IM NewsWatch, March 1, 2012

March 1st, 2012 at 6:16 am EDT

IM News Watch logoMarch 1, 2012

Latest News

‘Authority Website Workshop’ Matt Carter’s Webinar 9.00 pm EST

Matt Carter is hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 1 at 9.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Authority Website Workshop”. Webinar Details Organizer: Matt Carter Topic: Authority Website Workshop Day/Date: Thursday, March 1 Time: 9.00 pm EST – Time Zone Converter Register for... [Read more]

’3 Networking Tips with LinkedIn Groups for Business’ by Patsi Krakoff

Patsi Krakoff’s latest ‘Writing on the Web’ blog post is titled “3 Networking Tips with LinkedIn Groups for Business”. Krakoff says, “LinkedIn is today to working professionals what Facebook was to college students when it first launched: a networking tool with... [Read more]

‘Targeted Email Marketing: A Fish Tale’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Targeted Email Marketing: A Fish Tale”. Amanda Gagnon says, “Notes From the Kitchen Wait, what’s this email about fish? Oh, it’s from Steve at the DNR. He’s letting me know which guppies are teeming off the Maryland shores.... [Read more]

‘How To Become A Trusted Affilorama Member’ by Mark Ling

Mark Ling’s latest Affilorama blog post is titled “How To Become A Trusted Affilorama Member”. Ling says, “Every so often we add new features to Affilorama to further improve the quality of our courses, free lessons and other member content, to make sure you’re getting the best... [Read more]

How to Get almost no Refund Requests for your Digital Products #ad

Refunds are the bane of information marketers. They are a hassle to process and cut into profits. H P Jeschke says he has found the cure. Other publishers have refund rates that are 2%, 5% and sometimes even 10% or more. But he averages 1% or less. If your refund rate is high, your product probably... [Read more]

‘7 Exceptional Ways To Build Quality Backlinks Fast’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “7 Exceptional Ways To Build Quality Backlinks Fast”. Chow says, “Do you want to build quality backlinks? If your web page has quality and relevant links pointing to it, you could easily dominate Google homepage and cash in. It’s no longer news... [Read more]

‘ClickBank Insider Radio Episode 4: Red Hot Entrepreneur Marie Forleo’ – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “ClickBank Insider Radio Episode 4: Red Hot Entrepreneur Marie Forleo”. Beau Blackwell says, “In the latest episode of ClickBank Insider Radio, hosts Beau Blackwell and Molly Lane talk with Marie Forleo, a brilliant entrepreneur and... [Read more]

‘How to Leverage “Transit Learning”? by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “How to Leverage “Transit Learning””. Mandossian says, “How many hours do you spend in your car? If you’re like most people the answer is about an hour a day which equates to nine 40-hour work weeks! The following video was originally... [Read more]

Frank Ayres releases new Playstation 3 Amazon Site Plus Articles #ad

Now, you can get a complete new ready-made web affiliate site in the Playstation 3 niche, that includes the following: Custom Header & Footer Graphics 2 Amazon Affiliate Banners – These affiliate offers pay per sale. 10 Custom Written Articles with High Adsense Click Payouts. Adsense... [Read more]

‘Tracking Micro Conversions with Event Tracking for Improving SEO Campaigns’ by Aaron Wall

Aaron Wall’s latest blog post is titled “Tracking Micro Conversions with Event Tracking for Improving SEO Campaigns”. Wall says, “Conversions. The one metric we all know we should be focusing on, and yet it’s the one thing that gets overlooked the most. So many of us focus on just... [Read more]

‘$300K Per Year On Facebook’ Brian Bagnall’s Webinar 9.00 pm EST

Brian Bagnall is hosting a webinar on Thursday March 1 at 9.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “$300K Per Year On Facebook”. Brian says, “During this free live webinar you’ll discover: How to deposit five bucks, write a few ads and instantly get access to over 600 million... [Read more]

Robert Plank & Lance Tamashiro Launch ‘Backup Creator’ WordPress Plugin

Robert & Lance have launched the ‘Backup Creator’ WordPress plugin. This plugin enables webmasters to backup, restore and protect their WordPress blogs and sites. Key Features of ’Backup Creator’ WordPress Plugin Robert says, “Just click one button and your backup is... [Read more]

Have Affiliates Flock To You Like Bees To Honey #ad

There are a lot of advantages to having affiliates assist in selling your products. A lot could be said, but they can be summed up as: you make more money when you do. Joe Finn has produced a report on how to attract affiliates, called Affiliate Honey Pot. Joe has fresh experience in recruiting active... [Read more]

‘Creating a Business by Giving People What They Want’ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Creating a Business by Giving People What They Want”. Robert Skrob says, “Few musical artists have made more money or had as long a career as Jimmy Buffet. I went... [Read more]

‘High-Converting Affiliate Tool (Easy To Create)’ by Andy Hussong

Andy Hussong’s latest ‘Affiliate Management Insider’ blog post is titled “High-Converting Affiliate Tool (Easy To Create)”. Hussong says, “I belong to a killer Facebook group of top notch marketers, and I saw a great comment, today, that I thought I’d share with... [Read more]

‘The Only 5 Things That Matter at Mobile World Congress’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’ Daily Recap

The latest issue of ’ReadWriteWeb’ daily recap has been released. The featured article is titled “The Only 5 Things That Matter at Mobile World Congress”. ‘ReadWriteWeb’ Daily Recap Contents The Only 5 Things That Matter at Mobile World Congress FBI Searches Social... [Read more]

“FB Engagement Formula” shows how you can stand out from the Facebook crowd #ad

If you want to make your mark on Facebook, so you can use it to build you business, you had better not blend into the background. You need a memorable Facebook presence. Andrew Hurter did that, and he got the attention of a big name marketer he followed, one who had thousands of followers, and won a... [Read more]

‘The Super Simple Guide to Using and Marketing Through Pinterest – Part One’ – ‘Search Engine Guide’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Guide’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “The Super Simple Guide to Using and Marketing Through Pinterest – Part One”. ‘Search Engine Guide’ Newsletter Contents The Super Simple Guide to Using and... [Read more]

’40 More Google Search Quality Updates From Google’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “40 More Google Search Quality Updates From Google”. ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents 40 More Google Search Quality Updates From Google Google:... [Read more]

‘Adding an Image to Your WordPress Sidebar’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Adding an Image to Your WordPress Sidebar”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Ever wanted to put an image on your WordPress blog but don’t know how? Here’s how!”. Adding an Image to Your WordPress Sidebar Tiffany Dow’s Blog  Read More ?

“Mobile marketing Crash Course” Shows How Simply You Can Make Money Today in Mobile Marketing #ad

Smart businesses know they need a mobile website. Make sure they know you can build it for them. Clients need a basic and simple to setup mobile websites to start with. You can earn good money giving it to them. - There’s no cold calling or rejection if you market your skills correctly - Setting... [Read more]

‘Just Released: Our Ten New Become A Blogger 2.0 Training Videos’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “Just Released: Our Ten New Become A Blogger 2.0 Training Videos”. Yaro Starak says, “About four years ago I partnered with Gideon Shalwick to create ten free videos to teach one thing – How To Set Up A Blog. The... [Read more]

‘The One Skill that Makes an Online Entrepreneur Unstoppable’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The One Skill that Makes an Online Entrepreneur Unstoppable”. Johnny B. Truant says, “Pop quiz, hotshot: What’s the most important skill you must have in order to be successful as an entrepreneur, especially in an online... [Read more]

‘Exploring the New Features in Bing Webmaster Tools’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Exploring the New Features in Bing Webmaster Tools”. Daniel Butler says, “Bing recently announced some pretty cool new features within their Webmaster Tools, so in this blog post we are going to delve a little deeper to see exactly... [Read more]

Need more names on your email list? “List Dominance” shows how #ad

What if you could add 100 names to your list every week? That would make a difference in your business results, wouldn’t it. Isaiah Jackson says his new List Dominance system can do just that. His system includes a guide book, a squeeze page you can copy and use, along with a Thank You page to... [Read more]

‘Delicious Founder Creates New People Search Engine,’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Delicious Founder Creates New People Search Engine,”. Marshall Kirkpatrick says, “Joshua Schachter and his team of star developers at TastyLabs have begun work on a second project, an endorsement and people search engine... [Read more]

‘Stop Paying for Stupid Clicks: Negative Keywords for Positive ROI’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Stop Paying for Stupid Clicks: Negative Keywords for Positive ROI”. Keri Morgret says, “One of my guilty pleasures is looking through the search query reports (SQR) of an AdWords campaign for the cringe-worthy search queries that... [Read more]

‘With E-Book Ban, Apple’s “Closed” Nature Goes Too Far’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “With E-Book Ban, Apple’s “Closed” Nature Goes Too Far”. John Paul Titlow says, “It’s easy to take jabs at Apple for sometimes being to “closed.” From restrictions on mobile apps to the limited... [Read more]

New “Traffic Avalanche Secrets” Shows how to get other people to send you traffic virally #ad

Viral traffic is the best kind: it’s free, it’s targeted and it’s quick. When the virus spreads, the traffic comes. YouTube and other video sites are good places to start a virus. Facebook, too. Traffic Avalanche Secrets starts with these popular sites and shows how to exploit their... [Read more]

‘RWW Hangout – The Future of Search’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “RWW Hangout – The Future of Search”. Jon Mitchell says, “Each week (more or less), Jon, Robyn and other ReadWriteWeb team members hold a Hangout On Air on our Google+ page to take a break from the grind of reading and... [Read more]

‘On Facebook, What You Give is What You Get’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “On Facebook, What You Give is What You Get”. Alicia Eler says, “It’s your best friend from 5th grade’s birthday, and you almost missed it because you were stalking your 7th grade best friend on Facebook. The time... [Read more]

‘Europe Targets Google in Fresh Privacy Investigation’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Europe Targets Google in Fresh Privacy Investigation”. Alex Fitzpatrick says, “Does Google’s new privacy policy conflict with European law? France’s official data protection agency is launching an investigation to find out. The... [Read more]

Pinterest Marketing Guide is Live and comes with PinRobot software #ad

The internet is all a-buzz with news and speculation about Pinterest, its meteoric rise and birght prospects. Marketers are starting to take notice; at least the smart ones are. Jimmy Mancini has produced the Pinterest Marketing Guide just in time to get you in on the ground floor. Establish your brand... [Read more]

‘How Ford Kicked Its Social Marketing Strategy Into Overdrive [VIDEO]‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How Ford Kicked Its Social Marketing Strategy Into Overdrive [VIDEO]“. Mashable team says, “You don’t have to look very far to notice that there are a lot of car companies trying to get in the social game — you can see plenty... [Read more]

‘Facebook Brand Timelines: 6 Big Changes Every Marketer Needs to Understand’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Brand Timelines: 6 Big Changes Every Marketer Needs to Understand”. Victoria Ransom says, “Today Facebook announced to brand marketers the world over that, within the month, everything they knew about fan Pages on Facebook... [Read more]

Get New 'Google Places' Clients on Auto-Pilot #ad

New PLR package builds your client base for Google Places consulting. Many local businesses still haven’t taken the step to put this powerful marketing tool to work for them. You just need to find them, show them your expertise and answer when they call. This PLR report on how Google Places helps... [Read more]

‘Two Simple Steps to Take Control Over Google’s New Privacy Policy’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Two Simple Steps to Take Control Over Google’s New Privacy Policy”. Sam Laird says, “Google’s new privacy policy takes effect Thursday. What’s new about it? Now, it allows Google to integrate information it collects about... [Read more]

‘Facebook Ads Announcements: Everything You Need to Know’ – ‘Mashable’

Todd Wasserman says, “Facebook gathered hundreds of people into the Museum of Natural History in New York on Wednesday for its first-ever Facebook Marketing Conference. At the top of the agenda was Premium, a new suite of products for marketers designed to leverage the social network’s access... [Read more]

‘Small Business Marketing Budgets Too Small?’ by Charlie Cook

Charlie Cook’s latest blog post is titled “Small Business Marketing Budgets Too Small?”. Cook says, “While the majority (72%) of small business owners are starting to feel positive about the economy, and their future. There remains a big gap between aspirations and realty. Most still... [Read more]

Jeremish Say shows how to “Harness the Power of Leverage” for greater online income #ad

Say’s Power of Leverage shows how to magnify the effect of each of your actions to get the best return on your time invested. Simple examples include, posting an article you write in multiple places or in multiple forms (audio, video, text.) He has produced two e-books that uncover opportunities... [Read more]

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