fail, and Why the Customer Always Wins in the End’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “There are two ways for a business to be successful in the short term. Option 1 is to do anything you can to generate revenue. Sometimes it’s something small like sending that one extra promotional email — it will get unsubscribes, sure, but at least it will push your numbers up this quarter. Or it might be something... [Read more]

‘The terrifying connection between malware, Google Search Console and AdWords’ – Marketing Land

Glenn Gabe says, “Security warnings in Google Search Console (GSC) can be scary. Really scary. Whether your site was flagged for being hacked, serving malware, unwanted software or worse, security warnings in GSC can cause serious problems for your organization. First, your site can be harming users. That’s bad enough. Second, your organic search... [Read more]

’15 essential skills all digital marketing hires must have’ – ‘Mashable’

Scott Gerber says, “Today’s digital marketing experts must have a diverse skill set, including a sophisticated grasp of available media channels, the ability to identify up-and-coming opportunities, on top of having the basic skills of a brilliant marketer. What’s more, they have to possess a balance of critical and creative thinking... [Read more]

Do you want a 5 Figure Day? #ad

Wouldn't it be wonderful to earn $10,000 in a day.  That's the premise of Bryan Winters's marketing system, '5 Figure Day Unleashed'. Winters says that he used this approach to affiliate marketing to create high commission days for himself... [Read more]

‘Why chasing after 100% viewability makes no sense for advertisers’ – Econsultancy

Rachael Morris says, “Over the last couple of years, viewability has been a key rallying point for advertisers looking to get more value from their programmatic spend. The IAB announced a standard of 70% viewability, but some advertisers say anything under 100% is not acceptable. If you’re a brand advertiser this make total sense, as viewability... [Read more]

‘Using Related Topics and Semantically Connected Keywords in Your SEO’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “Back in February, we explored balancing keyword targeting with concept targeting. This time around we’re looking at using your knowledge of related topics and semantic connections in your on-page SEO processes. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand talks about applying those ideas in ways that will boost your ranking... [Read more]

‘How to Build a Virtual Powerhouse with an Amazing Book’ – Copyblogger

Caroline Early says, “In this edition of Rewind, I’m excited to bring you a new episode of Authorpreneur with host Jim Kukral and guest Chris Ducker. This week, they discuss why you should write a book, how to use a book to drive more leads, and how it can help build business”. How to Build a Virtual Powerhouse with an Amazing Book MOZ... [Read more]

$500 via CPA Every Day? Glynn says, "Yes" #ad

Glynn Kosky says he has found a way to "get the most targeted traffic ever, for just pennies" and then send this traffic to lucrative CPA offers. By doing this daily, he finds that he can earn '$500 via CPA Every Day'... [Read more]

‘Alliance for Audited Media launches its ad blocker detection service’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “On the heels of the Internet Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) recently released primer on ad blocking, the Alliance for Audited Media (AAM) has launched an Ad Block Gauge so websites can detect ad blockers. It comes in a standalone version or as part of the Illinois-based organization’s new Site Certifier tool for website and... [Read more]

‘Meta Descriptions: The What, Why and How’ – HubSpot

Bridget Deutz says, “Meta descriptions. Blegh; sounds complicated, right? Two years ago if someone would have asked me about a meta description I would have assumed they were trying to talk nerdy to me. It sounds like code, and something that is way over my head. Wrong. Meta descriptions, despite their stereotype, can be broken down in a fairly... [Read more]

‘Four Critical Components of Your Customer Journey Map’ – MarketingProfs

Koren Stucki says, “Businesses seeking to improve the customer experience often build customer journey maps—a visual representation of the various interactions a buyer has with a business. Building that map from the outside-in—from the customer’s perspective—requires a thorough understanding of the customer’s needs, wants, and... [Read more]

VidioJack: earn from other people's products (no experience req'd) #ad

When you are looking for a way to earn a living online, you should look for this, at a minimum: No huge learning curve; No unrealistic claims; No website needed (at least to start); Low cost and ready to pay you back quickly... [Read more]

‘Dominate Using These Digital Data Trends and Insights’ – Small Business Trends

Ivana Taylor says, “Have you noticed how integral digital elements have become in our lives? Whether we love it or hate it, we are living in a digital economy, interacting with digital devices, building and managing digital relationships. Here are 10 books that will give you insights on digital data trends and guide you through the digital landscape... [Read more]

‘Serious Success: 5 Stellar, Often Overlooked E-commerce SEO Techniques’ –

Christian Sculthorp says, “Starting an E-commerce business has become accessible now that companies like Shopify have made it as easy as uploading a few images. Everybody has the opportunity to sell their own products or start a drop shipping empire. Whether you’re new to E-commerce or run a multi-million dollar online shop there’s one universal... [Read more]

‘Digital transformation is vital for creating a customer-obsessed business culture’ – Econsultancy

Prosper Williams says, “If there is one thing Mobile World Congress 2016 confirmed – amongst all the talk of wearables, the IoT and virtual reality being the future – it’s the fact that we are living in what is now a truly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. Today every company is pretty much a technology company,... [Read more]

‘How to Create Better Content Than Your Competitors’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “As the deluge of online content continues, getting your content to stand out from the crowd has become increasingly difficult. For many of us, accepting the reality that our content needs to be better and actually doing something about it are two very different things. A common issue is that we simply don’t know where... [Read more]

‘Brand Bidding & PPC Optimization: Partner Relationships ‘ – Marketing Land

Lori Weiman says, “Welcome to Part 4 of my series on PPC brand bidding. This article covers working with partners and affiliates to corner the search engine results page (SERP) and control CPC costs. I created this series using data from The Search Monitor (Disclosure: my employer) to help answer the biggest question facing PPC advertisers in... [Read more]

‘7 Social Media Tools For Small Businesses To Manage Their Social Presence’ – Small Business Trends

Jessic Davis says, “With the positive effects of social media marketing becoming more and more apparent, most small businesses have started working on a social media marketing strategy. One of the main aims of social media marketing is to stay relevant to your audience. This might be harder for small businesses as they have more to juggle, in... [Read more]

‘7 Video Techniques For a Limited Budget’ – HubSpot

Katie Constantine says, “Who hasn’t heard the phrase “content is king”? It’s a mantra for marketing teams, but what type of content is the most effective? Blogs are great at providing information for people who are digging deep to find the answers to their problems, but when there is a choice between reading a blog and watching a video,... [Read more]

‘4 Reasons Why Your Facebook Ads Are Not Converting’ –

Mari Smith says, “Facebook ads are the most targeted traffic your money can buy. Period. There is no other platform out there with 1.6 billion active users that offers the depth of granular targeting than Facebook. And now Instagram, too. However, every day, I hear of marketers who end up frustrated and confused when it comes to actually generating... [Read more]

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