IM NewsWatch, June 6, 2016 - ‘Imagining a Futuristic Marketing Landscape –' and much more...

June 6th, 2016 at 9:32 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, June 6, 2016

‘How to Test Your Emails Before Hitting ‘Send’’ – AWeber

Liz Willits says, “In a perfect world, all email services would display emails the same way. There would be no default setting to block images, or funky changes to the color of your text. Nor would you have to worry about your email content getting clipped (we’re looking at you, Hotmail and Gmail). And you wouldn’t have to worry about your... [Read more]


’54 Content Writing Examples, Tools, Tips, and Resources’ – CMI

Mike Murray says, “Consuming great writing is like listening to a great singer. If the performer makes an emotional connection with me – even though she misses a few notes – I eagerly listen to the rest of the song and anticipate the next performance. A year ago, I shared helpful lessons on powerful and effective text with 48 examples, tools,... [Read more]


‘5 Critical Mistakes To Avoid In Your Email Outreach Campaign’ –

Razvan Gavrilas says, “Knowing how to make people read your emails is, partially, science. However unpredictable and unique we are, there are some common traits of our business personas that will most likely answer positively or negatively to different types of stimuli. What you’re about to read is nothing but the math behind our open rates.... [Read more]


Visitor’s Pass to attend Instagram Success Summit #ad

IM NewsWatch has arranged for our readers to attend the upcoming Instagram Success Summit at no cost. This is a 4-day conference being held online June 7-10. During the conference, you will be instructed by a roster of Instagram experts, including experienced entrepreneurs, small business owners and consultants. Check out the lineup and get your free... [Read more]


‘Extend Your Reach: 5 Traffic Generating Tools to Maximize Your Web Content Visibility’ –

Christopher Jan Benitez says, “Your content will not promote itself, which is why you need to do the legwork of promoting them to your audience. However, doing them manually will take out so much of your time, not to mention won’t guarantee that your content will be promoted as effectively. Therefore, use the tools featured below to help... [Read more]


’14 Surprisingly Effective Tips for Conversion-Oriented Content’ – CMI

Khalid Saleh says, “Conversion-oriented writing moves audiences and gets them to take action. It turns visitors into leads, leads into customers, and customers into fans. As you can imagine, strong conversion-oriented writing is crucial for successful content marketing. How quickly (and easily) you are able to get people to opt into an email... [Read more]


‘Paying for fake product reviews? Amazon may sue you’ – Marketing Land

Greg Finn says, “One of Amazon’s most appealing features is the unbiased reviews provided to members. Unfortunately, it turns out that some sellers have taken it upon themselves to feed fake reviews to their customers-to-be. This wouldn’t be a prudent idea. Amazon is (and has been) suing those sellers that are buying positive reviews. Amazon... [Read more]


Local Business Consultant's Toolkit; Create Websites Quickly #ad

If you need to build websites for local merchants, the Ink Themes team, led by Neeraj Agarwal has a kit of online assets that will make your life a lot easier.... [Read more]


‘SEO for Bloggers: How to Nail the Optimization Process for Your Posts’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “Success isn’t an overnight phenomenon when it comes to SEO, but with the right process and a dose of patience, it’s always within reach — even if you’re running your own blog. Optimizing your blog posts begins as early as the inception of your idea, and from then on you’ll want to consider your keyword... [Read more]


‘The Importance of Creating a Marketing and Technology Lingua Franca’ – Forrester

Melissa Parrish says, “As the IT agenda gives way to the Business Technology agenda, marketers and technologists are working together more closely and more often than ever before, but many of them don’t feel like those collaborations are going smoothly yet. In fact, lack of communication is the No. 1 reason cited for a very poor relationship... [Read more]


‘How to Dig a Buried Email Out of Your Prospect’s Inbox in 15 Seconds’ – HubSpot

Jeff Swanik says, “The best part of a vacation is taking time off from work. The worst part is returning to an overflowing inbox. The same happens when I attend a conference or spend a day in meetings. Looking at my own schedule reminds me that if I email someone and they don’t get back to me in a couple days … that could mean one... [Read more]


Crowd-Sourced Viral Content to Boost All your Social+Web Traffic #ad

If you haven't taken advantage of the traffic that can send you, you re missing out on one of the least appreciated marketing powerhouses. More online traffic goes to on a daily basis, than to LinkedIN, Instagram, Pinterest, and Craig's List.... [Read more]


‘Through the Looking Glass: Imagining a Futuristic Marketing Landscape’ –

Valerie Levin says, “From the beginning of human existence, as soon as someone had an idea she wanted to share, she would tell the people in his immediate surroundings. That was marketing. Never would the man who discovered fire dream of a time when brands armed with vast amounts of data about how to communicate a message tailored directly to... [Read more]


‘Microsoft Ventures New Investment Philosophy’ – Entrepreneur

Matt Weinberger says, “In January 2016, Microsoft’s venture capital arm got a new boss in the form of Qualcomm veteran Nagraj Kashyap. In a new blog post, Kashyap lays out the changes coming to Microsoft Ventures — namely, that it’ll be focusing a lot more on early-stage startups — and explains the tech titan’s overall... [Read more]


‘Twitter is testing carousel ads again, but a different type’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “A little more than a year after Twitter began testing carousel ads that could include multiple app install ads, the company will now start experimenting with carousels that can include normal tweets, including possibly yours. Twitter’s latest carousel ad format lines up an array of tweets — text, photos or videos — into... [Read more]


What do you really need in order to succeed online? #ad

Many beginning marketers have asked themselves that question.  And that's good because it's a crucial question. Get the answer wrong, and you can waste a lot of money on useless fluff. Even worse, get it wrong, and you very likely will not succeed... [Read more]


‘What can we learn about customer experience from a colonoscopy?’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “At Syzygy’s Digital Innovation Day, Paul Marsden discussed customer experience and the ‘Peak End Rule’, the idea that ‘finishing strong’ leaves a lasting impression. To demonstrate this he used the example of a colonoscopy, and a study by Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow. Consider the graphs below.... [Read more]


‘A Process for Content Marketing Success’ – Copyblogger

Caroline Early says, “Rainmaker Digital’s Chief Content Officer Sonia Simone knows a thing or two about content marketing. Tune in to this week’s episode of Copyblogger FM as Sonia navigates the best ways to organize your time and energy so you’re able to consistently produce effective marketing materials. And be sure to check out the other... [Read more]


‘IBM announces Watson-powered ads that think’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “Welcome to the age of cognitive advertising. IBM’s The Weather Company is today announcing Watson Ads that enable consumers to conduct remote brand-related conversations with this expert computer, via free-form text or voice. “We believe this will transform advertising,” Weather Company global head of sales Jeremy Steinberg... [Read more]


Send messages to desktops, not inboxes, for better results #ad

Your inbox, our inbox, and, for that matter, everybody's inbox is getting flooded with mail. You can't keep up. So email marketing isn't as effective as it once was.  People just don't notice your mail when it comes in... [Read more]


‘In Your Toolbox: 4 New Apps Small Business Owners Should Use in 2016’ –

Nate Matherson says, “If you run your own small business, then you likely wear many hats. Most small business owners do the work of two or three employees. That’s why you’re likely always interested in finding new tools that can help make your life easier. This article will help you do so by introducing you to some new apps that will allow... [Read more]


‘Snaps for Snapchat’ – Forrester

Jessica Liu says, “Bloomberg recently reported that Snapchat surpassed Twitter in daily active users. Kudos to Snapchat, which is only half as old as Twitter, but why do we keep comparing Snapchat to Twitter? Or to Instagram? The industry is desperate to neatly categorize Snapchat under social media, but I would argue that Snapchat is equal parts... [Read more]


‘How to Build Trust Online: 7 Little Ways to Create a Trustworthy Website’ – HubSpot

Ben Jacobson says, “When it comes to establishing trust, it doesn’t matter how compelling your calls-to-action are, how engaging your content is, or how quickly your pages load on mobile screens. If visitors to your site have any doubts about how trustworthy you are, they’ll bounce right out and never come back. Especially in the B2B sector,... [Read more]


‘Start Today: Why You Need a Mobile Marketing Strategy’ –

Tommy Wyher says, “If you want to get more out of mobile marketing, you’ll benefit from developing a mobile marketing strategy that covers all of the bases. These days, more and more entrepreneurs are discovering the power and potential of mobile marketing and they are using this marketing format in order to grab vital market share in their... [Read more]


‘Successful Selling Only Begins With the Sale’ – Entrepreneur

George Deeb says, “Let’s face facts. Sales people love to close sales, because that is how they are incentivized, through sales commissions. Call it the thrill of the hunt. And, most sales teams, sales managers and sales pipeline reports are all built around closing the sale. But, the sad reality is, closing the sale is only the first step in... [Read more]


‘How to Discover Engaging Content to Share on Social Media’ – MarketingProfs

Jessica Davis says, “Publishing and sharing informative, engaging content can make a positive impact on your social media marketing strategy, giving your social media pages more credibility. Moreover, you can stay current with industry trends and increase interaction with your audience. Having conversations with your audience is probably the easy... [Read more]


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