IM NewsWatch, June 3, 2015 - 'How to Reinvent Your Marketing for This Century – MarketingProfs' and much more...

June 3rd, 2015 at 11:05 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

‘Why Pinterest’s Buy Button Could Dominate Social Media Commerce’ – HubSpot

Morgan Jacobson says, “Sure, Facebook and Twitter boast more active users than Pinterest, but at 70 million monthly users, the pinning platform is nothing to sniff at. These two social media giants have already introduced their own versions of a buy button in order to speed ecommerce along for brands and buyers. Now Pinterest has made the announcement... [Read more]

‘The 7 Steps To A Results-Driven Mobile Marketing Strategy’ – ‘’ Blog

Greg Hickman says, “Did you know more people access the internet from their mobile device compared to any other PC or wire lined device that exists? In fact, 85% of consumers believe their mobile devices are essential to daily life. With the mobile device being so important to consumers, businesses will have to find ways to connect with them... [Read more]

‘When It Comes to Content Marketing, You Should Absolutely Double Down on Facebook’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Brian Honigman says, “To paraphrase Mark Twain: the reports of Facebook’s death have been greatly exaggerated. There has been a Princeton study claiming that Facebook’s growth had stalled, a much maligned IPO and a slew of new competition from emerging social networks; yet Facebook’s stock is currently hovering around double its debut... [Read more]

Make professional quality videos, even from your mobile device #ad

As reported yesterday, Matt Houghton and Todd Gross released Virtual Studio Simulator, software and training that put green screen videos within the reach of any marketer. No longer do you have to be rich and famous to afford green screen effects in your videos. No longer do you need a lot of expensive gear, a professional studio and plenty of time... [Read more]

‘How to Reinvent Your Marketing for This Century’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Technology has transformed how brands reach out to today’s consumers. Some brands, however, are still stuck in the old ways of marketing. Is yours? “To successfully brand in the 21st century, companies have to create a two-sided conversation with consumers rather than a one-way ‘push’ through... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Increase Your E-Commerce Conversion Rate’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Joe Victor Behar says, “Retailers, take note. This is the year to be in e-commerce. So says Bigcommerce, as its research found that e-commerce is one of the fastest growing industries within the retail world. What’s more, Bigcommerce found that there is just as much opportunity for small retail businesses as larger operations. “As recently... [Read more]

‘Stop Thinking Content, Start Thinking Resources’ – Content Marketing Institute

Carlton Hoyt says, “It’s time for us to develop content from a resource marketing paradigm. Providing something useful, as the dictionary defines resource, is core to fulfilling content marketingobjectives. We need to stop thinking about creating more stuff and start thinking about how to build things of utility that meaningfully help solve... [Read more]

Byran Super says, CPA List Machines are “almost too easy” #ad

Bryan Super and his business partner, Kris Waters have been working on ways to make CPA marketing practical for the average online marketer. No tactics that require a Ph.D. to understand; no expensive ad campaigns only a millionaire could afford; all the is required is just following plain and simple instructions and a little money to get started. Their... [Read more]

‘Pinterest has a grand plan to let you instantly buy what you pinned’ – ‘Mashable’

Raymond Wong says, “Ever see something really cool on Pinterest and wish you could buy a product just like it? Or maybe you’ve seen a delicious recipe and wanted to order ingredients right away. Soon, you’ll be able to do just that. At MIT’s EmTech Digital Conference on Monday, Pinterest showed off mockups of how it wants to... [Read more]

‘Social Video Chart: Your At-A-Glance Guide To 7 Major Platforms’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Online video is … so hot right now. And with apologies to Ben Stiller and the Zoolander crew, it’s not likely to cool off anytime soon. The metrics are staggering: Facebook regularly touts its 4 billion daily views, Snapchat says it now serves 2 billion views a day and YouTube checks in with hundreds of millions of hours... [Read more]

’10 Tips for Getting Long-Term Traffic to Your Content’ – HubSpot

Sujan Patel says, “Most of us publish blog posts the same way. We spend tons of time writing posts and optimizing them for search and social media. We then hit publish. We’ll excitedly watch as we see a burst of new traffic to our site … then get disappointed as we see the post’s popularity peter off. It stinks, right? Luckily,... [Read more]

Today only, "Domains on Fire" at no charge #ad

Aidan Booth, Steve Clayton and Tim Godfrey have just released a new version of their popular software, 'Domains on Fire'. As a "getting acquainted" gift, they are offering you a free copy. This is in the run-up for a new product they are announcing, called '$100K Factory'... [Read more]

‘Pinterest just revealed how it is going to start making some serious money’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “Pinterest, the visual social network where users “pin” images or links to virtual boards, only recently began offering advertising on the site. Its slowly, slowly approach to revenue generation hasn’t deterred investor interest: Its latest round of funding valued the company at $11 billion.Now Pinterest... [Read more]

‘Is PPC or SEO Better for Driving Traffic to Your Website?’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jason Fell says, “Build it and they will come, right? Anyone who owns a website knows that’s rarely the case. When it comes to driving traffic to your website there are at least two big options: pay-per-click advertising (PPC) andsearch engine optimization (SEO). For the uninitiated, PPC refers to paying for traffic via advertising programs... [Read more]

‘Strike a Chord: Is Banjo Your Next Secret Weapon for Social Media?’ – ‘’ Blog team says, “What can your business pluck from Banjo? Just about anything happening anywhere in the world, gleaned in real-time from tweets, Facebook updates, Instagram photos and other social media. Banjo founder and CEO Damien Patton told Vegas Inc. that if someone hits a fire hydrant that forces a road closing, the only person... [Read more]

A WordPress video player that also sells your products + 8 bonuses #ad

Video Turbo Store integrates video with text and graphical sales content. It's been nearly a week since Peter Beattie released Video Turbo Store... [Read more]

‘Windows 10 is almost here: All your questions answered’ – ‘Mashable’

Raymond Wong says, “Windows 10 arrives this summer. After years of stumbling around in the dark with Windows 8, Microsoft’s finally getting its act together with its upcoming operating system. It goes without saying that you have questions (possibly lots of them) about Windows 10. Not to worry, we’re here to help. Below, you’ll... [Read more]

‘How to Get Great Content From Your Colleagues: Five Rules for Success’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Dave Hochman says, “Even the world’s most effectively led, proactive, and well-organized content team is going to end up dead in the water without continuous quality input from within the organization. Content marketing is sometimes referred to as “brand journalism”; however, if content marketers relied on the (sometimes antagonistic)... [Read more]

‘What Guacamole Can Teach Us About Content Marketing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Quinn Whissen says, “Let’s talk about guacamole. No, really. Let’s… The green, fresh delicious mush that we all crave — that dissolves in our mouth and is the perfect companion to the tortilla chip and a friend to the margarita. We all love it, and we can’t get enough of it. Now let’s talk about content marketing. Maybe not as delicious... [Read more]


Social Robot builds social backlinks to your site #ad

Joshua Zamora has just released his new software, 'SocialRobot'. This new tool, under your guidance, automates setting up accounts on social media sites with one click.Then you use it to automatically create high-quality social bookmarks to any URL of your choosing, using your accounts.... [Read more]

‘Google’s NSFW Knowledge Graph’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “If you have been involved with search engine optimization for any significant period of time, you are aware how dramatically different today’s search results pages are when compared to those of a few years ago. Today, for example, Google has over 1 billion knowledge graph entities that can (and often) appear in its... [Read more]

‘Get More Traffic From YouTube: 5 Steps for Adding Links to Your Videos’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

Gina Broom says, “Have you got any videos on YouTube at all? If not, have you thought that you’d eventually like to get some videos up? If you answered yes to either of those questions, and you have a website, then bookmark this post, because you’re going to need it. This post builds on my last one, which was all about a video marketing... [Read more]

‘How Bill Erickson Combines Content and the Genesis Framework to Build His Business’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Pamela Wilson says, “Bill Erickson is an Austin-based WordPress developer who’s contributed to the WordPress community since way back in 2006. And his platform of choice for developing on WordPress? The Genesis Framework. Bill has even contributed to the core Genesis Framework code. We sat down with Bill to ask him a few questions about his... [Read more]

‘8 Signs You’re Writing an Advertorial, Not a Blog Post’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “Growing your website traffic through your blog is a great thing– until thinly-veiled advertorials infiltrate your content. Advertorials are an advertisement disguised as an editorial; they are articles that appear to be informational but are actually intended to promote a product or service. These are the Internet’s... [Read more]

‘Four Things You Need to Know About Content Curation’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Christian Jorg says, “As consumers increasingly crave more meaningful and relevant content amid the deluge of digital information, content curation has given marketers a new way to engage with customers. Curation is by no means new, however. Curators at museums and galleries have long been carefully selecting items for collection and display;... [Read more]

‘Google Drops Google+ Promotion From Gmail, Search & Other Google Services’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Back when Google was promoting Google+ strongly, it added a link to the social sharing service from many of its other properties, including Gmail, YouTube and the main search page for logged-in users. Now those days are over; the overt link to Google+ has been dropped. Google has removed the plus sign from the +[your name here]... [Read more]


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