IM NewsWatch, March 1, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘Building engaging visual social media – MarketingSherpa’ and much more...

March 1st, 2013 at 3:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, March 1, 2013

‘Discover How My Successful Students Make Money FAST!‘ Alex Jeffreys’ Webinar 2.00 pm EST

Alex Jeffreys is hosting a webinar on Friday, March 1 at 2.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Discover How My Successful Students Make Money FAST!”. Webinar Details Organizer: Alex Jeffreys Topic: Discover How My Successful Students Make Money FAST! Day/Date: Friday, March 1 Time: 2.00 pm EST – Time Zone Converter Register... [Read more]

‘5 Strategies to Boost Your Content Marketing Campaigns’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “5 Strategies to Boost Your Content Marketing Campaigns”. Kristen Matthews says, “It’s evident that content marketing is the new effective marketing. The modern day consumer has been trained to block out all self-promoting ads and they’ve gotten quite good at it. One of... [Read more]

‘Facebook Is Building The T-2000 of Ad Platforms’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Facebook Is Building The T-2000 of Ad Platforms”. Dustin says, “Facebook’s ad exchange (aka FBX) is getting bigger, badder, and more lethal by the day. They’re serving a billion impressions per day through their system. On Wednesday AdExchanger broke the story that Facebook is adding... [Read more]

PingFresh plugin builds blog traffic #ad

Sean Donahoe just released PingFresh plugin, a WordPress plugin that continually refreshes your WordPress website. If your blog gets stale , your traffic will dry up because it will drop in the search engine rankings. But you can preserve your rankings (and your earnings) with this new traffic-building plugin working in the background automatically. PingFresh... [Read more]

‘How to raise your prices by 300% (almost) overnight’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “How to raise your prices by 300% (almost) overnight”. Schoemaker says, “One of the worst pieces of advice you can ever listen to is: raise your prices if you want to be more profitable. Why? Because it’s grossly incomplete. In this blog post, I want to share specific actionable things you can... [Read more]

’9 Archaic Practices Your Marketing Agency Shouldn’t Be Getting Away With’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”9 Archaic Practices Your Marketing Agency Shouldn’t Be Getting Away With”. Shannon Johnson says, “It’s not the easiest time to be a marketing agency. While some agencies have survived the slashing of marketing budgets that forced many agencies to close their doors over the... [Read more]

‘LinkTrust Launches Mobile-Optimized Partner Center’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “LinkTrust Launches Mobile-Optimized Partner Center”. Collins Says, “LinkTrust users can now access details of their campaigns and affiliates in the mobile-optimized Partner Center. There is no need to download an app. When you login to LinkTrust on your phone, the mobile version of LinkTrust is automatically... [Read more]

Buyers Keyword Tool: get long-tail buyer keywords in seconds #ad

Not all keywords are created equal. Some may just be hypothetical; you suspect a keyword may be useful and you need to verify it. But even verified keywords aren’t all equally useful. You really need to know the keywords people search for when they are ready to buy something, not the keywords they use when they are browsing. Ben Shaffer has just... [Read more]

‘Smart Move: Facebook Buys Atlas’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Smart Move: Facebook Buys Atlas”. Nate Elliott says, “Facebook just announced that it’s buying marketer-side adserver Atlas from Microsoft. I think it’s a great move. It’s always been clear that for Facebook to realize its potential, the company would have to start... [Read more]

‘Dirty Little Data Secrets: 5 Potential Inaccuracies In Your Social Media Reports’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Dirty Little Data Secrets: 5 Potential Inaccuracies In Your Social Media Reports”. Nan Dawkins says, “Remember that time long, long ago (in a land far away) when the term “web analytics” hadn’t even been coined? Fast-forward to 2013: web analytics data is the tip... [Read more]

‘Improving Brand Recognition With Social Media’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Improving Brand Recognition With Social Media”. Ryan Welton says, “What does the word “brand” mean to you and your business? Is it represented by a logo, a slogan, a set of core values or a value proposition to your clients? If you were to ask your target audience about your brand,... [Read more]

Page One Biz Branded App: An offline consultant’s competitive weapon #ad

Page One Biz Branded App: An offline consultant’s competitive weapon #ad Holly Carter is offering to build you a custom smart-phone app to promote your offline marketing services. Her Page One Biz Branded App: • Automates the process of acquiring new consulting clients • Automates the process of selling new services to existing clients •... [Read more]

‘Social Tactics of the Web 100’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Social Tactics of the Web 100”. Allison Howen says, “Social media has been among the hottest topics in tech for a few years now, with marketers continuously working to improve their strategy and foster better relationships with their customers. Since every business is unique, there are many... [Read more]

‘Facebook Buys Atlas Ad Business From Microsoft’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Buys Atlas Ad Business From Microsoft”. Samantha Murphy says, “Facebook announced on Thursday it has acquired Microsoft’s Atlas Advertiser Suite, an online ad business and management service, after months of rumors that the two companies were in talks to make a deal. The social... [Read more]

‘Is marketing facing its own fiscal cliff in 2013?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Is marketing facing its own fiscal cliff in 2013?”. David Newberry says, “Marketing complexity continues to increase due to data proliferation, channel fragmentation, technology advancements and the increasing empowerment of the consumer. In addition, marketing is being asked... [Read more]

“My Search Engine Business”: your chance to become an SEO consultant #ad

Most business know that being found in search engine results is important, but they have no idea how to accomplish it. They are looking for experts to help them. With the training and the tools in My Search Engine Business, you might be the expert they need. This includes complete business training, both on the subject of SEO, such as how to build citations... [Read more]

‘What Is The Big Question In Social Media Marketing Everyone Is Afraid to Ask?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “What Is The Big Question In Social Media Marketing Everyone Is Afraid to Ask?”. Jeff Bullas says, “The big question that is often asked about social media when it comes to investing money, resources and time is “what is the return on investment?” Some pundits will say... [Read more]

‘Social Media Curation Guide’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Social Media Curation Guide”. Gianluca Fiorelli says, “Social content curation is an important building block of your inbound marketing strategy. In today’s post, Gianluca Fiorelli shares his tips for preparing and executing your social content curation strategy, along with his favorite tools... [Read more]

‘Copy this “Oscar-Ready” Approach to Boost Your Social Media Star Power’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Copy this “Oscar-Ready” Approach to Boost Your Social Media Star Power”. Sonia Simone says, “Did you see the Oscar awards the other night? Yeah, I didn’t either. tl;dw. But like most people with social media accounts, I did see chatter about it that night and the next day. And who... [Read more]

Offline Client Revolution: How to get offline consulting clients #ad

Sean Pearse provides SEO consulting services to businesses throughout Ireland. In this role he has a continual need for new clients. It was drudgery, doing the cold calling that seemed to be required. He hated calling and many people hated receiving his call. So he looked for a way out. He shares his method and tools in his new WSO: Offline Client Revolution. If... [Read more]

‘Customer Spotlight – Nikki, In Stitches’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Customer Spotlight – Nikki, In Stitches”. Jason Moore says, “A couple months ago, we put together an awesome Etsy integration, and in that vein, we wanted to find an Etsy shop owner to talk a little about Etsy, email and small business. We recently sat down with Nikki McGonigal, owner and operator... [Read more]

’3 ideas for building engaging visual social media’ – MarketingSherpa Article

MarketingSherpa has published an article titled “Social Media How-to: 3 ideas for building engaging visual social media”. Courtney Eckerle says, “The rising popularity of networks like Instagram and Pinterest have brought focus on the visual elements of social media. Now is the time for marketers to adjust how they approach their... [Read more]

Download: HubSpot’s ‘How to Create Five Fabulous Infographics in PowerPoint’ PowerPoint Template

HubSpot has released a free PowerPoint Template on ’How to Create Five Fabulous Infographics in PowerPoint’. The HubSpot team says, “Infographics are a powerful tool for capturing the attention of your target audiences. In fact, businesses that publish infographics grow their traffic an average of 12% more than those that don’t. The... [Read more]

WP Media Sitemap solves the SEO problem people ignore #ad

The problem is that the way many sites handle visitors who arrive on a mobile device is incompatible with the search engines. The search engines don’t use a mobile device to crawl the web. If your site sends the Google (or Bing) robot to your main content, all your mobile content never makes it into the search engine index, and thus doesn’t... [Read more]

Armand Morin’s WebCamp Seminar Offer: Register Before February 28 and Get Full 3 Day Video Recordings 100% FREE!

Armand Morin is holding WebCamp Seminar in Raleigh, NC on April 12-14. The seminar can be attended in person or online. According to Morin, only 30 persons will be able to attend the seminar in person. Special Offer Morin is offering the seminar video recordings free of cost to those who register before February 28, Midnight. The WebCamp List Building... [Read more]

‘Traffic Jams, Information Superhighway and You’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “Traffic Jams, Information Superhighway and You”. Gail says, “You wouldn’t think that you could learn much from cell phone users in Boston about marketing products on the Internet to end users, would you? Interestingly, you really can. The results of research by MIT and Berkley... [Read more]

Download: Silverpop’s ‘Multiscreen Email Design Strategy: Tips for Connecting Across Devices’ White Paper

Silverpop has released a free white paper titled “Multiscreen Email Design Strategy: Tips for Connecting Across Devices”. The Silverpop team says, “With new mobile devices popping up every month and usage rising, marketers are scrambling to provide an optimum customer experience across these platforms. Download our ebook and get tips... [Read more]

BPG Mobile Presentation power closer for offline consultants #ad

Chris Reck’s latest sales aid for marketing consultants is BPG Mobile Presentation power. This new presentation that you can use in your local marketing is focused on selling local businesses on hiring you to create a mobile web presence for them (or to upgrade their current mobile site. BPG Mobile Presentation power is a PowerPoint presentation... [Read more]

‘How to Create a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Better Sales & Marketing Alignment’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”How to Create a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Better Sales & Marketing Alignment”. Ellie Mirman says, “Sales and Marketing are on the same team. Okay, let’s be honest: At most companies, it doesn’t actually feel that way. According to a Corporate Executive Board study, 87%... [Read more]

‘Why Limiting Emails to 50 Words Is a Great Idea’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Why Limiting Emails to 50 Words Is a Great Idea”. Todd Wasserman says, “As Business Insider has subsequently reported, a software engineer at the company took the challenge and wrote a script to apply the 50-words-and-under limit to Gmail. When compared to Twitter’s 140-character... [Read more]

‘5 Reasons to Hire a Content Writer for Your Business Read’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “5 Reasons to Hire a Content Writer for Your Business Read”. Amanda Clark says, “Bill Gates is attributed with making the statement “Content is King” way back in 1996, but it has only been recently that these words set the online marketing world on fire. Indeed, his sage... [Read more]

Renewable Energy Essentials: Sales Kit for this evergreen niche #ad

Michael Mac has just released one of his famous Amazon affiliate marketing materials packages, this time on Renewable Energy Essentials. This complete set of marketing creative content and ideo reviews for Amazon niche products will get you started in style. It’s so good that in the first 12 hours he sold over 100 copies. As usual, he has included... [Read more]

’40% of consumers are unaware that Google Adwords are adverts’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “40% of consumers are unaware that Google Adwords are adverts”. Graham Charlton says, “Research carried out by Bunnyfoot suggests that many people are unaware of the difference between paid and organic search listings, with 40% of web users unaware they were adverts. While... [Read more]

‘Social media measurement: focus on the big picture’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Social media measurement: focus on the big picture”. Matt Owen says, “A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about some of the problems I’ve encountered when trying to gauge accurate traffic from our social media channels, particularly Twitter. Based on the overwhelming response... [Read more]

‘Book Review: “Content Strategy For Mobile” by Karen McGrane’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Book Review: “Content Strategy For Mobile” by Karen McGrane”. Bryson Meunier says, “I recently began teaching a class in mobile content marketing for MarketingProfs University, taking over for the user experience expert and content strategy pioneer Karen McGrane. At... [Read more]

The Profit Funnel: Getting your internet business off the ground and earning #ad

Alex Jeffreys is familiar to many internet marketers. He raised himself by his bootstraps, so to speak, starting from nothing and now making hundreds of thousands of dollars (or, pounds, since he is British) each year. He says he got to where he is by learning to create a profit funnel. Now, in The Profit Funnel, he is sharing his hard-won wisdom with... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s Audience Reach Bug Wreaks Havoc’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Facebook’s Audience Reach Bug Wreaks Havoc”. Pete Prestipino says, “Your last few social media posts on Facebook might have performed better than was actually reported. Facebook indicated, in a blog past last Friday, that coding errors misrepresented actual audience reach metrics... [Read more]

‘SXSW 2013: What Do You Want to See?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “SXSW 2013: What Do You Want to See?”. Ryan Lytle says, “Starting March 8, thousands of tech professionals, entertainers, entrepreneurs and fans will gather in Austin, Texas for 10 days of the South by Southwest (SXSW) Conferences & Festivals. Some come to see the latest tech unveilings... [Read more]

‘Google’s Knowledge Graph: one step closer to the semantic web?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google’s Knowledge Graph: one step closer to the semantic web?”. Andrew Isidoro says, “Google was rather busy last year with algorithm updates and product launches, but that didn’t stop it from taking strides towards the “internet of things” and a more semantic web. As... [Read more]

Video Press Theme: creates professional sales pages in WordPress #ad

Sales pages are needed in most marketing (even if you’re only trying to “sell” a click-through to an affiliate product you are promoting. The new Video Press Theme makes it easy to create an attractive sales page with many premium features that attract clicks. For example, as the name implies, you can easily include a video in your... [Read more]

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