IM NewsWatch, March 12, 2014 - ‘SEO best practice tips for WordPress – Econsultancy' and much more...

March 12th, 2014 at 7:54 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

‘Content and Pay Per Click – Using them Together for Success ’ – VerticalResponse Blog

The latest VerticalResponse blog post is titled “Content and Pay Per Click – Using them Together for Success”. The VR team says, “With the rise of social media and Google’s search algorithm favoring new and unique content, there’s been a lot of buzz these days around producing content. Blogging, informational videos, infographics,... [Read more]

‘Understanding Ad Extensions in Google AdWords’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Understanding Ad Extensions in Google AdWords”. Melih Oztalay says, “Google allows the insertion of additional text beside a standard AdWords pay-per-click ad. This text, called “ad extensions,” can communicate more information about your product, service, and business than the ad... [Read more]

‘Marketing-Obsessed Marketers Need To Become Customer-Obsessed’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Marketing-Obsessed Marketers Need To Become Customer-Obsessed”. David Cooperstein says, “This winter has kept many of us, especially those east of the Mississippi, out of malls and instead hunkered down in our homes. The weather is not the brutal part, though. I have been exposed to... [Read more]

Ken Reno’s Facebook Marketing Videos; FB marketing done right #ad

Facebook is not only the world’s biggest social media platform, it is also the one with high “buying intent” among its members. 47% of its members say Facebook is where they turn when they want to make a buying decision. Add that to Facebook’s ad targeting features, and clearly, a marketer who wants to increase sales needs to... [Read more]

‘Keep Visitors Coming Back’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Keep Visitors Coming Back”. Peterd says, “Facebook. A mobile phone. Email. How often do you check them? Many of us have developed habits around these services. The triggers that help create these habits can be baked in to the design of websites. The obvious benefit of doing so is that if you create... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Nonprofit cleans list and lifts open rate 225%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “Email Marketing: Nonprofit cleans list and lifts open rate 225%”. Adam Sutton says, “Every marketer wants a big email list, but is bigger always better? According to the marketers at this nonprofit, big results can come in small packages. This think tank doubled its clickthrough rate... [Read more]

Download: HubSpot’s ‘How to Get 1000+ Followers on Twitter’ Report

HubSpot has released a free report titled “How to Get 1000+ Followers on Twitter”. The HubSpot team says, “Unless you’re a celebrity or your brand is already a household name, it’s not the easiest to amass a huge following on Twitter. The good news? There are a few big levers you can pull to more quickly and effectively... [Read more]

Outside-the-Box Facebook Traffic (Free Presentation) #ad

Over the last year or so, Facebook Ads have become a “go to” solution for Marketers. Facebook has 1.2 billion users, and sometimes you can get clicks for as low as $.01, and it provides pinpoint targeting options so you can show your ads to only the people most likely to buy, it just makes sense to put Facebook into your marketing plans. However,... [Read more]

‘SEO best practice tips for WordPress’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “‘SEO best practice tips for WordPress”. Christopher Ratcliff says, “This is the sixth in a series of posts discussing how to set up and run a WordPress blog from a relatively experienced expert, which will feature many helpful and hopefully relevant tangents. This week,... [Read more]

‘Show Your Subscribers Some Love’ – ClickZ Blog

The latest ClickZ blog post is titled “Show Your Subscribers Some Love”. Jim Davidson says, “It can be tricky for retailers to navigate their rocky relationships with inactive subscribers. I mean, face it – there’s a certain point where you have to be honest and realize your subscribers just aren’t that into you. When the love... [Read more]

‘Google’s Sundar Pichai On Wearable Tech: ‘We Are Just Scratching The Surface’’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Google’s Sundar Pichai On Wearable Tech: ‘We Are Just Scratching The Surface’”. Dan Rowinski says, “Google may be commonly associated with Google Glass, one of the most striking, and perhaps strangest, wearable devices out there. But where development of new wearable technology... [Read more]

Fun Zone Online Game Collection Plugin: 30,000 games for your visitors #ad

Here’s your chance to build a game site and attract loads of traffic from game players. Fun Zone Online Game Collection plugin makes adding games to your site simple. You could make this into a membership site, or make it open to the public and monetize the site with ads for game products from Amazon, ClickBank or elsewhere. People who love games... [Read more]

‘A New Industry-Specific Guide to Making Marketing Useful’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “A New Industry-Specific Guide to Making Marketing Useful?. Baer says, “I’m not done banging the drum about the power of creating marketing so useful, people would pay for it. In fact, I’m just getting started. Today is a big day. Today is launch day for the first official Youtilityebook... [Read more]

‘Why Are You Still Skeptical Pinterest Can Work For You?’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Why Are You Still Skeptical Pinterest Can Work For You?”. Beth Hayden says, “?Pinterest may bug you. What with all the images of Italian sunsets and glamour pics of Ryan Gosling. But so what? Pinterest, with its 70 million users, is driving an avalanche of referral traffic to websites... [Read more]

‘12 Ways to Increase Traffic From Google Without Building Links’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “12 Ways to Increase Traffic From Google Without Building Links”. Cyrus Shepard says, “Link building is hard, but it’s not the only way to make traffic gains in Google’s search results. When I first started SEO, building links wasn’t my strong suit. Writing outreach emails terrified me, and... [Read more]

Covert Context adds in-content ads to your WordPress site #ad

Over the past 2 years the IM Wealth Builders have released 12 powerful WordPress plugins and themes that help marketers present their products and services in the most favorable light possible. All of their products have cause a lot of buzz in the internet marketing world with over 55,000 copies being sold. Friday, the IM Wealth Builders team released... [Read more]

‘Does Google Plus Influence Search Rankings?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Does Google Plus Influence Search Rankings?”. The WM says, “Recently, Website Magazine contributor Travis Bliffen had the opportunity to catch up with social media specialist Crystal Childs and discuss how SEO and social can work together more efficiently. Crystal Childs is a former graphic... [Read more]

Download: Econsultancy’s ‘Email Marketing Best Practice Guide’

Econsultancy has released the “Email Marketing Best Practice Guide”. The Econsultancy team says, “At nearly 200 pages long, Econsultancy’s Email Marketing Best Practice Guide contains everything you need to know about this channel, whether you work for an in-house client team, independently or for an agency. Built on the... [Read more]

‘You’re Not Crazy: Google Search Results Look a Little Different’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “You’re Not Crazy: Google Search Results Look a Little Different”. Karissa Bell says, “Google is rolling out a new design of search to desktop users that includes changes to both organic search results and ads to desktop users. The new design removes underlines, increases the font size... [Read more]

WP Plugin for Amazon Affiliates (with resale rights) #ad

George Katsoudas is a prolific creator of WordPress plugins. His latest is a WP Plugin for Amazon Affiliates. This plugin adds an Amazon custom-search bar on your sites (or your customer’s sites.) It supports 90-day cookies and has several other cool features as well: • You can select the niche within Amazon (e.g., pet supplies) so that... [Read more]

‘Marketing, Customer Service Get Engaged on Social Media’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Marketing, Customer Service Get Engaged on Social Media”. Tricia Morris says, “Now more than ever, marketing and customer service are feeling the pressure to come together to improve engagement on social media. And it’s customers who are at the heart of what can either be... [Read more]

’13 Social Media Marketing Trends in 2014 from the Experts’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “13 Social Media Marketing Trends in 2014 from the Experts”. Julie Hong says, “2013 was a fruitful year as social media continued its ‘conquest’ of the Internet realm. From the massive surge in viral videos on YouTube to the introduction of Vine and the ever growing popularity... [Read more]

‘America’s Most Social Small Business: We’re Down to the ‘Final Four’’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “America’s Most Social Small Business: We’re Down to the ‘Final Four’”. Stephanie Waldeen says, “This round of America’s Most Social Small Business — our March Madness-style challenge presented by Capital One Spark — ramped up in intensity, with each remaining... [Read more]

HTML-Press: Responsive website templates with private label tights #ad

Earl Smith has created 6 beautiful designs for websites and, in HTML-Press, is offering them to you in both WordPress and HTML formats. These themes are fully responsive to screen size and may be edited so you can customize them any way you like. Smith knew that many of his potential buyers are not programmers, so he made them easy to use. And he created... [Read more]

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