IM NewsWatch, June 7, 2016 - ‘4 strategies for stretching your summer marketing spend – Marketing Land' and much more...

June 7th, 2016 at 9:34 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

‘Free Version of Google Data Studio 360 Tracks All Your Marketing Data’ – Small Business Trends

Paul Chaney says, “Earlier this year, Google announced the launch of a new premium, enterprise-class data visualization and reporting platform — Data Studio 360 — as part of the larger announcement regarding its Google Analytics 360 Suite. More recently, at the Google Performance Summit, Google announced a free version, Data Studio, designed... [Read more]

‘4 Lessons Every Salesperson Can Learn from Periscope’ –

AJ Agrawal says, “Periscope is all about exploring the world through someone else. It’s about being able to see someone else’s world. There are so many different streams available to choose from. Salespeople can learn a lot from the success of this live streaming platform. You are going to learn some crucial lessons that salespeople should... [Read more]

‘5 Quick and Easy Ways to Double Your Social Media Following’ – Entrepreneur

Jayson Demers says, “Social media marketing can’t be reduced to any one metric. Many entrepreneurs and marketers new to the strategy often overemphasize the importance of followers, doing whatever it takes to earn more. Unfortunately, chasing raw numbers this way often leads to decreased quality, fewer engagements and, overall, a weaker social... [Read more]

Pixal: Fresh easy-to-use graphics creator #ad

Today, Richard Fairbairn, Chris Jenkins and Paul Okeeffe are releasing their new software that lets beginners do amazing things with graphics, 11am EDT. Pixal been in development for a year. Refinement after refinement has been added to it, making it a candidate for best software of the year. It will only be available with an unlimited license for 5... [Read more]

‘Eight Lessons from the Father of Data-obsessed Marketing’ – MarketingExperiments

Daniel Burstein says, “Snapchat. Mobile marketing. Virtual reality. Marketing automation. As marketers, we have a tendency to focus on the newest, buzziest, most-hyped ideas and look at the giants whose shoulders upon which our industry stands. Claude Hopkins lived far before any of these buzzy terms. Even before TV commercials. He’s one of... [Read more]

‘4 strategies for stretching your summer marketing spend’ – Marketing Land

Jordan Elkind says, ““What can we do to get more out of our marketing budget while spending less?” Groan, eye roll and so on. It’s a common request that makes marketers collectively cringe, yet it’s a challenge we’re constantly asked to overcome. So, how does one beat the marketing heat and make the most of a summer budget? We’ve compiled... [Read more]

’17 Data Visualization Tools & Resources You Should Bookmark’ – HubSpot

Bethany Cartwright says, “Whether you’re writing a blog post, putting together a presentation, or working on a full-length report, using data in your content marketing strategy is a must. Using data helps enhance your arguments by make your writing more compelling. It gives your readers context. And it helps provide support for your claims.... [Read more]

Are your competitors smarter about Instagram than you are? #ad

If you don't know much about Instagram, you could be giving your competitors an unfair advantage. But there's a solution, and it's free. Tuesday- Friday, this week only, you can attend 'Instagram Success Summit', online.... [Read more]

‘Don’t know where your customers and assets are? Then you don’t know where your business is going’ – Forrester

Rowan Curran says, “Business decision-makers take note: location-based context is critical for the future of application experiences and customer engagement. Understanding the location of customers and assets lets companies get closer to their customers and assets to drive better decisions (just to name a few: choosing the a site for a brick-and-mortar... [Read more]

‘How can we design experiences that increase customer happiness?’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “Improving customer experience is often a balance of science and art – design thinking combined with technology-led insight. We use analytics to identify pain points in a customer journey and confirm or confound our instincts. What can often be missed is an empathetic view of design. Are we truly designing with the customer’s... [Read more]

‘Are You Cheap or Are You Exceptional? How to Price Your Services’ – Copyblogger

Pamela Wilson says, “The success of your service-based business will be built on the bedrock of how you answer this one simple question: Do I want my services to be perceived as economical — or exceptional? It seems like a no-brainer, doesn’t it? I mean, of course we want to be perceived as exceptional. But positioning your offerings as exceptional... [Read more]

Local Business Consultant's Toolkit; Create Websites Quickly #ad

If you need to build websites for local merchants, the Ink Themes team, led by Neeraj Agarwal has a kit of online assets that will make your life a lot easier.... [Read more]

‘Here’s How to Keep 301 Redirects from Ruining Your SEO’ – MOZ

Logan Ray says, “Every SEO knows 301 redirects are necessary from time to time. But are they affecting your other optimization efforts by slowing down page load time? Or are they sending bots on a wild goose chase? How many 301s are out there that you don’t need anymore? Before I jump into this list, let me take you back to where this started:... [Read more]

‘How to Prepare Your Organization for Marketing Automation’ – MarketingProfs

Andrew Davies says, “For anyone working in B2B marketing, it’s hard to ignore the rapid ascendance of marketing automation over the past few years. If you take the time to dig below the undulating praise, however, you’ll see that the joys of marketing automation are not as clear-cut as you might first believe. Only 2.8% of B2B enterprise... [Read more]

‘Your brand refresh: What should you expect from social?’ – Marketing Land

Chris Kerns says, “Several weeks ago, Instagram surprised users around the world with a colorful new direction for its logo. The new design began appearing on desktop and mobile app home screens and sent waves of hot takes shooting across social networks. With all the opinions and conversation on the update, it made me wonder what social media... [Read more]

Crowd-Sourced Viral Content to Boost All your Social+Web Traffic #ad

If you haven't taken advantage of the traffic that can send you, you re missing out on one of the least appreciated marketing powerhouses. More online traffic goes to on a daily basis, than to LinkedIN, Instagram, Pinterest, and Craig's List.... [Read more]

‘5 Awful First Sentences That Are Killing Your Outreach Emails’ – HubSpot

Aja Frost says, “Whether you’re at a networking event, a party, a conference, or an office function, walking up to a stranger and introducing yourself can be terrifying. I don’t know about you, but I never stroll over without a detailed plan of what I’ll say and how I’ll say it. After all, people form a first impression of you in a tenth... [Read more]

‘User-Generated Content: Your Passionate Fans As Your Content Marketing Team’ –

Alok Chowdhury says, “Marketers have known for decades that content marketing is one of the best ways to build interest and demand the products or services you offer. Sharing customer testimonials in print ads were an early and effective means of engagement and drawing interest. Today, even in the digital age, while the method of receiving information... [Read more]

‘3 Secrets to Finding High-Growth Consumer Groups’ – Entrepreneur

Cesar Melgoza says, “Every marketer is looking to capture the interest and spending dollars of the consumers who promise the highest and longest term growth. What characteristics define such consumers? To begin, their incomes are steadily growing, their population sizes must be rising and the amount that they spend on an annual basis must be increasing.... [Read more]

What do you really need in order to succeed online? #ad

Many beginning marketers have asked themselves that question.  And that's good because it's a crucial question. Get the answer wrong, and you can waste a lot of money on useless fluff. Even worse, get it wrong, and you very likely will not succeed... [Read more]

’27 Interesting Marketing Charts Every Client Needs to See’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “What’s the #1 thing clients value in their agency partners? It’s not results, strategy, or even great creative. According to the Society of Digital Agencies, it’s expertise in emerging trends. Now think about the last time you delivered this type of information to your client. If it’s been a while,... [Read more]

‘How Bose’s product pages deliver a better buyer experience’ – Econsultancy

Nikki Gilliland says, “When it comes to convincing customers to buy online, technology can be a tricky sell. During some research on how ecommerce companies encourage conversion at the checkout, I recently discovered that Bose – best known for making speakers with ‘better sound’ – also has better product pages than most. While... [Read more]

‘Marketing Strategies for Businesses That Aren’t Very… Marketable’ –

Mary C. Long says, “How do you market something un-sexy, unappealing, or even unspeakable? It’s a legitimate challenge for businesses revolving around things people don’t like thinking about in the day-to-day. But when the need arises, you want to be sure they remember you. Here’s how to be sure they do: Point Out Your Differences... [Read more]

‘Surefire Tips To Build Your App Business And Let It Grow’ – Entrepreneur

Mehul Rajput says, “The mobile era has taken over the world and apps have become the most quintessential source of help. Though websites were considered the most happening place to be, they are now only second to the increasing popularity of apps. Each year, the business involving apps is gaining momentum as one of the most compelling economic... [Read more]

‘Can you manage your inventory with Google Shopping?’ – Marketing Land

Andreas Reiffen says, “We are often asked by our clients if we can use Google Shopping or paid search to push particular products or product groups. There are a number of reasons why they might want to do this. They might have high stock levels of a particular product; some ranges might be out of date, and they wish to sell off remaining stock;... [Read more]

‘How to Test Your Emails Before Hitting ‘Send’’ – AWeber

Liz Willits says, “In a perfect world, all email services would display emails the same way. There would be no default setting to block images, or funky changes to the color of your text. Nor would you have to worry about your email content getting clipped (we’re looking at you, Hotmail and Gmail). And you wouldn’t have to worry about your... [Read more]

’54 Content Writing Examples, Tools, Tips, and Resources’ – CMI

Mike Murray says, “Consuming great writing is like listening to a great singer. If the performer makes an emotional connection with me – even though she misses a few notes – I eagerly listen to the rest of the song and anticipate the next performance. A year ago, I shared helpful lessons on powerful and effective text with 48 examples, tools,... [Read more]

‘5 Critical Mistakes To Avoid In Your Email Outreach Campaign’ –

Razvan Gavrilas says, “Knowing how to make people read your emails is, partially, science. However unpredictable and unique we are, there are some common traits of our business personas that will most likely answer positively or negatively to different types of stimuli. What you’re about to read is nothing but the math behind our open rates.... [Read more]

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