IM NewsWatch, March 13, 2014 - ‘How Marketers Should Think About Ebooks in 2014 – HubSpot' and much more...

March 13th, 2014 at 9:24 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thussday, March 13, 2014

‘5 LinkedIn Marketing Tips to Optimize Your Social Media Success’ – TopRank Blog

The latest TopRank blog post is titled “5 LinkedIn Marketing Tips to Optimize Your Social Media Success”. Lee Odden says, “Last week we published the first Social Media Marketing World conference eBook and while it’s had over 15,000 views on Slideshare and many thousands of views here already, I think we’ve just seen the tip of the iceberg. As... [Read more]

‘Create intelligent interactions. Every time‘ Experian Webinar March 27

Experian is hosting a webinar with Bill Tancer on Thursday, March 27 at 1.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Create intelligent interactions. Every time”. Experian team says, “Last fall, 41 percent of smartphone owners reported that their phone is the primary way they access the Internet. This year will go down in history as... [Read more]

‘Six Must-Have Traits of a Social Media Manager’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Six Must-Have Traits of a Social Media Manager”. Yo Noguchi says, “The business is going well, and you’re getting some traction on Facebook, but you’re at the point of social media burnout. You’ve decided it’s about time your business had a dedicated social media manager.... [Read more]

MoodKing Skype Marketing Software: bypass email delivery problems #ad

Skype is a tool that is underused by marketers. You can share your marketing message in ways email can never match. For example, You want to get your email subscribers on your Skype contact list. And for even more cross-pollination, you want to get your Skype contacts to join your Facebook page. Another example is what Skype calls your “mood.”... [Read more]

‘What Would An Internet Bill Of Rights Look Like?’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “What Would An Internet Bill Of Rights Look Like?”. Lauren Orsini says, “On March 12, 1989, British inventor Tim Berners-Lee filed the proposal for an “information management system” that would later become known as the World Wide Web. Now, on the Web’s 25th birthday, Berners-Lee is... [Read more]

‘What are iBeacons and why they might change marketing?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “What are iBeacons and why they might change marketing?”. Christopher Ratcliff says, “As a relative newcomer to the digital marketing world, I’ve decided to write a series of ‘beginner’s guides’ to uncover what is meant by certain terms, trends and technological... [Read more]

‘Troubleshooting Local Ranking Failures: A Beginner’s Guide’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Troubleshooting Local Ranking Failures: A Beginner’s Guide”. Miriam Ellis says, “The fallout from lost Google local rankings can be drastic, from silent phones in the office to a loss of pride in a company’s standing in the community. Don’t panic: Be proactive and take the steps outlined in... [Read more]

Solar Power Profits: Your kit for a green energy site #ad

Eleanor Ruse has been producing marketing kits for some time, now. They are all created for selected niches, and they come with the products and sales materials you need to create a business in the chosen niche. Her latest niche is solar energy. She has just announced her Solar Power Profits package for any marketer who wants to enter the niche or enhance... [Read more]

‘SEO is Dead: Long Live OC/DC’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “SEO is Dead: Long Live OC/DC”. Sean Jackson says, “?I want to let you in on a little secret … I really hate the term “SEO.” This may come as a surprise to many since I am the resident SEO guy at Copyblogger and very active in the SEO community. But for the past two years I have... [Read more]

‘How Marketers Should Think About Ebooks in 2014′ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”How Marketers Should Think About Ebooks in 2014″. Ramesh Ranjan says, “While the importance of providing great content to searchers has been highlighted and preached for a long time, 2013 was the year the content engine exploded. More and more businesses are jumping on the content bandwagon. It’s... [Read more]

‘World Wide Web Inventor: I Wasn’t Expecting Kittens’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “World Wide Web Inventor: I Wasn’t Expecting Kittens”. Samantha Murphy Kelly says, “The World Wide Web — which celebrates its 25th anniversary on Wednesday — has undoubtedly ushered in massive innovation in its quarter-life existence but what’s most surprised inventor Tim Berners-Lee... [Read more]

Keep your clients longer, and earn more from them #ad

All potential clients for a marketing consultant ask for the same thing: Traffic. With good reason. They need more traffic for more leads, more prospects, more visitors, and more sales. If you have the ability to generate laser-targeted traffic to any website, optin page, or blog, your clients will be delighted, and naturally, they will stay with you... [Read more]

‘Google Celebrates The Web’s 25th Birthday With Plea To Keep It Free’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Google Celebrates The Web’s 25th Birthday With Plea To Keep It Free”. Amy Gesenhues says, “Today’s Google homepage includes a small birthday cake image with a “25? candle on top to celebrate the web’s 25th birthday. The image links to a post on Google’s blog penned... [Read more]

‘Lead Gen: 17% lift in lead capture by including more details in email’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “Lead Gen: 17% lift in lead capture by including more details in email”. Selena Blue says, “Best practice typically states that you should sell your products or services on the landing page, rather than in an email. But does that stand true for generating leads by giving away free content? The... [Read more]

‘Answers to 18 SEO Questions You Were Too Afraid to Ask’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Answers to 18 SEO Questions You Were Too Afraid to Ask”. Rachel Sprung says, “When I first started out in marketing, I thought I knew what SEO was all about. I knew it stood for search engine optimization. And I knew that the better your SEO was, the higher you would rank on search engines.... [Read more]

How to Create a WSO & Write the Sales Letter in 2 Hours or Less #ad

The title says it all. Sean Mize is the author of dozens of sales training products, most of them released as (successful) WSOs. He has this process in his mind, almost as second nature. He has done it over and over again, and now he wants to show you How to Create a WSO and Write the Sales Letter in 2 Hours or Less. In this training, he shows you: ... [Read more]

‘Will Twitter Click-to-Call Click with Advertisers?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Will Twitter Click-to-Call Click with Advertisers?”. Pete Prestipino says, “Twitter’s future is on your mobile phone – but not exactly in the way you might think. In an effort to appeal to direct response advertisers, Twitter is now beta testing a click-to-call feature which... [Read more]

‘Buffer Adds Content Suggestions To Web Dashboard & Emails’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Buffer Adds Content Suggestions To Web Dashboard & Emails”. Matt McGee says, “Calling it “a work in progress,” Buffer has started showing content suggestions for users in both the web-based dashboard and in emails. The new feature adds a set of suggested social... [Read more]

‘Why marketers in Southeast Asia can’t afford to ignore online video’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “‘Why marketers in Southeast Asia can’t afford to ignore online video”. David Moth says, “Asian nations are apparently among the most prolific sharers of online video according to a new report, with Indonesians sharing more video content than any other country. India... [Read more]

Bitcoins, DogeCoins and CryptoExcavator #ad

Earl Smith and Ken Reno have teamed up to create training so you can get the most out of these so called crypto currencies. For 3 days only, they have put their new CryptoExcavator training on a low-cost dime sale. In it, they explain how these crypto currencies work, and how you can mine value from them. Paypal isn’t accepting Bitcoins yet, but... [Read more]

‘The Critical Thing You Need to Earn Targeted Traffic – Today, and into the Future’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The Critical Thing You Need to Earn Targeted Traffic – Today, and into the Future”. Brian Clark says, “?There is nothing new under the sun. What was old, is new again. It’s all been said and done before … Those adages are true in your university philosophy class, and just as true... [Read more]

‘How to Bridge the Gap Between Online and Offline Marketing’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How to Bridge the Gap Between Online and Offline Marketing”. Dani Fankhauser says, “There is no brick-and-mortar. There is no ecommerce. Integrated campaigns have been on the rise in recent years and while some businesses may identify as online or offline, when it comes to marketing, it’s... [Read more]

‘Yahoo Partners With Yelp To Bring Reviews To Search’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Yahoo Partners With Yelp To Bring Reviews To Search”. Selena Larson says, “Today Yahoo announced a partnership with the business review site Yelp that will display user reviews and similar information in search results. Searching Yahoo for a specific restaurant or other business will now... [Read more]

Ken Reno’s Facebook Marketing Videos; FB marketing done right #ad

Facebook is not only the world’s biggest social media platform, it is also the one with high “buying intent” among its members. 47% of its members say Facebook is where they turn when they want to make a buying decision. [Read more]

‘Beyond B2C: A Primer on 4 Different Ecommerce Business Models’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Beyond B2C: A Primer on 4 Different Ecommerce Business Models”. Sam Mallikarjunan says, “Although “ecommerce” tends to be thought of as a homogeneous business model based on the success of such titans as and Walmart, there are actually many different ways that an ecommerce... [Read more]

‘What You Should Be Tallying On Your Social Media Scorecard’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “What You Should Be Tallying On Your Social Media Scorecard”. Ric Dragon says, “Ah, the simplicity of American baseball: three strikes is an out, and a team’s chance at the bat is comprised of three outs. In cricket, the math is a bit more extensive: an inning is considered... [Read more]

‘Content and Pay Per Click – Using them Together for Success ’ – VerticalResponse Blog

The latest VerticalResponse blog post is titled “Content and Pay Per Click – Using them Together for Success”. The VR team says, “With the rise of social media and Google’s search algorithm favoring new and unique content, there’s been a lot of buzz these days around producing content. Blogging, informational videos, infographics,... [Read more]

Fun Zone Online Game Collection Plugin: 30,000 games for your visitors #ad

Here’s your chance to build a game site and attract loads of traffic from game players. Fun Zone Online Game Collection plugin makes adding games to your site simple. You could make this into a membership site, or make it open to the public and monetize the site with ads for game products from Amazon, ClickBank or elsewhere. People who love games... [Read more]

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