IM NewsWatch, June 29, 2015 - 'Advanced Local SEO Competition Analysis – MOZ' and much more...

June 29th, 2015 at 2:22 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, June 29, 2015

‘How to Optimize Your Marketing for Higher Conversions’ – Aweber Blog

Brandon Olson says, “We’ve got a fantastic lineup of speakers at our upcoming ASCEND Digital Marketing Summit in October. To introduce you to these incredible speakers, we’ve organized three special#AWeberHour Twitter chats. Our first chat will be Wednesday, July 1, from 2-3 p.m. ET. We’ll be chatting with three conversion optimization... [Read more]

‘6 Foundational Ecommerce Marketing Tactics to Stop Your Bucket from Leaking’ – Shopify

Richard Lazazzera says, “As an online store owner, you’re always on the lookout for new ways to drive traffic, but how many times have you invested time, energy and money into a new method of driving traffic only to receive low conversions or maybe even none at all? Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, SEO, blogging, social media and guest posting... [Read more]

‘Tech toolkit: 5 things marketers need to know about the smartwatch’ – ‘Mashable’

Jeff Malmad says, “The Apple Watch is blowing up. Analysts predict that around 15 million units will be sold this year. That’s a great start. To compare, Android Wear sold 720,000 units in 2014. And while Apple hasn’t released sales numbers, an interview with Apple’s finance chief indicates that the launch day figures may have... [Read more]

Publish your own game apps, done for you #ad

Gaming is big business. Millions of game are downloaded by millions of people. Some marketing companies are profiting (big time) from all those downloads. There’s a lot of programming required to create a game, especially one with attractive visual effects. But today only, you have a chance to enter the game marketing business without all the... [Read more]

‘Google Addresses Fat Finger Ad Clicks On Mobile’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “The other day, I became some poor advertiser’s worst enemy. I accidentally clicked on an ad in an article like the one on the left above four times, yes four, while trying to scroll past it. It was located right where my thumb instinctively hits the screen to swipe up on my phone. My swipes were being treated as taps,... [Read more]

‘How We Built an Ecommerce Business from Scratch and Generated $922.16 in Revenue in 3 Days’ – Shopify

Richard Lazazzera says, “It all started with a challenge – build an ecommerce business from scratch and see how many sales we could generate in three days. For many entrepreneurs, building their first business can be intimidating. There’s seemingly hundreds of steps, choices and paths to get to the finish line of just launching your business,... [Read more]

‘Advanced Local SEO Competition Analysis’ – MOZ Blog

Kristi Hines says, “If you don’t know what Google Analytics is, haven’t installed it on your website, or have installed it but never look at your data, then this post is for you. While it’s hard for many to believe, there are still websites that are not using Google Analytics (or any analytics, for that matter) to measure their... [Read more]

Viddify weekend launch sale ends Monday AM #ad

New video technology, called Viddify, adds interactive, attention grabbing bribes inside of your videos to make them more compelling. Without reshooting your videos or even writing new scripts, you can make them more “sticky”, so people will not want to click away. Estimates are saying that every second your video plays, you lose about 6%... [Read more]

‘Social Media and the ‘ARC Reactor’ Approach to Digital Commerce Strategy’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Where does social media fit into your digital commerce strategy? How can you use social effectively to generate more attention for your business, without becoming a social media spammer? In this episode of The Mainframe, hosts Chris Garrett and Tony Clark reveal: Key ways businesses go off track with their social strategy How... [Read more]

‘Shoppable video: the missing piece of your marketing strategy?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Vebeka Guess says, “Shoppable video has not gained widespread adoption. In this post I’ll look at the reasons for this failure and suggest ways to make this a more routinely used tool. Today’s shoppers are keenly aware of advertisements and sales pitches, and they do their best to avoid them. Yet they actively seek out informative,... [Read more]

‘Giovanni Gallucci on Images as Content and Understanding Usage Rights’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Giovanni Gallucci is one of the most generous people Technology Translated host Scott Ellis knows when it comes to sharing his knowledge, and he’s been teaching about image usage and optimization since 2008. Giovanni is a successful social media consultant and practitioner, videographer, and photographer. He also has a... [Read more]

Rank your sales videos for more views and more sales #ad

No matter how good your YouTube video is, if it doesn't get views, it won't sell anything for you. With millions and millions of videos on YouTube, you have to stand out from your competition to be noticed... [Read more]

‘How Google May Use Searcher, Usage, & Clickstream Behavior to Impact Rankings’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “A recent patent from Google suggests a new kind of influence in the rankings that has immense implications for marketers. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand discusses what it says, what that means, and adds a twist of his own to get us thinking about where Google might be heading“. How Google May Use Searcher,... [Read more]

‘Mobile Is Converting: Accounts For More Than 30 Percent Of US Ecommerce Transactions In Q2′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “More than 30 percent of US ecommerce transactions among online retailers and travel firms are now driven by mobile. That number is expected to top 33 percent by year-end, according to Criteo’s Q2 Mobile Commerce Report issued Thursday. Among the top 25 percent of US retailers, mobile’s share is already at 40 percent.... [Read more]

‘Why Clarity Is Crucial in Becoming a Successful Digital Entrepreneur’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Beth Hayden says, “In this episode of No Sidebar with Brian Gardner, discover how the Authority Rainmaker conference paved the way to a six-figure line of business for one attendee. In order to succeed in the business world, identifying and embracing your skills are crucial. Without them, you run the risk of creating a business that simply fails. In... [Read more]

50 Shades of Traffic: Everything you wanted to know about online traffic #ad

It's no secret that every website needs traffic. Without it, the site will die. 50 Shades of Traffic, by Peter Winyeci shows you 50 sites that can send you traffic. Some of the sites are free; others ask you to pay them for the traffic they send... [Read more]

‘Podcasting: Are You Ready For the Movement?’ – Aweber Blog

Tom Tate says, “Okay, I’ll make a bold statement here. The future is in podcasting. Let me explain why. In the beginning, there was the blog. And the blog was good. With a blog, anyone with internet access can easily carve out their own little slice of the web to grow their audience, share their expertise and interact with new communities.... [Read more]

‘Mobile psychology: how do smartphoners behave differently to desktoppers?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Chole Baterfield says, “Mobile has overtaken desktop in terms of Internet traffic, with profound effects on smartphone users. This article looks at the psychological differences between smartphoners and desktoppers and what each may mean for marketers. In late 2013, Google’s Eric Schmidt proclaimed that ‘mobile has won‘, a stance... [Read more]

Video Retargeter increases your profits on sales campaign #ad

Racehel Rofé has been selling online for years, and she has been creating products to help other online marketers for almost as long... [Read more]


‘3 Ways to Engage Your Site Visitors’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Ann Smarty says, “For an ecommerce site there are two positive actions possible by visitors: (1) They buy your product or service or (2) they engage, become part of your community and, if you do everything right, your brand ambassador. Marketers can argue which of those two actions is more important: While monetary conversions are easy to translate... [Read more]

‘When’s The Best Time To Tweet? For Maximum Clicks, Buffer Says 2 A.M.’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “It’s the question that has kicked off a thousand social media presentations: So when is the best time to tweet? The answer, of course, depends on what you are trying to accomplish, and as always your results may vary; you should experiment with what works best for the accounts you are responsible for. But it’s instructive... [Read more]

‘Your Email Service Provider: Five Must-Have Capabilities and One Essential Trait’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ed Kuderna says, “For enterprises trying to enhance their marketing campaigns, choosing the right email service provider (ESP) could be the difference between adequate results and extraordinary results. But the email marketing space is crowded, causing confusion, at the least, and decision paralysis, in the most severe cases. Choosing a new ESP... [Read more]


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