IM NewsWatch, June 8, 2012 - Latest IM News including ‘10-Step Content Marketing Checklist – Copyblogger’ and much more...

June 8th, 2012 at 4:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, June 8, 2012

Mike Colella’s ‘From $0 to $50,421/DAY with PPC/Media Buying’ Webinar on Replay

Mike Colella’s ‘From $0 to $50,421/DAY with PPC/Media Buying’ webinar is on replay. Colella says, “This webinar ran a little long because we covered a lot of content and had quite a few questions… it’s about 2h 30min. Be sure to watch the whole video, to see the special offer... [Read more]

‘New Study Reveals Top Google Ranking Factors’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “New Study Reveals Top Google Ranking Factors”. Linc Wonham says, “Building and maintaing relationships should be the focus of every SEO ( link building ) and social media campaign, but that’s not always the case – even for the most... [Read more]

‘How to Perform the World’s Greatest SEO Audit’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “How to Perform the World’s Greatest SEO Audit”. Steve Webb says, “Now that tax season is over, it’s once again safe to say my favorite A-word… audit! That’s right. My name is Steve, and I’m an SEO audit junkie”. How... [Read more]

Work Less, Earn More through Outsourcing #ad

If you spend your days doing trivial stuff, you won’t earn much money. You need to focus on the critical items in your business and outsource the rest. Not only is this more profitable; it’s also more interesting. Simon Stanley has just announced his training on how to actually do that and... [Read more]

‘Avoiding Password Breaches 101: Salt Your Hash’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Avoiding Password Breaches 101: Salt Your Hash”. Dan Rowinski says, ““Change your passwords now. Like, every password you use on every website you have ever visited.” You may have heard this advice from tech publications and mainstream rags... [Read more]

‘Now There Are More Internet Addresses Than Stars in the Universe‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Now There Are More Internet Addresses Than Stars in the Universe”. Kate Freeman says, “Long story short: After this week’s switchover to a new protocol called IPv6, there are a whole lot of IP addresses on the Internet. How many more? Just... [Read more]

‘What Ever Happened to Intranets?’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “What Ever Happened to Intranets?”. David Storm says, “Back in the mid-1990s when the Web was young, corporate Intranets were popping up at companies all over the place. They were usually quick and dirty efforts that often involved off-the-shelf parts... [Read more]

When Penguin puts you in the Google Sandbox, here’s how to get out #ad

Pit SEO comes from someone who has been in the sandbox and found a way back out. It wasn’t easy to discover the right solution. A lot of bad advice had to be tested and rejected. But with repeated experimentations, Nasuryono, the author, found a process that got his site back on page 1. In his... [Read more]

‘The 10-Step Content Marketing Checklist’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The 10-Step Content Marketing Checklist”. Sonia Simone says, “Everyone knows that content marketing is the “new” marketing approach that all the cool kids are supposed to be doing. Coca-Cola is doing it, Ikea is doing it, Copyblogger has... [Read more]

‘ Changes Again: URL Shortening Takes One Less Click‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “ Changes Again: URL Shortening Takes One Less Click”. Kate Freeman says, “ says it has heard its disgruntled users loud and clear and is ready to change its ways — again. After a backlash last week following a redesign of the site,... [Read more]

‘Earn Affiliate Summit Forum Rewards’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Earn Affiliate Summit Forum Rewards”. Collins Says, “Affiliate Summit is starting up a beta social rewards platform for the Affiliate Summit forum. Rewards on the Affiliate Summit Forum will recognize and reward our highly active and passionate members Actions... [Read more]

“The Sure Fire Profit System” cost Derrick Van Dyke $2975; you get it for under $20 #ad

Very likely, you have heard of Van Dyke. He is a leader in training beginning marketers. The Sure Fire Profit System is his flagship training product. He has been selling it for years at $47, and still is. But for a short time, he is running a sale for under $20 (but rising). Not only that, but he is... [Read more]

‘The Double Standard of the Google B Club’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “The Double Standard of the Google B Club”. Schoemaker says, “I swear a single day doesn’t pass without certain SEO industry folks bitching and moaning about all things Google, whether it is the not provided keywords, being pandalized or new AdWords... [Read more]

‘Curated Email Campaigns That Entice Subscribers’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Curated Email Campaigns That Entice Subscribers”. Rebekah Henson says, “Would your email marketing campaign be fun at parties? Some campaigns get the conversation rolling with fun and interesting content. Other campaigns just talk about themselves all... [Read more]

‘Blogging that Makes Sense: Mind Your P’s and Q’ by Patsi Krakoff

Patsi Krakoff’s latest ‘Writing on the Web’ blog post is titled “Blogging that Makes Sense: Mind Your P’s and Q”. Krakoff says, “Does your business blog make sense to readers? The most frequent complaint I hear about blogging is “I don’t know what to write about.” This is because... [Read more]

Get a “Traffic Hurricane” for your website #ad

Little-used traffic source can boost your site’s traffic. Norwegian marketer, Espen Samuelsen, has released a report for uder $3 that details this surprising source. Traffic Hurricane consists of two methods of bringing in large amounts of traffic to your blog or other site. one related to social... [Read more]

‘Using ADD for Business Success' – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “Using ADD for Business Success?. The ‘StomperNet’ team says, ”You probably know that Sir Richard Branson is extremely prolific entrepreneur. What you may not know that he is actually dyslexic. He also shows the tendency of ADD or ADHD. As Andrea... [Read more]

‘Chris Voss and John Chow on Automating Social Media’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Chris Voss and John Chow on Automating Social Media”. Chow says, “Join us for an exclusive webinar with Lewis Howes, author of two books on the topic of LinkedIn. This free training will show you how to generate more leads, more traffic and A LOT more sales.... [Read more]

‘How Delivery of Bonuses Affects Refund Requests' by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “How Delivery of Bonuses Affects Refund Requests”. Mandossian says, “Explaining the benefits of your product or service is a copywriting fundamental. But one of the biggest copywriting mistakes people make is not categorizing their benefits. There... [Read more]

Motocycles are big business. Amazon affiliates profit from this trend #ad

Michael McKay has released another of his famous Amazon affiliate video review packages. This time,it’s motorcycle equipment. He found that this is a $100+ Billion niche that has lots of room for growth. As usual, he provides information for several sub-niches: motorcycle equipment, protective... [Read more]

‘Tips for Using Pinterest for More Traffic’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “Tips for Using Pinterest for More Traffic”. Dean says, “It’s another Expert Briefs, where I ask really smart business owners to answer your burning questions. If you’ve missed past Expert Briefs, you can click on the undies to see them all –>... [Read more]

‘Sweetheart PLRMiniMart Affiliate Shares Gift’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Sweetheart PLRMiniMart Affiliate Shares Gift”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Well I love it when people melt my heart and that’s just what John Collins did this week. That’s a link to his Twitter in case any of you want to follow this great guy and send... [Read more]

‘How We Made 2011 Our Best Year Ever’ – Rich Schefren’s Video

Rich Schefren has released a video titled “How We Made 2011 Our Best Year Ever”. says, “I have a special video message for you today. Where I share with you an important secret. And introduce you to an extraordinary person. Today you’re going to get a look at how we made 2011... [Read more]

“Download Sentry” Helps Prevent Product Theft #ad

Quite likely, Google knows where people can download your products on your site, and it’s quite willing to tell anyone who asks using the right search terms. If your site is unprotected, it means that thousands of people can download your product without paying and without your even knowing about... [Read more]

‘Life-Size Your Product Images with LifeSizer’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Life-Size Your Product Images with LifeSizer”. Peter A. Prestipino says, “Product images, particuarly for Internet retailers, can be a blessing or a curse – depending on how seriously you take the development and display of those assets. There... [Read more]

’7 Mantras for Becoming a Money Magnet’ – ‘Spotlight’ Newsletter

Ali Brown has released the latest issue of ‘Spotlight’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “7 Mantras for Becoming a Money Magnet”. ‘Spotlight’ Newsletter Contents Note From Ali 7 Mantras for Becoming a Money Magnet How Do I Identify My Niche and Unique Offering? Have a question for... [Read more]

‘What Do We Expect From Internet Marketers?’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “What Do We Expect From Internet Marketers?”. Gail says, “After a recent experience with an irate customer I was left to contemplate – what do we expect? Is it bad experiences or the immediacy of the Internet that has caused... [Read more]

WordPress Membership System Builds Membership Sites In Minutes #ad

Dave Dunn created software to build membership sites a few years ago. He has continually enhanced it and now he has come out with a major new release called Fast Member. With Fast Member: - You can set up a membership site with multiple membership levels, including both free and paid levels. - Your... [Read more]

‘The Simple Way to Increase Sales by 500%’ by Charlie Cook

Charlie Cook’s latest blog post is titled “The Simple Way to Increase Sales by 500%”. Cook says, “Did you know that lack of followup results in a loss of 80% of your potential sales? That’s right, simply by following up consistently with prospects, you could convert another 80%, making five... [Read more]

‘Offline Marketing Productivity: Giving Away Your Best Information’ – ‘WISE Work Solutions’ Article

Gail Trahd’s latest article on ’WISE Work Solutions’ is titled “Offline Marketing Productivity: Giving Away Your Best Information”. Trahd says, “It is almost contradictory to what we believe. It seems strange, to give away information. And even stranger to give away your best information.... [Read more]

‘Right on Target: Delivering Relevant Messages Everywhere’ IBM Webinar June 21

IBM is hosting a webinar on Thursday, June 21 at 1.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Right on Target: Delivering Relevant Messages Everywhere”. The IBM team says, “It’s time for action! Watch this webcast with experts Charlie Cole and Brian Tomz to learn how to take the... [Read more]

Get Eye-popping Sales page Graphics without hiring a designer #ad

An attractive sales page converts way better than an ugly one. It looks professional, and people don’t like buying from amateurs; they don’t trust them. Think of anything you might want on a sales page: headlines, “Add to Cart” buttons, rating stars, guarantee seals, hand-written... [Read more]

‘3 Steps to Writing Copy that Speaks to Real Desire’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “3 Steps to Writing Copy that Speaks to Real Desire”. Mark Silver says, “When you’re doing your best work with your clients, it can be magical, sacred. There’s almost something holy about what you do, like you aren’t there at all. And that’s... [Read more]

‘3 Easy Ways to Grow Earned Media‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “3 Easy Ways to Grow Earned Media”. Victoria Ransom says, “Of the three media types you’ll find in social marketing — paid, earned and owned — earned media is the holy grail because it fulfills the unique promise of creating authentic social... [Read more]

‘Digital Marketing World: Social Media’ MarketingProfs Webinar June 8

MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar on Friday, June 8. The topic of the webinar is “Digital Marketing World: Social Media”. Webinar Details Organizer: MarketingProfs Key Persons: Topic: Digital Marketing World: Social Media Day/Date: Friday, June 8 Time: 8.00 pm EST – Time Zone... [Read more]

How You Can Get NonStop Traffic AND Auto-Pilot Income #ad

If you want residual income, here’s the recipe: 1. Find a market with a lot of buyers 2. Find out what these buyers want to buy 3. Sell it to them 4. Do it over and over again for other groups of buyers Accelerated Nonstop Traffic (a.k.a.ANT) shows you how to get accelerated traffic for quick cash-flow... [Read more]

‘Auction Webinar – Discounts of Up to 92% Plus $1000s in Prizes’ Jason Fladlien & Wilson Mattos’s Webinar June 9

Jason Fladlien & Wilson Mattos are hosting a webinar on Saturday, June 9 at 10.00 am PT. The topic of the webinar is “Auction Webinar – Discounts of Up to 92% Plus $1000s in Prizes”. Fladlien says, “It’s called auction webinar. We’ve (Jason Fladlien & Wilson... [Read more]

‘[Excerpt] Is Your Startup a Valid Vision or Just a Hallucination?’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “[Excerpt] Is Your Startup a Valid Vision or Just a Hallucination?”. Steve Blank says, “A startup begins with the vision of its founders: a vision of a new product or service that solves a customer’s problems or needs and of how it will reach its... [Read more]

‘OCD Therapist Creates an App for Reducing Anxiety‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “OCD Therapist Creates an App for Reducing Anxiety”. Sarah Kessler says, “A therapist who specializes in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has created an unusual ally for treating patients: an app. The therapist, Dr. Kristen Mulcahy, often... [Read more]

“Mass Mind Control” can convert more visitors into buyers #ad

Lucas Adamski’s Mass Mind Control makes the bold claim that if you follow this approach you may increase your conversions by 500%. Many marketers don’t really understand how to persuade people to buy. When you do, your sales improve, and this training explains the process clearly. If you... [Read more]

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