IM NewsWatch, March 10, 2016 - '7 Video Techniques For a Limited Budget – HubSpot' and much more...

March 10th, 2016 at 9:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, March 10, 2016

‘A Sensible Social Media Checklist for Businesses’ – MarketingProfs

Verónica Jarski says, “Overwhelmed by all you have to do on different social media platforms? Check out the Whole Brain Group’s handy-dandy checklist, packed with planning and content tips. Before posting on social media platforms, though, make sure you define your audience. “Identify the challenges they’re struggling with,”... [Read more]

‘What does VR-based marketing offer that other tech does not?’ – Marketing Land

Berry Levine says, “Everywhere you look, there are signs that virtual reality is suiting up for marketers. But aside from the pending issues of cost and installed base, there’s one essential question: What does virtual reality offer marketers that can’t be provided by other, more established (read: cheaper and easier-to-manage) technology?... [Read more]

‘How to Get Started with Email Automation’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Email automation: everybody’s doing it. Ninety-one percent of marketers say automation is critical to their success. Companies using automation see 53 percent higher conversion rates than those not using automation. Seventy-eight percent of marketers say that automation makes them money. I haven’t even mentioned all... [Read more]

$500 via CPA Every Day? Glynn says, “Yes” #ad

Glynn Kosky says he has found a way to “get the most targeted traffic ever, for just pennies” and then send this traffic to lucrative CPA offers By doing this daily, he finds that he can earn $500 via CPA Every Day. He finds that paying a small amount for traffic results in much better conversions than relying on free traffic alone. The... [Read more]

HubSpot’s ‘How to Use Personalization to Get More Value From Your Website’ Webinar, March 29

Peter Ostrow says, “If you want to make a great first impression on those visitors instead of driving them away, personalization and optimization can be used to help you better engage them. Don’t know where to start? Well, HubSpot recently teamed up with AddThis for a live webinar to teach you how to get more out of your website by personalizing... [Read more]

‘Sales Enablement 101: Aggregate, Engage, Analyze’ – HubSpot

Peter Ostrow says, “Few B2B sales leaders are likely to boast that every single promise ever made from every sales effectiveness technology solution they purchased has magically come true. But, as any savvy sales operations practitioner who has consumed Aberdeen Group’s research knows, investing in even one efficiency tool can yield measurable... [Read more]

‘Why content marketing isn’t SEO – and why SEO isn’t just content’ – Econsultancy

Michael Hewitt says, “SEO is all about content, it’s all about audiences and it’s all about engagement. Stop me if you’ve heard something like that before. But have marketers lost sight of the foundations that search, and digital, are built on? It seems like it’s getting harder to find people willing to talk about the virtues of... [Read more]

VidioJack: earn from other people's products (no experience req'd) #ad

When you are looking for a way to earn a living online, you should look for this, at a minimum: No huge learning curve; No unrealistic claims; No website needed (at least to start); Low cost and ready to pay you back quickly... [Read more]

‘Where & How do Top Startups Get Their Links?’ – MOZ

John Doherty says, “As a startup founder myself, it feels weird to talk about startups through the lens of backlinks. After all, there are so many other things to worry about — how’s my cash flow? Are my employees getting paid? How does the deal flow look? Are we going to hit our targets for this month/quarter? Why is the website/app so slow?... [Read more]

‘Think You Want To Be ‘Data-driven’? Insight Is The New Data’ – Forrester

Brian Hopkins says, “It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged; not because I’ve had nothing to say, but rather because I’ve been busy with my colleagues Ted Schadler, James McCormick, and Holger Kisker working on a new line of research. We wanted to examine the fact that business satisfaction with analytics went down 21% between 2014 and 2015,... [Read more]

‘Ecommerce product descriptions: Are they always necessary?’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “Product descriptions have long been advocated as both a sales and an SEO tactic. But is this a bit ‘web 2.0’, or even ‘web 1.0’? Here is some evidence that product descriptions could be a red herring. 1. Badly written product descriptions will devalue products & websites You might think it’s... [Read more]

Ali Express: Become an affiliate for world's biggest merchant #ad

Yes, Alibaba's AliExpress is bigger than Walmart, bigger than Amazon, bigger than Shopify and bigger than McDonalds. Last year UPS and FedEx handled 5 billion packages from Alibaba... [Read more]

‘No more tears: Science boosts web browser speed by 34%’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Scientists think they pwned your browser experience. We live online and literally spend hours a day in web browsers, and a good chunk of that precious time is spent waiting for pages to finish loading. Since the dawn of the consumer Internet in the mid 1990s every new browser has come with promises of faster page loads. But... [Read more]

‘Extend Your Marketing Video’s Shelf Life: How and When to Iterate’ – MarketingProfs

Brad Jefferson says, “Video is a powerful marketing tool. It’s the fastest-growing advertising and content marketing format, according to Forrester. Moreover, video ensures greater reach on social platforms, improves search ranking, and meets growing consumer expectations for video content. However, video has a relatively short shelf-life. Marketers... [Read more]

‘What “human-in-the-loop computing” means for marketers’ – Marketing Land

Joshua Reynolds says, “Even in uncertain economic times, marketing technologies continue to flourish. Overworked marketers facing a shortage of hours in the day are discovering enormous efficiency gains with a variety of automated solutions. Marketing analytics is growing faster than any other segment in this category, promising everything from... [Read more]

Buyers List Arbitrage: Free training on building a buyers' list #ad

When you build a mailing list, big is good but only if the people on the list are likely to buy from you. Put another way, in list building, quality is more important than quantity... [Read more]

‘7 Video Techniques For a Limited Budget’ – HubSpot

Katie Constantine says, “Who hasn’t heard the phrase “content is king”? It’s a mantra for marketing teams, but what type of content is the most effective? Blogs are great at providing information for people who are digging deep to find the answers to their problems, but when there is a choice between reading a blog and watching a video,... [Read more]

‘How do the most popular brands manage blog comment sections?’ – Econsultancy

Tamara Littleton says, “Around 15 years ago, forums and blog comment sections were staples of brand-to-fan communication. But the world’s moved on. While many choose to focus on social media channels, some of the world’s most popular brands still blog as they have spent years attracting readers and building an engaged community. But how do... [Read more]

‘How to Feed a Hummingbird: Improve Your On-Page SEO with Related Topics in Moz Pro’ – MOZ

John White says, “SEO is changing. We can no longer rely on keyword targeting alone to optimize our content. Whether we should focus on topics or keywords is a debate in progress. But figuring out which topics can influence the SERP is, at best, a manual process; at worst, it’s a timesuck that can take hours out of your day. TL;DR Today... [Read more]

Instamate: Use Instagram for targeted visitors to any offer #ad

If you are looking for more traffic to your websites and, especially, to your offers, Instagram can bring a lot of visitors and can prime them for taking action... [Read more]

‘Keeping Up With Content: How SEO is Changing in 2016’ –

Lyndi Catania says, “Search engine optimization, also referred to as SEO, is a living, breathing process that changes often. In order for your website to gain maximum visibility on the web, there are different elements you need to take into consideration. You may think your website is SEO friendly as-is and doesn’t need any alterations,... [Read more]

‘Getting Started With Facebook Audience Insights’ – Entrepreneur

Eric Siu says, “Running a successful Facebook campaign requires targeting your ads to the right customer base. And because it’s not always easy knowing which demographic is most likely to convert, it’s important to collect data from your campaigns. That’s why Facebook Audience Insights is a great tool for understanding your... [Read more]

‘Seven Ways to Increase Your Webinar Registrations’ – MarketingProfs

Lauren Barber says, “Webinars are a great tactic for generating leads, branding, and positioning your company as an industry expert. With the right strategy in place, webinars can generate high-quality leads and drastically increase revenue. In fact, 67% of buyers attend webinars when researching B2B purchases; moreover, webinars rank in the top... [Read more]


‘Search, social and content: Reaching digital marketing maturity’ – Marketing Land

Jim Yu says, “An estimated 67 percent of the buyer’s journey now takes place online. And as a result, brands are developing digital marketing strategies at increasing rates. As brands compete on the digital marketing battleground, a clear differentiation is appearing among organizations just starting out in search, those that are developing... [Read more]

‘Charles Duhigg on How You Can Use Habit to Influence Customer Behavior’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Courtney Eckerle says, ““Although we think of ourselves as people who can make decisions, and in control of our own lives, 40 to 45 percent of what we do every day is a habit. It’s something that happens almost subconsciously,” Charles Duhigg, best-selling author, The Power of Habit, said in the Media Center at MarketingSherpa Summit 2016.... [Read more]

‘How do I publish, promote, and personalize with email marketing?’ – Aweber Blog

Tom Tate says, “In December of 2015, we kicked off our podcast with our CMO, our Creative Director, and a single question: How could I use email marketing to support my book launch? In episode 12, we take that question to another level with an engaging Q&A session with Honorée Corder, a speaker, coach, and authorpreneur. What makes Honorée... [Read more]

‘Why You Should Attend Forrester’s MARKETING 2016 Forum’ – Forrester

Calton Doty says, “I’ll be brief, because I know you’re busy. If you’re a customer-obsessed marketer, you should plan to attend Forrester’s annual Forum designed just for you – MARKETING 2016. Join us and 600+ marketing leaders in New York City on April 26-27 as we dive deep into the issues that matter most to you. Our agenda this year... [Read more]

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